The Ultimate List of Coaching Templates

Feb 6, 2023

If you're looking to become the top coach in your field then you need an action plan. It should be concrete and tangible. The use of coaching templates in your work with clients is an excellent option to have in your toolbox because they can help you direct and direct your clients to a transformative experience.

The use of coaching templates can be extremely beneficial to

  • The client's objectives should be visualized and record them in ink so that you don't stray
  • Prepare therapeutic contracts to get you and your client to come to an agreement about certain aspects
  • Individualize standard coaching frameworks to suit your client's unique requirements
  • Monitor your session's the progress of your session and make adjustments at any time
  • Create a structure for your coaching to ensure that you don't lose the focus of your clients' core issues.

In order to help you reach your goals to get there, we've put together the most comprehensive collection of templates for coaching coaches similar to you. Let's begin by defining the characteristics of an effective coaching template , and then dive into free coaching templates across five core categories that you can use.

Skip ahead:

What exactly are features of the best coaching templates?

    Inline your style of coaching    

Coaching templates are an essential guideline to follow in how to work with your clients. So, it is important to choose a template that is created to help you remind yourself of your authentic style. We all know how easy it is to get distracted by the multiple coaches and styles that are popular these days!

    Define your framework in full    

A great coaching template allows the coach to explain what can do for each of your clients clearly. It includes blanks to outline your framework for coaching, and can act as the skeleton of every session you're planning.

    Write down your coaching method.    

It is well-known that coaching is not (almost always!) only a once-off consultation. In the end, it's a process to transform individuals to their true potential, which isn't something that can be accomplished within a single one-time appointment. So, the template for coaching can be adapted to fit your process and strategy to reach your goals.

    Determine the approximate timeframe or number of coaching sessions    

Even though coaching is recurring but it is not able to continue for a long time. You have to restrict it to a particular duration. For that, you need to start with a primary number of sessions. These can be decreased or increased depending on the changing demands. A good template takes into consideration that.

    Assistance in the management of your coaching business    

Finally, you also need assistance in managing your coaching business. This is a concern with numerous payment options, signing up processor giving bonuses in terms of discounts. It is also necessary to organize handouts and intake forms that assist your customers in signing to sign up. Good coaching templates have provisions for managing these aspects too.

Let's take a look at 25 coaching templates which can assist you in improving performance for your coaching business.

Here are the most effective templates for coaches to utilize

Below are some important ones that can help you smoothly run your program:

         Receipt Sample Template    

When you receive an amount for coaching fees you should hand an invoice. This receipt template is one of the best which can assist you in creating an excellent professional impression. The basic components remain similar, you can modify them according to the preferences of your.

         Life Coach Bill Template    

If you are successful, you'll be required to begin sending automated invoices in order to simplify your collection process. The invoice template was specifically created for life coaches and looks very professional. You can always modify its specifics as per your setup.

         "My 50" Referral Team Template    

Social proof for coaches is among the most potent areas to bring in new potential business prospects. If you are looking to increase the existing clients you have to create an increase in hot leads, use this template.

         Complimentary Session Vouchers Template    

The free sessions are a fantastic opportunity to get your existing clients in coaching and build loyalty. They are always successful since they're free! Therefore, we suggest saving this template and use it when you are planning to give sessions for free. This stylish template can also help you organize seminars or conference.

         Newsletter Registration Sheet    

After you have acquired clients, the next step is proper onboarding and leading clients effectively on their journey. We'll look at some templates that can help then.

Here are the most effective intake coaching templates to use

The intake templates can be extremely useful for taking on new clients and making sure that you have consent forms neatly collected. This is a regulation in most countries, and you might need to collect specific identification details in certain jurisdictions. The following intake templates below can be modified and adjusted in accordance with your geographic location.

         Coaching Intake Session Checklist & Template

For coaches, the initial session is always crucial because it gives you the opportunity to review a large amount of the details about your clients to account for. The best way to collect and utilize that data is to leverage an intake-session checklist template which gathers wide information about your client. It is recommended to follow this template for free to ensure you're not missing any essential details.

         Client Information Template for Sheets

In certain states, you may be required to keep all information about your client offline. But, there are occasions where it is possible to be able to meet with your client in person. These are the situations where the template for client information sheets can be handy. It'll help you be prepared to easily document your clients' critical information, including contact numbers, problem areas, etc., for looking up later on.

         Welcome Letter Template

If you have already contacted your client and they're ready to enroll in your coaching course, you should ideally also welcome them on board with a friendly letter. This is a great template to warm them up and ensure that they kickstart the transformation process on a positive note.

         Wheel of Life

A key aspect of coaching is to guide your clients through identifying their most problematic areas prior to their coaching. The Wheel of Life coaching template is an excellent tool for the purpose. It addresses many life issues such as money, relationships and health. It was developed in the work of Paul J. Meyer and is available in the form of a pie chart. We'd say save this coaching template for sharing with your clients at the initial stages.

         Thermometer for Emotion

An emotion thermometer is another useful tool to share with clients you've onboarded. You can use it to help them quantify their feelings regarding various emotions. If they feel furious and angry, they will mark a greater number, and so on. You can also customize the temperature of your emotions to meet your coaching needs if you're seeking to address any of the different feelings and emotions.

Although the previous examples of coaching templates are intended commonplace, take a look at examples of coaching templates that cater to different kinds of audiences.

Here are the most effective templates for coaches to help a broad audience

         A Life    

The Life Story Worksheet is an effective coaching tool for your clients to write about their lives in the past, how they envision it today, and how they would prefer it to look in the near future. It helps you to not just assist them but also provides an opportunity to introspect and discover true insight about their own lives. This is a fantastic base for embarking on a transformational trip.

Many people are unable to comprehend the distinction between thinking and emotions. But even at times, people will not understand different emotions and their subtleties. In particular, the majority of people think in terms of fundamental emotions, such as "hate" or "love". People often claim that they "hate certain things" but, really, are trying to mean they hate or are trying to avoid things.

It is important to you as a coach, to educate your clients about the different aspects of the variety of emotions. The emotion Faces coaching template can be a fantastic handout that to give your clients so they can correctly associate faces with different emotions. Trust us, this can also assist in building rapport with your clients.

         Establishing New Habits Tip Sheet    

If your client finds it difficult to develop healthy new habits it is your responsibility to serve as their coach. Just give them this handy habit-building tip sheet with different suggestions to assist them in assessing their habits. As a start point, they'll be better in a position to substitute them with good practices. The program can be modified to fit your needs. details to meet your specific coaching needs also.

         Goal Exploration    

When you plan to help them with their business, career or just life the majority people you work with will require assistance in determining their personal objectives. This template coach is great for people who find it challenging to identify and explore their goals.


A Mandala is a Buddhist-inspired pattern of drawing. It has traditionally been used in eastern traditions to help in meditation. Modern-day coaches often use mandalas for coloring, with the purpose of lessening stress and helping to focus. It is possible to give them at your clients to assist to reduce stress and increase their focus.

If you need to work towards building relationships with an uneasy client, asking them to color in a design of a mandala is a fantastic way to break the ice. In the case of others, you could simply print this out and ask them to color it regularly whenever they're stressed.

Let's now move into a few specific categories.

Here are the best coaching handouts for niche groups

All of us agree that coaching clients aren't identical. They're unique beings, after all, with particular needs. These handouts will be extremely useful when dealing with these individuals. These handouts can help you feel motivated to design your own. These are some of them:

         Corporate Coaching - Tolerations Form for Coaching    

If your coaching clients are in search of business tips, this template can be a valuable tool in your coaching process. Being successful in business demands abilities and strategies that customers need to develop. This template could help determine your client's areas of weakness and guide them to improve.

Career Coach Toolkit  Career Coaching Toolkit

If you're looking for examples of coaching templates to help guide your student in choosing the right job, this template is an excellent choice. It includes a step-by-step user guide that describes how to improve one's career.

Small Business Coach Toolkit Small Business Coaching Toolkit

A lot of small-scale business owners are self-conscious and may require a more specialized approach. Small business coaching is differs from normal business coaching. If that's what you're addressing with your coaching services the free template for coaching is a great choice since it comes bundled with tons of valuable tips.

Self-discovery Toolkit

Sometimes, clients do not have an idea of what they would like to achieve. Coaching is a way for them to find themselves and change their lives. For this, you can use this self-discovery coach toolkit. It clarifies how you can transform people's lives and lay out a robust program outline.

Vision and Goal-Setting Toolkit Goal-Setting Toolkit and Vision

Some clients approach coaches for help setting goals and change the way they think about their lives. This template for coaching is the perfect choice for situations where a framework is needed to help clients establish their goals and see their vision for the future better.

Explore these other templates, too.

The coaching industry is a diverse industry; many coaches have very distinct requirements. We've also put together various miscellaneous templates that can assist you in improving your business style and offer more efficient services to clients.

         Positive Experiences Template    

Every coach is ultimately helping clients improve their self-esteem and develop positive thoughts. A handout that encourages participants to record all the positive experiences throughout their lives can help build confidence in themselves. This template can help your client remember all the good things that happened to them in their lives.

         Strengths Template for Lists    

Most people seeking coaching feel a need to improve at a certain area. As a coach, it's your duty to guide them to recognize their strengths and build self-confidence. Doing so also enhances their assertiveness. Utilize this template for handouts for clients to ensure most effective results on this front.

         Gratitude Exercises    

The majority of people who are unhappy share one thing in common. They're not thankful for all the blessings they possess. If you could aid your clients in understanding this and urge them to become more grateful for every blessing that they enjoy, they'll lead more fulfilling lives. The gratitude exercises can be very beneficial for clients who have many disappointments and resentments.

         Template to Look Backand Looking Forward    

Coaches' task is to assist individuals to consider their futures with optimism and decide what they will accomplish to enhance their lives. When you are faced with a situation where your client is feeling down, guide them to look back and recall all the positive things that have taken place throughout their life. However, it is also vital to remind them that certain bad things happen to everybody, and it is best to reassess their experiences positive. This guideline for coaching can help in those instances.

         Deep Breathing Template    

This is the most effective training template that can be used in this situation. Breathing deeply scientifically aids in helping a person relax and allows them to reduce their anxiety and anxiety levels. You can use this handout for your client to understand how to breathe deep without causing injury to them. You can give them the handout when you've established rapport. aid them to relax in the course of the lesson and after they are back.

  Templates for coaching are fantastic. Sometimes, however, you'll need a little extra something.

There are many templates available to support you at every stage when you are an instructor. Free coaching templates will make it easier in order to speed up and provide an exceptional experience for your customers.

It is best to get your coaching business online. By doing this, you will be able to expand your coaching business by introducing self-guided coaching classes. The simple online platform for designing courses is adored by coaches, teachers, as well as digital creators of content for its ease creating engaging, customized online learning experiences that are sustainable online. Get started for free today to see how courses creation, marketing and selling tools will assist you with the coaching you practice. No tech skills are required.