What exactly is Serverless PHP? (Bonus What to Know: How to Get Started with Bref using Lambda)

Oct 27, 2022
Serverless PHP

Cloud computing is an execution method that allows applications to be hosted on the cloud without having to manage servers.

Ready? Let's start!

The traditional way to go was to have the hardware needed to develop an application over the Internet. Server computers (or machines) were physically connected to the Internet in order to allow people to access your application. Maintaining servers is a cost-intensive method.

After that, advancements in hosting solutions allowed webmasters to purchase hosting space. The result was that each server could hold several applications. This reduced costs.

Serverless PHP: The Basics

Trends for the term "serverless" on Google
The latest trends for the term "serverless" Google. Google

In this part this section, we'll concentrate on some key notions related to serverless computing. In addition, we'll try to tackle a commonly-asked query about this technology: Is it really server-"less"?

The benefits which are part of Serverless PHP

The process of deployment is easy and does not need the managing of the server. Simply upload your code to the server and the rest will be handled by the service provider. The serverless platform lets you use language-independent functions and interact with one another.

If, for instance, you are using a messaging software that permits users to login, the program could be designed using one dialect however the function which updates your status may be coded in another dialect.

Even though this is possible without serverless hosting, it is definitely more difficult to interact with. In the event that an event is triggered, you trigger your function and an instance is created to deal with the event.

The process of creating the instance may be "warm" in the case of using an existing one and "cold" where you start a fresh instance. There's a small time delay, especially the cold start when compared with traditional hosting where servers are always on standby, waiting to respond to requests.

However, the relation between traditional and serverless hosting can be completely different in the event of the sheer volume of requests to handle. Scalability is built into servers that run on serverless. When you suddenly experience the need for 1000 simultaneous requests, the vendor will take care of the requests without additional effort or configuration from your end.

Does Serverless PHP Really Serverless?

Don't let the phrase "serverless" create a feeling of being overwhelmed. The word "serverless" does not mean there's any "server" does not exist. In the case of an application with no servers there are servers running in the background which process your input and computes the required output.

BaaS Vs Serverless Architectures

One of the major differences that exist between BaaS along with Serverless is that the developers don't solely concentrate on the management of servers. A lot of companies provide BaaS along with FaaS packages in the same package.

They are the major distinction between BaaS and servers-less computing:

  • Components BaaS application are equivalent with traditional apps, but developers do not have to alter the design of their application for adapting to BaaS. The serverless app is divided into logical parts called functions. Each function is triggered by the event, and then performs an exact task.
  • Scalability: Scalability is a crucial aspect of any serverless application since more resources are allocated due to an increase in the number of users. The ability to scale is not a primary element for BaaS applications, but several service providers offer the option in addition to their other features.
  • Triggers: A Serverless application is event-driven, which means that a particular event causes the application to be activated every time it happens. It is also possible that an BaaS application is operating in the background, and employing resources constantly, similar to a traditional application.
  • Modular Architecture: With serverless technology, it's now possible for multiple applications to run and be present across several servers. It is possible to run seamlessly due to their interconnection. It is possible that the BaaS application may or may be different from the design.

 Serverless PHP: Use Cases

We've discussed various aspects of serverless computing, and the ways in which it differs from BaaS. While we've covered the basics of serverless computing let's look at the scenarios where it might be beneficial to employ this model.

It is possible that you might have discovered that it's not an ideal choice to host big programs using serverless technology. However, even if you choose not to host an whole program on serverless PHP it's possible to install modules.

Two examples of implementations of a serverless stack in this piece: databases and storage for files.

A serverless database could be described as an "on-demand" database that lets you execute queries at any time you need them. It is easy to scale up thanks to the serverless stack as well as the vendor bills users only for the time you utilize the resource.

IBM Cloud provides you with the objects storage service. Another common use of serverless software are APIs and mobile backends. Designs that build on smaller, logical interdependent jobs.

serverless PHP Benefits

In this part we will examine the main advantages of serverless computing as well as why it is gaining traction in recent years.

Low Server Costs

Easier Deployment


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Serverless PHP drawbacks

While serverless computing has numerous advantages, you must be aware of potential disadvantages before making a decision to go with it.


The delay could be significant when using time sensitive applications. Because of the complexity of the program, the components that are located at different locations cause delays. A delay in time could cause a negative impact on user experience.

Vendor Lock-In


 Serverless PHP Get to the point using Bref Lambda

After we've looked at the serverless framework as well as the service that is serverless, we'll take a look at the things you require to deploy an PHP application using the serverless service.

As you may have already realized, the process of implementing servers-less applications is specifically tailored to the business offering the. This article will discuss the different implementation options of serverless PHP application running on Amazon AWS. The short version, also known as brevity In French, is an Composer package that allows users to execute PHP applications in AWS by using Lambda.

It's always changing and you must look at the maturity of Bref to determine whether it's a good idea in order to transition your app into serverless design.

 Prerequisites for serverless PHP with the Bref

For the first step, go to Amazon AWS and sign up for an account. It is necessary to sign up for an account to deploy your application. The next step is to set up Serverless Framework for monitoring the deployment.

Install NPM --g for serverless

Next, generate your public-private key pair via AWS then download the Serverless Framework locally.

serverless provider credentials --key --secret

Then, you install Composer: Composer:

composer require bref/bref

Before you can deploy Composer, it is necessary to install Composer's dependencies.

composer install --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev

 Create an Hello World Application on Serverless PHP by using the brevity of

To create a simple hello world app using shorthand, we'll create the function to be activated through an event . It will return the text "Hello World".

The first step is to have to include the autoload.php script. Then, after that you can make use of the lambda function. It is possible to declare an environment variable to allow you access to the data through the context.

require __DIR__. '/vendor/autoload.php'; lambda(function ($event) return 'Hello world'); );

After the function has been completed After the function is complete, you must create the serverless.yml as the serverless configuration file. Here is an example of a simple configuring file from the tutorial of Bref.

service: applicationprovidername: aws running time The plugins provided are: - ./vendor/bref/bref function: hello handler index.php layers * $bref:layer.php-73 $bref:layer.php-73

Bref the setting file is created automatically each time you execute the below command.

vendor/bin/bref init

Now that you are ready for your function as well as the setting, you'll be able to invoke the function to check whether it is running according to the way you wanted it. You can do this by making use of the invoke command in the serverless application:

serverless invoke"hello"

Here's a step-by-step guide to how to do the locale installation and configuration of the serverless program using the sam command line tool offered by AWS. When your application is finished, after which you can start it using the deploy command of serverless. Use the "verbose option to learn the specifics about the procedure for deployment.

serverless deploy

 Alternative ways to deploy Serverless PHP

Bref PHP running PHP running AWS Lambda is a popular alternative. There are however a few other options for servers-free PHP applications.


Here are key aspects that you can take away in this tutorial on serverless PHP.

  • Before deciding to make the option of using serverless PHP to create your website, ensure you are aware about what serverless computing has to offer and disadvantages.
  • Serverless PHP is relatively new to the market. Make sure you test with Bref with one of these vendors prior to making a commitment to the fullest extent.

Although serverless is now becoming famous, it requires a thorough knowledge of the technology's functions for the best use of the benefits it offers.

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