What's a Brand Story? What exactly is it, and why do it is important? (+Tips and examples)

Nov 10, 2022

We are a species of humans that is able to understand our surroundings by telling stories . Our brains learn to communicate and connect through stories we tell one another. Your marketing strategy for your business is different. If you're looking to engage your customers and establish an even deeper connection, it's crucial to tell your own brand story.

Find out more about how to write a successful brand story which includes the most important elements of a good brand story, as well as a worksheet that will help you in writing your own.

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What's your brand's story?

A brand story is a account of the way your brand began. It describes the motivations, emotions of motivations, goals, and the vision that prompted you to establish your business and how each of these factors led to the business is now.

The best brand stories combine emotional and scientific facts to create a compelling narrative. Furthermore, they include strong characters, challenges and also conflict. Consider your brand's narrative as your company's beginning narrative. It tells how your company was created into the company it is today.

How do brand stories work?

The reason why the success of brand stories is that they engage the emotions of your customers. When we make a decision in our heads, we employ 20 percent rationality and 80 percent emotions. Our emotions drive our decision-making procedures, and logic assists us in making that decision, and also helps us rationalize and justify the decision.

If you're able to capture the imagination of your customers then you'll have the ability to get them to invest to your brand in a more durable and lasting manner. Brand stories help simplify the tale of your company into the form of a concise and simple story that people can become involved with. If you can tell the right story, you can attract the attention of your customers' hearts and minds and turn your customers to be loyal clients.

What's the story behind the brand?

A personal narrative about your company is a unique process.

The greatest elements for storytelling originate from your personal journey to start your company, as well as the people that pushed you to talk the plunge. If you're wondering about what makes an effective brand story consider the path that you've taken to begin your journey as an entrepreneur.

You can try answering these five questions:

  1. The reason you decided to create this company?
  2. How did you get to the point you are at now?
  3. What challenges did you face in the course of your journey?
  4. What is the purpose or function your service/product fulfill?
  5. What are the characteristics that make your service or product unique?

These questions can provide the foundation for your brand story. It is important to find the fundamental reason why you set up your company as well as the customers for whom the product or service you offer is created for.

What is the story behind a brand? 4 essential elements

The best brands have a few important elements that enable the customers to feel connected with your brand. If you are looking to write a powerful brand story take these suggestions to keep in mind.

Your purpose must be clearly defined.

What lies at the core of a good brand narrative is the purpose of your business. It is basically the way you plan to help people , and to transform the world into a more beautiful space. The mission statement of your business is determined by the ultimate goal of your company. What do you want to be in a position to

When writing your missionstatement, make sure to make it concise engaging, educational, and inspirational.

Here are a few examples:

  • Starbucks "To to inspire and encourage humanity just one cup of coffee, one person and one family in a single moment."
  • Oxfam "A World without poverty"
  • Typeform "Really are you familiar with other people"

What these brand stories share is a simple, idealized vision of what they hope to achieve through their companies.

 Mark any issues or barriers

The most successful brand stories include some kind of conflict or challenge. Starting a business from scratch isn't plain sailing so when you're crafting your story for your brand, make sure to include challenges you faced. This is a vital step to assist your readers create a connection to the company.

What exactly is a story about a brand? It is the series of events which led to you setting up your business. This covers the positive as well as the bad.

What challenges did you have to overcome?

Every story that is successful has problems or hurdles that hinder the protagonist from complete their goals in the first chapter. When you write your personal marketing story, be sure to think about the challenges you've faced.

Below are some tips for you to start:

  • Resource limitations
  • Strong competitors
  • Cultural pressure or resistance
  • Personal issues

The same will be specific to you as well as your experiences as an business owner. What obstacles did you face to overcome when you started your venture? What obstacles stood in your way of achievement? When you bring out the tension of your story it will attract your readers' attention and motivate them to get more involved with your company's image.

A great illustration of a brand's conflict driven narrative

A renowned and famous names of our time is Apple.

Apple's brand story is an excellent illustration of entrepreneurs who have overcome enormous obstacles to bring their products to market and turn their business into a multibillion-dollar success.

There is a legend that says two former college students who were Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple inside their own garage. Together, they faced up with Microsoft which was a well-established business then, so that they could create an unpretentious product that was creative and original. In the present, Apple still retains that creative spirit of ingenuity which dates back to the two guys working in their garages.

The popularity of Apple as a cult brand is thanks in part to this compelling brand story.

Although it's now the largest brand globally, boasting more than 1 billion faithful followers, they've been able to maintain a strong emotional bond with their fans by rooting their business on the story of two ordinary guys.

 Set a resolution

What's a good story for an organization without the possibility of a happy ending? To create an effective narrative for your brand, it is essential to provide your clients with a solution. Once you have set up your story, it's now time to finish the story.

What happened the next day? Did it go? What do you have your sights set towards in the coming years?

The final chapter is the end of the epic tale of the superheroes. It follows the epic fight against aliens, when the principal characters are reunited to talk about their humorous one-liners. It is at this point that viewers breathed a sigh satisfaction that the enemy had ended its war and we can see our heroes returned home safely and back to their everyday life.

This is the chance to give your brand an assured, positive ending.

A good example of Wallbreakers"brand story: Wallbreakers Brand Story:

     "Today, candidates receive the certifications they need to get noticed by most prominent employers. Businesses can be assured that their new talent will be trained to satisfy their needs. It's a win-win."

Be assured that you are not frightened by your business's history isn't done and it's not exactly the same for each company. It's just a matter of making sure that your clients have an enjoyable conclusion to the narrative.

Condense it

The best brand stories are concise and easy to recall.

After you've created your story about your business, now is the time to cut it into its essential elements as well as the more emotional details.

The target market you're targeting isn't able to go through your essay. Your business is at risk being ignored if your story about your brand is too long or indecipherable. In order to create an effective tale for your company, you should make your story short and informative.

Ideally, you'll be able to tell your story in only 2 or 3 paragraphs.

     It was created when co-founder and also CEO Greg Smith decided to take his LSAT class online with the twins Matt Smith to reach more students. For Greg taking his LSAT class on the internet meant a chance to expand the reach of his students and to generate more income and more independence.

     The profits of the online course soon surpasses his corporate law practice and, as the course grew and helped students more, other business owners and entrepreneurs approached him asking how they could do the same. They wanted to market their own course through their website and encourage the growth of their business with their own name, with full control over their contents, data, and business. This is how Greg and Matt together with co-founders Miranda Lievers and Matt Payne began to create the ideal platform to help creators of courses and businesses.

The tale of the brand is a concise account of the many factors that led to the growth and development of the business into a simple narrative that is easy for anyone to comprehend. It's simple, concise, and highlights the key aspects of the company's story.

Tips: When you're creating your brand's story Make it easily retellable. The most memorable brands have stories which people feel compelled to share with their friends.

A brand story example

If you're seeking ideas to build your own personal brand, it is a great help to look at some of the most well-known brands for ideas.

Social media is the ideal place to begin getting ideas for your brand's story. The informal, short structure of social media is the perfect platform for businesses to showcase their company's stories.

Take a look at these pictures of brand-related stories that are amazing from the course's creators.

The SuperLearner Academy

Levi's inspirational personal tale about how he fought his own struggles with learning is the center of SuperLearner brand's story.

SuperLearner Academy SuperLearner Academy utilizes this powerful marketing story on the website's landing page:

Levi even features his high school report card as well as a picture of him as a teen to create a bond to the viewers.

Brand Story Example: The SuperLearner Academy

Tori Swanson

A renowned artist, entrepreneur and well as an educator Tori Swanson has put her life story in the middle of the brand's story.

Here's an illustration of how her unique brand's story could help to promote her brand's image on Twitter as well as YouTube:

Brand Story Example Tori Swanson

Miss Excel

Norton chose to create Excel an enjoyable experience and available to everyone to become an Excel expert.

This is an illustration of her story about her business on Instagram: Instagram:

Miss Excel Brand Story Example

Norton illustrates her main purpose for the brand and emphasizes her personal dedication to Miss Excel. Miss Excel brand, encouraging other women to do the same.

What is the story of your business?

Now that you have a clear idea of what the story behind your brand is and how to make your personal brand. Get the your business's brand Workbook as well as enroll in Neil Patel's web-based selling funnel online course to get more knowledge and tricks.

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