
Feb 10, 2023
the code company (1)

HTML0The Code Company founder Ben May talks at an exhibit (c) thecode.co

The Code Company, a specialist agency, focusing on the digital publication industry, ranks one of  its top partners. They're WordPress experts , and focus on large-scale design, migrations and integrations. They've designed hundreds of tech stacks to help hundreds of publishers.

The company recently relaunched Substack which is the largest The Dispatch, a publication which provides information and analysis on policy, politics and culture. The publication is valued at $1.9 million and boasts hundreds of readers. I spoke to Stacey Clark who is part of the partnership and communications team about the business as well as the services they provide:

"Our Director Ben May has been using technology to address issues from grade 10 onwards" states Stacey. "He made his first website for a local business when he was 12, and earned an amount of $400." Ben was aware of a new business opportunity in addition to an opportunity to pursue a career in the field which is why he started his first business at the age of 22.

Code Company Code Company didn't plan to venture into publishing. However, it did win a couple of publishing clients in the beginning. Stacey adds: "We've carved out a specific area of expertise that focuses on creating technology for digital publishers , as well as moving from different platforms to WordPress as well as establishing membership services and advertising technology. The initial phase was as neutral on the platforms, but we quickly discovered that a lot of platforms were a disaster! We currently make use of WordPress We also had numerous "rescue operations' across different platforms."

"The crucial engineering aspect, that goes into publishing websites, is what we address," Stacey continues. We help publishers solve complicated issues related to WordPress and help them utilize technology in order to "increase the amount they earn, generate greater efficiency within their business and minimize the risks that come to technology used within business".

Stacey and I are convinced that technology is becoming more 'technical'. This is a crucial aspect in publishing. "Sometimes there are journalists, content creators and marketing professionals who are using technology. They need to be able utilize technology, and not need to contact a developer every five minutes.These folks are "wordspeople" and not technologists."

Code Company helps people develop or move to technology stacks. Code Company helps these people develop or adjust to the technology stacks, making the stacks independent "They require a technology which can perform the same things it used to achieve, however it is done in a more simplified way. We frequently work with webmasters who have sites which are reliant on technological advances. The majority of plugins do not provide everything that they want therefore we think it's far more effective to design an integrated system that is custom-built to be sure that you're getting the capabilities you require while preserving any attributes that don't."


The Code Company works with content businesses of all sorts that span from small-scale media to big entertainment companies. Recently, they were able to launch Wondermind the Mental Health content platform, which was backed by a celebrity Selena Gomez and Newsette CEO Daniella Pierson. Following the launch, Bhavik Trivedi, who is the chief operating officer at Wondermind said: "I've never had a flawless launch. Until now. The site was first launched at midday and then gradually scaled as traffic spikes and all of the integrations we made were perfect."

thecodeco wondermind

HTML0 The brand-new Wondermind Content Hub (c) thecode.co

They also partner together with Nine The largest entertainment company which is located in Australia. "We created their corporate website and also their publication drive.com.au which is one of the top sites for cars in Australia as well as Future Women A website for women who want to join who work." Code Company also launched the Code Company also launched eBay's local ads site. "That was an important event because they had previously not been able to acquire regional leads before that and started receiving Australian leads because of the website," Stacey confirms. "We are currently launching an entirely new site called Science Alert, which is one of the most important magazines in the US. It's published from Australia and the majority of its readers come out of the US. This was an idea that we were working on for around an entire year!" she remembers.

It appears that the company's best fit is working with publishers that are a small and looking at scaling. "We want to know how do you demonstrate the ability to produce? What can we do to help you get your stack of technology in best shape to grow your business and grow?" Stacey declares. This is the location where the bulk of customers from The Code Company are located This could include non-traditional media organizations including news websites Crikey and Her Campus, women-led students' media organization located in The US (that The Code Company changed to Drupal and later moved from Drupal to WordPress).

The PT0CpapgDKohJvS2XTfd The HerCampus.com Content hub can be accessed across a variety of devices (c) thecode.co

"We assist smart and ambitious creators that are frustrated or overwhelmed with their current technology, which they prefer or CMS (content management software)," Stacey adds. "They're seeking our help seeking alternatives as they're finding that their current platform is restricted by their capabilities. The platform doesn't have a lot of flexibility and they receive the vast majority of their earnings." Additionally, it's growing more important for all artists to get data from primary organisations. "They're only able get the data from platforms like Substack. We're building custom creator stacks to allow users to manage their own audience," she explains.

Solutions and Services

Customers who are customers of Code Company could be the one who created their site on their own or employed a third party to design it. In either case, they're using a variety of plugins. "As they've advanced, the problems begin to show up and they're unable to solve them on their own. As a result, there's a lot of complaints from clients. The restaurant isn't doing what they'd like accomplish. It's not always as simple as adding something new to the menu," she says.

Mike McPhate at the California Sun confirms: "The biggest problem with my former membership site was that it was filled with inconsistencies and confusion about how to use it. I received emails nearly everyday from frustrated users. After I created the site in conjunction with The Code Company and , I no longer get those emails from readers which is fantastic!"

thecode.co California Sun

The California Sun (c)thecode.co

We all know that the speed and speed of website performance is crucial for webmasters "If the website is not performing, the publisher could lose many thousands in money" Stacey continues. "And it's not uncommon for hackers to hack one application, and then sticking to that same program. They're losing speed until the company is no more. They'll join us with the huge, creaking technology stack. They'll be conscious of the possibility of the website slowing down because of efficiency."

Publishers are increasingly are looking to diversify their revenue streams This is why many are looking into memberships and subscriptions. "We must come up with an option that's safe and efficient. Our main job is to research new tools and methods that will change the ways that publishers function," she says. Code Company Code Company works specifically with subscription solutions to bypass the what Stacey refers to as "leaky paywalls". The founder of Code Company explains this: "We've worked with other services for membership before, and found it to be easy to avoid the paywall. If your model of business is as a publisher and is based on selling the content it offers to its customers, it could be an problem."

Events and new projects will be announced shortly.

"The economics of creation are booming," Stacey notes. "Creators are coming to the acceptance that SaaS platforms don't come without limits and are exploring different alternatives. Diversification is a requirement that will not go away for publishers. But, it's important to continually look for new methods to connect with people with specific and unique content. Subscriptions aren't only their source of revenue They also offer the potential of being closer to your viewers that can boost their involvement."

"There are still print publications accessible that aren't entirely digital. But, we're receiving inquiries from those who understand that for them to remain in existence, they'll need to move to digital, and subscription services could comprise a portion of that."

The context for recent events "Ben is an extremely well-known name when it comes to conference occasions," adds Stacey. Recently, Ben gave a talk in the Mumbrella conference for publishers in Australia as well as WordCamp US in San Diego. His talks about the creation economy. He also put a focus on the'minimal publisher's needs and ways publishers can take advantage of the resources they have. It is also possible to get advice from authors for larger publishing companies that often use subscription-based services.

the code company (2)

     Ben May is the founder. Ben May is a familiar name at conferences. (c) thecode.co

The founder of the business is a specialist with a profound grasp of market. "Ben's worked in this field for a long time; never a question he's not competent to answer," says Stacey. "The feedback I get from my clients is that when they encounter issues, it's possible to pay another agency about two weeks before looking into. Code Company's technology can solve the problem within twenty minutes via phone, as they've been through all of the issues. This is a huge advantage for any business with that kind of capability to tackle problems."

To conclude, Stacey says: "Publishing or managing a site doesn't need to be as complicated like many think it should be. The primary goal we have as a firm is to keep things simple." Both of us are convinced that it's simple to become lost in new technology or themes, or even plugins "these flashing lights won't be capable of helping the needle in any meaningful way," she smiles.

Code Company is a company that believes in "smart simple." Code Company revels in "smart easy" it seems. Stacey states: "We offer the chance to work with a technology firm that can help get the results you desire by using the most simple method to reach your objectives and not simply using an unintentional buzzword."

More details

For more information about The Code Company, to study case studies of previous integrations and migrations, as well as to learn more about working together, go to The Code Company's website at thecode.co.

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