The art of the event recap video

Jun 1, 2023

However, before you realize it, all the months of planning are done quickly In the average, organizations need 3 to 6 months for preparing and promoting the event in a tiny virtual format. Creating event recap videos are the best way to make sure your event's content is viewed even after the event wraps up.

Videos of event recaps are an effective way to increase brand awareness, promoting future events and reaching more of your potential customers.

In this article we'll discuss the best practices, tips, and some examples of how you can create shareable event recap videos that will not only assist attendees remember the highlights but also encourage people to sign up for the next event.

In this article

  1.    What is an event recap video?
  2.    What is the reason to make and distribute recaps of events videos?
  3.    How to create and distribute event recap videos
  4.    Event recap video best practices
  5.    The wrap-up

What is an event recap video?

Event recap videos are usually about one-to three minutes in length. They are designed to give the viewer a clear idea of what the experience was.

These edited video clips are added to on-brand images, and even music, to make memorable images of the occasion. Here's an instance of the event held in collaboration and The Vendry in Los Angeles.

How do you create and distribute footage of recaps?

Videos that recap events help marketers understand the essence of events. The attendees can revisit the event even those who were unable to go might be inspired to sign up next time.

Event recap videos also help to make your budget for production higher, which means your event can continue to be entertaining, educate, and delight after the final curtain call.

Increase your ROI while creating evergreen material

Following weeks of careful plan, you'll want your event to be forgotten after the event is over. Recap videos help maximize your event's exposure and ensure it is at the forefront of your audience's mind.

It's also a method of repurposing event footage into content that is evergreen and earning more value from your initial investment. Make use of event recap videos to make web-based news, or newsletters for subsequent promotional campaigns.

Increase the visibility of your event, and boost conversions

By publishing event recap videos, you'll reach a broader audience of people who didn't go to the occasion. People who couldn't be there or weren't informed about the event could nevertheless experience the highlights of your event and gain an understanding of its value, and perhaps get enticed to attend your next event.

An increase in engagement can result in conversions such as more event registrations, subscriptions, or sales.

Latha Youngren, the CMO of the event control software Tripleseat Tripleseat, claims that the video recap of their annual conference EventCamp helps them across multiple digital marketing initiatives and in promoting their company brand's culture.

   "Beyond the actual recap content it also serves other reasons. We use it when promoting the next EventCamp in emails, social media posts, blog posts, as well as paid-for videos. It's an excellent way to show our customer service and company culture when seeking awards for events."

Make sure you are able to demonstrate the accomplishments of your occasion

Videos of recaps are visually representation of a great event. Through displaying testimonials from attendees as well as positive reviews, and an overall positive vibe of the event, marketers will be able to convince people that there is value in their event. Anyone who hasn't participated before get the chance to see what they've missed from.

How to create and distribute videos of event recaps

The secret to creating a memorable footage of a recap of the event is in the preparation. Decide on the story you would like to convey and how you will do it prior to creating. Then, create a well-thought out distribution strategy so you are able to get it noticed by your target audience.

Make sure to plan your recap video prior to the event is over

Prior to your event, develop an outline of the key moments you want to be able to add in your review video.

Latha of Tripleseat Explains that the key to a successful conference recap video is lots of planning. Before the company's annual conference begins, they know what they want to do for their post-video content.

"At Tripleseat, the planning starts well before EventCamp commences. We determine the kinds of images we'd like add to the film, the most appealing venues within the event, high-profile speakers, and attendee reactions", she says.

"We hire with a local videographer. We brief them about what they should film, the vibe of the background music, the size of work and the deadline."

Choose your audience of choice and the key messages you want to convey

A video of a recap event created by past participants may appear distinct from one that is designed for future attendees that convince them to register. Before your videographer begins filming make sure you know the objective of your video and the intended audience.

Do you want to use it as the highlight reel, social proof, a teaser to show you next year's events or a different idea? If you are clear on the message you want to convey in your recap video it'll be much easier to create your narrative.

Nebojsa Savicic is the co-founder and CEO of video automation software Simply Says that the recap video should make your audience feel like that they attended the event.

"You must come up with a plan. You should think about the message you want viewers to learn in the film. Are they looking for the best of the show such as the keynote speaker or a behind-the-scenes look? When you've got a clear concept of what you want to achieve then you'll be able to map out the contents for your video."

If you wish to make sure that those who attended your event in the past remember it, you may choose to feature key learnings and the highlights of Q&A sessions. A teaser that is designed to encourage future sign-ups may include more testimonials and footage of the overall energy of the event.

As an example, Snap uses their event recap video to generate anticipation for their newest release of features.

The format should be based on channel specs

The way you present your video depends upon the channels that you use. So, think about which orientations are best for your preferred platforms.

Build a distribution strategy

A distribution plan can help get more eyes on the video. Before you hit publish make a list of all the channels you want to make use of to market the video recap. Place it on the sites where your target audience is most likely to visit.

Today, 60% of marketers make use of social media to drive virtual event registrations -- if the audience you want to reach is on social media, it's a good idea to post a summary video.

Latha Youngren explains the process by which Tripleseat posts the video to several places to maximize its reach.

"We release our recap video in with attendees in follow-up emails and publish them in various social media pages, and ask employees to spread the word to their networks, embed it into a recap blog post, and also on our EventCamp site," she says. "We are also tagged participants and speakers in the video, so that they are informed and able to share it with their networks."

"We improved the quality of the video by using keywords like 'marketing conference review,' industry insight as well as 'networking's results. After that, we transcribing the video, created an SEO-friendly landing page for our site, and then embedded the video alongside the blog's compelling post," she says.

"Our video recap went viral, creating buzz within the market and garnering thousands of views. It boosted our brand's visibility and helped establish us as a thought leader, and generated leads."   Maria Harutyunyan, co-founder & Head of SEO at Loopex Digital

Timing is everything

The time you share your recap video will depend on the purpose you're trying to achieve. If you're hoping to interact new participants, and remind them about the key lessons learned and highlights, you should try to post shortly after the event, so that they can remember it.

If your aim is to encourage sign-ups for your next event within three months, then post your video during the months before the event.

Event recap video best practices

Are you ready to make a video of your event? Make sure you follow these 3 top tips before you get to work.

  1. Short and sweet

Your event recap video is brief summary of all the action -- it is not a blow by blow account of all the events that took place.

Pay attention to your viewers' time and attention span. For instance, Nexus created a recap video in just two minutes, and also included the perspectives of attending industry thought leaders.

If you have footage that isn't being used that you don't want to use, consider transforming the footage into posts for social media or other promotional videos and reduce your budget for production.

  1. Add social proof

Integrating social proof into your business helps you gain the trust of your customers. When potential attendees see the positive experiences recent participants enjoyed They may be more inclined to register for your next event.

Online business community Tweak Your Biz, includes social evidence in their recap video in which they ask speakers and attendees to discuss the highlights from their experiences.

  1. Showcase big names

If you've hosted any famous brand names, thought-leaders in the industry or influential people, you should feature them in your content. This is a type of currency on social media that could get other users to join the next issue.

Additionally, if you tag these people or their brands in your content, they may reshare the video to their friends which will increase the reach of your content.

For example, the artistic festival SXSW includes well-known TV and film personalities such as Robert Downey Jr, Elizabeth Olsen and Eva Longoria in their daily event recap.

FAQs on event recap videos           1. What length should an event's recap video last?

A video of an event is expected to last within one or three minutes. It ought to be closer to a highlight reel than the full-feature film.                 2. What are the benefits of videos that recap?

Event recap videos have several important advantages, including:

  • Expand the reach of your event
  • Maximize the return on investment of your event
  • Encourage future participants to sign up
  • Establish trust with your public

The wrap-up

Video recaps of events can help those who weren't there feel like they were part of the event and inspire participants to register for the next time. These videos can also be a means to ensure that your material is available to keep participants engaged long after the program has concluded.

From highlight reels to attendees' testimonials, event recap videos help broaden your event's reach. Use these suggestions and examples in mind when you plan to highlight the highlights of your event, build social proof as well as increase the number of people who sign up.