The Reasons We Created a Slack Community specially designed for SaaS as well as software Professionals ---

Sep 15, 2022
  • Global concentration.
  • Professionals and businesses with more experience (less students and startups in the initial stages).
  • Professionals with moderation.
  • A small amount of time is dedicated to financing rounds or venture capital.
  • A very supportive group with not even a hint of tolerance for inconsiderate or inappropriate behavior.

Indeed, elements such as the international outlook in business as well as skilled moderators (that's me!) are what we'd like to see on the internet forums.

This post examined what the members can expect from the group especially in the comparisons to other groups online.

But, perhaps you're asking, "But what's in it to accomplish ?"

There is an issue to be concerned about, and I'll be attempting to tackle this topic due to reasons (plural) that explain why you should make a investment decision into this venture might not be as straightforward than those who are most skeptical.

Business professionals are skilled. You know how the system operates. Companies don't fund the latest programs in order to aid businesspeople on the internet but they also invest for the advantage of their individual business in some way.

An online community that is successful could provide a method to increase its reach and also generate leads at least occasionally.

Marketing is only one aspect why we're here. It doesn't matter if you're participant or not, we'd like those who are members to profit from joining the organization, or else it will fail anyway.

This is the principle that guides us. We are convinced that our Software as well as our SaaS Community Must Be Good to our customers in order to be successful.

It's not too difficult, however, the key thing to remember is when it's not clear to you that our community can be a positive and enjoyable environment to reside within, you're probably unlikely to become a member of it.

It's vital to its growth -- both for you and for us us to work hard to be the most amazing team we can become part of.

(And In the event that we seem to be not complying with the standards in any way or if you have ideas on how to improve its effectiveness, please we'll be informed. Further details on that are at the bottom of this paragraph.)

What are the benefits of having an online group?

There has to be a motive behind this else there would not be any reason for this is there?

Of course. However, we would like our objectives to be crystal clear.

We'll share with you what we'd love to achieve by this project.

Knowing the most crucial aspects that will benefit your company

A key point that our Chief Executive David Nachman stated to me during an interview regarding the goals and objectives of the community was that the community offers an opportunity to reduce the negative impact that transactions have on the relationship we have with our customers , as well as other software, in addition to SaaS enterprises..

There's a valid reason to be worried: Our services assist with the process of working with companies who are on the internet. Anyone is able to be caught up within the daily routine of managing business transactions.

We offer the service. You earn money and you can continue to use autopilot.

When we allow this to go on for too long , it could render us ineffective at enhancing the efficiency of our B2B company by using strategies that directly affect your company . Also, aiding online companies to be successful is a major aim for us.

The same applies to our customers who are already customers but also to software companies which are contemplating switching to . If you're not sure of the best payment method or merchant of record (MOR) you should use to pay your B2B or B2C or B2C SaaS company, we'd love to hear from you about your concerns and issues you're facing in order to consider this as we continue to develop our products and the features we offer.

For more information on how David wants to know about your business check out the video interview with his members which I conducted in his own capacity as a member:

We've also expanded our ambitions for this community by making individual contributors, executive or entrepreneur members. We believe we're able to learn more about firms (and assist with their needs in a much better manner) by having an array of members.

Our goal is to improve our personal relationships with businesses (and evidently, with people who find or are employed in these businesses) is another reason why we conduct interviews for our members. Alongside helping members acquainted with their fellow members and get to get to know one another better, this also aids in getting to know the members as well as their issues in business.

Improved customer relationship

Learning more about your business will help us strengthen the relationships we have with you regardless of whether you're a customer or not.

Our relationships with our clients are improved by providing members with access to employees that work on behalf of our company .

We have an extensive helpful and timely support system for our customers and clients, and we also have Customer Success managers for a few of our customers who have large or complicated companies.

We are aware that the vast majority of firms can improve how they serve their customers  and improve the relationships with their customers.

99% of the time in a hundred, creating an account is the ideal way to get assistance. Our support staff is equipped efficiently handle requests according to the nature or need of the issue and helps us keep track of the support needs of companies throughout the process of.

(That is also a way of helping us to better understand of the demands of the company.)

It can be helpful to periodically meet with leaders personally in particular people who have the capacity of dealing with an issue that's not connected to the organization and has nothing to do with do with technical issues related with the system. We're a community of experts using our platform. We're far more than end-user technical support professionals.

Product Managers, Tax and Payment experts, customer service specialists and the occasional sales or marketing manager could be on the scene and give similar responses to queries about business. They could even provide an insight into the future for the platform of the business.

Our aim is to make the experience that our customers are having with us to be the type of positive experiences they're telling their acquaintances about. Our belief is that having us more available can increase the possibilities. If you're currently a client who is not had a positive satisfaction with us, our online community can also provide a method to tell us about that.

Yes, Leads

It is an element of the blog, and it should be totally transparent.

Yes, we'd love it to see if some of our customers that aren't currently an official retailer would be willing to join our service.

The good news is that this isn't the only objective of this community.

Our focus is to improve customer service and learning everything possible regarding SaaS and the needs for business software

  1. It's safe to say that the registration process to welcome new customers is only an aspect of our goals in this particular community. Moreover, we will not contact anyone that hasn't indicated their desire via email prior to when we will.
  2. It is more likely of winning new customers when we are able to reach the two objectives that we mentioned earlier, and we'll try our best to meet them.

If the members of our community are able to observe us as attentive to our customers and actively seeking feedback, they'll soon be more interested in the role we play as a commerce marketplace and as a record-keeping merchant they'll witness the work we perform and the care that we give to our clients in person.

If you've considered it before, you could use this as an occasion to begin a new relationship with us a bit more comfortable. Members of the community are able to interact with clients, view the conversations between them and (remotely) get to know those who are part of the business it is.

What are you going to get from joining This Community

The article focussed on just a handful choices offered to GSL members. However, the article didn't cover all options available to GSL members, and it didn't fully discuss the actual benefits accrued by joining an organization like this one.

Although we've set high-level goals for Global SaaS Leaders -- and we're always working towards creating a community for them, these are some benefits we currently provide our software- and SaaS executive leaders founding experts, entrepreneurs, as well as engineers, developers and much more.

Join a Network of Software Professionals From Everywhere Over the World

It doesn't matter if you're a SaaS marketer looking to boost your SEO based on the location, or a cultural and people manager concerned regarding meetings with international clients and international onboarding at a physical location, or that is a SaaS creator looking for advice on how to sell your product in specific markets Reaching out to the global community provides makes "going globally" significantly easier.

So far, we have over fifty countries spread across 17 time zones.

Explore new markets that you're interested in expanding or Introducing

One of the main benefits that comes from having an international community is that you can tap into it for advice when you are trying to break into a new market.

There's a forum to post on the forum, inviting individuals from specific nations to be supportive of you. You can contact me, the principal moderator as well as I'll reach out to members of your area in your place for you.

There's also a thread open for prior questions that are relevant with the SaaS market you're trying join.

There are also videos have been recorded by our members regularly and with people who want to join the organization (like the above video with the Director of the company, David Nachman).

One of the questions we ask interviewees in general is "What's something that's not recognized by the people who are selling process for software in your country?" This type of question can be used intended to aid you in understanding the culture and business rules that may determine the ease of selling software to customers in your country.

Look over SaaS Company Leaders and Experts

While our membership is spread across different roles and levels of experience, we have plenty of executives, SaaS founders, as well as department heads from Global SaaS Leaders who are willing to share their experiences with fellow members.

A few members are software and SaaS creators, who own many SaaS businesses, and other members have been employed by international companies that are well-known, while some are entrepreneurs who made a change in their careers, or even sectors, and have a wealth of expertise in order to give advice.

Additionally, various top managers and leaders are available for help, for example, the Chief Executive Officer as well as our International Tax Director as well as Our Vice Director for Global customer Operations. They're also present in our community since they're eager to help our members the best they can.

example of answer in the Slack community

(For more information about the subject, consult Kurt about this issue and go through his special stand-up talk on SaaS pricing strategies that work: How to Create the best pricing model for SaaStr Europa in the year 2022 earlier.)

We're delighted to answer the kind of queries that arise and we're thrilled to offer conditions where issues like those can be debated among our international partners.

You can make yourself appear as an expert

If you're already regarded as a SaaS professional or an expert in the field, great! We'd like to see you helping the community and enhance your professional and personal standing by sharing your expertise.

In the event that you're struggling to build your reputation in the first place, taking part in professional forums can be a fantastic way to start. It doesn't necessarily mean that you are a part of the elite group as SaaS creators or are experts within the field we are working in. actively sharing our information to other users establishes each of us as being not just educated, but also pleasant and helpful as well. It's also an ideal public image to create.

The Community will develop by the time it develops

This program was first introduced and SaaS community in the month of March 2022. It's grown quickly. We'd like to make the ideal place to allow individuals like you to just "hang out" The space can be adapted and open to new ideas.

For instance, one of our members has recently suggested we incorporate an option to address a certain sort of specific type of usage.

Then, we turned the request into a poll to ask Slack members to submit their opinions on the channels they'd like to see added to the workspace of Slack:

example of poll to members in slack community

Thus, whether you'd like to vote in a quiet way about community updates, or suggest your own ideas We're always open to suggestions!

If you're interested in specific forum channels, service recommendations to service providers LinkedIn and other social media connections, a podcast or facebook group in-person meetups or webinars or just additional instruments or SaaS tools for development across the globe We'd love to hear about it.

Send Your Thoughts

There are numerous avenues members can use to share their opinions outside of the confines of the group, however. One of the latest demands we've heard from our members was to tell us the numbers and benchmarking stats they'd like to have released.

Utilizing these metrics will help software and SaaS business owners better formulate strategies for increasing their revenue.

We'd like to offer relevant and helpful data to creating and successful software and SaaS companies, so we've reached out to individuals directly to find out on whether we are able to obtain benchmarking information that we'd like to accumulate in some point in the near future.

example of opinion question about benchmarking data

The response varied according to retention rates of a specific sector, MRR growth in a particular industry, failure of payments indicators (unintentional convert rate and churn) and convert rate and churn for different regions.

The vote could be taken by members from all backgrounds regardless of circumstance.

It has been mentioned that understanding what's important most to software and SaaS companies is crucial to  us, and that's why we'd like the Global SaaS Leaders community to be a place where you can share your needs and what you have to take care of to take your company up to the next level.

Join the community to learn more about (If you're intrigued)

The poll was released on the channel that is exclusively for members of the community, and is designed so that any discussion that is that are related to (as as opposed general debates on business) is posted to this channel but kept out of our main feed.

This is because we aren't averse to our customers -- particularly non-customersattracted by our constant marketing . We've said before that our software as well as the SaaS community should have an asset to which you could benefit from in order for successful. In our opinion, the use of excessive salesmanship could create an unfavourable impression, and make it appear as a space one that you would not would like to be.

If you're not currently an GSL client, yet you've been thinking about taking a look at GSL as a customer and possibly joining our team and signing up with GSL is a great opportunity to gain more knowledge about the company, by reviewing customer interactions with our leaders, looking at the types of comments and issues users post concerning GSL, and much more. The -specific channel is open to users of all types.

If you don't feel you have the desire to read ? You are free to move off the specific channel and or not even to read. There are many other activities that you can do in the community without having to read articles about platforms that you don't have to research.

Be part of The Global SaaS Leaders Community

We're really happy to be part of this Global SaaS Leaders community already and feel incredibly proud to offer the largest community of social media and discussion forums featuring features like live-streamed interviews video introductions of members as well as an array of opinions from experts.

We'll focus on building communities. As our membership expands, we'll introduce more options. We'd love to provide additional opportunities for networking, such as hosting a podcast. Also, we'll host real-time occasions, as well as integrate social media in the future.

However, if you are already a member of the club, you can be a part of what the club will become in the future.

To maintain a high quality of membership In order to ensure a quality membership , we scrutinize each and every new member applications. There's no automated programs that permit bots or spammers to join. That's why sending your LinkedIn URL is crucial. We would appreciate your patience while I go through your application . Do not be afraid to contact us via email should there are any issues prior to sending your application!


Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is Katie Stephan is the Social Media and Community Manager. Katie Stephan is the Social Media and Community Manager for Katie Stephan, as well as the Moderator for Katie Stephan's Global SaaS Leaders community. Katie Stephan holds earned an MFA in writing creative nonfiction as well as worked as an college instructor of writing.

This article was originally posted here

Article was first seen on here