People purchase based on Logic not emotion - WordPress Membership Plugin Members Sites

Aug 12, 2022

People purchase based on logic NOT Emotion

No doubt you've heard that outdated old saying:

"People buy on emotion and defend their decisions using logic."

There's no way to go five seconds into most marketing tips without being reminded of it (probably at least 1,000 times). The problem lies in... it's not true. or, at minimum, it's incomplete. And, frankly being unsure of why it's not complete is the missing connection for many marketing and marketers.

Let's begin at an early point...

How come most advisors are of the opinion that people "buy on emotions"?

The reason is that emotion is an element of the decision to purchase. It is a crucial aspect. It is perhaps the most significant component. In fact, neuroscientists have studied it and found that people whose brains are damaged in the area that generates emotions are incapable of taking decisions..

"Um... I was thinking you were saying that purchasing decisions shouldn't be based upon emotion? It's not helping much here, Johnny Boy."

As with anything, it's the details that matter.

What research really says is " Decision-making is a complex process that requires the coordination of many brain system." Patients suffering from damage to specific areas of the brain that are associated with emotion are prone to "difficulties with making decisions" however they're not fully incapable.

That is, emotion is a crucial part of the puzzle but it's by no means the all-important component.

Actually, Aristotle identified three components of persuasiveness: pathos ethos, and logos.

Today, you might hear those referred to as belief, emotion and logic. This brings us to an interesting aspect...

How important is believability?

Everyone agrees that belief is essential. It's likely that you've been a victim of the same expert who talk about "people purchase from emotion" discuss the importance of believability.

But, believability isn't emotion.


What I'm trying to convey isn't about how emotion doesn't count. Absolutely does. It's that there's more to the story... and I believe that the logic behind it is what drives people into buying. That's the crucial missing piece for most marketers.

So, enough of me playing coy. What exactly am I saying about this?

Three things that go into the buying decision:

  • Desire
  • Trustworthiness
  • Rationalization

Think about any buying decision you've ever made. There's a good chance to see something you desire it and then immediately buy it. It could be the big Snickers bar you see at the check-out at the supermarket But anything other than a few (or less often) purchase on impulse?

There's more.

If it was only the emotion that mattered, hype would work. You'd see some amazing assertions that you'll be able to shed 30 pounds in just five seconds just by taking the pill, and then you'd purchase it with no thought.

It's not the way it works.

The moment you hear a claim like that it's easy to think "yeah it's true" -- but then you're not convinced. The emotional appeal is there however, the belief isn't there.

So, how do we arrive at logic as the basis for buying?

The moment when you are in a state of uncertainty... when you've heard about the appeals to emotion and you're kind of enticed by the thing. You've been given some evidence and the thing seems credible. You're sitting in the corner with your mouse in hand contemplating whether to go through with it.

What pushes you to the brink?

Probably something like this:

  • "Well, I can be sure to return it in the event that I don't like it."
  • "I've gotta do something because what I'm doing now doesn't work."
  • "I better just get it while it's half off."

Do you recognize the pattern? These are rationalizations. They're logical arguments. These are justifications that we use to say "screw the idea" and move on. Also, the expression "People are influenced by emotion, but justify their decisions with logic" is not far off.

However, the truth is the case that "People desire based on emotions and buy based on logic". The justification comes before the purchase.

What is the significance of this?

If you're a marketer, you want to provide those justifications. Actually, I'd say it's the way to describe a sale: "Well, it is half off right now" and what urgency is: "I better just get before the price goes back up". The limited-time deals provide an added benefit and compelling reason.

Also, note that they appeals to logic, not emotional appeals.

Aristotle had it right from the beginning.

Yes, you need emotion. Additionally, you require credibility... and then you have to be able to demonstrate logic through the use of rationales that take people over the edge and make them click that purchase button.

Give it a shot the next time you have to write a sales piece. I'm confident you'll see a jump in the results that you receive. It can't harm you to try, can it?

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