What are your reasons for why to offer a no-cost email course with tricks and

Jul 4, 2024

Your free online classes that you provide will allow you to generate leads, sales and more confidence in yourself as a creative. Get the scoop in this guide.

It's why free email courses will be of help.

A course via email can be offered in any format you'd like with text only or as a mixture of audio, text, and visual materials.

In addition, they are adaptable and flexible. However, the free course can help you evaluate your ideas for a course, so you can make paid courses at a later date that the audience is willing to pay for.

An online free course can help you get going so that you can become more proficient and knowledgeable as a creator of courses.

Sounds perfect, right? This is, in our opinion. Before we dive deep into the specifics of how the free courses in email can help both your customers and yourself, let's first make sure we're all in the same place on what the term "email course" is.

What is an email course?

The course delivered via email comprises a sequence of classes that focus on a specific topic and taught through email.

The email courses you sign up for can contain any content you'd like to include.

However, if you are sending emails that contain only text they can also contain links to videos and podcasts, downloadable content, and external links as well.

The postpartum planning email course includes a downloadable "Postpartum Plan Packet" along with the contents of emails for illustration.

The Meditations offers students access to a book and wallpaper bundle after receiving an email welcoming them.

There are certainly a lot of possibilities in the field of email for classes.

But that's not the only place their versatility ends. The ability to change the content that you provide Free courses via email can be extending to as long as you'd wish.

The Strategy, Design and Launch your Dream Website in just 5 Days This course is, as the title suggests, only five days long.

However, The Successful Mompreneur Free Course provides lessons over 28 days.

In essence, there aren't any absolute rules for email training, other than that it must be provided via using email.

The sky's the limit, as they say.

Then, we'll cover the essentials on the basics of what is an email-based course however it leaves the question: why should you bother providing one, or perhaps a free one?

Why is it important to create a no-cost email course?

These courses may help prospective clients to join a creator's sales funnel. The free email course can help creators to prove their products' ideas to paid customers.

Four main motives for launching an email course:

To lead more people into your sales funnel

Potential customers have the opportunity to test the quality of your product and the brand

To cross-sell or increase the sales of the paid items you have purchased

You think that it's is too good to be real? We'll look at how an email-based program can help you reach every one of these objectives.

Firstly, an email course will help you swiftly and easily determine the feasibility of your concept -- whether it's a huge course, an ebook or even a membership websitecan make sense.

The direct feedback of your customers can yield much more valuable data about your customers than a mass survey about the possible kinds of products.

You can also modify or eliminate topics or lessons and content in your course via emails in the response to any feedback.

When you are satisfied that the course's email attains the desired level of its effectiveness, you may turn it into a paid product.

Amazing Food Made Easy The course teaches food bloggers on how to prepare different products that are available for sale. They are turning their email courses into a cookbook of recipes .

Based on the content of your course You can easily convert the lessons you receive via email into an ebook, planner notes or course material as well as a membership site or another entirely.

If your course for email can be a concept for your prototype product, or even an individual product you can utilize it to assist in helping increase the number of customers who enter the sales funnel.

When you've established a specific channel (email) to get the attention of your readers and attention, you are able to send them educational or promotional material that could appeal to your subscribers.

70% of consumers will give a company their email address to receive exclusive information. A course that is only available via email can help deliver the information.

When your program is finished it is possible to continue delivering information to your customers (assuming they've granted you their permission, and yes) by way of a newsletter that is sent out weekly.

Free content can also give clients a cost-free, no-obligation method to evaluate your offerings and determine if it's worth purchasing for the near future.

It is possible to use information you've gathered regarding your clients' email behavior, ranging from emails that they've previously opened and engaged with, to things they've shown an interest in. You can then send them product recommendations.

Eighty-two percent of people are willing to divulge their personal details in order to get personalized recommendations. Your list is segmented, and the use of simple personalization techniques can help to suggest the most suitable purchased products to your most valuable clients at the right time.

The majority of consumers also wish businesses offer more discounts on their site and via mail to the items they're looking for.

However, don't turn your email course into a days-long sales pitch. Students have registered to get valuable content, and that's the thing you need to provide students above all else.

In a while you might consider discussing ways a purchased product from your company could provide further insight or guidance and help them with achieving the same goal.

To answer our initial question -- why you should offer a no-cost email course? Because there's nothing else to attract leads with a high-quality presentation and in showing your concepts to your customers, particularly if you have a tight budget.

If you adhere to these best practices you'll be reaping all these rewards.

8 free email courses that are the most effective strategies

Tips #1: Select the correct subject

When designing your email course make sure you choose an area you think will perform.

Choose a subject that is relevant to your clients in addition to subjects you could effectively teach them about.

This is why you should ensure that your class focuses on a single topic that offers two or three key learnings. For instance, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's email course is a good example, is designed to assist those who are struggling with credit to reduce the issue and reach their financial goals.

Ilchi Lee's e-mail course helps students start their year off on the right foot through the practices of meditation along with inspirational messages.

The ability to narrow your focus on a single topic will prevent the creation of a course that would be too lengthy to finish or which could be more efficient as a more expensive course.

Concentrating on one topic will make the reader feel that they've learned something useful and tangible, in contrast to an insignificant amount of information.

Okay, now that you've got your topic and lessons settled on You're (almost) prepared to make magical things happen, but it's not quite. First, you must adhere to the next recommendation.

Tip #2: Make a fantastic landing page, as well as a post-opt-in page

There won't be lots of people signing up for emails if your email course is hard to locate.

The same goes for selling a pitch that can be as dull as the taste of boiled potatoes.

Design a straightforward landing page which has persuasive copy that persuades users to join your email list. Discover more about the use of the right copy to be your primary internet salesperson to get the latest information on your copywriting.

The landing page you create doesn't have to be very long, neither does it need sweet-tongued claims.

In addition, you should know the advantages that your program provides and the ways it can assist your customers in conquering a challenge or achieve a goal.

The She Approach , for example, features a brief attractive and visually appealing site that provides an overview of what the course is about and the benefits students get from.

Businessman Brennan Dunn's Double Your Freelancing landing page is similarly easy, but with an impressive addition -- a testimonial from customers.

The testimonials of customers could be the public proof that others have taken the course and benefited from it.

As these examples show, you can create an appealing landing page for an email course even when you're not a website writer or creator.

However, a captivating page is only one component of the puzzle. There's also a post-opt-in page.

Post-opt-in webpages will be an email site that users will be able to view after they've decided to opt-in (i.e. or opted-in to) the emails you've sent them.

Many authors use their "post-opt-in" page to say "thanks," they can become many more.

To give an example, you could provide students with a the occasion to remind them about what to expect from the material you provide and also when next they'll receive their beginning of the course.

Also, you can provide your details to them to ensure they receive your emails for whatever reason.

The post-opt-in page on Nutriciously is an excellent example.

They not only thanked me for signing up, they also they also added:

They also told me when I should be expecting my first mail from them.

What should I do if did not received the email?

I was shown a few of their recent post

I was offered a temporary discounted price for vegan starter kits.

This is the basic idea:

Your landing page gives you the chance to convince potential buyers that your course is worthy of enrolling into. Define the advantages they'll get by enrolling in your course. The majority of the work to draw and convert leads has been accomplished.

Then, get ready to greet them with an enthusiastic welcome.

Tip #3: Be sure that you send out an invitation email

Prior to sending the initial email for your lesson It is recommended to make sure you have a welcome email for your students. This will help them prepare for the course.

In addition, your welcome email can:

Present yourself and introduce your business

Define the manner in which the course is organized

Let students know about the ideas they'll be studying during the class.

Provide links to the materials needed to complete the program

Contact information for your students should they have questions

Let's examine some of them.

Nellaino has sent me an email below to register for an FREE Pinterest marketing class . The email introduces the creator of Pinterest and explains the reasons why Pinterest is worth learning more about.

The email continues to explain what the students are supposed to be learning and outline how the curriculum will be structured. The email concludes by inviting users to pose an inquiry (and offering a possible answer from Petra).

The email also contained a option to buy the course on-line for just a small cost, for those who want to take all the course content in one sitting instead of spreading it across five days.

Two Little Birds took a more unique approach. They included links to resources students could utilize during the course, including a digital download, and an online group that is on Facebook.

The welcome email described the structure of the class as well as gave students a homework assignment for homework to complete.

The welcome email is gone, we can focus on the main goal of online courses: lesson emails.

Tip #4: Write juicy lesson emails

The subscribers signed up to your mailing list were they believed that you had something unique that they were worth providing their email addresses.

Do not disappoint them.

Do not write emails for lessons that provide a handful of knowledge before calling it an entire day. It is better to add your own perspectives or personal experiences to explain the importance of this information and what it has done for your or your students over time.

It is also possible to mail out email messages in classes in order to provide students with access to additional resources such as video and digital downloads, or blog posts.

The course will use the course via email of Catch Budapest as an illustration. They used the lessons in email below to provide a short overview of the video course. Then they included a hyperlink to the video on the email.

In addition to useful tools, you can as well add assignments for homework to aid students in implementing what they've learned during their lessons, and get more from each class.

As an example, the 4th lesson email from the Your Way to $85k course. Your Way to $85k course had homework that asked students to set a target for the year.

This is the beginning and middle of an email-based course that is the last part: the conclusion.

Tip #5: Write a solid conclusion email

The message you email to close the email course doesn't have to say "goodbye," but it should provide a form of closure.

In the first place, it needs to summarize the major elements of the class and explain the ways your students can use them in their own lives.

It is also helpful to educate your students of the next steps to take in order to help them reach the goals they set for themselves.

Don't be afraid to direct pupils to your paid-for products or services if you are certain that they can assist the areas they are struggling with.

In their last email House 214 Design recommended students enroll in their House 214 Design School program to design their home that they have always wanted.

It is also possible to suggest a class, digital download, membership program, or coaching program you feel could be useful for your students.

Okay, now that structure of your email is out of the way, let's talk about some ways you can improve the effectiveness of your email course.

Tip #6: Try to keep your emails short but informative

39% of those surveyed said they would not open any emails from a brand since they felt that the initial email(s) did not interest them.

It's crucial to make each email an ideal meal that your readers are looking forward to cooking.

Questions are great for discussing subject matter, which is why they can be radical and seemingly unorthodox assertions.

In particular I was unable to resist having to open this email course from AWeber that has the heading "BYO Mac and Cheese."

Why should an email marketing firm discuss cheese and macaroni? I was looking for answers.

Statistical announcements, announcements as well as the possibility of accessing special offers can be effective as well.

While subject lines in emails are easy to overlook Don't forget the 64% of users who think that the subject line is important in deciding whether to click on an email or not.

Apart from an interesting subject line try to make the email preview engaging. Your preview is a short section of text, which is displayed after the title of your email in the subscribers' email (check out this guide to creating a perfect email preview for increasing the open rate of your emails).

Like the subject line, your preview text is a small element that could pack an immense effect. 29percent of customers said that preview texts was influential in the decision they made to read an email, so it's definitely worth attending to.

Apart from writing excellent emails, you should also take a look at the next step to include in to your email messages that"je do not know what.

Tips #7: Send your email messages something that is visually appealing

Text-only emails can be utilized by both big and small brands.

It will be . . . fine. The music is fine, but it's a bit boring.

What is the best way to include attractive visual elements like GIFs images, GIFs, or infographics to your email?

This not only gives an appealing impression on the messages you send out, but it also makes them more educational and intriguing to people who open your emails.

Let's look at the introduction of Lightroom Class's free email course to illustrate. The course includes screenshots of the relevant material in their lesson email.

Alongside static images, you should think about using GIFs within your email messages. 56.5 Percent of marketers utilize GIFs in email often, frequently or in all time.

Check out the way Marie Forleo includes a GIF in her email regarding the first lesson of her The Course Is Figoutable course. program.

An additional couple of email messages could provide an enjoyable break from the texts.

Be careful. If you don't plan to use the Buzzfeed design excessive use of GIFs can quickly derail the message's seriousness. A little spice is good but too much, however, could irritate many pallets.

Similar to the last advice today.

Tip #8: Reduce the number of promotions to an absolute the rate of

It's not a secret that emails are a fantastic tool for developing sales prospects and creating leads.

14% of respondents say that emails sent by businesses encourage them to research the item. A further 28% said emails from brands usually encourages them purchase another purchase.

Keep your promotional efforts to a minimum. This ranges from two to three emails. This is enough regardless of whether the product you're promoting is relevant to the free email course.

It's not necessary to bombard your clients with promotional emails and then turn them off of your program.

Phew. Once we've discussed the top methods to create an incredible email course, now we can talk about the tools might be necessary for this.

You'll require the necessary tools to build your first E-learning course.

That's all you have to need to provide your email course.

If you're looking to give your content something unique, consider using software for designing graphics like Visme Canva , Venngage , as well as Visme to create digital downloads as well with other graphic.

If you're considering using videos to teach your students, you'll require a platform like Wistia or Vimeo to provide the videos as well.

(Again, something can take control of itself at any time, however I'm not going to get into that.)

These are just two components -- you'll need additional if you're hoping to make your work look more spark.

However, if you're part of the 86 % of medium and small entrepreneurs who prefer working on different aspects of their businesses rather than marketing, there are a variety of alternatives.

No matter what you choose to do this is the list of important things to keep in mind:

The free email course has many advantages with a couple of drawbacks. Creators who want to create an online course that is fully-fledged or already have one that is available on the market, these courses are the perfect opportunity to create leads, build relationships, as well as provide your list-building with serious strength.

Lead more customers into your sales funnel using this free training course sent by email

Free online courses is a cost-effective and fairly low-effort method to generate leads and guide customers down to the sale funnel. It's also a pretty dandy method to test your paid concept for your product, too.

In designing your course for email it is important to remember the following best practices to be aware of:

Choose a subject that is beneficial to your customers

Create an irresistible opt-in website and post-opt in page

Send a welcome email

Maintain your content for lessons fresh and value-packed

Make sure you send your final email to bring closure

Create interesting and simple emails. Send simple and intriguing.

Give your emails visual flair

It is possible to promote your products without being overly aggressive

There's no need to worry if you're an experienced maker, or just making your first product, these classes provide a wonderful method to increase leads without much work on your part.

The most rewarding reward with most effort sound quite to me. It's just as appealing as it will make your company seem.

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