
Apr 24, 2024
The Autopian

"You have to know those who will be your clients before you develop a membership-based enterprise" begins Matt Hardigree, publisher of The Autopian. "I have encountered difficulties that have been resolved through people who simply discover readers on the site. This is a math problem, however, it's not difficult. Every piece of information that you've acquired."

If you're writing for an online platform, keep track of the number of readers you've. "If I'm on a site which has 10 authors and 3 of us are trying to get started What are our readerships? Are we a part of 15 percent of the site's users? It's not a lot. Do we comprise over 80 percent of website traffic?"

In the past, The Autopian founders David Tracy and Jason Torchinsky made up 50 percent of Jalopnik traffic. "They might have believed that "We have the potential to make something happen, and we might be able to do it"," continues Matt. "What's interesting is that David and Jason don't have huge numbers of followers on their social media, which seems as an obvious way to convert them into followers. But, they don't have to be able to do that since they already had fans.

The Autopian

Prior to launching, The Autopian did a analysis of the competition within the business and the media. "We know how many motorists visit these websites. Think about this: once we've figured out the costs, what are we going to have to do in order to make it work? You then ask yourself, what are the people who will to come from? and 'What percentage have some understanding of who we are? What percentage of us are expected to achieve to reach the criteria of sustainability or sustainable? Concerning membership, what are our plans to cost? ? '."

He states: "You can make some assumption - but don't need to prove it. to prove that it is true, you must be able prove that with numbers. After you've begun with the facts, you'll have the ability to plug in the data points, and look at where you're going wrong and make adjustments. If you don't have any information, or a guesswork, you'll have to do the math and figure it out.

Matt admits that despite being able to conduct an investigation on your own, it's not uncommon to feel like you're in a "wait the moment "In the initial 30 minutes or so of starting my membership, I felt like completely ruined! I was thinking, "What's going to happen? If membership began flowing into the club, it was wonderful! But, we're still performing the analysis of information, and constantly analyzing which strategies are effective, and what don't."

Strategies to engage and increase growth

"I believe we're just 10% of what the number of members could become."" Matt continues. "We've achieved our goals and we've had plenty of members. However, the first 10% of members are easy to obtain. The remaining 10% is going to be the most difficult. Each tranche is going to become more challenging in comparison to the preceding one. it. Then we'll have to create something to do."

Matt believes that 10x growth is probably one of the five goals for the coming five years. "If we can get to 50% of this goal, then we're almost entirely funded at present by membership fees. If we reach the 100% mark, we'll be more dependent on fees for membership or have income only from membership and we'd love to reach this point."

The Autopian

Matt Hardigree, The Autopian

What are the goals of the team to meet them? What do they currently offer in terms of benefits to members? And what could they do to make use of this to attract members?

Matt replies: "It's a balance because The Autopian is a journalism project as well as an active one. It's similar to having three buckets that help people sign for membership and remain members, by making The Autopian feel valuable."

Strategy 1: Content

Matt states that the first series of content must be the very first. "We need to find something that is interesting and interesting enough to make it stand out from what is available elsewhere and also 'I'm only able access this content via the Autopian. The Autopian must be a registered Autopian member. The Autopian if I want to have the Autopian to become a reality.'

The Autopian

"You're not paying for access to this content as there's no paywalled entrance for it. This is because you'd like your content to be available all over the globe." Matt confirms that autopian's content will be the most popular idea to sell: "You need this thing to be there so desperately and will pay $4 per month, 10 dollars a month, $85 a month and for a few."

Strategie 2: Benefits

The Bucket Two is a representation of the things that members get for free, like Discord access, clothes such as T-shirts, participation in trivia events and other items such as badges and stickers.

"We offer a range of items you'll receive in when you buy a vehicle. The middle is cloth ($70/year) followed by vinyl ($100/year) and then Velour which costs $250 annually, while the top level is rich Corinthian leather that costs $1000 annually. There have been far many clients that have utilized leather and velour than I'd imagine!"

"One of the things that you'll get is a birthday sketch. One of our co-founders is an artist's talent. We hadn't anticipated receiving the amount of drawings he has, but we're seeing more birthday-themed drawings than we expected which is why we're only getting caught up!"

A $1000/month rate seems to require a lot of work. It was also the suggestion of a well-established media firm Defector. They advised Matt that they could have more clients who had $1000 in their accounts as it is usual. "I was thinking to myself"I am not sure about the number of people, but what exactly $1000 is it?' They replied"Do that!"" Matt is laughing.

"They were also saying they would like to have an intermediate level as they currently have two levels lower and a third one." He continues. "We debated back and forth on this issue before we decided on 250 dollars per year. It was the best amount since Velour is a popular choice for members. This year we saw more members move up from vinyl to Velour and then back to vinyl. It was more noticeable that people were between 100 and 250 in comparison to those who moved between 100 and $250. It's a sign that I'm convinced we're on the right path!"

The Autopian

Autopian has realized that the Autopian team has also realized that material from behind the scenes is very sought-after. They share procedural material like the way they came up with a headline as well as "Tales of Slack". Matt says: "We have our internal Slack, and it's clearly not intended for use by anyone else."

"People create ridiculous, absurd and hilarious objects!" Matt smiles. "Our director of editing David doesn't have the pop-culture experience and is always struggling to comprehend what's going on. He was convinced that Ronan was an Serpico, He was thinking that it was the Al Pacino film from the 70s was actually an Robert de Niro film from the 1990s!"

Strategy 3. Fear of Missing out (FOMO)

"The third bucket of content which works really well and most people don't think about is FOMO. We don't want anyone to be missing out on items," Matt continues.

"We have our own Discord with a weekly columns of tips and advice. The Discord we use is free and open to all, however there is a separate member-only area," he says. "I would like members to post photos in the chatroom generally"'Here's me with my shirt. I'm sporting my ID badge'. The people here are excited to be part of the chatroom community."

Matt states that getting members is extremely effective provided that your message is in line with the content type that you share. "Every every time, we'll make"Here's everything you'll receive an appeal that gives you the chance to remind members of the advantages joining offer."

The Autopian

More often, they'll recognize their communities and say "We thank our members who leave comments and they make us amazing. If you're not active member, we would like to know why. There are many who don't have the funds. If you're a student but that's it, we can say. If you're not able manage the cost, you can just become an avid reader. We're here to serve you We'd like to invite you to be an integral part within our community. If you're a enthusiast of this and you'd like to be part of the family."

Then we'll do the following FOMO blog post in which Jason will announce 'Here's my birthday-themed drawings that I did throughout March!' Then people will be able to view these and say 'God! I'd love to be able to do that.'

Communities that build communities are available in many sizes and shapes - including birthday cards for those who love cars.

More details

To find out more and join The Autopian, go to theautopian.com.

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