No one is clicking your emails. What now? |

Oct 19, 2022

Is your email newsletter feeling neglected? Follow our advice to get your readers excited about the emails you send out, as well as increase your click rate.

However, no one has ever clicked your links.

This is disheartening, especially after all the hard work however, don't quit not yet.

With just a few tweaks, you could improve your situation and rapidly boost the number of clicks you get. In this post we'll discuss what could be holding your email back and how to fix the issue.

Your email list is outdated

Like your teeth, email lists require a periodic clean.

The issue with newsletters isn't only the number of people who subscribe. Besides this, your idea of what a successful list should look like is skewed.

If you have 250 subscribers or more, you're already within the top 10 percent of creators .

If your click-through rate is low, one reason may be because you'ren't mailing your newsletters to the appropriate people. Prune your low-performing subscribers and make room for new ones.

There are two great ways to aid you in filling your checklist with the correct individuals.

Lead magnets can be created.

Lead magnets are the products that you offer to your audience, generally for free, as a reward for details of contact.

However, there are a few aspects you should be aware of in order for them to be successful.

To begin, in order for your lead magnet to be successful, it must to be effective and desired by the target market.

As an example, Korrine Johnson of Travel Biz Boss helps freelancers start their own travel companies. Her lead magnet is an unpaid email template bundle.

Here are some more suggestions:

If you can help writers write novels, give them a template for submitting it to an agent.

If you're an AdWord specialist, offer the opportunity to walk beginners through the basic concepts.

The other important consideration is to let your audience select whether to join your mailing list or not.

Take math tutor Craig Barton , whom you can take this course no cost as an incentive.

As the students sign in, they're presented with the choice of signing up for Craig's Newsletter.

Although lead magnets can be a very effective way to build your newsletter, they must to be opt-in , similar to Craig's model. That is, your readers must decide to join instead of signing up by default.

This doesn't just keep you compliant with CAN-SPAN and GDPR . Also, it's to ensure that your newsletter has subscribers who want to be there.

Lead magnets are also an easy way to segment your mailing list according to precise demographics. Segmentation is when you divide your mailing list into smaller segments to give targeted emails.

As an example you can send various kinds of emails based upon the lead magnets the subscribers downloaded. Personalize your emails by including information specific to the download.

Only 14percent of subscribers consider that the messages they receive are of interest to them. It's not surprising then that creating a segmentation in your email marketing campaigns can lead to an 100.95 percentage higher click-through rate (CTR).

Here's the gist:

The lead magnets you use for your newsletter should be attractive, easily downloadable and offer subscribers the chance to subscribe to your mailing list.

But once they're in, there's still work to be done to get them to stay.

Subscribers who are warm-up, with welcoming campaign

The newsletter version of rolling out the red carpet is to welcome the new subscribers you sign up to a welcoming message.

Be sure to not miss this part. Emails that welcome you are highly well-liked by readers, with 91.43 percent open rate .

This is your chance to showcase yourself and your work but highlight the advantages of staying subscribed.

Here's what Laura Atack of Encouraging Parents welcomes new subscribers. Laura tells new members how grateful she is to have them and explains what to expect. Making it clear in this way lets readers know whether this is the best newsletter for them.

Similar to Laura she suggests, you could also convince your subscribers to stay with incentives so that they're beneficial for your readers. That's why Laura offers several options some of which are sure be appealing to many individuals.


In addition, while cleaning your list can improve your click rate, so can a redesign of your emails.

The email you receive from you needs to be updated

Do you have a higher likelihood to buy from a store if it's cluttered or easy to navigate? It's much simpler to find the item you're searching for (or what you didn't think that you needed!) if a shop is well organised.

If you're not getting the clicks you want, it might be time to try an overhaul.

As an example, Campaign Monitor had a rise of 127% in clicks after they redesigned their email from this:

This new design is:

One of the most obvious changes is the fact that they use a button to draw focus to their call-to action (CTA). The header of the logo has been made more discrete and doesn't dominate. Instead, that's the role of the hyperlinked title.

In comparison to the previous design, it's much clearer the place you're supposed to click, and what you should click and why.

The single column format in the latest design makes it more accessible on mobile devices, too. This is vital since 70 percent of people who receive emails are likely to delete emails if it's not mobile-friendly.

This is another instance of an effective yet simple layout. Breizh Amerika  The newsletter of Breizh Amerika is comprised of an picture, an introduction and call to action button. It doesn't need anything more than that to convince the viewer to click.

The process of clicking is straightforward and even further emphasized by the choice of photo. The stone jetty seems to point to the CTA button.

However, good design doesn't need to involve breath-taking images. In fact, text-based emails result in higher click-through rates .

The Lazy Genius Collective  The newsletter of Kendra Adachi is text-driven and clearly organized, making it simple to read. The newsletter Kendra recommends different Amazon reading bundles paired with her books. This is to take advantage of a deal of 3 for 2.

Her newsletter is easy to take action on, and bundles of them make them useful for readers who are looking for ideas to give as gifts.

In addition, less things could go wrong with text-driven emails. They are readable across various devices and images will not struggle to load or become distorted.

So if you want to increase your clicks, consider what you could simplify in your layout to allow for an increase.

If good email design is the journey, then calls-to-actions should be the goal. Learn how to ensure they are not missed.

Your call-to-action isn't clear

There's a common culprit for lower click-through rates which is related to your CTAs.

Having one distinct CTA is much more efficient rather than having to include with too many choices in each newsletter.

Indeed, an easy-to-spot CTA results in an increase of 232% in clicks -- and it works best when it's both a button and a hyperlinked anchor text .

For your next newsletter, plan it around encouraging clicks to CTAs. CTA.

Inspire yourself from Veganuary's monthly newsletter  and clickable links to its CTA at multiple points to improve the chance of convert. It starts with an attention-grabbing clickable header.

Then, to bring your message back to you The link will also be attached to text contained in the text of the email.

A text-only and visual option of this kind means that if there's any difficulty in loading the header or the text, at least one the hyperlinks will be clickable.

Your newsletter might be designed with links in mind such as, for instance, since there's a roundup feature. In that case, it's recommended to include some sort of hierarchy. Pick your primary CTA to be the one you lead with while offering the other as secondary alternatives.

For example, Austin Kleon 's newsletter is designed as it's a list. However, the first option is his main CTA. It's also featured as the headline, the preview text, as well as the head image.

As it's first on the list, it's more likely to be missed by the readers.

Plus even if you've got secondary CTAs isn't a reason to not present them in a professional manner.

Katy Beauvais's French Instinct newsletter has different sections. Every one of them is mindful of providing readers with a choice for clicks: image, text, as well as a button. Here's a sample.

Essentially, to increase your click rate, include the CTA with multiple formats. This means your readers are more likely to spot and click it.

However, to be able to click on your CTAs users must want to open your email in the first place. That brings us to our next point.

You're not getting your emails yet opened

If the click-through rate for your email isn't high, it may be because your readers haven't been able to comprehend the reason they should click on your email messages.

Your subject line must convey only a couple of sentences what your email about and why your viewers should be interested. In case you're not sure, a good option is to emphasize your CTA.

The subject might seem a little dull, but it doesn't necessarily have to be.

In this case, let's look at how fitness trainer Erin Stern . The name of the email is a reference to the CTA that is the principal part of the email she sent to her (early entry into her latest glute gains course).

It's clear that Erin has given her subject line a little bit of an interesting twist. It could be a straightforward "Get an early start on my glute gain course" as well, which could have worked good enough.

Instead, she chooses a cheeky approach with a peach emoji and a bit of alliteration ("build your fort"). Emojis are a fantastic idea as subject lines with the emoji can lead to more effective CTR .

Her subject line shows off her personality, and she inspires you to read more.

This B2B marketing Subject Line is yet another illustration of how to improve the subject line. Its email is intended to encourage sign-ups to their webinar entitled "Why webinars are a must-use to achieve ABM top-quality".

It could be used as a subject line, but instead, they went for this far more attractive option.

With just a couple of words in a few words, the subject line lets you imagine a shift (from woe to wow) as well as are aware of what the subject concerns (webinars as well as ABM).

Another approach to the subject is to develop intrigue as book review site NetGalley does in this case.

The mini-blurb is intended to get readers want to click through. The readers want to find out the kind of mistake that could cause the family apart.

But there's a caveat but this strategy works for NetGalley's specific audience of book reviewers but wouldn't necessarily in other industries. When in doubt, it's better to clarify things instead of attempt to make it appear clever.

If your email client offers this feature as an option You can test A/B the subject line of your email. A/B testing occurs the process of sending two different versions of an email to an example of your mailing list to find out which one works best.

A/B testing is utilized by 58% of marketers to validate their theories and increase the rate of conversion.

It is also possible to use A/B tests to determine the best subject lines. This is a great choice if you're trying to decide between two possible alternatives.

Engage your customers by using a subject line with an appropriate balance of information and interest as they're greater likely to take action your CTAs.

Another option could be getting an more effective click rate. this is based on your beliefs.

You don't have a crystal clear benchmark for your metrics

If you're not satisfied with the amount of clicks your newsletter is receiving The issue could lie in your internal benchmark.

When you're working alone at a desk, it's easy to slip into the "comparison trap" . You might think you're underperforming when compared with your peers or overestimate what's an average click-through percentage. Instead, you should focus on your individual objectives.

The industry averages can be helpful for a certain point as they can give you a solid metric to position your self.

But, be cautious when using them -they're just an indicator and not an immutable truth. The results will vary by quite a bit based on the person who's conducting the poll and what details.

The most straightforward metric to locate industry-wide benchmarks is the average rate of clicks (CTR), which is the total number of clicks an email receives divided by the number of emails sent. The formula is:

    (Number of emails clicked or the number of emails sent) x 100 = CTR    

In other words, if your email had received 12 clicks and were delivered to 320 people Your email's click-through-rate would be 3.75 percentage.

You can find numerous examples on the internet to examine your email's CTR and compare it to, such as this one.

However, as we've learned previously, lists may be full of unengaged users, so the CTR metric isn't always helpful.

A more important metric that is more important than CTR is a click-to-open rate (CTOR). This measures your click rate on the basis of those who have clicked on your email, rather than your whole subscriber list.

Here's the formula for calculating your CTOR:

    (Number of clicks on emails / Number of emails opened) 100    

If you've received 12 clicks within an email opened by 56 users Your CTOR will be 21%.

A Average CTOR for all branches is 14.3 percent. However, your specific industry CTOR will likely differ.

These benchmarks for email marketing serve to help guide instead of demoralizing you. They're ineffective if they're related to your goals.

Perhaps one click is the minimum you require to get the deal that keeps your company going for many months. It could be that twelve clicks will suffice to get your next masterclass.

Only you will be able to decide what are is the most effective email marketing metrics is for your organization.

Once you are clear about your goals, set yourself an achievable goal to get click-through rates that are in line with your business. Then you're ready to create the perfect email newsletter.

It is possible to transform your future email marketing campaign

There are many reasons the emails you send out aren't getting those clicks that you're hoping for.

Here are some suggestions to increase your email engagement:

Your email list should be given a prune by removing non-engaged customers and replace them with your ideal audience. Make use of lead magnets and welcoming emails to welcome the new subscriber to sign up.

It is important to be clear on your CTA and provide your readers numerous opportunities to click to it.

Attach your subject line to your CTA to encourage a higher open rate.

Check your industry benchmarks for click rates and clarify your goals, so you can set yourself a realistic target.

Like all other Content Marketing, the result from your efforts may not immediately be apparent. But if you consistently do this the click rate continue to increase, and with it, your revenue.