The live stream at SXSW Blueprints to create better stories

Mar 25, 2023

Check out the highlights from the full chat. Questions and answers of the chat were edited for clarity.

On writing great characters:

Mark: "Everything starts with writing. This is the premise that explains the story's origins. four office workers who screamed in a speech was not enough to get me excited. Making great characters was essential to unlock the plot. The authors had a lengthy amount of time reflecting on the characters they encountered, as well as how they contrast with and collaborate, and what we can do with the characters to make an engaging and entertaining story.

We wanted to highlight this issue as well as each person's shortcomings to be more usable. It's all in the authenticity. is. I try to make things imperfect and appreciate that since this is the reason why characters are adorable. This is why you like it.

It is important to not imagine these movies as ordinary commercials. I enjoy digging deep into the background of each and every individual. More details are better. Every backstory gives specific details about the character's character right starting from the beginning. Design fashions, design, and clothing. The viewers will know the character they are watching. That's the reason I designed these characters in order allow actors to take on the roles they want to the role, and it is evident this when you watch. If you are willing to sit down and watch all three films, you'll begin to feel the continuous effects."


Mark: "My tip would be to have a meeting with someone who look like yourself. Do the best job you can. The advertising world is neatly presented. This is a method which cuts off the edges of the characters and stories are separated. I would suggest pushing to the contrary, and don't be afraid to tell the world the way it really is.

The first film I shot using Apple I saw a guy who was playing with the tablet. The child was chewing on the tablet and then later during the filming, everyone is watching each other and wondering "What do you think he's doing?" The constant question is "Oh is it possible to smash this? Do we have a plan? Would it be possible to make an ice-cream cup?" Simply make it real. Look for the truth in the writing, the stories we're telling. The reason people find themselves drawn by the stories and entertainers and why they make these characters and stories attractive."

Integrating the product

Mark: "How you see the film's product is extremely intelligent. The entire film is based on the screenplay. I strive to make the product as a central aspect of every scene. I research the product before creating scenes around it. It is the product that will bring us from this point to. If you incorporate the product into a story like this, it's not just an item. It's an integral element of the story are being told."

On taking risks:

Nothing is more exciting than being able to push your boundaries than for the purpose of creating an unforgettable entertainment experience, and create a lasting relationship with your company. My belief is that it's vital to be aware of that you must be prepared to take risk in order to build lasting connections with those you're putting your faith in also. Marketing is usually shielded or protected from this work. But, if you strip away a layer, you can communicate with individuals exactly as their counterparts."

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