The live feed from SXSW Blueprints for more compelling stories

Mar 24, 2023

Check out the highlights of the entire chat. Answers to questions from the interview were altered to be more succinct.

On writing great characters:

Mark: "Everything starts with writing. The basic idea of the storyline of four office workers chatting in a conference, wasn't exactly exciting. However, creating great characters helped unlock the story. We spent a lot of time thinking about who these people were, what their appearances like, how they differed and complement one other and how we could use the characters to create something entertaining and funny.

We wanted to highlight the problem and each character's flaw so that they could be more relatable. The authenticity is in the details. My goal is to create imperfection in everything, then to celebrate it, because this is the reason why characters are loved. That's why you like it.

It is important not to imagine these films as commercials that are normal. I love digging deeper into every character's backstory. More details are more interesting. Each backstory provides information to the characters right starting from the beginning. This includes the design and style of production as well as the wardrobe. The viewers are able to understand the character they are watching. That's why I made these characters for the actors to inhabit the roles which is apparent this when you watch it. If you start looking at these three films you'll begin to feel the effects that continue to play."


Mark: "My tip would be to speak to people similar to the person you are. Be as truthful as possible. Much of the marketing has been fine-tuned. It's a procedure where the edges of the characters and stories are so sanded back. The best advice I can give is to step off from the process, and be confident to share with the world what's really happening.

In the very first film I made with Apple and iPad, I had one person licking the tablet. I made this kid play with the tablet and when we were on the set, everyone is thinking, "What the hell's he doing?" I'm constantly telling them "Oh is it possible to smash this? Do we have to think about it? Can I use it as coasters?" Simply make it real. Find out what's true inside your work and the stories that we tell. That's what draws readers to the people love characters and stories."

In integrating the product

Mark: "How you see the products in these films are extremely stimulating. Everything is based on the story. I try to use the product as a central part of each scene. I draw sketches of the product and then create scenes around it. It's the product that needs to take us from where we are to. When you integrate your product in a narrative such as this it's not just a marketing gimmick because it's an integral part of the story that the story you've created."

On taking risks:

It's essential to be willing to risk in order to create entertaining entertainment and build a rapport with your company. My opinion is that the primary thing to consider is to be prepared to risk it all as well as establish solid relationships with the people you're taking chances with also. Advertising is often protected or sheltered from that work. If you take off some layers that cover advertising, you'll have the ability to communicate with people in the same way as people."

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