The Process Millie Adrian Made $400K by Training aspiring social media influencers

Jan 6, 2023

Millie Adrian is on a goal to educate young social media influencers about how they can earn money from Instagram.

Her enthusiasm for the creation of new content started early. In 2008, she launched a YouTube channel along with her brother who was younger, and it continued for nine years. "It was all about having fun," she says. "We created unintentional video clips as well as skits, mock-ups, and skits. We also tried out various ways to present ."

In the wake of her job change at a company in her 20s and she became bored of the creative opportunities that making videos gave her. This is when she decided to have a go Instagram writing on the side of work. She marketed herself as a lifestyle site and published "anything and anything" with photos on fashion, travel, food as well as wine, coffee books, and even her dog.

Her Instagram account @itsmodernmillie rapidly grew as she was asked all kinds of inquiries from her followers. People would like to know what it was that she was doing to grow and how she was able to capture certain photos as well as how she was able garner such a large number of followers. In order to provide her fans with relevant information, she decided to launch an additional YouTube channel. In period, teaching on Instagram was the primary focus.

Check out this article on Instagram

     A blog article that was shared on Twitter by Millie Content Creator Tips (@itsmodernmillie)

"My YouTube started to grow following which Instagram was expanding, which had the impact of helping to help more people," she explains. "I would like to know what platform was the most successful then move on to which one was more profitable. All of them had a way to go over ."

It was October in the month that she resigned from her corporation and began to be an ever-present creator of original content. Since, she's built an Instagram following of 117K, and an YouTube channel with 246k subscribers . She has also developed online course content to be available in 2021. She has already enrolled 600 students, and has earned more than $400,000 in sales. "Next year I'd like to reach seven figures," she says with smiling.

Here are 10 ways she made multiple six figures in her first 16 months of selling materials in the form of classes:

Skip ahead:

  1.       Her intuition instinctually was what she followed
  2.       She's been launching three courses
  3.       She conducted market research to determine the most affordable price
  4.       Her content was designed according to the requirements of her audience. They want to hear what they would like to listen.
  5.       She continually improves the experiences of her students
  6.       The lady was extremely helpful with her knowledge
  7.       She designed a straightforward sales funnel
  8.       She offered freebies for each of the courses.
  9.       She could ward from burning out
  10.       She's steady

HTML0 She listened to her gut feelings

While working on her business, Adrian created content for Instagram as well as Youtube at weekends. It let her reignite the spark in her mind and she soon wanted to continue doing this.

She loved her job between 9-5, she began to feel an uncomfortable "gut sensation" of knowing she was on the verge of achieving more. "I was unable to go to sleep because my internal voice was telling me that I could imagine a better life ahead," she shares. "I realized that there was a possibility of being in more than just the ."

It was decided to quit her position after she always earned at the least half of what she was earning through her previous jobs creating videos. "Everyone will have many different requirements for the change," she says.

After she achieved her goals and was able to reach it, she resigned from her job to enter the market of independent work. It was the 4th October of 2019. With a huge following and plenty of time, she decided that the next step on her career was online course creation.

She also launched three classes.

At present, Adrian has three courses which include The Modern Influencer the highest priced course, costing $997 USD. Email List 101 It is an intermediate course that costs $297 USD. Also, The Reels Roadmap which is her cheapest course at just $97 USD. The courses she offers will help individuals be the creator of content online, but"The Modern Influencer is the primary topic she's working on.

The company was called The Modern Influencer It was a program that introduced in July 2021. The course began with a six-week group coaching conference that cost priced at $597. Then Adrian could make the group program an personal, three-month coaching plan. However, Adrian discovered that she wasn't prepared to teach hundreds of students in one-on-one sessions. Adrian decided to turn"The Contemporary Influencer" into the form of a program that could be recorded.

When she was looking for the ideal online platform to host courses and courses, she found herself drawn by this site because she'd taken a few online classes, and , being a student at college, she was loved by everyone.

"From the perspective of students, it's the most effective way of learning and most straightforward way for them to comprehend."

In addition to offering three classes In addition, she has other products that can be used for upselling at checkouts to boost sales, such as Pitch E-mail Templates, Pitch Slide Deck Template as well as a Media Kit Guide for Media Kit Guide and 100plus Caption Ideas.

HTML0 She carried out market research in order to determine the most affordable price

For pricing this course Modern Influencer, she did market research; she was interested in the prices other authors charged for similar programs, and she compared her course to their programs. "I gained knowledge from the lessons they had taught, and also my method of instruction, not," she says.

"I couldn't find a class covering the usage of Instagram as well as brand collaborations. The course I took brought both to one," continues Adrian. "That's the reason I was able to determine the best cost ."

The content she created was developed based on what her customers desired.

Adrian created her classes, not only on what she was hoping to share, but she also thought about what courses should be included.

The audience were asked how they took an online class through Instagram or Instagram in addition to what information they'd have liked to know but weren't. In the next step, she developed The Modern Influencer's class by "brain-dumping" every bit of information she could come up with onto sticky notes. "The table became an avalanche from sticky notes" she smiled.

These sticky notes had to be laid out alphabetically in arrangement from A to Z providing everything necessary to enable people to move from being completely ignorant about Instagram to being a complete producer of Instagram content. Every Topic was broken down into segments, and other sticky notes evolved into lessons. While she says that her classes are centered on Instagram however, the course is constantly changing; every year, she will add new lessons. Additionally, she is thinking of creating classes for YouTube as well as TikTok as that's what the users are asking for.

Each of her classes are presented in different formats. She alternates between her video presentations and her lectures or slide slides, as well as screen recordings. "It will be contingent on the topic and how I believe students are capable of absorbing information the most efficiently," she says.

In addition, her videos are all pre-recorded. The content isn't live, except for an open Q&A she hosts on her Facebook page.

She strives to enhance the experience of her students

The Facebook group she is within is the place where The Modern Influencer students connect. Students have the ability to stay connected to the group. It also provides a forum that allows students to post any concerns regarding creating content.

Other than the Facebook group Facebook as well as the Facebook group She's been playing in various methods to ensure the people's involvement in The Modern Influencer. The idea is to create a Modern Influencer certificate that proves that they've successfully completed the program and are recognized as an influential. In addition, she's hoping to make connections with those who've attended the class in order to obtain deals related to brands on the PR lists. "I do not want to become an agent. I'm just trying to give the people a path to take," she says.

Additionally, she wants to provide her students with an chance to be part of the course. This would mean Adrian will reimburse students for an amount of the course through sending them to other students. "Those are a few ideas we're considering while we develop the plan of action for next year's class," she says.

The lady was generous by sharing her expertise

Her followers are young influencers who are people who create content and want to be the spokesperson for their online company.

"I don't have a camera for business or any person who doesn't want for an image camera to appear since a large component of my work is the creation of emotions for your viewers through the camera" she states.

As with the students she taught, creating Adrian's stage presence becoming a reality, she had to leave her comfort zone but, she adds, "you don't grow from zones of comfort."

She believes she developed her name by spending time doing research for her own. "For several years, I was a regular participant in online webinars for free and analyze how other people's activities were going on," she says. "I quickly noticed a shift within my personal life, and started to purchase online courses that would get what I was looking for ."

Her top tip to assist content creators in building their credibility is to share what they want to teach Her belief is that creators of content should not be watchdogs over the information they share.

"Don't hide your abilities, however you must be open about the knowledge which you have.Once I decided to put my 'no-go' attitude to put it off' and got started giving my knowledge to others with no intention to get money, people found my work."

She created a simple funnel for sales

Instead of getting scared of sales funnels with a lot of complexity, Adrian chose to make his sales funnels as simple as it is.

The weeks leading up to when the launch of The Modern Influencer during the time prior to the time she launched The Modern Influencer She created an open list of waitlists using the Google form. The details were then published on her website and every one the social media accounts. When she finally began her project, she received a roaring audience waiting for her email messages.

The course creators should avoid funnels that scare people away. Instead, she suggests they build a basic funnel like waitlists to ensure that they will generate leads and convince customers to buy their course once the course has been released.

The instructor gave away freebies with every course

Presently, her sales funnel is more comprehensive and she offers the freebies that are in sync with her courses. "When customers download the freebie, or responds to it, they're then included in an automated email which then upsells users with the emails they receive," she explains.

For the Modern Influencer She will host a webinar lasting an hour which will provide a 100-day Instagram plan - that is i.e. how you can reach 10,000 followers and make $1,000 within 100 days. When they've completed their instruction program, the participants get offered the same program.

Thanks to her Email List 101 course, the course is free. A ten-page PDF that shows users how to grow and maintaining their email lists. In the Reels Roadmap course, she provides a freebie to teach viewers how to increase the quality of their views, draw attention to themand assist in making reels go viral.

She battled in the fire.

The business of Adrian is growing rapidly, but it came at the cost of her mental health.

Even though she could have had the perfect job, she was caught in a cycle of work excessively. "I was working every single minute of the day," she says.

After a string of stressful events and burnouts after the day that she began the course, and then was prompted to employ an assistant to manage the administration of her company. "If I don't create the content I want to share with my business the company dies," she explains.

Now, she is in the role of digital business administrator along with a funnel strategist. She is an engaging and knowledgeable community expert. She is an assistant virtual and video editor, brand collaborations manager , SEO expert. She is also the position of an administrator for Pinterest administrator. With the help of a team, she's been in a position to create guidelines which are more formal and individual to care for herself. What's the result? A chance to concentrate on creating content rather than becoming something that can be a nuisance. "I've had to learn lots about myself so that I don't hit the tipping point," she says.

She is unchanging

One of the most important things that Adrian learned during her own content creation journey -as also her experience with burnout is it's not a sprint. Adrian recommends other content creators adopt this approach and also to avoid burnout and developing enterprises that will last.

"You're on the long run," she explains. "You aren't requiring results immediate or immediate satisfaction."

She suggests creators be working on their businesses each day, in smaller pieces. "It doesn't have to be everything happens at once," she adds. "This is the kind of game that lasts. If you're doing your best improving your efficiency by just 1% every single day. If you do it each day at a time and in three years, you'll experience the most success than any other person has attempted to achieve in one ."

The most famous accomplishment she has had been the accomplishment of getting her the YouTube Play Button -- an award given to one of the platform's most popular channels. "It has been the most rewarding experience in my life" she says with a smile. "I want to travel back to the past and show 12 year old Millie that her dreams that were in her mind might come to fruition. ."

One thing she'd wish she had opportunity to tell her self is to be a believer in the process. If you're a aspiring web creator, she advises that you be focused on the advantages that come of a steady and slow progress. "Don't consider the amount of time needed to complete your project," she advises.

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