The Meet Fast Film: Inside "'s Year's End Interactive Video

Dec 16, 2022

Participate in the video. Read the rest of the article to find out why we built the site.

Quality content that is captured

To start with, we sought out people from our network of talents worldwide which includes creative directors from the Netherlands along with filmmakers from UK filmmakers, directors from the UK animators from Australia and NGO activists groups from Nigeria for just some.

They were then required to carry their smartphones, laptops, and cameras to provide three answers to questions on the next year's events:

  •     What is your goal this year?
  •     What do you look for this year?
  •     What are the most significant issues you anticipate for 2023?

The reactions they received were an example of the power of the people in the group, such as this from the Creative Director and Soursop creator Ravi Amaratunga Hitchcock...

"In the individual streams of our lives, we could be limited, however collectively, we can accomplish huge huge, massive big, and massive big, massive big, massive, and huge."

...and endless possibilities of storytelling. I love this line by Staff Pick filmmaker Faith Briggs.

"I am not looking to create amazing stories. I like sharing stories that have meaning."

streamlining the process of posting

After editing each video submitted, we knew we needed each element of the film to be able be able to stand alone. We created a variety of supercuts that feature our most popular responses to the questions above.

In the hopes of a future of interaction, the team created some guidelines that help transform the video from raw footage and sizzles to an immersive experience.

  •     Incorporate an interactive element into the first 10 seconds of    
  •     Set a duration of between 15 and :20 in between each hotspot    

Imagine the possibility of interactivity interactivity

"Making videos interactive can be the key to bringing value," says Jen Mendler, a Senior Designer at . "Our team did the majority of the job by offering insights into the coming year. And we developed a video experience that puts users in the driving seat. It's all about deciding the future of your life in 2023."

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