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Oct 7, 2022

In terms of the security of transactions on the internet, SSL certification, and PCI DDS, the risk is extremely significant for online sellers and creators The process of ensuring they meet the standards can be challenging. However, the experts on e-commerce can help. This guide is comprehensive to security on the internet for content creators, explaining the best ways to stay secure while expanding your online sales.

SSL is essential for online sellers

In the first line of the URL for your site, you'll see either "HTTP" or "HTTPS." That final letter "s" is crucial for online sellers as it signifies that the site is safe.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an online security system that protects your user's personal information as it is transferred from your site server to your user's internet browser. This form of Transport Layer Security (TLS) safeguards confidential information about your customers. Without SSL protection, hackers can gain access to the information (like the credit card information of the customer that are shared during checkout) and translate it into simple text.

   What does it mean when you Online Store Does Not Have an SSL Certificate?  

SSL certificates are required for stores operating online websites, and owners of websites are required to renew them annually. So what happens when retailers aren't able to renew their SSL certificate?

  • Search Rankings: Browsers and search engines have the ability to penalize sites that are not organically searchable and do not have SSL certificate, making them appear lower in rankings in search. This means your website will be less visible to prospective clients. You can learn more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) through enrolling in courses offered by CreatorU.
  • Security Warnings: Your website is identified as being insecure Certain browsers for instance Google Chrome will inundate potential visitors with warnings about accessing your website.
  • Hacking Threats: If your clients get hacked, you could be unable to gain the trust of your customers and also be financially accountable.

It's as simple as. If you're a member of an online shop that has SSL security (like ) This platform handles SSL certificates for every pages you sell on.

While maintaining your SSL certificate Online platforms can help you stay PCI conformant and that's crucial to internet-based sales.

PCI DSS Compliance and E-Commerce

PCI (Payment Card Industry) DSS are global data security guidelines for every internet-based store that accepts payment. They oversee the security of sites on the internet to secure customer's payment details. PCI standards are frequently updated to safeguard against the latest data security threats Your e-commerce website will need to be maintained to ensure that it is in compliance with current PCI DSS changes as they become available.

 What happens if your E-Commerce Site is Not PCI In compliance?

Non-compliance in accordance with PCI DSS standards can financially end online retailers, particularly those with small sizes. Payment processors start to hit banks with huge penalties charges (up to 6 figures for each month for non-compliance) which the bank can transfer the fees to your company.

You could face the possibility of shutting down your bank account and paying additional processing fees charged by payment processors. The smallest amount of non-compliance costs (starting at $5k each month) could quickly cause the bankrupting of small businesses.

Be sure that you're in compliance with the latest online security standards can be stressful for businesses of every size. It's easy to comprehend why the vast majority of online sellers opt to use an e-commerce platform that comes with PCI DSS security compliance, such as .

Selling from Your Own Website

HTML1 Are websites secure?

Most importantly, every sales page is compliant and secure. The sales pages have security options, such as SSL SCA, GDPR, SCA and PCI DSS compliance.

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