What Is an Online Forum? (Definition) |

Sep 25, 2023

Forums online have been in existence since the 90s, but the technology used to create bulletin boards online was developed in the 70s. In time, forums grew to include those features that we are familiar with today such as logons, profiles of members, threads, etc. In this post, we'll introduce you to the forum, and explain how forums function online, and share benefits and drawbacks to starting an online forum, regardless of whether you've got an interest to express or you're thinking of creating one for your existing brand or business.


What exactly is a forum?

Forum definition The word forum refers to a community of people that come together to share their thoughts or opinions and to express their concerns. Forums should be open to dialogue and must be a secure space to exchange differing ideas regardless of whether they are on the internet or in the flesh. The forum can be described as "flat" in terms of the power dynamic; it could include conveners or hosts who oversee the discussions however, every participant is expected to participate if they wish.

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What is the purpose of forums? to do?


  • Meet like-minded people, and finding community.        
  • Organising discussions around topics you care about.        
  • Expressing differing ideas of opinions.        
  • Finding answers to questions.        
  • Learning goals in tandem        
  • Organizing customer service or delivering information.        
  • Getting honest feedback I've received from members of my constituency or fellow members.        
  • Helping people feel heard.        

What exactly is an online discussion forum?

An online forum is an online space that is designed around the idea of conversation typically through the posting of questions or answers and then responding. Similar to a traditional forum in person the online forum should display a simple power dynamic and encourage the discussion of opinions and ideas.

Forums on the internet do not typically take place in real time. Many popular discussion forums are discussions that last for months and even years, since users are constantly adding new input. By archiving past responses and then arranging the posts (either in order of posting or according to the popularity), a forum can hold a lively debate that takes place over days, months, or perhaps even for many years.

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Some online forums are built around a special interest that ranges from organic gardening tips to fiery political debates. Many are founded around a product, like the community of bookkeepers who trade notes about using Quickbooks Accounting software.

What ever topic an online forum is dedicated to the forum's success depends on members who continue to keep coming back to engage and putting their time and energy into keeping the conversation alive.

Forums online could be an element on a website specifically devoted to different things. It is typical for forums for popular products and services. For example this is the Adobe website is a technical resource dedicated to its products and sales. But since these products are difficult to use, an online forum composed of paid employees and dedicated fans is dedicated to answering questions.

The best and most active forums on the internet are those that happen as part of a lively community. We'll get to that.

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Advantages of online forums


  • Connect members around shared interests and passions.        
  • Users create content and respond to questions, and user-generated content lets grow quickly.        
  • People naturally organize and take part in discussions that appeal to them.        
  • Forums offer incredible worth at any scale as well as real-time knowledge        
  • Software solutions make the forms more appealing and durable than ever        
  • A forum can easily transform into a successful digital enterprise        
  • The growth of good forums is through people's word of mouth. They will then tell their acquaintances about the great forums they've been to.        

Advantages of online forums


  • It is essential that they are monitored - either by a host or software, to make sure that members are safe.      
  • It's easy to get confused by the activities between logins, which is why an activity feed is a must.        
  • It's possible for them to dwindle. The reason a great host is to maintain the flow of conversation.      

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What do online forums intended for?

Online forms have been around for quite a while now, and most of us have gotten used to forms in one way or another. Here are some of the ways we can use forums online to accomplish:


  • Social networking sites like Quora and reddit have turned forums into huge social media firms that focus on the exchange of questions and responses. Reddit has 55 million daily users in its forums.    
  • Communities for brands: Online brand communities have become an area where people go to get customer support, exchange information and tips, and even to connect with other brand lovers. In the case of Apple, for instance. Apple offers a forum for volunteers that answers questions about its products. QuickBooks has an active forum that includes accountants and business owners that can help users with QuickBooks. On Mighty, the women's apparel Oiselle company Oiselle has a powerful brand community where women discuss fitness advice, form lasting connections, and suggest new product ideas.    
  • Forums for customers: Although there's a connection between a customer forum and a lively community of brands, it's worth drawing a line here. A few brands have added an online forum on their website and nothing is going on. Somebody may ask a question now and then.    
  • Online communities: We know that an online community can be so much more than a forum, but most online community platforms still share some features of a traditional forum. User-led discussions and responses can be found under the threads already in use as well as awesome features like livestreaming, courses, events, and membership options, a forum can be the basis of a vibrant community.    
  • Forums of special interest: These still exist on different sites, and they are essentially forums devoted to topics of interest to the users. They lack the robust participation required to qualify as an online community. But members show up, respond to questions. We found, for instance, Model Train Forum.com is a site focused on creating model railroads.    

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How to use an online forum as a business


  • Increase the growth of members. If you utilize a forum as part of an online community, and provide your members with an opportunity to be part of the community it's a formula to grow like none other. It's the new wave of businesses doing this. If your company can bring people around a shared purpose and help them feel connected and stay connected The sky's the limit.    
  • Put your customer service on autopilot. Every brand requires at least some form of customer service. However, what if you create a place where your Superstars could show up and use their experience to help members answer concerns for free? It's an attractive proposition.    
  • Make sure your members are successful. Although it's a branding forum, users don't turn on the site to get sold. People show up for value. Figure out what they want and help them succeed-even if it's just ensuring they're getting the most out of your service or product.    
  • Join the community. Maybe your brand can profit from the networking effect that community gives. When you add an existing community, you will need to take the time to set it up and launch.    

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7 examples of forums on the internet

The GHF Forum is a forum specifically for families with kids who are gifted. They learn how to educate a gifted child in the comfort of their home, no matter if they're a homeschooler, a hybrid schooler, or a pupil in a public school.

The BWBJ Black Birthworkers Forum: A Forum dedicated to Black birthworkers who support each other, sharing tips, as well as answering your questions.

There is the Little Tern Forum: An online community dedicated to small terns' conservation throughout the British Isles. Since different regions and governments face similar challenges preserving little tern colonies, the Little Tern Project allows them to discuss their information and the best practices, as well as receive answers to their questions.

redditreddit Reddit is an internet-based discussion forum as well as a worldwide social media site. Users who are enthusiastically involved in discussions, with most effective answers getting an upvote. The platform is a massive online platform, with thousands of divisions to specific subjects: AKA subreddits. It's a place where conversations can encompass any topic including hobbies, celebrities to religion.

Quora- Quora is a huge online community, which is specifically designed for queries. People can post their questions, such as, "Is 35 too late for you to return to college?" or " What's one thing you've discovered that you'd known sooner?" It's fun and a great way to get lost in the rabbit hole that interesting stories that users tell.

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Quickbooksis the Quickbooks forum online is a dedicated community of bookkeepers and accountants who share their expertise on the application. The users are rated based on their knowledge of the program to help readers understand the reliability of the information. There is an abundance of support, especially for entrepreneurs who write own bookkeeping and find themselves stuck with basic questions like "How do I combine several invoices? ."

Adobe- As mentioned above, Adobe makes a suite of creative products, dedicated to video, photography, audio, and many more. These products are vast yet also complex which means that the users are always studying and the products are continually developing. Forums on the internet provide the assistance users require to make the most of their product.

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Now Read: 11 Kinds of Online Communities that thrive

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