Online Course Marketing with YouTube. Drive Sales

Sep 22, 2022

Driven Sales by YouTube

I've prepared a brief overview / checklist to serve as a guide to help you. Find the Checklist here.

the Search After you've put your teaser online, people is able to find it using an YouTube as well as a Google search. Here's how you can increase your odds to be found by searches after a while. For example one parent looks for advice regarding how to train their toddler. At this point they may be unaware that there is a course out there, they are just looking to find some information or help. Your YouTube video pops up with a catchy subject matter "How to make your child's bedroom ready to help them sleep" looks helpful so they click to watch it.

The sale After they've seen your teaser video and gained some insight out of it. Now they're seeking more information and you've advised them on how to find it via your call to action. Some of them will follow your advice and head over to your site to check for more information.

A conversion - I won't get too deep into websites and conversion optimization here, but I will give you some quick tips.

  • Ideally have a dedicated landing page for YouTube visitors
  • You can offer them something extra than they can afford in exchange for their email address - keep in mind that these folks have only discovered your course on YouTube just a couple of minutes away and may not have the confidence to pull our their credit card just yet. Therefore, give them a trial of your course or a no-cost single page of information to help them out.
  • Get their email - ensure that the main call to action on this page leads to receiving their email address and including it in your email list You can try to convert them to the full course today or when you have finished the free trial and you may also contact them using an automated email marketing campaign.
  • Automated follow up email campaign This part is really key, make sure you don't just stop at this point. Contact the people you've contacted regularly via automated emails to increase the likelihood of selling. * Over 70% of my sales are follow up sales made through my email marketing campaign and not just on my first visit to my site.

Maximize your conversion - Trials for free of your course is a fantastic option to accomplish this! What I mean by free trial is providing them with access to your first lesson or two at no cost but they need to pay prior to being able to gain access to the remainder of the course. The value they get in exchange for a free trial and makes them more comfortable with you and the program you're offering. Ensure that you get the email address before giving them free trial access as you'll want to market to them even if they haven't decided to make a purchase.

That's the basic overview of how to sell through YouTube. Now let's dive into some details about getting this set up and , in particular, improving your videos so that you receive more views as well as more revenues. The goalhere is to achieve success on YouTube. It could mean for some an adoration from millions of fans. For us success means getting learners to your online course. This is in addition to creating your reputation as an authority.
