What Social Media Networks Are Right for Your Brand?

Nov 10, 2022

If you're just beginning to explore the realm of eCommerce it's likely sure that you've considered creating one or more social media accounts for your company. Social media evolves like wind, and if you consider that a Facebook page is all you need to connect with your clients... then it could be a bit of a surprise.

There's always more possibilities. Each network offers advantages and disadvantages as well as specific guidelines that must be adhered to.

Today, we're going to talk about how to decide which social media channels are best suited to marketing your eCommerce business. This article will explain why it's essential to pick carefully and will then take a closer look at important platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest as well as others so that you'll know whether or not they're the right fit for your business.

Important to choose the right network

If you are a proprietor of a business Your time is valuable. There are plenty of other things you have to do and not include social media in the mix. But because it's become such essential to an effective marketing strategy and you're expected to be there by your customers, it's a necessity for your business.

There's no rule that says you have to have a presence on each social media platform, however. In fact, in some cases, it could be seen as unnecessary to have a Pinterest page or a LinkedIn profile because the customers do not utilize those apps or websites. It's a waste of time that you must keep away from, since it distracts you from focusing on the things that will earn the highest amounts of cash.

It's important to pick the most appropriate social media channels for your organization. Selecting the right networks so that you stand the greatest chances of connecting to your ideal audience or perhaps your customers already which means that you'll spend much less time and earn greater profits. There's no need to battle as hard to see results, either. Imagine it as choosing the "path of least resistance" which is where you choose to go so that you'll need to put in the least amount of work to see the most benefit?

When you take the time to evaluate each platform carefully in order to select the most suitable one to suit you-- based on where you have your current customers as well as where your business will be successful in being able to make the most of the time you spend and make sure the results of your efforts will be the highest return on your investment. In this regard, here are some things to think about for every important social media platform including who utilizes each to the types of content that can be made successful.

Facebook: ideal for targeted advertisement of your business

Facebook demographics. (Image credit: Pew Research Center)
Facebook demographics. (Image from Pew Research Center)

In the past two years, Facebook has slowly reduced the reach of its organic pages. It has severely reduced their content's exposure are getting on the News Feed and is which has caused so much anger that the company had to publish a FAQ about it. There are reports that suggest that most organic brand posts are now able to reach just 2% of their users. It means that there are fewer visits, clicks, and a lower revenue for the items or posts you post about in your Page.

It doesn't mean you should give up on Facebook but. If you've accumulated a Page full of Likes, or you're finding that your page continuing to gain new followers in a constant rate You can definitely profit from this fan base. However, the most effective way to accomplish this is to use .

Now that Facebook has become unreliable for sending even your most engaging information and content to your customers, the best usage of this platform is to share the most relevant news via the use of paid methods. This might mean the promotion of a post on your page which is pushing it into News Feeds. Or it might mean specifically targeted at visitors to your site with an ad urging them to return to your page so that they don't miss out on a good deal.

An example of a Facebook ad.
An example of a Facebook advertising.

The great thing about this type of Facebook usage is that any brand can do it with a roughly equal chance of being successful. Also, boosted posts and remarketing adverts are shown to existing fans and those who've already been to your site, or visited it which means they're highly relevant, targeted material -- and much more effective than an advertisement displayed to someone who's had no exposure to your brand previously.

The downside, of course it is that you need to cover the cost of advertising. If you have the proper content, these ads can be very effective and potentially make you plenty of cash.

Twitter: best for clever conversation, content and social interaction

19 percent of the adult populace use Twitter According to Pew research, and most are under 50. Twitter, which restricts your updates to 140 characters, has long been used by companies, if not because the majority of their clients are on Twitter. Does every business need to be on Twitter? Do certain brands have more success here than others?

Rather than specific types of brands finding success on Twitter however, it seems that the type of content determine how successful you are on this network. The study also found that video outperformed pictures, links to how-to and blog entries outperformed all others with regard to the amount of retweets received, and that users who tweeted quotes had 43% more followers than those who did not.

You'll get more RTs if your links lead to interesting content. (Image source: Quick Sprout)
You'll get higher RTs when your links point to content that is interesting. (Image source: Quick Sprout)

Therefore, if your eCommerce business -- regardless of what you sell Tweets about interesting content, posts pictures, and sometimes offers inspirational quotes (provided they have something that is related to your company that is) You appear to be more likely to getting clicks, retweets and followers than brands who aren't doing any of that.

This aside, Twitter is really the ideal platform for a brand to have conversations with its clients. Since the platform is accessible and widely-used, and it takes far less time to compose tweets than emails, you're likely to receive queries, remarks, or complaints on this page. If you answer quickly and correctly, research shows that this good experience may increase sales. Prepare yourself to monitor these comments and be prepared to respond in a timely manner!

Pinterest: perfect for beauty, food, and fashion labels

Pinterest Pinterest, the social media platform that lets you search for images, find, and save "creative ideas" via pinned images is growing year after year. The latest statistics reveal that about 28% of all adult Internet users are using this website.

The numbers may not be impressive by itself However, the most important thing regarding Pinterest is the demographic that uses it. According to eMarketer, 85% of the users of Pinterest is comprised of females.

Pinterest has a mostly female audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)
Pinterest has a mostly women-oriented audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)

Last but not least, take a look at this Millward Brown research which revealed the majority of Pinterest people -- 87 percent of whom have bought products they came across on the site! -- say they use the site to find products to buy from five main categories: food, home decor, clothing/accessories, hair/beauty, and health/fitness.

Caption. (Image credit: Millward Brown)
Pinterest is believed to drive the more research-related pins as well as later purchases within the categories mentioned above. (Image Credit: Millward Brown)

What do these mean to your business? Well, if your online store offers products in any of these categories, you're probably going to find that Pinterest is the perfect fit for you. The majority of users find and re-pin images from these areas with the intention of purchasing, and if the pins you're providing are unique and attractive it is possible to see higher purchases from Pinterest than any other network.

Instagram is a great platform for companies with attractive physical goods

Almost half of Instagram's 300 million monthly active users are active on the platform daily as per the most recent research conducted on the Instagram-like social media site that is based on photos. Instagram's frequent usage by consumers easy system to publish images, as well as its its relative ease of use for brands and brands -- all content is ever blocked to be hidden, hidden, or out of order in the feed, making Instagram an excellent choice for many online retailers.

Instagram works best for those with a wide variety of products that lend themselves to photographs.
Instagram is ideal for users that have many products that lend themselves to photographs.

LinkedIn is suitable for business news, culture and for jobs

LinkedIn is currently used by 28% of all internet users. It's also the only social platform with users more likely to be in the 30-64 age bracket as opposed to those people in the age range of 18-29 It's mainly used by college graduates.

LinkedIn is a tricky network for companies. Since the majority of users use LinkedIn for professional-related things like connecting with their colleagues as well as finding work, and often reading news and other information that's not related to your company might not be as successful. LinkedIn's Company Pages can be intended to draw job-seekers as well as those who are interested in your company's image, and this is the one time that it can be beneficial to promote your company frequently.

Our LinkedIn page.
Our LinkedIn page.

This is why LinkedIn is ideal for the purpose of attracting customers to your business from a commercial perspective. There is a good chance that people are following you in order to purchase from you -- they are much more likely to join you because they would like to join your organization or interact with you in some other way. posting company news, providing information on your culture, or sharing job openings will help you make the right impression here.

Niche networks like Vine, Snapchat, and Meerkat: proceed with caution

It's not difficult to become caught up with the latest trends in social media. With every new and promising platform, you're likely to be looking forward to trying every hot app to see if it works for your own use. Before you begin sending photos to your customers, or stream live video for your website customers, think carefully about the benefits over time of each one of these newly-created or niche networks.

One important fact that is worth being aware of is that the newest social networks often emerge without any kind of branding guidelines, standards, or features. Because they're created with users in mind, and not businesses, brand features are often implemented later in the process, which could limit you're doing, or put an abrupt end to a new source of revenue that you've grown accustomed to.

Again, as we said in the past that your time is valuable. Do not invest in any social media platform simply because it sounds cool or has a trending status. Invest in one which your intended audience is attracted to, has set the standard for brands and has clear long-term benefits for your company, like an increase in revenue or a better way to communicate with clients.

It is the best method to select the right networks for you

The right social media platform to promote your eCommerce brand could be a challenge. When you start, you might be fearful of investing too much time, but seeing almost any return or marketing dollars that do not result in purchases. However, by conducting your research prior to the start and knowing what each platform can do for you, you stand an increased chance of succeeding on social than a brand that signs up for every option under the sun.

We hope the tips in this article have provided you with a good starting point for selecting the best way to start your social media profile.

If you've got any other queries about selecting the appropriate networks for your business, hit us up in the comments.