What are you required to learn about ways to make additional income passively from the internet?

Jun 20, 2024

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Maybe you're interested in learning that you could earn extra revenue passively by selling online classes you offer by hosting self-hosted platforms for your online course?

What's Inside? Switch

Third Party LMS Platforms The Myths and falsehoods surrounding LMS Platforms

You might agree with this statistic The figure represents 57% of the time creators evaluate their courses' effectiveness based on the level of students' satisfaction with their classes. 23 percent consider student involvement as an aspect. 21% of students are rated based on the amount of money students earn.

That's why the vast majority of designers think that it's better to utilize the third-party LMS platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Kajabi for the following factors:

  • They hope it can lower their costs for marketing and reduce the need to invest huge amounts of money in equipment and software.
  • They are hoping it will assist in the launch of their business into the world marketplace in a more efficient manner.
  • The assumption is that it's user-friendly and needs no technical skills which makes it simple for course creators to design their courses, start courses and run the course.

But, they come at an expense and consist of:

  1. The cost of revenue sharing is increasing.
  2. 75 75 Most of course creators make less than $1000 per annum. Only 1 percent of instructors make more than $50,000 in a calendar year.
  3. There's a possibility that you will not be noticed by the general public It is also necessary to incur additional marketing costs in order to reach those who are the right target market.
  4. There's not a lot of opportunities for students to meet who don't use the portal.
  5. The page you create cannot be customized or your profile for your business's through these platforms.
  6. It's not easy to keep track of the student's progress through the funnel.
  7. In the absence of any engagement options, it results due to the absence of community-based and gamification-related integrations, or the usage of gamification.

Introduction to Courses: The Introduction to Courses hosted self-hosted

If you're an online teacher frustrated by the price and restrictions that are associated with SaaS LMS platforms You're not entirely alone. Many instructors face similar issues.

It is also possible to use self-hosted course platforms.

If you decide to create your own online course You'll have complete control of your course content and you'll be able to lower the cost that are associated with revenue sharing as and also come up with new methods to make money.

Take a look at the thought...

Imagine the possibilities of designing your classes in your own way and making more money than you've earned from the profits you earned.

Self-hosted hosting doesn't just mean that you'll be able to cut costs. This is about maximizing the potential of your company so that you can build the longest-lasting, most profitable business.

Do you have doubts? Check out this overview below.

HTML0 The cost of high-quality Profit Share

If you are making use of any of the most popular SaaS LMS platforms to sell and manage your online courses it is important to know about the different models of revenue sharing they employ.

The majority of them be able to take a substantial portion of the profits, and then they will quickly accumulate and reduce your profits. You will earn.

Below is a short list of the most popular Revenue sharing options provided by the best-known SaaS LMS platforms:

     1. Teachable

Teachable offers a variety of pricing choices. The revenue sharing rates vary depending on the plan you choose. Here is an average cost per year:

  • Free Plan: Costs $1.10 and 10% per transaction.
  • Base Plans ($39/month): 5 percent transaction cost.
  • The Professional Plan ($119/month) and as the Business Plan ($499/month) Business Plan costs $499 per month. The Professional Plan does not charge any transaction fees, but there are restrictions on publication of course content.

     2. Thinkific

Thinkific offers a variety of prices that have various results in revenue sharing.

  • Free Plan: There are no charges for transactions However, it only has the most basic features.
  • The Basic Plan ($49/month) The Basic Plan is free for transactions but it is only available via digital downloads.
  • Premier Plan ($99/month) and along with the Premier Plan ($499/month) The Premier Plan is available for purchase. There aren't any transaction costs. But, there is several web-based community services.

     3. Udemy

Udemy is an unique revenue sharing model that is different from Teachable as well as Thinkific:

  • Organic sales: Udemy receives 50 percent of its revenue through purchasesmade through on Udemy's marketplace. Udemy marketplace.
  • Promotions for Teachers to teachers The teachers keep 90% of profits of sales that result from promotion they organize for themselves (using coupons offered to instructors) In addition, Udemy costing a three percent administrative fee.
  • Pay-per-click: In relation to the sales made through Pay-per-Click programs, instructors only receive 25 percent of the revenue.

     4. Kajabi

Kajabi offers subscription plans that include additional costs, that are decided by the plan

  • Kickstarter ($69/month) and the Basic Plan ($149/month) Basis Plan There are no transaction costs, but you have a limited number of options and features.
  • Plan for Growth Plan ($199/month) and Plan for Growth ($199/month) as well as the Pro Plan ($399/month) It's important to note that there aren't any fees for transactions. There is only one difference: this plan has a limit for students who are part of the plan.

Models based on revenue share show how much it costs to use models based on revenue share reveal the cost of using third-party LMS platforms. While these platforms are helpful and offer a broad variety of features, the regular cost and decreases in revenue will drastically reduce your profits.

Self-hosted solutions will allow you to make more money from your earnings and offer greater flexibility when it comes to arranging and teaching your classes.

This review will focus on two platforms.

Analyzing Earnings Potentially Comparatively LMS SaaS and. Self-hosted courses platforms.

One good example would be an example: suppose you offer an online course for just $100.

     HTML1 LMS SaaS Platform Example    

  • Teachable (Basic plan): If you make a charge for each purchase that is 5 times higher than normal, then the vendor loses $5 per sale.
  • The profits are $195
  • Monthly subscriptions at $39
  • If you are selling 20 courses per month, the figure is the following: 20 divided by 20 equals $39 which equals $1.861.
  • Udemy (Organic sale): If you would make a fifty percent return over time, then you'd lose 50 cents for each sale.
  • The profit amount on each sale is 50 dollars.
  • If you're providing the same classes each month, the formula will be used as follows: 20x50 = $1000

Self-Hosted Service Example

  • The monthly fee is $33 up to (Most popular plan) The Cost is $33.
  • Profits per sale of $100.
  • If you can provide minimum 20 classes each month, this formula applies 100 times 20$$ equals $1,967


  1. Teachable (Basic Plan):
  • SaaS LMS Earnings: $1,861/month
  • Self-Hosted Earnings: $1,967/month
  • There is a difference of $106 when you host your own server.
  1. Udemy (Organic Sale):
  • SaaS LMS Earnings: $1,000/month
  • Self-Hosted Earnings: $1,967/month
  • There is a difference of $967 over self-hosted

In the course of a year, the variance can result in a staggering amount. This is roughly $11,604 for the entire course during the whole year!

Self-hosted online courses, similar to those offered by Courses can assist you in securing hundreds, or thousands of dollars based on the volume of money you make.

It is now clear what you can make use of an online class hosted through a self-hosted hosting service. Take a look at the many benefits to switching to this type of service.

Benefits of self-hosted Course Platforms

Self-hosted courses can be a fantastic alternative to SaaS LMS services because they provide you with total control of the contents of your course as well as its operations.

It is a good choice, and is particularly when

Utilizing the power to its fullest potential of WordPress Its platform gives you unparalleled flexibility and options to customize your experience. It is possible to create an educational experience that is in perfect alignment with the image of your brand as well as business objectives.

If you choose to utilize self-hosted classes like those offered by e-learning.com The benefits are numerous. The most important is cost reduction, more efficient administration system and having the option of using a variety of methods for earning money, which can increase your earnings. get. Find out more about the feature. outline of the function

Let's look at these advantages in detail.

Control and Control of the Rights of Ownership Rights of Content

Control is among the strongest characteristics of an artist. It is a crucial element in effective marketing and branding.

If you're running your own training course, you can use the same methods that are available and you'll be able to tailor every part of the course to the unique style of your business and.

Layout and design, as and the use of multimedia components, controlling your content allows you to provide a seamless professional learning experience that matches your ideals and values as well as the design aesthetics of your company.

As the creator of your content means you are able to use a wide range of marketing strategies to promote your business without limitations.

It is possible to create and distribute promotional offers, bundle classes give discounts, and utilize various tools to promote and plug-ins into WordPress.

It lets you connect to your audience more effectively and adjust your plan with live data and feedback.

Direct customer relations

One of the biggest benefits of self-hosted learning platforms is the possibility of creating immediate, non-mediated interactions with your students.

If there are no limitations from the intermediary, you will be capable of speaking directly to your students and message them personally and offer advice and also giving feedback.

If you're an administrator for your own platform, you're given access to an abundance of details regarding the conduct of your students, the behaviors they exhibit as well as the result they get.

It is important to identify the aspects that are working well and the things you're not getting in your studies.

When you have analyzed the data and analysing the findings, you will be capable of adjusting your program and methods of teaching to accommodate the particular requirements of your pupils. This will result in greater satisfaction of your customers and more retention.

Platforms of intermediaries could make it difficult to provide fast and reliable customer support.

If you own a self-hosted site it is possible to set up a full support service that comprises live chat as well as forums, direct messages and forum chat.

Instant access to assistance and help can dramatically enhance the experience of students and assist students in addressing issues before they become an even more severe issue.

 Members make money by participating

One of the easiest ways to earn money through your own self-hosted courses would be to incorporate them into a membership model.

The members encourage participation that results in higher retention since students are always able to reap enjoy the benefits they receive from membership.

The ability to access the vast library of materials and services, with a minimal monthly fee, will provide significant value, and will make students more likely to become an active member.

Community features, forums and live Q&A sessions help in creating a sense belonging to the community you serve. This also boosts their loyalty to your site.

This method improves your value to your students and gives you the chance to earn the possibility of a steady and constant income.

Base Body Homepage
Females who love their bodies in the most basic way

In addition, they provide online classes and private fitness classes at their personal studio in Sydney, Australia.

By using Base Body Babes as a platform , Base Body Babes manages their content, which is paid-for along with their own exclusive services on their website. Members can access the gym, or at-home fitness classes, as well as recipes.

They can earn regular income in addition to providing significant benefits for the community where they reside.

HTML1Fixed cost and inexhaustible expansion

Here is a expense breakdown:

  •  Web Hosting
  • Domain Registration: Domain Registration
  • LMS Software, or Plugins
  • The company has four pricing levels :
  • Basic: $179.50/year, suitable for beginners.
  • Additional charges: $299.50/year This includes other connectivity and services.
  • Pro: $399.50/year, ideal for firms that need to use the latest technologies.
  • Price Cost: High-end $499.50/year Great for corporations as well as creative artists.
  • Extra charges:
  • SSL certificates which guarantee the safety of transactions ($0 between $100 and $1000 annually) generally included in the hosting service).
  • Fees for payment gateways (typically approximately 2.9 percent ) plus $0.30 (per every transaction).

What are the main reasons why you should Choose Us? We'll be able give you our rates as well as the services that you can get from...


  • Basis Plan $179.50/year
  • Plus Plan: $299.50/year
  • Pro Plan: $399.50/year
  • Elite: $499.50/year

     ROI (ROI):    

To gain a greater understanding of the potential ROI, let's suppose that you choose the Plus plan. It includes an annual price of $299.50/year. If you offer an entire class or membership priced at $100, and provide 3 monthly memberships, your annual income is $300.

If you consider the entire calendar year into account, that's 3600 dollars. When you subtract hosting fees ($299.50) and the price for hosting ($240 per month for 20 dollars) this yields an annual profit that is $3,061 in net.

The calculation shows that even if you just make 2 or 3 sales, the ROI on investment is impressive and is an intelligent option!

     Assessment of the Potentialities for Scalability free of charge for Content or users    

One of the major benefits to hosting your own classes is that you have the capacity.

In contrast to SaaS platforms, which charge per user, or pay an amount in profit, it allows you to grow your business with no extra costs.

Here's how:

  • limitless users When your website is operational and you're able to accommodate as numerous customers as you would like to host without incurring any additional fees. You can predict that your cost will be determined by how much your user base grows.
  • Flexible Content You can create and run unlimited classes that include the lessons along with the membership levels. You can expand the scope of your business and earn extra income, without fretting about the rising cost.

In the final day, the fixed cost system of self-hosted platforms, such as this provides a cost of a reasonable amount as well as the possibility to expand.

By having an infrastructure that is adaptable and without any extra expense for users, you'll be capable of increasing the amount of users you're allowed to serve and also the content you offer, thus increasing the amount of money that you can earn, while maintaining steady expansion.

There's more.

 Integration into other business Tools

Self-hosted solutions like this can be incorporated into diverse commercial tools, increasing the efficiency of operations and offering insights on student behaviour as well as effectiveness.

Here's how:

     2. CRM Systems:

     3. Analytics Tools

     4. Calendar/Scheduling Tools:

     5. Form/Survey Builders:

     6. Payment Gateways:

More details are available for connecting your business account to a variety of applications. Click here to boost your memberpess site by including new add-ons and integrations.

Transferring your self-hosted hosting account to Self-Hosted Hosting

If you're convinced about the advantages of switching from SaaS LMS platforms, and then self-hosted ones These are the required actions:

Move into HTML0!

The transition from an SaaS LMS platform into self-hosted courses may seem daunting, but you can manage this by having a plan.

Step-by-step instructions offered to assist users in the procedure:

 The first step is to start by creating a strategy

  • Examine Your currently installed platform Review your current SaaS LMS platform's features, limitations and other information.
  • Set goals Make a list of objectives you'd like to achieve when you switch (e.g. lower costs or greater control).
  • Create a plan for migration Within the plan you should note deadlines, dates along with the obligations you're required to fulfill. You should ensure you have an up-to-date backup.

2. Set up your Self-Hosted platform that you've built.

  • Install Buy and install the plug-in to your WordPress site. Watch the video below to learn how to install the Plugin.

3. Export Data to SaaS Platform

  • Backup information You should have copies of all course content comprising user details, information about the course and any other relevant information to your specific needs.
  • export content Use the tools to export offered by your LMS that are based on SaaS for downloading the necessary documents, including the information you provide about the user as well as media files.

     4. Please send the details

  • load information from users Use either manually or with software to download data from users so that students be able to access information quickly.

HTML1Step 5: Step 5: Settingup

  • Members Levels Set up the levels of membership to complement your company's model.
  • Payment Gateways Install payment gateways, such as Stripe or PayPal for secure transactions.
  • Modification Style and design of your site in accordance to the brand you have created.

     6. Check All

  • Testing of the function Check the functions you are using for accessing classes and different levels of membership as well as the process of payment work correctly.
  • users Test the user journey starting at registration, and continuing through all the way to make sure the smoothest experience.

The time is now to take action!

Step 7 - 7 Start and Promote

  • Information Users inform your current users about the new platform by providing specific guidelines and directions for how you can use the brand new platform.

Five strategies to ease the transition of making adjustments

  • The strategy should be developed careful with the use of specific timestables, schedules and backups.
  • Create HTML0 modifications that are easy for people to utilize and then provide assistance.
  • Make sure to check every function in detail to ensure that there aren't any interruptions.
  • Make use of the available resources and migrate guidelines. Begin by providing small portions of data that will help you comprehend the challenges that become.
  • Provide regular support through FAQs as well as Helpdesks for the purpose of tracking of the effectiveness. Make modifications according to comments.

If you adhere to these guidelines and adhere to these steps, you'll be in a position to smoothly transition from to a SaaS CMS to a self-hosted one like having total control of the content you publish and maximizing your profits.

A Quick Summary

We're amazed by the lengths we've taken us.

One of the points we talked about was the negatives when using third-party LMS platforms to facilitate the on-line marketing of courses.

The discussion also addressed the main benefits self-hosted classes offer, including full ownership over your class content, decreased costs as well as greater control over the branding strategy and marketing.

Furthermore, we conducted an research and managed to convince clients that investing in self-hosted educational platforms like Courses could be an important improvement for your business.

It's crucial to remember that by removing high revenue-sharing fees and make use of Tools like Courses, then you are able to establish an incredibly successful and expandable educational company online.

Make sure you examine the amount of cost this platform compares to the benefits. If you're currently employing WordPress you should consider it as an option to consider expanding your business in addition to earning more.

Let us know via the comments section If you are planning to move to a self-hosted service for your classes. This includes courses. We're always willing to assist with all questions.

Sarah O Sarah is adamant to reduce the technical complexities of websites and plug-ins and marketing via digital. as a Content Writer with Member Press, she has the capability of writing captivating and interesting writing. Sarah is a major participant in helping others to understand the possibilities of Member Press plugins. An amalgamation of humor along with technical knowledge Her goal is to ensure that each article will do more than simply inform and provide inspiration. If she's not in the office, she's constantly interested in the latest advancements in the field of marketing as well as technological developments. She is always looking to find new ways of improving the customer service.

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