The Featured Customer Carey Nieuwhof -

Nov 11, 2022

This month's customer spotlight is Carey Nieuwhof. Carey is an writer an entrepreneur, leader in addition to a coach. Carey is an instructor of online training courses which help develop stronger congregational leaders, church leaders and entrepreneurs.

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling authority, author, and podcaster. He is a an ex-church planter, lawyer and church planter. He has extensive experience helping organizations help their leaders navigate through change and enhance their personal development. Carey's mission is to help those who want to become effective as leaders by educating his clients how they can lead their lives in ways which will enable their success for the future.

Take a look the way Carey developed a business she has been successful by with .

Bundling of thought-provoking course

When you're on Carey's home page You'll be able to see a tidy design with attractive colors and clear call-to-action. A navigation sticky bar follows users as they navigate and allows you to easily navigate to different parts of the site.

One of the main highlights of the site by Carey is his online course listings. You can hover your cursor over "Courses or Academies" on the menu, the entire course catalog from Carey's website pops up, built by .

The Art of Leadership Academy is Carey's premiere course , demonstrating clever course bundling at its finest. The Academy site gives students with a peek into the how they function and how they can aid.

The pricing is transparent and provides two options with a money-back promise. If you have to be aware about the product prior to buying the item, an FAQ under the price provides information to ensure you are confident when purchasing.

The extensive use of features

After logging in as a student at Carey's Academy, you'll be able to see the best designed and constructed courses, which incorporate many the most popular features of Carey's.

Carey's Academy makes use of enroll features, pictures, and course descriptions to keep learners in the loop and engaged to their programs.

Playing with Playing around with Grid settings can allow users to locate courses which are registered quicker as well as keep your students engaged with your site.

Within the Art of Leadership Academy, Carey has included the indicator of progress in order in order to let students know that the course has been completed following each lecture. Students are encouraged to keep going with the entire course until they see the progress bar grow to 100 percent. It also lets users to track the point they left when they come back to the course.

Carey's academy makes great use of the feature Profile Block/Shortcode which helps students keep track of their progress by returning to the profile pages.

Profit from Your Experience

Carey Nieouwholf uses to monetize his experience and you can, too! There's an array of methods to incorporate them into your website. Which strategies can help you meet your education goals for your company, students or even your products?

Do you want to go for an experience exam? The course can be experienced from a student's or creator's perspective in our Demo, which is free.

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