What is video marketing, and how do you make it more effective?

Jul 8, 2023

To create the most effective digital marketing plan teams, marketers as well as professionals in video have to incorporate video into the mix. Though the idea behind "video marketing" may seem self-explanatory (essentially including videos in your marketing strategies) however, it's not obvious how you can go about actually doing it effectively.

The value of marketing via video

With the rise of sites such as and YouTube as well as other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have added videos to their platforms, and dramatic improvements in streaming quality (bye goodbye to the buffering issue, that dreadful thing) Video is now being used throughout all the stages of what's referred to as the marketing funnel. The funnel that is traditional looks like this: You introduce someone to your business (awareness stage) then educate them on the offer (consideration stage) Then you present the offer (decision stage) and keep them (delight this stage).

So how do you do video marketing right?

Let's give life to the standard funnel for video marketing using the real (but in reality, a fake) illustration. WebThyme is a (imaginary) company that aids people to create and host websites, and Jenn is among the possible customers.

  • The perfect opportunity: Jenn is about to start a health and wellness website. WebThyme's primary target market is entrepreneurs with small businesses.
  • The best channel to go with: Jenn Googles advice about starting a business and stumbles across WebThyme's video clips on the blog, where they share the story of an entrepreneur. Excited, she subscribes to WebThyme's emails, and they send Jenn every week emails with useful tips and information.
  • The correct action:Jenn clicks on a hyperlink that appears in a publication. This leads her to a landing page that includes a video delving into WebThyme's latest features for small business owners. By clicking on the link, she will lead to a test of a free call to the action - and she decides to give it a go.

This is only one example of a scenario that could be used for video marketing. How does it play out with a greater precision or a measurable basis? Which are the most efficient videos for marketing on the most important channels including email, social media along with your site's website? Let's dig in...

Investigating social media

How can social be so beneficial in promoting growth? If your followers are sharing and are able to share, like and comment on your content and share your videos with their contacts as well as acquaintances. Some of these may decide to follow your blog. Another method to increase the number of leads within this group is to incorporate the email capture form, available in Business software. This allows you to get the viewer's" data directly from the player embedded. You can then seamlessly import those email addresses into email marketing services like MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and Constant Contact.

Maybe you'd like for your viewers to be directed on the right page to know more. This is also possible! Business lets you add clickable CTAs, so you can take people exactly to the place you'd like to direct them.

Additionally, you can increase your reach and get new followers on a larger extent by utilizing pay-per-click social media. Based on the platform that you are using, you might be able to focus on particular viewers and also boost your exposure by advertising your videos via pre-rolls or posts that are promoted.

Let your email campaigns flourish

For email marketing, videos are essential to think about all the period of time. They could increase click-through rates up to 200-300 percentage (that's several hundred percents or even users), and reduce the amount of people who don't subscribe. However, most email programs cannot handle videos that is integrated into email messages. you can solve this problem with a click button next to the still pictures you've made which will lead to a landing site that features the full thing.

It's a simple task by using email marketing tools we talked about up there along with marketing automation tools such as HubSpot. This is a great way to determine if a certain video thumbnail is able to get your best number of conversion. In general to follow, you can improve your campaigns" efficiency by altering the style and contents to be more in line the landing pages they lead to.

The website is packed with stunning videos

Home Page

Most businesses make an overview video for be used on their homepage which explains what you're about and why your work is significant, and what problem you're solving for. It's a huge influence the way your company is perceived to people who just look at your brand. Take for instance Canary..

Pages that are able to land

Your website can serve many functions for an array of people Your landing pages can be great for educating specific segments of your audience about your great offerings to offer in order to persuade users to do what they want. The way that marketers drive people to landing pages is via online advertisements as well as social media blogs as well as search engines. These videos help in converting visitors into leads and customers. Take an look at our Business pages.


It's a major source of traffic that comes inbound to your website, specifically when you post informative information as well as thought-provoking content about topics your visitors who browse your site are interested in as they're likely to search for subjects they're most interested in using Google. It's also a great platform to share your product and corporate news, events and best practices to your readers. Looking for an example? This article will be (hopefully) much more enjoyable with a few videos scattered around.

Page with FAQs as well as product pages

And then putting it all together

If the method of marketing using video you have chosen is executed properly and efficiently, you build an environment that helps grow your business Your social media posts are drawing new followers and engaging those who already follow. Your video-rich blog posts rank well in the results of search engines, and your email messages with beautiful video thumbnails- can direct visitors to landing pages with relevant videos with distinct CTAs Each of them has been designed to generate more leads, and increase conversions. All of this is trackable and measurable, and can be adapted in time. Also, speaking of...

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