
Feb 10, 2023
the code company (1)

The Code Company founder Ben May talks at an event at trade shows (c) thecode.co

The Code Company, a professional firm that focuses on digital publishing. It's one of the preferred partner companies. They are WordPress specialists, and are currently involved in huge overhauls of integrations, migrations and migrations creating many tech stacks that are used by many publishing firms.

The company recently introduced Substack the giant The Dispatch, a publication with information and analyses on politics, policy, and culture, valued at $1.9 million and has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. I was able to talk with Stacey Clark from the team of partnerships and communications regarding the business and its products:

"Our Director Ben May has been using technologies to address issues since he was 10" says Stacey. "He built his first website for a local company when he was 12 and earned 400 dollars." Ben recognized a potential to grow his business and also the possibility of a future career this which is why he launched his very first business at 22.

Code Company Code Company didn't plan to venture into publishing but is gaining some publishers at first. Stacey declares: "We've carved out a market by developing tools to help publishers publish using digital platforms, in addition to shifting away from the other platforms and onto WordPress and building membership capabilities along with advertising technology. We started out not a platform-specific company, but we soon realized that most platforms were not working! Today, we exclusively utilize WordPress There were numerous efforts to rescue other platforms."

"The essential engineering work that involves publishing websites is what we do" Stacey continues. We assist publishers in resolving complex problems using WordPress and devise techniques that make use of technology to "increase their revenue, generate better efficiency in their businesses and reduce the risks associated with technology for businesses".

Stacey and I both convinced that technology is becoming less technological', and this is essential to publishing. "Sometimes editors, writers and content creators as marketers that use technology. They need to be able use it without ringing developers every 5 minutes.These can be described as "words people" and not technically skilled individuals."

The Code Company helps these people develop or transition to technology platforms that help them become self-sufficient "They require an answer to achieve the same goal previously, but in a much simpler manner. The Code Company often works with webmasters who have sites which are struggling to pay off tech debt. Often a plugin won't give all features that they require. We think it's more beneficial to build a complete system that is specifically designed to give users exactly what they want, and nothing they do not."


The Code Company works with content organizations of all types which range from small , independent publishers to large entertainment companies. They have recently launched Wondermind the center of information for mental health , which is being supported by the well-known Selena Gomez and Newsette CEO Daniella Pierson. In the wake of the launch, Bhavik Trivedi, Chief Operation Chief Executive Officer of Wondermind stated: "I've never had a flawless launch. Until now. It was launched in the middle of the day. and then grew in size with the increasing visitors and the integration was flawless."

thecodeco wondermind

The brand-new Wondermind Content Hub (c) thecode.co

They also partner with Nine that is the most important entertainment firm in Australia. "We designed their corporate website and also their publications drive.com.au which is the country's most popular auto website as well as Future Women, a membership website designed for women who have become professional." Code Company also launched the Code Company also launched eBay's local ads section. "That was crucial because there was no local leads prior to the launch and began receiving Australian leads due to that website," Stacey confirms. "We are currently launching a brand new website called Science Alert, which is one of the top science publications in the US. It is run by Australia and the majority users are from the US. The project was one that we'd been working on for an entire year, in addition to a quarter of the year!" She recollects.

It appears the highest-paying area is working with smaller, established publishing houses that want for ways to grow. "We want to know  what you can do to prove you're ready to publish? What can we do to get your business as well as your technology to be in good condition in order to boost your profits?" Stacey states. The Code Company is probably that is where the bulk of customers that are part of The Code Company are located In particular other non-traditional media firms including news sites Crikey and Her Campus, one of the few all-female student media business in The US (that The Code Company changed to Drupal for the purpose of switching to WordPress).

thecodeco hercampus

The HerCampus.com content hub that can be accessed by different devices (c) thecode.co

"We help creative and creative creators who feel frustrated or frustrated by their platform of choice and the CMS (content managing system)," Stacey adds. "They're in search of alternatives to their platform due to the fact that they're finding their CMS isn't able to do the things they are able to do. It's not easily adaptable in addition to earning a huge portion of their income." In addition, it's becoming more important for all creators to obtain first-party information. "They're only accessing information through platforms such as Substack. We're developing custom creator stacks that will allow creators to own their own audiences," she explains.

Services and solutions

The clients from The Code Company may be the ones who built their own website and/or enlisted someone else to create the website. Whatever the case, they're employing a number of plugins. "As they've grown through their process, their software is deteriorating and they're no longer able to fix the issues on their own. The result is problems and concerns from the readers. they aren't able to accomplish what they want to accomplish. Sometimes, they're not able to accomplish something that is as simple as adding an item to the menu" the writer affirms.

Mike McPhate at the California Sun says: "The biggest problem with my old membership site was the fact that it was rife with glitches and unclear instructions on how to use it. I got emails almost daily from users who were unhappy. Since I developed the website jointly with The Code Company and , I'm no longer receiving those messages from users. this is just fantastic!"

thecode.co California Sun

The California Sun (c)thecode.co

Performance is an important factor for publishers "If they fail to perform, they could be losing hundreds of dollars" Stacey continues. "And they're constantly playing around with one program and putting to a different one. They're losing efficiency until their company isn't efficient and no longer profitable. We'll be joining them, this big creaking tech stack, fully aware the possibility of their website shut off from service because of the speed."

An increasing number of publishers are seeking at ways to diversify the sources of their income. They are looking more closely at subscriptions and memberships. "We must come up with the best solution to make it reliable and safe. Our main task is analyzing techniques that are transformative for publishers," she says. Code Company Code Company works solely on the concept of membership. This is to stop"leaky paywalls," as Stacey describes as "leaky paywalls". Stacey declares: "We've worked with other subscription options before and we've found it easy to bypass the paywall. If your model of business relies on publishing content and relies on content that has to be paid for, it creates an issue that is huge."

The next events and projects are being planned in the near future.

"The market for creators has increased exponentially," Stacey notes. "Creators are beginning to realize the fact that SaaS platforms are not without limits and are looking into alternative avenues. Diversification is an essential requirement that will never go away for the publishers, however it is essential to continually look for ways to reach out to audiences with more personalized and relevant contents. Subscribers are not just bringing an income, but they also provide the possibility of being more connected to the viewers, which will increase their the degree of engagement."

"There exist print publications that aren't online and we're seeing requests from people who realize that to compete against their competitors, they'll need to change to digital. A subscription service is one of the possibilities."

Recent events "Ben is well-known in conference circles," adds Stacey. Previous to that, Ben gave a talk at the Mumbrella Publisher Conference located in Australia in Sydney in addition to WordCamp US in San Diego. The topic was the creation economy, with a focus on the minimalist publisher' and ways to help publishers achieve greater things with their resources. They also took into consideration the practices from the authors of major publishing companies that often employ subscription services.          VTxalyxLhPFORxBAnbTY

Founder Ben May is a familiar name on the circuit of conventions (c) thecode.co

The person who started the company has a great knowledge of this area. "Ben's had a career in the field throughout his existence and there's not a problem he's not capable solving," says Stacey. "The experience I have through speaking with clients is that if they've an issue, they might be required to pay another agency for two weeks of investigation. The Code Company's technology allows them to resolve any issue within just 20 minutes on the phone, as they've seen all issues. It's a great thing for a company that has this kind of problem-solving capability."

In the end, Stacey says: "Publishing or managing a site doesn't have to be as complicated as many believe it to be. The whole purpose of our company is to avoid complexity." It's very easy to get overwhelmed by the most recent technological advances, themes or plug-ins "these blinking lights are not able to provide the chance of making a significant difference," she smiles.

Code Company Code Company revels in "smart simplicities" It's evident. Stacey states: "We offer the chance to find a tech company which can help you achieve the results your business is looking for in the easiest method that's efficient rather than just using the word "buzzword."

More details

To learn more about The Code Company, to review cases studies from their past integrations and migrations, as well as to learn more about the possibility of cooperating with them, go to the website thecode.co.

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