Six Nonprofit Membership Software Solutions (2024) |

Feb 19, 2024

If you're in the middle developing the world's most well-known nonprofit membership system in addition to expanding and limiting the number of members who sign up for your organization, the membership software you've picked to use in your endeavor is a good option for you to consider.

The article is focused on:

  • What exactly is the software designed for non-profit organizations that permits membership?
  • The benefit of this program is it allows you to become a part of charities.
  • What information should you look through before filling out the form.
  • Six unique applications that can manage particular membership programs specifically created specifically for non-profit groups. alternatives.

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What are the specs of the software available for members of non-profit organizations?

The software used to manage the membership of non-profit organisations permits members to manage the organization's membership, and also connect members to their group in addition (often) to connecting them with one another. This is due to the fact there being two components of the software for managing membership that could be non-profit organisations:


  • Members management Management of members and managing lists of members as well as the data regarding the state of current member payments, contact details, as well as various other tools utilized to control the member list.
  • Member Connection Software is designed to assist members in getting connected and build connections. This can include message boards forums for discussion, email and emails and even organizing events.

 - Graphics - Members Paired Dark

Every non-profit organization must be equipped with at least one of these choices. A software that can keep track of membership information is crucial in keeping track of members' details and establishing the database online. There's a good chance your organization doesn't need a different tool to connect your members. It is among the most effective options to connect your members through the internet.

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Software samples are the best method of keeping track of the details of account holders.


  • Contact information database
  • Automated reminders for renewing your membership
  • Building different membership plans
  • Financial data storage

Tools for communication are employed in order to let users communicate with other members of your group.


  • Discussion forums
  • Community Online is a part of HTML0. Community Online comprises
  • Connect with friends via the web or send them a text message
  • Virtual occasions

 - Graphics - Discovery Course

What are the advantages that software can bring for regulating your employees?

Utilizing a membership management software program to track your members from your company could help you meet your goals. This is the advantage of employing software that was specifically created by non-profit organizations for managing members of the business.


  • Let you handle the administration duties. Most non-profit organisations have a large amount of work to finish, however they lack the time to finish the task. Administrative tasks require a large quantity of time and energy. The right software design will enable users to focus on the main problems.
  • Create touchpoints for customers to benefit by. Find ways to increase the involvement with your customers. Software may be simplified and also allows you to utilize touchpoints when creating emails to remind your customers of their due date, or even update the details of your company.
  • software helps customers who use self-service customers to manage their account as well as the preference for billing that they've made which could lead to happier customers, and less stress on your employees.
  • accessibility to databases you own the business with an established database then you're equipped to utilize access to databases. If you have Membership Management Software. Membership Management Software can handle the database and allow users have access to databases.
  • Content created from members Non-profit groups can manage chat rooms, and also earn revenue through the production of content. Chat room users can connect with each other to talk about thoughts, ideas, concerns as well as thoughts.
  • Networks can be created. software lets users join networks and aid members to create networks.

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What are the traits should be considered in a system that is used by non-profit organizations to monitor the people working within their organisation?

Many nonprofits differ in the requirements of their software. Some need membership databases. Some members require regular contact with fellow members. Some members might require help with managing colleagues. A few members require invoices. Some need email.

It's essential to understand what you are expecting from the non-profit organization in order to ensure that the organisation's members can achieve success. There's a myriad of issues that nonprofit organizations are in a position to address.


  • Members management Members management Identify the most essential elements required in the process of creating an account database for members. Track the individuals that are members of your business.
  • members communications Communications with other members. Choose the program you'll need for interacting with members. You can chat, send SMS as well as more.
  • If you are planning an event, take into consideration what options are available through the program that your company uses to aid with registration. It involves coordinating and controlling the registration process in addition to the management of payment processes.
  • Payments and processing If you're able to make users pay for the fees, and also other users, you should consider payment methods which allow the development bundles or auto-renewals.
  • Reports and analytics Analytics and reporting tools provide you with information about what's going on in your customers behave and how they're spending their time.
  • Interface which is accessible to all users. Choose a user-friendly program which is capable of working with host servers in the event that you have to give the services to your customers from your company.
  • Applications, as well as the capability to employ modern techniques to manage memberships needs ways to allow guests and members have access to the account at any time. This is the requirement of every software!

This program was developed for individuals employed by nonprofit organizations.


Mighty is a social media platform that depends on members. It also functions to create applications for non-profit organisations which is built on membership. It comes with an array of membership-management tools along with the most advanced test software offered by G2 for managing communities.

What are you going to get after you buy Mighty?


  • Tools for managing members Tools to manage the profiles and directories of members for members. The Membership Bundles Plan, bundles that include auto-renewals, self-service management and self-service.
  • Chat to other users via Messenger and Chat polls. It is a great tool to run questions, polls and much more. Additionally, you can take advantage of ConvertKit's ConvertKit integration via email.
  • Discussion forums that livestream classes online, or livestreaming.
  • Web-based events chats. They have a wide range of hosts RSVP as well as websites that provide more information on events, as well as tickets to purchase to the evening.
  • Pay options Pay via the web and transfer the money to the users. You are then capable of combining the two with various choices for payment and services that make up 135 different currencies.
  • AI Member tools : With Mighty Co-Host(tm) you can get automated profile profiles for members, smart connections, immediately-generated load pages, as additionally as"make the site better" Text editor "make it more effective" text editor, and lots more.

Mighty provides all the tools you need to manage your non-profit membership and increase the effectiveness of your non-profit organisation.

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Student Engagemnet

2. Mighty Pro

Pro Homepage - Story Card - No code no maintanence

Mighty Pro gives you the advantages of membership. Membership is available through the application created by you. The name is derived from the one which you wish your customers to gain access to via the App Store, as well as using the Google Play Store. Google Play Store. Google Play Store, not the trademark of a third-party.

Pro promises to be a fun adventure. Pro includes the following features:


  • Premium apps you're capable of marking can be downloaded via the App Store, as well as Google Play Store. Google Play Store. Google Play Store. Google Play Store.
  • Opportunities are available through The Mighty Network: Discussions Chats which live-stream, event chat and message and management and administration of the members.
  • This group is a dedicated segment of accounts managers.
  • advanced analytics advanced analytics, advanced analytics.
  • The days leading up to your launch your launch, you'll receive the exclusive VIP before and the date your launch will be held.
  • Mighty is able to control your movements (if you need it). ).


Our programs have been developed to support Cambridge University, TED, Fortune in addition to various other companies. We're willing to discuss alternatives with our suggestions.

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3. Hivebrite

Hivebrite community


Hivebrite has an alumni administration system which offers a wide range of options, which creates a wonderful non-profit membership plan. It has a variety of options to be aware of:

CRM software allows you to manage the staff in your company as well as their current status and monitor the flow of employees who are paid, and also analyze information. The software is also linked to Salesforce. Salesforce integration.

The biggest membership directory includes.

Classify them according to categories or group them into different types.

Email can be integrated with several applications. You can also download applications via Hivebrite.

hivebrite live events

One benefit that comes with Hivebrite Hivebrite is tracking members as well as their capabilities to manage them. The UX isn't ideal for interaction with users, as well as engaging them with social events. The UX could be outdated from time to time. It's not the most ideal option for livestreaming, nor does it provide an appropriate native format for video. The software isn't equipped to provide high-quality video content to customers.

4. Join It

Join it- Image

Some of the programs included on this list provide an option to join. Software like Join It do not allow for tracking memberships on an internal scale. This tool is great for administration for non-profit organisations with just a registration system to serve as a backup.

The benefits are numerous becoming a member


  • Everyone can use it, which allows users to be classified in various categories and types and creating categories.
  • Members can access an online self-service platform that permits you to design a member's card with the aid of an application.
  • It's crucial to control your one-time payments or regular one. Be sure you renew your auto-renewal (or the cancellation). Additionally, it lets you set automated reminders to renew.
  • Establish a membership site before connecting it to the website already in place. The site should be an existing site.
  • An overview of memberships, that are available for download at no cost and provides information on the advantages of joining.

5. MemberLeap

Member Leap

MemberLeap is an exclusive non-profit service for membership that supplies members with the necessary tools to control their memberships and to manage the activities they participate in.

There's a range of options of the services available through MemberLeap:


  • CRM helps you keep track of every way you communicate with your customers.
  • It's easy to connect local databases, as well as member information with the database central. This helps in the coordination of chapters in different regions.
  • Excellent tools for communicating with clients. It can be used to send text messages and Newsletters. .
  • All the steps are performed in a way that is automatized, much like the billing process.
  • Instruments and tools to aid in organizing events. This includes the virtual events (exhibit booths, exhibitions and lots more. ).

The best MemberLeap platform is one that can be used to develop Backend Membership Database features. The platform doesn't include any features that can make it a fully online community. This is a mere message board. Only people who purchased tickets for live shows, and as well as the schedule of shows.

6. Wild Apricot

Graphics - Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot is an online platform for management of the members of groups. It is specially designed for non-profit organizations. It's a robust toolkit for software which helps reduce and simplify many of the frequently used requirements.

Here are some of the features Wild Apricot includes:


  • Web-based builders tools allow you to design drag-and-drop web pages for non-profit organisations as well as pages for local chapters.
  • It's fantastic to plan live events and to control the timetable. The badge and registration.
  • It's mobile friendly, and is able to allow participants to take part in gatherings as well as handling administrative tasks.

Wild Apricot - In Person Event

There are two main drawbacks that need to be noted in relation to Wild Apricot. Wild Apricot isn't the most suitable site to be used by communities with a focus on community. Wild Apricot has a limited forums and an insufficient choice of information available. The platform isn't able to host the platform inside Wild Apricot to host user-generated content. Virtual events can be handled through Wild Apricot, the platform can't manage events that contain several elements.

Are you prepared to get started?

If you're considering getting into the software used by non-profits to manage memberships think about providing Mighty Memberships to test it! Memberships' database is robust as well as being the best widely-used software used to control the system of membership. The software is also accessible for testing for 14 days at no cost. There's no cost with a credit debit.

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