The way to scale the impact of Charitable Causes using the online method of learning

Sep 19, 2024

Since the outbreak started the charities that have suffered from it have had to rethink ways to increase the reach of their efforts and maintain their local reach through digital methods.

The world of charitable giving isn't exactly a known industry due to its early adoption of technology that is now commonplace, however according to the executive director of Thrive For Good for International, James Woller. "Charities are more traditional and conservative in their approach to growth. This was why it was essential to Thrive to change their strategy to get forward. This involved taking a risk and providing online training ," He states.

Online learning has allowed this school to increase its coverage. "Before it was a issue of affecting about 30k people. Now, we're impacting around 80k people. The number of communities we've served is growing from 550 people to nearly 800. seven nations, 47 countries and we're going into countries which we'd never imagined," says Woller.

Another organization that needs to create new concepts to stay ahead of the problems caused by covid-19 includes Vayu Global Health Foundation. Before the outbreak Burke traveled every few weeks to instruct medical professionals about the topic. Since travel was not practical The Vayu team designed an online program that allowed the online learning and reaching out to people all over the world.

"We employ Vayu only for education purposes," the executive director of Vayu, Thomas Burke. "Without the efforts of all our employees, we would not be able to bring the outbreak until the end of time because of the rapid spread in the spread of this pandemic ."

We spoke with the The Thrive For Good's James Woller and Vayu Global Health Foundations' Thomas Burke to learn more about how they managed to increase their impact at an extremely volatile time in the year. We learned that they achieved this by two methods: teaching via the web and looking at the charitable world with an enlightened lens. That's how they increased the effect of their charitable efforts:

1. Online Teaching

Thrive For Good

The world's population is dwindling to a mere two billion people and many of them aren't getting enough nutrition. Thrive For Good provides individuals as well as communities across all over the world with the equipment that are needed to make sustainable natural, healthy products that will last long-term sustainable. This is done by offering people with the ability to grow foods for themselves and their families in partnership with organisations that can incorporate the Thrive's principles into their programmes. The organization earns around one million Canadian dollars every month by selling products from their gardens within the community which is dependent upon 50 cents a dinner.

Through agreements for partnership through partnerships Europe, South America, Africa and Asia, Woller says they cannot expand their reach without the introduction of online classes.

The benefits of online learning haven't only increased the size of an organization, but it's also made easier to tackle the issues triggered by covid-19. "Just this morning, I made an email contact with my friend from Uganda and we discovered that the border has been shut and movement is prohibited... It would be extremely difficult to invite an instructor in person right now, which is why the online classroom is the best option ."

Woller states that the company can save a significant amount of cash thanks to the switch to the web. "We're saving tens of thousands of dollars through the use of . If we could provide a physical trained Thrive instructor to each of our partner organizations for one month, it'd not be possible to increase the number as we did" consultant claims.

Vayu Global Health

Thomas Burke, emergency doctor and professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, is the Director of his group on : Vayu Global Health Foundation as well as Vayu Global Health Innovations.

The Vayu Global Health Foundations is an organization for charitable causes that focuses on finding ways to fund innovative methods with a high impact that can be transformative for newborn, maternal and children's health. The Vayu Global Health Innovations arm of the firm is a publicly-owned corporation and is accredited by the World Health Organization as well as being a member of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as fully committed to improving worldwide health and the communities.

The company Vayu has developed medical devices to help ease CPAP and CPAP, which Burke declares is among the deadliest killers in youngsters under the age of five. The machine used for treating the condition can reduce the risk of dying by 66%. Because most respiratory machines make use of electricity, they're quite expensive to use in nations with poor. Vayu is a new device that Vayu team has developed this device for $300, just a half of what is required to purchase the conventional CPAP device, which retails at $12,000, and It's exactly the same as. The device doesn't need electricity or bioengineering knowledge, which makes it accessible to people with minimal resources to use. With the help of this device, people can train physicians in the community on how to use this device.

Since the CPAP training has been extremely effective, the company is currently creating a second course to educate medical professionals about using their latest equipment called an oxygen blender. It's priced at $1200. The manufacturer has developed the perfect device at just $50. It can be used to help those suffering from asthma or have trouble breathing.

In addition, the virtual platform help increase the number of users they can also help establish standards for the training for medical equipment. "We do have master instructors across the world, but it's not sufficient. The training allows us to guarantee an equal instruction that's offered, and to also test. This is a must for the students we teach," the instructor states.

2. Utilizing a lense that is an ad-hoc

Thrive For Good

Woller states that traditional strategies aren't always the best approach to improve the effectiveness of a charity's impact. "The fundamental basis of the foundation's existence depends on the generosity of donors and contributions to charities. The relationship that has been created between donors, philanthropists or donors as well as the entity that oversees the foundation has some challenges with regards to scaling" The writer explains. "Donors don't necessarily want to see their cash going toward improvements in technological advancements... The majority prefer to spend their money on programmes... Thanks to the improvement of capability through technology It is now possible to expand ."

The innovative concepts of the company come from looking at businesses that are committed to organic agriculture and nutrition, and expanding the work of these businesses. "We weren't required to boost our budget to double the contribution we make. Our company is moving away from the traditional B2C model to the B2B model. We prefer to see our products as Java within your personal computer. you don't need to be Dell and Apple. Our work can be classified as white works that creates. This is a fantastic concept for the world of charitable work ."

They've managed to increase the size of their mission since switching into their work on the Internet, Woller explains. "We were recently contacted by an organization located in India that has a variety of centers for training, 18,000 staff and community members and hundreds of people who are beneficiaries. We received a call from them expressing concerns about the current situation regarding food security in India and also the woes of covid-19, and they have asked us to transfer the entire education of all students through The Thriving. That's scale."

Woller is a firm believer in the value of charitable organizations searching for innovative ways to achieve their objectives and also putting their faith in the process. Their online education was a risk that brought amazing results. "I consider that a few instances of creativity in the realm of charity work is needed. To make an impact, it is necessary to take risk. We're glad that we made the decision to go online for education" He adds.

But, Woller admits that taking risks can be frightening, however Woller believes that results are often unpredictable and are an inherent element of starting a business. Woller says"that "Ninety percent of businesses are at risk, however entrepreneurs are able to continue ."

Vayu Global Health

Vayu Global Health Innovations Model Vayu Global Health Innovations model is based on the creation of a stable source of income that enables their organizations to become self-sufficient in their expansion and not rely on contributions. "This is a distinctive method for charities," he says.

With the help of an innovative lens, the business has now successfully delivered online instruction. Now, they're able to reach a broader population that they could if they had only instructions in the person. "We are able to think more broadly the health system and across all populations much easier than the demo programmes are able to ."

When it comes to online education, Burke believes that the results are just as good with respect to the time and effort you invest into. "You should be aware that it'sn't easy to make top-quality educational material," he says. "Teaching needs some kind of entertainment to grab the attention of viewers. This isn't about just imparting details. You must to be creative and be able to enjoy yourself ."

Burke suggests that charities collaborate with locals from the areas that they teach in order to develop their curriculum. "It's an amazing idea that organizations collaborate with locals instead of pursuing the idea of being an Americanized instrument, which they are seeking to bring into the ocean. I doubt that it can be a success," he says.

In the end, creating online courses is a fascinating move that could be an important change in the way that charities give to charitable causes and increase the ability of an organization to expand. Being risk-averse, imaginative and thinking outside the norm could help an organization enhance their reach and effectiveness.

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