
Dec 31, 2023

VZJ6RfBTGUHwxvJxkGHY Amanda Northcutt, founder and chief executive officer of Level Up Creators. Level Up Creators

"The majority of my professional life is comprised of many enjoyable unexpected events" starts Amanda Northcutt, founder and CEO of Level Up Creators. "My journey to where I am today was extremely fluid. This is normal for a majority of people. It's not uncommon to find ourselves in the place we're supposed to be when we're strategic and deliberate."

The family laughs at truth that she didn't talker before my brother entered university. "My brother is a well-known lawyer, yet the fact is that he was also the one with all the room in the home. The school he went to was the time I was fourteen years old prior to starting high school. It was when I felt like I was my own once the space opened up in my residence."

Amanda's initial gig was an online shop for shoes. "Everyone believed I would be a failure due to my timidity. My confidence restored when I came into my own and began to sell shoes with a fury of energy and breaking records across the United States. It was a blast! I was enthralled by business when I was just sixteen and decided at that point that's my path that I'd like to pursue."

After that, Amanda was a student at the college. Amanda also contacted a friend who was running the website, and needed people to promote advertisements on their site. "This was 2005, when the selling of online ads was similar to advertising on banners. It was as if it were selling air! I heard the word "no' often and was able to overcome my fear of selling my goods to potential customers quickly," she recalls.

Then being thrown to the bottom to the bottom

"I learned my trade through getting thrown in the middle of the sea," she continues. "I transformed that tiny deal into a larger selling position at a brand new company called TexAgs.com and lasted over 10 years. There was a time when I learned the most about business." During that time she conceptualized the idea of memberships and what recurring revenue will bring. This can enhance members' value, and increase LTV in addition to the sale of sponsorships.

"It's more than a fun tiny website no more. It's the largest fan of student athletes site in the world. It was my second time working there and was absolutely enjoyable." she smiles. "I learned the art of leading and managing the people around me. This was the time that I was enthralled by the concept of membership as well as regular earnings. This was 2005. Next year I'll stay for twenty years. Incredible how fast time can go by!"

The business attracted thousands of people who paid $13 a month to get information on Texas A&M University sports teams. "We have also been successful in resolving the issue that is posed by switching banner ads as well as sponsorship contracts (brand contracts as they are called as of today). The companies were looking to communicate their messages to our customers and so we gave them very unique access points which could be tracked and moved forward for these companies," she says.

Amanda utilized the approach and came up with Northcutt Media, using the sponsorship model, which they refined at Texas Ags. The model was then extended to other websites in the United States. "That was the first time that I had a job at the age of 22. The company allowed us to travel often and do other things."

However, a couple of years ago, Amanda's health was decreasing. "I had to have some time off, but remain aware of the way I manage my time," Amanda said. Amanda required to modify the way she planned her day-to-day routine, which included husband's health, as well as her newborn child.

Amanda has begun to talk about her journey to recovery in greater detail. She plans to share her experience with others. Amanda has discovered that females working in stressful jobs tend to be suffering with an illness with an autoimmune form or a similar. "The more vulnerable I feel to being vulnerable, the better I'm able to be a leader through this way," she says. "Every time I make a statement concerning my experience, someone who is brand new appears to me, messages me, asking could we talk? ", and it's incredible."

Amanda changed the way things were carried out. "I was required to become the mother of my child. I was the person in charge of my health. I had to play the job of an specialist." To restore the order of her work life, she and her husband sold their other business associate Member Up and took it on as an advisor.

"I have had an amazing time helping members manage businesses that covered a variety of subjects - ones that people would never even look at, however if you're in the same space and are aware of the fact that there's a niche to suit every type of interest and users that want exactly the same thing as you do." Following a lengthy time in the field of memberships she moved into executive roles within a variety of SaaS organizations around the world.

With this new way of life, which was more balanced, Amanda reduced her work to between 20 and 30 hours a week. However, she was determined to become "extraordinarily influential" for every business she was associated with. Amanda went on to leave Silicon Valley at the end in 2022 and founded Level Up Creators: "I wanted to take everything that I've learned from B2B and, in particular, SaaS business, and implement it to creators particularly women.

"I'm determined to assist women in creating wealth cycles that last generations and make use of their talents to provide huge amounts of benefit to their communities and their families, while also getting paid in money."

Level Up Creators offers services. Level Up Creators

What exactly does Level Up Creators achieve? "We're trying to maximize earnings and impact specifically for women who are creators. The reason I believe that is because I've assembled the most effective group of entrepreneurs in the world."" she says.

They aid people to understand their present situation, the direction in which they're heading and the obstacles to reach their destination. Then they orchestrate the best method to overcome those barriers to get you there you'd like to be. "Our best-case scenario is if you've created a network around a particular topic that's important and you have around 50,000 of them using social media and with at least 2,000 email subscribers."

"When you call us, I'll probably inquire about 100 things at first," says Amanda. "I'm always seeking out answers basic questions before I understand." Amanda is an analyst who gathers information as both quantitative and qualitative about authors to ensure they are able to assist by analyzing the possibilities that are they have.

"We want to aid specialists in the field create items. We'd like to create lead magnets. Then, we'd like to create an educational course possibly a three-part masterclass modeled after that. Then, we'd move to a subscription-based revenue model. The price could be at or below $49 or $79 and maybe a $249 monthly membership."

Then Level Up Creators would move customers into group coaching and more recurring revenue levels. It's a signal that "you have proven that you're adept at giving a steady, constant quality that is appropriate for your audience of clients and customers" she states.

The Level Up Creators team

The Level Up Creators team - image (c) welevelupcreators.com

She assists individuals in improving their skills and mindsets to be creators. "Oftentimes experts in their field that they are experts in, don't want to sign deals with brands or produce products, only to request their followers to purchase the items. My goal is to inform creators about the fact they're in an exceptional position to deliver more value than what can be provided for free on social media.

"We are all seeking the strength of honor, respect, power, love, and friendship - which are the primary desires of our society," she says. "We believe that we're with the people we respect. We are so familiar with their lives that we would like to imitate their style." Amanda believes that those who provide a way that allows us to develop like them, there's an possibility for creators to offer items that enhance people's lives. fans and help followers achieve their goals. This results in "a successful procedure".

"We have more respect for the people we collaborate with as opposed to these huge international brands because of the fact that we're speaking to a real person rather than an image. The main goal of our firm is to show that people it's fine to market your products - because people want to purchase the items that you've created.' We won't engage in unsavory sales or marketing and will not collaborate with producers who do not provide genuine positive, genuine benefit to their customers. It's like tables stakes."

The future and the demise of legacy brands

"I'm thrilled to work in an environment that supports creators through a different method, and also growing our efforts to help women,"" Amanda muses. The company is professional and we're working to replicate the success of our clients as a business that is centered around creators, rather than our own." Amanda summarizes the situation in the following way: "They're here to educate makers on how to think like CEOs and how to run their business in a proper manner.

"We are currently working on amazing products!" She laughs. The company is slated to open the Level Up Creators School on the 1st of March 2024. The school will operate as a membership-based educational institution for creators. "We'll offer our knowledge and experience to provide the right training, community, instruments, and high-touch help to assist creators reach their next big income target - the one that is designed common for many creators: $50,000 per year. We'll also be using our Fastest Path To 50 framework to assist people in reaching the goal. What a great idea!"

One final thought on the whole industry Amanda says: "The industry is moving toward a direct-to-consumer approach that lets creators have more influence over consumption by consumers and curation. It's amazing the amount of affection that fans feel toward the creators who they are so fond of."

Amanda says that millennials as well as Gen Xers do not have any requirement for the large names of the past for the latest developments "These large cable networks are no longer relevant! It is your choice to hop on the train or let them die."

"I have decided to go for it and see what the future holds. I've started a business in order in order to make that dream come true and help people to make huge profits. I'd like to see funds directed directly to the creators instead of large companies. It's like telling the world "All good, now let someone other person take the lead to play! This is the perfect moment to get started as a writer of material!" she smiles.

More details

Amanda Northcutt is a consultant coach, coach, and six-time executive who developed and scaled online businesses up to D2C B2C B2C as well as B2Bs.

She created Level Up Creators to help innovative educators build enterprises that will last. Level Up Creators offers strategies and tools to those with at least one thing that's utilized, like sectors like health, finances sports, travel or other, and is ready to increase the effect of their efforts and make a profit. For more information, visit welevelupcreators.com.

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