Rust and Python The Best One is the Best Choice For Your Project?

Dec 15, 2022
Rust vs Python

Rust vs Python is a popular debate in the present. Although both languages can be used to program general-purpose and general-purpose applications, one of them is more effective than both in certain situations and for certain areas.

In order to know which program to employ in your job You need to have a thorough understanding of the strengths and structures of each. This Rust against Python article will assist you with the process of determining which one to use in your work.

Let's get started!

What is Rust?

The Rust logo with the name in bold letters right to the image.
The programming language Rust Logo. (Image source: Rust Official Site)

It does not provide garbage collection or run time. That's why Rust offers solutions to a variety of challenges that arise in C++, including the issues of managing memory and concurrency. Although it's not a brand new language, Rust is named for the seventh time, as being the top loved technology according to the StackOverflow Survey of Developers 2022 and.

Who uses Rust?

Logos of 10 popular companies that use Rust.
Companies that are using Rust. (Image source: OpenXcell)

As soon as Rust came into use by all across the world, a variety of enterprises starting from small businesses to huge companies, began to use it in order to upgrade existing software as well as create new software and other services. In the present, a lot of most prestigious tech firms in the world use Rust. Here are how they use Rust.

  1. Dropbox: Dropbox is the most popular storage company, makes use of Rust to synchronize files in its service, which is among its most important elements.
  2. Google: Google is another company that is associated in the Rust foundation. Google utilizes Rust to develop Android development. Rust is one of the languages used in making for the Linux kernel OS.
  3. Microsoft: Microsoft utilizes Rust inside the Windows operating system. Microsoft will release the latest version of Rust that allows developers to utilize the Windows API to develop software.
  4. Coursera One of the most well-known educational platforms online makes use of Rust to run its assignments using the programming function.

What Is Python?

The logo of the Python programming language and the name Python on the right side of the logo.
The brand logo for Python.

Who uses Python?

Logos of a large set of popular companies that use Python.
Numerous companies utilize Python. (Image source: DailySmarty)

Python is used extensively throughout IT as well as education, the finance, and the government. These are the most prominent technology companies using Python.

  1. Netflix: Netflix is a company that uses Python for data analysis. They also use Python to create their Central Alert Gateway that sends notifications to users and also monkey applications which monitor security-related modifications.
  2. Instagram Instagram is an online social media platform that permits the sharing of videos and images it has enlarged its capabilities by making use of Python.

The most important characteristic of Rust

Rust provides the finest of C++ and additional features. The four main key features of Rust comprise memory security, thread safety and zero-cost abstractions.

Memory Security

When using an programming language like C++, many issues with memory could affect the application's performance. Rust can solve the majority of problems related to memory management by using its 'ownership model' as well as its type system. It permits applications to analyze memory at compile time instead of in run time.

In the end, variables have control over their memories. They may encrypt memory of different variables. This removes the need for a garbage collector and guarantees that Rust software is free of bugs when it is built.

Thread Safety

Security for threads is a type of technology that is guaranteed to not cause racing conditions in the course of operation. When multiple threads concurrently use the same memory, there is a race situation which could cause an unusual behavior in the application.

In Rust's model of ownership for data it is possible for threads to only write to a variable when they hold it in their possession, or borrow it and mutably. It is a way to ensure the only one thread has the ability to access an individual variable at any one moment.

Zero-Cost Abstractions

If you're continuing with your process of development it is possible that you will require additional abstractions in your code in order to ease maintenance of your code, and for you to be able to include more capabilities. using more abstractions in your code. This could affect your software' performance during execution.

Rust assures that abstractions are completely cost-free. That means abstractions will not require running time overhead, and software that makes use of abstractions is similar to one which doesn't contain abstractions.

Cross-Platform Support

Principal features of Python

Python was designed initially to facilitate the ease of access to code. This is why its syntax closely resembles that of what is utilized for language like the English language. Additionally, Python is used by various academic groups to conduct mathematical and scientific research. This is why it has a variety of mathematics libraries and a variety of computations.

Simple English-Like Syntax

Also, its easy syntax structure allows it to write quicker. The ability to write a Python program using smaller lines of code when compared with other languages. Also, it decreases the time it takes to bring an app to market.

Dynamically typed

It's not required to declare variables' types in Python as the Python interpreter will do that for you in the course of program running time by using the expression for the variable. Thus, you're able to focus directly on the function instead of having to define variables properly.

Large Community

Python has an enormous community of millions all over the world to support and assist the advancement of Python. This huge community can be helpful to any Python programmers as they can quickly solve any issues they might encounter in the process of development.

Large Standard Library

Pythons standard library is comprised of plenty of modules, frameworks, as well as libraries that can be reused that can be used to build almost any thing you want. So, it's not necessary to spend time and time making each part completely from scratch.

Support for Cross-Platforms

An image of logos of 4 operating systems supported by Python. First is Windows, the second is Apple, the third is Android and the fourth is Linux.
Python support across multiple platforms. (Image source: TheGameRoof)

Python permits applications to run on different platforms which include Windows, Linux, macOS and more. This eliminates the requirement to write separate code for all of these platforms.

The pros and cons of using Rust

Rust is a great choice when compared to negatives. Find out what the negatives are.


Rust's main benefit Rust is its superior performance. However, that's not all it is. The following list of benefits will show you every benefit of Rust.

  • Rust is great for demanding performance applications as Rust has a efficient memory performance and does not need garbage collection or running time.
  • Rust is Memory  Rust is Memory Thread safe because of the ownership model of its owners and Type system.
  • Rust is an extremely Typed and Statically Typed that guarantees that there are no code mistakes are related to declared variables that are not correctly specified.
  • Rust's low overhead makes it ideal for embedded programming
  • The Community Rust lets you discuss about your ideas and concerns with other people, plan meetings, conferences, or other occasions., and provides many educational tools.
  • Rust is a wealth of document source.
  • It comes with a variety of tools to boost your productivity. It includes, for instance, the integrated package manager , editors tool and builders support that includes useful functions along with an error checker that can provide helpful messages.
  • There are command line options that help you work through integration into the ecosystem.
  • Rust lets developers develop applications that support cross-platforms.


Rust is not without its negatives as well. Also, it's important to be aware of these issues before you begin using the language. A few of the drawbacks are:

  • The time it takes to build Rust is significantly slower than other languages. It is compatible with the whole package or crate at the time of compilation. Thus, compile time can be increased.
  • It is more difficult to master in comparison to other languages such as Python. At a minimum, you should be familiar with the fundamentals of one language in order to use it. This means that Rust is not suitable for people who are learning to code for it for the first time.
  • Rust doesn't provide the best assistance to monkey patching.
  • It is possible to create more large binary files.

Pros and Cons of Using Python

Following our discussion of Rust Let's look at an in-depth look at the advantages and disadvantages of using Python.


A lot of developers love Python and it's easy to see why. The main advantages are as follows:

  • Python is a programmable language utilized in a range of scenarios such as machine learning for data web development and data science prototyping automating scripting tests, and so on.
  • Python's vast standard library allows developers to create every kind of mathematical calculation from simple to complicated analysis of data that requires less codes.
  • The speed of typing dynamically is much faster than declaring variable type.
  • Create software that is cross-platform support.
  • Due to the fact that Python is an interpreted programming language, troubleshooting is an easier task
  • The large community of support allows clients to receive quick assistance for issues and resolve them faster.


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  • Python isn't the best choice for jobs that need speed because Python is slower than many other languages because of its execution line-by-line and dynamic typing.
  • Python is a heavy user of memory because of its characteristics like the flexibility of data kinds. This means it is not suitable for applications that require lots of memory.
  • Typing in a dynamic manner can cause errors at runtime which cannot be detected at runtime compilation.
  • This device is not suitable for use in applications which require mobile devices due its speed being low and heavy memory usage.
  • Database access using Python could be challenging due to the fact that it is not much developed similar to other languages.

Rust against Python A Head-to-Head Comparative

In the next section, we will examine the differences among Rust and Python with respect to various factors such as hiring options, features the ability to scale, flexibility and speed.

Simple of use/learning

In terms of the ease of usage and the learning process, Python is ahead of the Rust language in terms of the ease of learning and use. Like we said earlier, Python has become one of the most popular programming languages used worldwide because of its ease of understanding.

Pythons user-friendly interface for development and numerous libraries, modules and frameworks allow it to be used in a variety of different fields. This is why Python can be used in many fields, in contrast with any other programming language.

It is easy for researchers to make use of. Even for those with no previous experience with programming, they will be able to understand its basic concepts. Furthermore, they will be able to develop the Python program that has fewer lines. This would require a lot more code lines to write for Rust. So, when it comes to user-friendliness and ease of learning, Python is the winner.

Employment Opportunities

A set of developers who are looking at their screens while working.
Employment opportunities in Rust as well as Python. (Image source: SEEK)

Python is an essential technology stack in a variety of industries around the world. There are many job openings that require highly-skilled Python programmers. Because of its many uses, Python programmers can work in a myriad of fields.

In comparison to Python, Rust is a new language. However, the use of Rust has increased by a steady rate throughout the years. In addition, the quantity of Rust developers is considerably less that Python developers within the field. Therefore, there's an increased requirement for Rust developers in various fields.

Error Handling

Rust and Python differ in their methods for handling errors. Pythons errors handling method doesn't allow much improvement opportunities when it comes to compile time. If an error occurs, Python throws an exception during runtime, however it does not provide options to rectify them.

Contrarily, Rust returns a value that indicates errors during the process of compilation and doesn't end. Additionally, it offers possible solutions to fix it. This makes it easier to deal with errors in Rust programs than Python. In addition, the ability to identify mistakes when composing instead of at runtime helps produce high-quality Rust software.


Python has a huge advantage over Rust due to its large number of libraries, modules frameworks, tools and other libraries that are able to extend. That's the reason you are able to utilize Python to write a simple script to automate day to day activities and build an elaborate web-based application with minimal programming. Python can be used for a multitude of purposes in a wide range of areas because of its flexibility.

In comparison to Python The Rust community is expanding. It has also seen dramatic growth in the last few years. The Rust community's crates registry continues adding new crtes. But, the amount of crates isn't as flexible like Python.


In comparing the capabilities of the two language, Rust is more intuitive with unique capabilities when opposed to Python. As we said earlier, Rust is more thread-safe than Python. The Rust programming language is faster than Python with no garbage collection or running time.

Zero cost abstraction enables programmers write complicated applications with Rust. A variety of useful tools are accessible within Rust to help make the deployment procedure easier.

Python is, on the other hand, comes with fewer distinctive characteristics as Rust. The most notable language characteristics of Python include the capability to type dynamically and with ease syntax and also general-purpose languages that are interpreted. The support for cross-platforms is common for both languages.

So, in terms of features, we could definitively say that Rust is more feature-rich that Python.

Garbage Collection

Rust is not equipped with the garbage collection function at moment of execution, but Python does. That means Rust doesn't check to see if there is any memory not in use at the moment, which could slow the operation. In contrast, Python checks for unused memory during execution. This could be one of the main reasons behind Python programs becoming slow in comparison to Rust.

Memory Management

Python and Rust handle memory in different ways. Python employs garbage collection for memory management that continuously searches for unnecessary variables in codes before freeing their memory. Contrarily, Rust uses the ownership model of memory management that checks for any violations of ownership rules when compiled.

Furthermore, Rust uses stacks and heaps to store values. The stack can be used to store scalar data and the heap is utilized for values that are not scaled. Rusts strategy for managing memory is much superior to Python since it can manage memory more efficiently than the garbage collector that is used at run time.


If you take into consideration the performance aspects of two different languages Rust is the clear winner. Rust was specifically developed to build high-performance applications. According to Rust claims, Rust is 'blazing fast due to its built-in functions like no interpreter, and an efficient management of memory.

On the other hand, slowness is one of Python's disadvantages, making it unsuitable for performance-intensive applications. Pythons slow performance is due to the interpreter and inadequate memory management and is dependent on garbage collection at running time.


If you evaluate these two popularity-wise, Python is the most popular programming language used by people who work on the job and people learning to write code. Pythons' constant rise in popularity was revealed by one of the largest and most reliable studies of the use of programming. For instance, the 2020 Survey of Stack Overflow Developer Survey revealed that Python is the third most used programming language around the world. Rust isn't even far better than Python.

It is interesting to note that Python has also managed keep its position as a well-loved language according to the latest 2022 StackOverflow Developer Survey. The results of the 2022 survey showed that Rust is the most-loved programming language that it continues to maintain for a number of years.


The limitations of Python's performance, like its slow speeds and inefficient management of memory as well as an interpreted programming language, have reduced its capacity to expand the application to accommodate an increased number of users. But, Pythons limits to scalability can be overcome using techniques such as horizontal and vertical scale of the foundational infrastructure.

Python is utilized by numerous technology companies that have a large customer base. This means that Python is scalable with the proper use of infrastructure to scale. However, Rust is designed to provide high performance. It allows you to build websites that can be scalable using Rust without the need for infrastructure cost or.


An image of security with its relevance to the web, servers, mobile phones wifi, etc.
Comparison of security between Rust and Python. (Image source: TechRepublic)

Rust is designed to achieve higher levels of safety than Python. In the Secure Rust Guidelines explain how the language focuses on making it a memory-safe language. Each memory problem is identified when compiled, and prevent accidental access to variables.

Furthermore, in addition, the Rust team continuously strives to address the security vulnerabilities of the Rust ecosystem. It is possible to see all security patches on the Rust announcements page on the security mailer.

However, Python is not memoryand thread-safe at the same extent as Rust. It is vital for developers to manage memory and prevent leaks.


Speed is directly related to speed of memory as well as the performance of the application. Because Rust is more memory-friendly and efficient in performance, Rust programs have a faster execution speed than Python applications.

Assistance (Community and Documentation)

Contrary to Rust, Python has a huge and extensive community, as well as documentation. There is a huge and diverse documentation. Python community is an extensive and active group that allows participants to take part in Python development as well as easily get answers to any concerns. There's a massive library of information that you can access to learn everything about Python.

Rust is, on the opposite side, is home to a tiny population. It is, however, a popular choice for beginners. Rust is a popular choice for people who are just beginning. Rust is growing quickly and the documentation for Rust is thorough and well-written. You can learn Rust from A to Z.

Comparison Reference Table Rust against Python

The table below provides an overview of head-to head analysis conducted by Rust against Python.

Highlights Python Rust
Simple of use/learning It is simple to master and simple to use with simple syntax, and vast libraries The program is difficult to grasp. A prior knowledge of programming is required.
Employment Opportunities Opportunities to grow There are fewer opportunities for it however it's also one of the languages that can earn a higher starting salary.
Error handling It throws exceptions during runtime. The software does not give suggestions on how to fix issues. Compile-time errors in processing with suggestions for how to rectify the mistakes
Extensibility An abundance of libraries make it extremely flexible It is not as extensible as Python
Features It's difficult to locate innovative and easy-to-use features An array of unique and user-friendly features
Garbage Collection It's readily now available No garbage collection
Memory Management By garbage collection The system of ownership and through type model
Performance Low-performance High-performance
Popularity A lot of people are curious about the subject. Rust Its popularity is much lower than Python
Scalability It's less adaptable than Rust Highly scalable
Security It is not possible to use thread safety or memory security. More safe than Python by using memory security and thread security
Speed A bit sluggisher as Rust Great for applications that require high-speed.
Help A vast and diverse community, with numerous documents Community is smaller compared to Python However, it is able to access an extensive library of documents

Rust Vs Python What Should You Use?

The selection of Rust and Python depends entirely upon what kind of code you can create by making use of the two languages for programming. Each has advantages and disadvantages. This is evident the following article: Rust is the most appropriate one for those looking to create high-efficiency and massive-scale apps.

Even though Python isn't as secure and trustworthy as Rust because of its more rapid developing capabilities, and the vast library of programs that exist and supported, we recommend that you use it to prototype as well as scripting, data science, machine learning, as well as data analysis.


Python is among the top known programming languages that have many various applications. While Rust is a bit more advanced than Python however, it is becoming more popular due to its benefits over Python. Top tech companies around the world utilize both Python and Rust to a great extent. Safety of memory and threads as well as abstractions with no cost are among the main features of Rust.

Contrarily, Python is popular for its simple syntax, its dynamic typing, and the huge amount of support it receives by the community along with a range of libraries. Compile times that are slower and insufficient support for monkey patching is two main drawbacks of Rust. The main Python negatives are the slow speed and the absence of connectivity to databases and mobile development.

Which of these languages is it -- Rust or Python -- which one would you pick for your next venture? Let us know by leaving a comment.

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