WordPress Maintenance Mode troubleshooting and troubleshooting and customizing

Jul 8, 2023
wordpress maintenance mode

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It is possible to have the WordPress maintenance mode page is a page that can be automatically displayed to the users for a limited time frame each time you make changes to your site. It can be done by updating themes, plugins, or even the basic. It prevents your site from appearing unsynchronized since the files are patched.

However, there are some problems with this.

Another reason could be the fact that the WordPress website could be stuck with maintenance. The whole site shuts off until you can fix it yourself.

Another reason could be the possibility that the page for maintenance that you are shown in default does not feature any style or design. In fact, it's rather unpleasant and has just a tiny amount of manner it communicates with customers and other clients. This might not be ideal for your brand or reputation. In this article, we'll look at options to solve these problems.

Take a look at our video on WordPress Maintenance Mode:

What exactly is WordPress Maintenance Mode? Mode?

Default WordPress Maintenance screen
The display is for WordPress maintenance will show the default user

In the course of upgrading and implementing some backend functions, your site could be disabled for a short period of duration (usually under a few minutes, based on the frequency and duration of upgrades). WordPress utilizes the wp_maintenance()function and creates a temporary .maintenance file on your site which contains the alert you see above. When the updates are completed and the file is deleted, the file is then taken off, and the site is restored to its normal.

Are you experiencing issues with your WordPress site stalled and in Maintenance Mode?

Strategies to prevent becoming trapped in the Maintenance Mode

Problems with being trapped in maintenance mode is typically due to difficulties in which the .maintenance file might think that there are still pending operations and/or updates that need to be completed. It results in the file remaining, but not getting rid of it.

Don't refresh or move away from your monitor while you are updating

The most common reason for the website being removed from maintenance mode is after an update, when the display is removed or altered after an update.

The best way to stop it occurring is to avoid the temptation to do anything during updates. Be sure to stay away until the updates are completed before returning to the display. It is also recommended to scroll down to confirm that any of the plugins you're looking at are being upgraded.

Make sure you don't update multiple plugins at once

What's the explanation to this? Based on the experiences that we've had it happen whenever a user chooses "update instantly" to upgrade a range of plugins with a speed of low. WordPress typically will schedule updates according to order however in the case of a millisecond difference between two connections, the result may be unforeseeable conflicts which could lead to the"stuck maintenance" state.

For you to make sure that this doesn't happen be sure to select the option "Update easily accessible" after which click "Update" in the"bulk action" dropdown. Then, select "Apply." It will begin the procedure according to your particular sequence and make you more likely to to keep clear of conflict.

Updating WordPress plugins
Changes made to WordPress plugins

Install the plugins you'd like to install and then upgrade the plugins once they've been updated.

Automatically Update plugins

If you're not able to update your plugins often or think that you'll forget to do so, use an application that will immediately make them upgradeable, or change the WordPress setting to permit this.

What should I do in order to correct the problem? WordPress site is locked in Maintenance Mode?

If you notice that your WordPress website has stopped working due to maintenance, you can easily change it out and return your site to normal operation. All you have to do is erase the .maintenance files created.

Step 1.

Step 2.

Navigating to maintenance.php in a FTP client
The accessing of maintenance.php via an FTP-based client

Once the site has been deleted, you'll be able to restart the website using your internet browser. Your website will then be restored to regular. It is also recommended to clear your cache on your WordPress website.

The best way you can solve it. WordPress website is stuck in maintenance Mode

Increase the Duration of this mode of maintenance. WordPress Maintenance Mode

Another reason why you might require a more effective maintenance mode website page along with updating your system regularly could be because your changes are being made by hand and then transferring them to production.

Always recommend that you test on a development site at first, however there may be occasions when you'll have to build an update site for improve the performance of your site in the space of an hour or less.

Manually Extending WordPress Maintenance Mode by using Code

The default maintenance pages can't be changed (it may also be made dynamically) which is why it is essential to make sure that the page is designed to match the brand and style of your site. This is an excellent method to design a customized page.

If you update WordPress themes, either the core theme or plugins, they will be using an upgraded version of the files. This will include your modifications but it won't. The program that does this can be found in the load.php file. The load.php file can be found within the directory /wp/includes, which implies that you don't need to change anything else to add the file. The structure of the file can be described like this:

If ( the file exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/maintenance.php' ) ) require_once( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/maintenance.php' ); die();

Utilizing WordPress Maintenance Mode plugin

Pages are coming soon along with Maintenance Mode and the Landing Pages created by SeedProd

The reason for this can be attributed to the fact that there are two available versions, paid and free. This is an excellent thing to have two versions guarantees that you have more options for updating.

Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode & Landing Pages by SeedProd
Pages Coming Soon, Maintenance Mode and Landing Pages are created by SeedProd

The site currently has more than one million users, with a 5-star rating. It is possible to download the Coming Soon page, as well as Maintenance Mode by visiting the WordPress repository, or search for it on the WordPress dashboard, located under "Add New" plugins. Additional functions are:

  • Compatible with all WordPress themes, and responds to every demand.

Modify the look and style

  • Include CSS and HTML
  • Multisite as well as BuddyPress Support for Multisite and BuddyPress

The Maintenance Mode of WP

The WP Maintenance Mode plugin is just one of the plugins commonly downloaded to put the easiest and most effective maintenance mode information in your WordPress website. The plugin is free and was designed by the design team at Designmodo that is a web design along with a blog for development.

WP Maintenance Mode
WP Maintenance Mode

It is currently in use with more than 700,000 active installs and 4.5 out of 5 stars. You can download WordPress Maintenance Mode via the WordPress repository, or simply by looking for it in the WordPress dashboard, which is located under "Add New" plugins. Its additional capabilities are:

  • Ability to change color as well as text and backgrounds
  • Contact form, subscription form, and the timer
  • Templates are available on the website's landing page.

CMP is Coming Soon and Maintenance

CMP coming Soon along with Maintenance Plugin CMP coming Soon and Maintenance It's available for sale with more than 100,000 downloads and a mean rating of 5 stars. This plugin isn't available to users in English however, it's a great option for sites which are bilingual as it's the homepage which has been converted to English and not the Maintenance screen.

CMP – Coming Soon & Maintenance
CMP is coming shortly and Maintenance

It is a free plugin, it offers a variety of options to allow the user to design a customized maintenance site, without having purchase premium software.

Here are the characteristics:

  • The themes are packaged in three bundles. Additionally, there are premium themes, which are also accessible for download.
  • Photos from the stock image library can be purchased.
  • Formula to create a custom-subscription for the purpose of collecting email addresses
  • Redirect to a different website
  • Ability to define Search engine response codes

Slim Maintenance Mode

The Slim Maintenance Mode plugin does exactly what you'd expect. It creates exactly the same type of website that we described in our earlier article on how to create with codes. Simply activate the plugin, and only administrators will be granted access to the site. If you're looking for extensions that are fast, free and light it is recommended to look into this extension.

There's no additional options and nothing else to do apart from shutting off the lights - at time of writing, your site will be accessible to administrators. But, you can't change the information you have on your website.

Slim Maintenance Mode
Slim Maintenance Mode

The site has more than 1000 users with an active installation and it has a 5-star rating out of 5. When I wrote this review, there's not one negative one! It's because the feature is functional. It's possible to download The Maintenance Mode using a small size via the WordPress repository or look for it on The WordPress dashboard. It's within the section named "Add New" plugins. Other functions are:

  • Simple, compact and light
  • Absolutely nothing to worry with. Simply activate then you're ready to start.
  • It is compatible with every WordPress theme.
  • Backend message as a reminder to remind you it's in use
  • Response to HTTP 503 header
  • The plugins are well-known for their caching capabilities.

Maintenance of WP

This maintenance plugin is popular with over 3000 users and is rated with a 4.5-star average score. The plugin hasn't been translated into English at the moment, however it can make a fantastic choice for websites that are focused on English because every word read by users is able to be entered by users.

WP Maintenance
Maintenance of WP

It offers a broad choice of possibilities that can be customized and personalized like:

  • Fonts and colors you like on your maintenance page.
  • Upload of logo images in addition to the possibility of including the slider
  • Timer that countdown
  • Social media links together with Google Analytics
  • Access to edits via the user role

Minimal Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode

The Minimal to be released shortly, along with the Maintenance Mode WordPress plugin was designed by the Web Factory team. Web Factory, who also manages the well-known website WP Loop. Web Factory currently manages more than 5 plugins available through the repository. They aren't new in the field of generating required options for WordPress.

Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode
Minimal Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode

It is currently hosting more than 90,000. It has received a five-star rating. The plugin is accessible in the mode of minimal maintenance in addition to coming Soon to WordPress by logging into the WordPress repository or by searching for the plugin on your WordPress Dashboard and finding it under "Add New" plugins.

The plugin is updated regularly.

Other attributes include:

  • Fully compatible with all WordPress theme and plugin.
  • You can alter the appearance of every element you look at such as the background color and images that cover the whole page, and the fonts.
  • Check the maintenance page before activating
  • The caching plugin can provide the necessary services.
  • Log in using login URLs created especially for your needs.
  • Only accessible to non-logged-in Users. Only available to those that aren't registered.
  • Google Fonts

Utilizing the WPBuffs Maintenance Service


WPBuffs ensures that your website is up-to-date and ensures that updates are happening in periods of time that the website isn't being used. WPBuffs will also ensure that your website is not being locked in maintenance mode while being updated.

What can you do to redirect visitors to WordPress Keep Mode Screen

The plugins for maintenance that follow will provide a separate maintenance page which you may manually launch if you're working on your site in and out of being available at all times WordPress maintains your site.

Instead of a monotonous default screen you will be presented with a stunning maintenance screen, which allows you to personalize and customize the interface that is provided by the plugins.

What are you able to do to customize the Maintenance Mode Display in WordPress

What steps are required to activate and deactivate WordPress Maintenance Mode?

There will be times that you'll need to enable maintenance mode manually within WordPress as you work on your site, however there's no need to perform the necessary updates on your WordPress themes or plugins. This is the case when WordPress will not automatically activate maintenance mode. The user must complete the process manually.

There are two ways of doing it: either employing codes or the an use of plugins.

How to manually activate WordPress Maintenance Mode by using the code

You can activate the WordPress maintenance mode using codes. You can do this by inserting these codes into your functions.php file. It is particularly effective if you implement it with your custom plugin.

// Activate WordPress Maintenance Mode function wp_maintenance_mode() add_action('get_header', 'wp_maintenance_mode');

It will lead to an announcement on your web page to users who have not been logged in. Administrators still have the ability to use the dashboard since it was created by the aid of using the users_logged_in() function.

Manual maintenance screen
Screen that allows manual maintenance

If you're trying to make something more intricate however be aware that it isn't possible to gain access to the stylesheet for your style, any styling that you add to your design should be included in your code.

How to manually activate WordPressMaintenance Mode using the plugin

It is also possible to set maintenance mode with our plugins. These are described in the preceding sections. Examples:

  • By using Coming Soon and With Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode both of which are developed by Seedprod you can turn off maintenance mode and adjust the screen to permit maintenance. This is in addition to making "coming shortly" websites or landing pages, that inform visitors when the website is due to go live and collect email addresses.
  • By using WP Maintenance Mode WP Maintenance Mode it's possible to set up customized displays of maintenance to users other to administrators.
  • With CMP coming soon and Maintenance in the near future, you'll soon be equipped to create your own customized maintenance screens with themes. The screen can be activated manually at times you require.
  • In Slim Maintenance Mode, all you have to do is turn on the plugin, and then allow the user to see a simpler maintenance screen.
  • With WP Maintenance, you can make a maintenance site featuring an countdown clock, as well as customizable fonts and colors in addition to allowing users to access it via the interface of the plugin.
  • With Maintenance Mode along with The Minimal Due Soon and Maintenance Mode options, you are able to create your own maintenance mode web site, connect it to an analytics program or turn it off.
Creating a maintenance page with Coming Soon & Maintenance by Seedprod
A Maintenance page, which is scheduled to be updated shortly as well as maintenance, was developed by Seedprod

Each lets the user turn the maintenance mode on, and make your website secure. They differ on the speed they enable the feature, as well as how adaptable the display allows for maintenance.

When is the ideal moment to use WordPress Maintenance Mode

The best moment to apply this method?

In this instance, you'll probably need this.

  • When you edit the data that you wish people to know.
  • If your site is in the process of development prior to its official launch or when it is scheduled to launch in the near future you could switch to maintenance mode. The plugin is able to build a new website that's more efficient and effective in terms of SEO.

Maintain mode is a good option however, not only when you perform update. It's essential to learn how to turn it on.


The WordPress maintenance mode that is included in standard version WordPress is fantastic. It can however be expanded and altered in order to match your branding.

Do you have any additional thoughts regarding the WordPress keeping it in a state of repair?

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The article was first discovered on this site

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