Video Presence And Presentation

Nov 18, 2022

Do you recall what it was like when you took a picture and uploaded the first time You uploaded your video to YouTube?

There's a chance you'll regret that decision. Your best.

In addition, you need to be engaging in the videos posted on your YouTube channel. However, you must also present a professional visual of your class online.

In order to assist you in improving your photography abilities to assist you in improving your camera skills, we've invited Zain Meghji to share some of his most effective strategies to boost your visibility on cameras and creating engaging video content for online course.

Zain is the Director of Video Content at Daily Hive. In the past 20 years, Zain has worked in the world of entertainment in both the front and back of the camera and has performed the role of the entertainment reporter on television programs such as STG E Talk, Extra, Showbiz Tonight and hosting the Canadian version of How To Look Good Naked that aired by the Oprah Winfrey Network.

HTML0 in this clip Zain will show you the best way to make people admire with your appearance in video:

The difference between presence and the Difference Between Presence and

The most important factors that determine how successful your video content will be will be your style of presentation as well as the manner in which you display your videos.

But what is the difference between those two?

The writer, Zain Zain sums it up so quickly:

Your manner of speaking is the way your self-presentation. Your presentation, or your style of speaking is what you're doing. Zain Meghji

The presence of the person is derived from within.

It's not something that is simple to attain. For example, you can't 'do' excited. You can, however, be.

A presentation on the other hand can be an item you design.

Body language refers to the way you are using to communicate your message through your clothing and movement your body , as well as the way you engage with other people around you.

The most obvious elements of how you represent yourself in this manner will ultimately affects how your appearance is perceived by others.

How to Improve your presentation and look stunning in Camera

Your presentation is most simple to improve.

In the beginning, it is important to concentrate on the basic tasks you can accomplish using your camera. Here is a checklist of suggestions Zain wants you to think about:

  • Fix your hair, collar, makeup, etc. so that you look and feel your best.
  • Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and be praised by others.
  • Pick the correct colors to meet the needs of your company.
  • Be aware of who you're portraying and the ideals you hold and the clothes you're wearing match your persona (i.e. You should dress as the character)

Additionally, Zain recommends his advice from the TV show "How to look beautiful naked" This is a way of looking at yourself from a mirror . Then, you need to consider " What do I admire about my Self? "

The next step recommends identifying the aspects you enjoy about yourself and then determining the right shades and styles that emphasize the most appealing aspects of yourself.

Zain offers basic tips about how to utilize lighting to make your smile stand out and create your own personal image on his channel on YouTube. Check it out below to learn more!

How to Enhance Your Presence and Connect with the people you'd like to touch

Your camera's existence online cannot be duplicated.

It's a thing which can be maintained.

There are a variety of methods Zain amplifies his presence:

1) Big Energy

Zain is likely to increase his energy by creating a more powerful picture of himself every time he's photographed.

There are many methods for him to accomplish this The most common is to bounce about and then back, as you're speaking"out the words with a loud voice "I'm delighted! I'm excited! I'm excited!"

2.) Make examples

Another method Zain suggests to improve your presentation is to identify those you wish to emulate and incorporate your personal qualities in the presentation.

This is particularly useful for those who tend to be quiet and wish to come out from their cocoons.

In his video Zain interviews an one of his team member Laurenne, at Daily Hive Video, and shows you how she emulates the other team members by recording their emotion with a camera. Discover how she accomplishes this through this short video!

   3) Let The Camera Function Like Your Facebook  

One of the most common mistakes that video presenters commit in front of the camera is using the voice Zain refers to as the Host Voice .

The fundamental aspect of the host voice is how TV hosts spoke in the past 10-20 years.

It's an organized and well-structured method of communicating that involves ending each sentence by a similar note that was created to make sure every word spoken with precision to be understood.

The issue of this is it creates a disconnection with the viewer.

The way to think about it that Zain and Andrew suggest is to think that you're having a normal conversation with a friend. Then, remember that behind you is an actual human being which will be watching.

In this way, it appears as though you're actually there, even though you're not actually there.

It helps you convey your message more efficiently.

The art of The Interview

If you're planning to create online courses or content for your YouTube channel which features interviews with host guest, this section is your ideal spot.

Content could be an source of motivation or it may not be. The primary factor in an entertaining interview is the ability to take your audience along a tale you intend to share.

Here are some tips taken from Zain to assist you in this challenge:

   1) Make a plan Of Your Goals  

What do you want to accomplish in the interview?

In Zain his shows his goal for every interview is to discover something interesting funny, interesting and something that isn't heard anywhere except for Zain.

For this reason to do this, one should examine his guests thoroughly, and formulate inquiries prior to the time.

Once you've identified your questions, you've identified the direction you'd like to take. Pay attention to this direction instead of looking at your answer. Zain Meghji

2.) Do not do excessive research.

Even though it could appear opposite to the previous writings It's important not to study too much the person who you're visiting at the time of your visiting.

This is because it eliminates the aspect of being in the interview and allow the conversation to unfold naturally throughout the entire interview.

   3) Do Not Jump In the Deep End too quickly  

As Zain points out, sometimes it's easy to get real fast and speak to your guests at a fast pace, regardless of having completed a detailed review of your guests' needs as you're able to.

The general rule is that it's not the best fit particularly in the initial request.

What Zain advises is that you help the guest to feel at ease throughout the conversation, so they're comfortable enough reveal more about themselves.

   4) The public doesn't understand What you've learned  

It's exciting to be part of the conversation with your guest, it's vital to keep in mind that your audience wants to be happy with the content.

Your target audience may not possess the same level of expertise in research or the background info which you possess. Keep that in mind brain. Even if that means asking questions you're able to answer.

Zain continues to use his videos in order to clarify when to let a conversation continue and the best time to complete a reset. It is possible to set it in the direction you want it to take. Find out how to keep the delicate balance.

How To Tell A Story

The best method to convey your message is to use stories.

and as Zain says, one method to tell a captivating story is to develop one of these:

Beginning, where you create an impression of how things are right now Middle-ground is where you demonstrate to your viewers what might be different. End the place where participants can participate as active participants

Self-help author Stephen Covey says, you need to start with the end goal to be in mind .

It is important to think about what the video's content is and what the goal is of your video, and what steps you would like your viewers to do as a an outcome of watching your video.

It's then possible to link a specific, personal narrative to the message you're trying to communicate.

By doing this it will ensure that those who relate to your subject matter understand the subject matter you're trying to educate people about, and they'll also become more enthusiastic about your teaching.

To connect with Zain Meghji, visit, follow him @zainmeghji, or work with him at

Do you not know where to begin when creating your own online course? Find the complete guide no cost below for a detailed guide to the five first steps you need to take to make money from the YouTube channel with classes!

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