What Adrian Dalsus is changing musicians life with his knowledge of marketing

Sep 20, 2022

Discover how Adrian Dalsus combines his years of marketing experience with his enthusiasm for music to help artists make a successful career in the music industry.

After a decade of his advertising and marketing career, Adrian Dalsus had a spark of light. Was it possible to blend his marketing expertise and his passion for music?

In the beginning, Adrian was running his own agency of marketing for small companies. Helping corporate clients implement sales funnels and generate leads was fascinating, but something was missing.

Music had always played a significant role in Adrian's life. Before his marketing career and sales, he was part of a group. They were close to making their breakthrough when they won a festival and had their song played on a popular Radio station in Venezuela -- but they were unsure of how to leverage that power.

"We have missed many opportunities,"" Adrian remembers. "We were clueless about the business of networking, writing press releases or branding, getting press coverage, or taking our music outside the circle of family and friends."

Later, Adrian realized that his marketing experience had given him invaluable knowledge which could assist musicians market their music as well as release new music and increase their following. "How do we know that artists do not know that these opportunities exist, that we can do campaigns, that we can use our creative skills to use marketing techniques to a music career ?"

Effective marketing, Adrian theorized, could assist musicians to take charge of their careers, and make the most of opportunities instead of sitting in the wings. So Adrian began to implement his ideas.

Presently, Adrian runs his own music marketing firm, Despegue Musical . His publication , online courses  as well as digital offerings provide musicians with the tools to promote their music to be heard within this competitive industry.

Through the course of his career, Adrian cultivated a deep comprehension of his audience by conducting market research, listening to follower feedback, and trusting his expertise as a professional.

Here's how Adrian has merged his professional experience along with his love for music to build an audience Serve them with kindness and develop products to make them shine.

Grow your following by sharing ideas

Adrian was well-aware the pain issues with promotion and marketing His background in advertising gave him the skills to aid. All he needed was to locate the right people.

"We do not realize the potential that social media has," Adrian says. "We believe that because there is so much activity on social media that they is going to notice us. However, at the time I launched the podcast, people reached out and thanked me for doing it. They expressed their appreciation and advised me to keep going."

At the urging of his fans, Adrian expanded his online presence via YouTube  which he advises:

"Research prior to pressing record."
"Research every title, thumbnails, and important topics within your area of expertise. It's not a good idea to copy them directly, but use what's working as inspiration and replicate that for your own company. If you produce great content and give the solution to your viewers to your viewers in the video, they are likely to appreciate this."

Today, YouTube is Adrian's most popular channel. "The majority of those who purchase my courses connect with me by coming across me via YouTube. I think YouTube is the main source for creating content at the moment.

Walk in your customers' shoes to create relevant products

To design great products for your target audience, it is essential be aware of what your audience wants. Adrian utilizes a mix of audience feedback, professional expertise, as well as his experience working in the field of music to help his students learn and offer practical solutions.

Early on, Adrian planned to produce evergreen classes using pre-recorded material and less administrative work in comparison to live-streamed programs. However, his audience was inclined to live-based courses that had a the same start and ending time -- as well as a bigger time investment by Adrian and his team, so Adrian found an alternative.

His flagship music marketing course includes pre-recorded modules so students can learn on their own. There are also weekly live group calls where students can get support and get answers to their questions. The students have access to Adrian as well as the flexibility of self-paced courses.

Adrian has also utilized feedback from the audience in the creation of mini-courses which are easier to manage for musicians who have a busy schedule.

"At the beginning, I made long-term courses that take a lot of time to develop and to complete. But I realized that some people, especially musicians, are likely to be searching for quick wins. So now I'm focused on mini-courses that are specialized," he shares.

These mini-courses are self-paced, do not have a live component they're also less expensive than the premium courses. Musicians who are busy will love the small, action-oriented workshops .

To decide what to cover during his classes, Adrian leans into his experience in marketing and thinks about his personal musical experience. "I do ongoing research and ask my followers what they would like to understand. But I've found that often, people don't know what they want," Adrian observes.

Because Adrian's past self was his ideal client, some ideas come from taking a look back at the past.

"I contemplate what Adrian from a decade ago would have needed and then I design courses around that."

As an example, when Adrian and his group made their debut song the band saved it onto CD and took it straight to the biggest Radio station located in Caracas.

"We were thinking we could give that CD over to the receptionist and they could find us and get us on the radio the following week," he says. "I appreciate that we had the confidence to act However, the world of music (and the actual world) isn't as such."

Recalling the things he wishes he knew about marketing to music helps Adrian provide relatable and relevant materials for students.

"I would love to have had a mentor who could have advised me on the best way to market my music during that time. This would have allowed me to increase my creativity as well as time and effort. This is why I'm dedicated to helping musicians who are independent today, so they can get the most out of their songs and creativity."

Testimonials from Despegue Musical (via Google Translate, from Spanish to English)

The outcome? Students have taken their musical careers to the next level.

Use tools that place creators first

After a well-rehearsed course plan, Adrian needed to find an appropriate platform to manage his projects.

In general, simplicity is the best for building an online company. "With  the help of site will look beautiful on mobile or desktop. It won't be crashing. The buttons are all functional."

"I consider myself an ally. I feel like it's a part of my team, and I can't say that with other tools."
"Although it may sound cliche Ask what are the company's values, goals, and mission of the organization? What are their future plans? Are they really looking to grow? Or did they develop something or a service they're currently trying to sell, with no interest in improving it?"

Adrian is a seller of his course including mini workshops and product bundles through . He also runs an online community that allows musicians to network with other musicians, share their music and ask questions.

With the latest technology at the other side of him, Adrian has more bandwidth to create workshops, courses and other content for students of musicians. Through listening to the feedback of his fans and taking his advice, Adrian's programs are topping the charts.

Three key elements to success as a creator: Niche, research, and also consistency

According Adrian Adrian, there are three essential elements to be an effective creator: love of your field, conducting your study, and creating with the discipline and consistent.

Select a field you're interested in for the long run

It can be appealing to stay with the current trend, Adrian encourages creators to look for niches that stimulate and inspire them. The process involves self-reflection.

"First find yourself. What do you love to do? What drives you to rise each day?" Adrian asks. "For me I think it was music. The majority of the time you've had it in your life for many years."

Review your interests, activities, interests and passion projects. Your subject should be something you'll enjoy talking about every single day for years to come.

Explore existing resources to do market research

There's no reason to reinvent the wheel, you'll learn valuable lessons by exploring what works for the other designers in your field.

Consistency and discipline

Finally, Adrian recommends working towards your goals daily regardless of whether you're performing something that isn't very important. The effort adds up as time goes by.

You might not get results overnight -- however, three years from now, you'll be miles from where you began. .

Adrian's hitting all the correct notes

Equipped with his marketing expertise, long-standing love for music and thoughtful market research, Adrian teaches artists how to be successful in an extremely competitive industry. The students he teaches at Despegue Musical are prospering and so are the man he.

Like Adrian puts it, "If you do what you love, it's not a job anymore."

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