Security weaknesses that are crucial to security are discovered in the article"What You Must Know About Security".

Jun 24, 2023

Last Update: 23rd June 2021

On July 13, 2021, an important security flaw in Blocks' plugins built on features was discovered. The Blocks plugins that were based on features have been discovered. Block feature plugin was discovered and immediately made public by security expert Josh via HackerOne. HackerOne Software for security.

When they became aware of the problem the issue was discovered, they were able find the cause through their own group, and they conducted a thorough study of the code that was in the same class. They developed a patch that would fix the problem for each affected version (90or older versions) which was released immediately to all stores that had weakness.

If I run a business What must I know?

Automated upgrades of older versions of software prior to 5.5.1 start on July 14 in 2021. This upgrade is available for retail stores that are running an Version of the plug-in in that affected. It is recommended you're running the latest version. The version you're using is updated to 5.5.2* or the latest version which is currently being launched on the release branch. If you're running Blocks this means you're running version 5.5.1 that the plug-in is using.

is vitally crucial: shortly after the release of 5.5.2 23rd July 2021, the auto-update feature that had been talked about previously was closed.

If you're considering changing to the updated edition or upgrade your version, you should refer to

  • Make sure you change your administrator's passwords on your website especially if they have the same password for several websites.
  • It is the procedure to turn on Payment Gateway in addition to API keys. These API keys will be employed to design your website.

More details regarding the process are provided in the next paragraphs.

5.5.2 arrived on the 23rd day in July 2021. 5.5.2 was released on July 23rd, 2021. The modifications that were made included in this version are not in connection with the security flaw that was discovered over the last couple of days.

What do I need to do in order to find out what version of my software is the most current version?

Here is the complete listing of Blocks patch that is available as well as Blocks. If you're running the version of Blocks that's not on the list, We recommend that you update to the latest version that is compatible using the version that you are currently using.

The purest versions of the product have been cleaned and refined and purified. There's an array of Blocks that could be used
3.3.6 2.5.16
3.4.8 2.6.2
3.5.9 2.7.2
3.6.6 2.8.1
3.7.2 2.9.1
3.8.2 3.0.1
3.9.4 3.1.1
4.0.2 3.2.1
4.1.2 3.3.1
4.2.3 3.4.1
4.3.4 3.5.1
4.4.2 3.6.1
4.5.3 3.7.2
4.6.3 3.8.1
4.7.2 3.9.1
4.8.1 4.0.1
4.9.3 4.1.1
5.0.1 4.2.1
5.1.1 4.3.1
5.2.3 4.4.3
5.3.1 4.5.3
5.4.2 4.6.1
5.5.1 4.7.1
5.5.2 4.8.1

What's wrong with this web site? Why is it not updating the site itself?

The site you're on might not receive automated updates for many reasons. However, there are occasions when older websites than those in danger (below 3.3) There are updates that are automated can be switched off for your site. The filesystem can only be accessible via reading. There is also the possibility to have issues with extensions that could slow the process of updating.

Each time (except the initial time in which case you won't be in any way) It is recommended that you manually update your PC to the latest patched version you are using (e.g. 5.5.2, 5.4.2, 5.3.1 and so on.) according to the table.

Are you aware if some information about you was used or accessed?

Based on our recent studies, we believe there's a good chance of earning money from this species, but at a lesser scale.

If the business suffered through the event and its location was impacted through the incident, then the store may have issues to any information that is stored at the location. These details may include purchases made by customers with details about customer data and administrative information.

How can I determine whether my website was hacked through hacking?

In light of this flaw as well as the way that WordPress (and it's akin ) permits web requests to be processed, it's difficult to be certain the issue exists. There is a chance that an attack using this vulnerability can be discovered through a look through the logs of hosting and deciphering the access rights given to users (or asking for assistance from hosting providers on this issue). The flaw was first discovered on December 19, and also on the 19th day of December, and on January. It could be an indication of an attempt to exploit of the vulnerability:

  • REQUEST_URI matching regular expression /\/wp-json\/wc\/store\/products\/collection-data.*%25252. */
  • REQUEST_URI matching regular expression /.*\/wc\/store\/products\/collection-data.*%25252. */ (note that this expression might not be effective or take a long time to run in a variety of settings that rely on logs)
  • Any non-GET (POST or PUT) request to /wp-json/wc/store/products/collection-data or /?rest_route=/wc/store/products/collection-data

The requests that we've detected by this vulnerability are coming from IP addresses listed below. A majority of requests come via the IP address that is the one listed. If you find any or any among the IP addresses that are listed in the logs of access, chances are that security flaw has been exploited to hack:


What are the passwords I have the right to alter?

The password you've selected could be at risk since it is being processed.

WordPress passwords are secure thanks to salts. They're virtually unhackable. The process used to secure your password depends on salt. It ensures that your password is secure when used by an administrator. Additionally, it safeguards passwords used by your website as well as by users who visit your site. It is still possible that the hashed version of your password that is stored in your database might be compromised as a result of this security risk. The hash keys need to be secured and secure against misuse.

Your website is protected with the most common WordPress security software, which protects passwords accessible to visitors. Based on the plug-ins that you've incorporated into your website, there may be passwords saved on your site along with other data stored in private databases inside non-secure security system.

If you suspect that your administrator of the website may have been using the same password on different websites, you can change your passwords for each of your accounts so that you can ensure that your passwords on your website don't become taken. Users of your site have been stolen from another site.

It is also recommended to modify the data that is classified as confidential or private that remains in your WordPressor the database. This could include API keys or key to which are public and private to payment gateways, and etc. Based on the settings of your site.

If we're an extension developer or service supplier, are we obliged to inform our suppliers?

If you're dealing with an online retailer or shop that you're either a buyer or customer of, it's advised that you collaborate with them to ensure that they're aware of the security problem or change your security settings on your website to one that is more secure.

If you've made extensions, or are offering the SaaS service that depends on APIs, we'd like to help retailers change the API keys utilized by their service in order to allow you to connect your products with the APIs.

I'm the CEO of a firm. What do I need to tell my clients?

The method you decide for a method to inform your clients of changes of passwords is the responsibility to the webmaster. It is your responsibility to alert customers regarding any changes to passwords or other items could differ based on particulars including the structure of your website and the location that you and your clients reside in as well as the information that your site gathers and the degree of your site's affected by malware.

One of the most crucial ways to protect your clients is to make sure that your app is regularly updated to the most recent version, which includes patches that fix the issue.

After updating, we recommend:

  • It is highly recommended to change your passwords with your administrator particularly if you're using your same password on multiple websites.
  • This method is to turn off both API and Payment Gateway key. Keys for Payment Gateway and API. Payment Gateway keys as well as API keys permit you to connect to your site.

The owner of the shop decides if you'd like to remain open, and can do this by changing the customer's passwords. WordPress (and consequently ) the user's passwords are protected through salts. That means that the secureness of the hash algorithm is hard to break. The salted hash method can be used to secure all passwords that users store on your website, together with passwords and usernames for clients.

Have you thought about methods you can take to make sure you use the gadget in a safe way?


Even though such situations don't happen often, they're sure to take place. Our goal is to respond quickly and in complete transparency.

As soon as we were aware of the issue, the team we had available was busy making sure that a solution was found, and that the people who use it have up-to-date information.

In constant pursuit of our platform's security helps us stay clear of a range of problems. In the event of situations that might impact our store, we strive to address them swiftly while also being able to effectively collaborate with our customers.

Are there any issues I need to take care of?

The article originally appeared on. the web site.

The article first appeared on this web site. This website

The story was reported on this website.

The blog was initially published on the site.

The original article was posted here. the site

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This post was posted on this website.

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