Mastering WordPress full site editing: a step-by-step tutorial - (r)

Oct 3, 2024
Master WordPress full site editing (FSE)

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WordPress' evolution has taken several years to mature but it's now an unassuming blogging platform to an extremely sophisticated Content Management System (CMS) which is almost in charge of the internet. Its most notable advancements came via the creation of templates for web design. WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) is an innovative method of integrating sophisticated tools in every person's hands.

The entire article explains the background and functions of WordPress complete site editing. Its primary goal is to explain how FSE can work and aid with the development of your own website design, alongside experts.

An overview of the way layouts were created and layouts in WordPress

The process of creating layouts and websites within WordPress is essential to comprehending the importance of FSE. The primary tool of our time is the old-fashioned editor.

The WordPress Classic Editor interface. It shows the visual and text editing tabs, formatting options, and publishing settings. The status is set to Draft and visibility to Public.
WordPress Classic Editor. WordPress Classic Editor.

The editor wasn't "classic." The editor was in fact an alternative to the TinyMCE Editor - the default starting with WordPress from around 2017 onwards. It's simple simple"What You See Is What You get (WYSIWYG) Editor for Text which lets you insert HTML text and basic HTML and styles into be formatted. You can actually install TinyMCE Editor for free. TinyMCE Editor is a top-quality tool.

The TinyMCE rich text editor interface integrated into a website. It shows a sample event registration landing page with editing tools, and a form for users to register for an event.
The following will be your TinyMCE Editor home page.

The main disadvantages of TinyMCE Editor are the fact that TinyMCE Editor is a sluggish collection of alternatives to access the editor's interface. It also offers less versatility than the other editors you might prefer. Theme frameworks can be a useful and effective alternative. Naturally, StudioPress' Genesis Framework remains active, but there are alternatives for instance Thesis.

A blog post page using the Genesis Framework. It features a black and white image of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The post is titled April in Paris – Ella Fitzgerald and dated February 1, 2018. The sidebar shows recent posts with thumbnail images.
The Genesis Framework theme is it's standard Genesis Framework theme.
The Elementor interface showing a furniture store homepage design. The page features a New Collection section with product images and descriptions, including a table lamp for $200 and a space bench for $300. A large purple acrylic side table is showcased on the right. The interface includes editing tools and color pickers on the left-hand side.
The Elementor home page.

In the next section, find out why we have alternatives to using our TinyMCE Editor and a page builder plugin.

The Block Editor as well as WordPress complete editing and maintenance of the website

WordPress was named the most popular platform due to its wide popularity. But, to maintain its position the platform must compete to keep its spot. It is not uncommon for different platforms enter into the market.

The Wix website builder interface displaying a photography portfolio page in edit mode. The left-hand panel shows options to add sections, while the main area presents a sample layout for Edward's White Room Photography with an image of a woman holding a camera. Various editing tools and publish options are visible in the top menu bar.
Editing websites using Wix.

The platform was the reason for major issues in relation to WordPress management as various platforms gained more popularity. In addition, it offered elegant, modern and effective interfaces that had the fundamental control of the layout.

The Block Editor can be described as a simple way to design your website's pages and articles, but it has a few drawbacks. It's a limited application in that you'll need a plugin for page builders for making changes that are more difficult. Furthermore, you'll require knowledge of development to create a fully-functional website that creates barriers to innovative ideas. However, WordPress provides a solution. WordPress staff can offer a solution.

What exactly does WordPress what exactly is it? What exactly is Full Site Editor (FSE) are?

The WordPress Site Editor interface. The image shows a post template layout with three columns displaying post titles, excerpts, and publication dates. A context menu is open, showing options such as Copy, Add before, Add after, and more.
Modifying templates within the WordPress Editor complete for the site.

This is the most formal method to update your website. This process puts all the aspects of your site under control by the admin.

  • Navigation editing. The method used previously to modify navigation using an appearance menu builder screen has been integrated into the Editor to the Site. Editor.
  • Global designs. It is easier to manage the layout and style of websites. The design includes typography, colors spacing the characters, the colors used, and much more.
  • Block Patterns. These can be thought of as elements of design which can be combined with Blocks. These can add to the layouts of your designs.

In the following section, we'll talk about things which WordPress FSE Full Site Editing (FSE) can do to aid users later. In the meantime, let's review some of the main reasons to use FSE at first.

How come FSE is included in WordPress

WordPress WordPress team has a variety of reasons to introduce FSE. A few of the concerns are of a technical nature. For instance, The Block Editor won't allow users to alter every aspect of our site, even though this is required in the first place.

The WordPress Templates management interface within the Site Editor. It displays various page templates such as All Archives, Blog Home, Index, and Page No Title with thumbnail previews and descriptions for each template.
The Templates are displayed when you start the editor in Sites.

The experience is also long-lasting. WordPress permits complete editing of sites. WordPress will not disappear; it will simply evolve over time. WordPress is in a position to change to what the developers of WordPress want to bring to WordPress.

The capabilities of WordPress could be an enormous for everyone, from designers through to users. WordPress permits you to completely change the layout of your website. It gives the user more control over modifications to the layout they want to create without depending on web designers, advanced tool for customization or even programming skills.

A different option is FSE

For WordPress users, and also WordPress users and WordPress employees, FSE is not only an option currently. It's also the future of WordPress. It will, however, require an appropriate theme for it (more to come). In addition, some WordPress firms that may not be of similar opinions, specifically those that have competing products.

A code editor window showing PHP functions for registering custom block styles in WordPress. The code defines styles for an arrow-icon-details block, including CSS properties for padding and list-style-type.
A code editor that shows a small section that is PHP code.

The Block Editor can still be employed in the majority of the customizing and composing content. If you want to do total site editing, it's simple to get on. The Block Editor is probably to be used by the time you read this:

The WordPress Block Editor interface for a Privacy Policy page. The content area shows sections on Comments, Media, and Cookies with suggested text. A sidebar on the right offers block editing options for typography and styling.
WordPress Block Editor. WordPress Block Editor.
The Elementor interface within WordPress, showing text editing tools on the left, a preview of the page content in the center featuring a mountain landscape image, and a structure panel on the right showing the page layout elements.
The Elementor page builder is an element of WordPress.

Experience a brand innovative approach, as opposed to WordPress completely editing your website before returning to the place where your began, you should use the latest and most innovative CMS: ClassicPress.

The ClassicPress website homepage. It features a teal and green gradient background with white text describing ClassicPress as The CMS for Creators. There is an image of the ClassicPress dashboard and buttons to download or switch from WordPress.
The ClassicPress homepage.

The principle behind this is that the development of WordPress is an excellent idea in addition to FSE. Block Editor and, by an extension, FSE. Therefore, ClassicPress Fork ClassicPress Fork is not bundled with FSE. Instead, you'll construct websites using TinyMCE Classic and TinyMCE Editor as before.

The Block Editor is basically a response to Block Editor's inadequate development at the time the initial version came out. The idea was worth examining on paper. With WordPress's present editing capabilities but, there's not much reason to switch to ClassicPress.

What's the process? WordPress is a complete website editing tool.

In simple terms, WordPress full site editing extends the functions that Block Editor across all of the site. For you to use FSE to edit your website in its fullest possible capacity, you need to download the theme 'Block' or the  theme 'FSE' that is compatible with FSE. The topic will be addressed further in the near future.

A basic understanding of the FSE's workings is easy. FSE works is simple:

  • There are tools for the entire site to create your web site. This is known as the Global Styles panel later, nevertheless, allows you to change the style of your entire web site. In many cases there is no need for specific CSS for implementing your designs.
  • The theme.json file is the core of FSE. The configuration file specifies the main design and the configurations of the theme. This can be a great start point for developing your web's style, but it also serves as the "hub" of your web layout.

A majority of users will not run versions of WordPress prior to 5.9 But if you are in this category, you'll need to upgrade your WordPress to use FSE. It is also possible that you will require an additional theme that supports the FSE. Let's discuss this quickly.

The most effective FSE zone

  • Check for any updates frequently within the codebase of your theme.
  • Find out what others think of this theme by reading reviews and rating.
  • Make sure that the developer offers the finest standard of service that meets the requirements of your particulars.

Since WordPress completely edits websites is an upcoming feature on the platform, there are less themes available for users. However, this isn't a reason to say that the theme is impossible to locate. There are numerous large companies which offer their own variations of FSE/Block themes. The first of these featured was the ThemeIsle's Neve which is an FSE-focused theme:

The Neve FSE theme site. The header includes navigation links, and the main content features a headline (“Create and grow your unique website today”) with a subheading and two Call To Action buttons. Below are three feature icons for building sites, style variations, and pattern-readiness.
The Neve FSE theme home page.

The original or classic style of theme makes use of the Customizer located in the design display. This latest version integrates the site Editor completely and has increased the performance of users.

There are a variety of Block themes that you can consider, including Portfolio WP as well as Mugistore. However, Ollie is perhaps the most popular of all the other themes:

An array of website design mockups and UI components displayed in a grid layout from the Ollie theme. It showcases various elements such as headers, content sections, image galleries, and Call To Action buttons in dark, light, and colorful themes.
The Ollie theme home page.

It permits WordPress complete editing of your site with no repercussions. It also comes with an excellent application for onboarding as well as with the premium version, which comes with a lot of Pattern Library elements as well as templates.

The Twenty Twenty-Four theme home page, displaying a hero section including a large architectural image of a modern building with a distinctive slanted roof covered in wooden slats. The header includes navigation links for a Privacy Policy and a Sample Page.
The Twenty Twenty-Four theme's main home screen.

The abilities of Site Editor along with its depth allow the creation themes (and expand) themes, which often need the use of a range of sources and codes. The ability is democratized to develop and build themes. The interface that is used as the primary one is the primary interface for themes similar to these.

Looking into the primary FSE interface

To get access to the Editor for Sites, go to "Edit" and then and then click Appearancewithin WordPress:

A screenshot of the WordPress dashboard. The left sidebar displays the main WordPress admin menu options. The Appearance menu is expanded to show the Themes and Editor options. It also shows a Site Health Status warning.
The URL Edit option is available in the WordPress Dashboard.

The interface is straightforward enough. On the right hand side of the screen is a design preview. When you click it and you'll have access to the interface of users for the Site Editor as well as be able to access your homepage. On the left of the screen has a set of Links to other websites which you are able to edit based upon the specific task. Let's look more closely at these screens later.

Before getting into the various screens of FSE Be aware that it is possible to leave Site Editor using the WordPress logo that is displayed on the left-hand side in the upper-left part of your screen. If you prefer there is the choice to click the return button located on the primary designpage:

The WordPress Site Editor’s Design screen. There are options for Navigation and Styles visible. The WordPress logo and a back arrow are highlighted in the top left-hand corner.
The Site Editor's primary Design page.

After this stage is completed we can move on to FSE.

Five fundamentals that make up WordPress the total editing of a website

Now let's review of each screen within the editor and compare them to how it is presented in the navigation. After that, we'll look at the screen!

1. Navigation

The Navigation page serves as an alternative to the menus and display screen. When you've logged into it the page, you'll look over all content and pages accessible on your site.

A full view of the Navigation page within the WordPress Site Editor. The left-hand sidebar shows a navigation menu structure, while the main content area displays a website preview with placeholder text and the visual navigation menu.
The page that allows navigation on the editor's site.

If this is your first website, this page will display the blog's posts as well as pages listed below. This can be a bit confusing as it's your primary menu to navigate. At the center of the navigation heading you'll be able to launch the actions menu. You will be able to change the name of the menu, alter the name, delete it, or take it as a copy

A portion of the Navigation page within the WordPress Site Editor. The site’s title is visible at the top. The left-hand sidebar shows navigation menu items, and a drop-down menu in the center offers options to rename, edit, duplicate, or delete a selected menu item.
Go to the Actions menu from the menu navigation.

When you press "Edit" to open Block Editor, it will start. When you launch Block Editor, it will present an alternative version of Block Editor that contains your menu of navigational blocks

The Site Editor’s navigation menu interface. The main content area shows a list of navigation menu items using Lorem Ipsum text. On the right-hand side, there's a Navigation Menu panel with options to edit and manage the menu structure.
Utilize the Navigation Block inside the site editor.

The bar to the left, you can choose from options to move each entry up or down, or completely remove it from the menu, or build an additional menu from it.

A close-up view of the Navigation Menu Block options within the Site Editor. It shows a drop-down menu of options for the first menu item to move them up or down, add submenu links, or remove items.
The sidebar is located situated on the Navigation Block.

Every menu item is an individual Page Link Block, which will come with the option of the block's own. Formatting options are accessible inside the sidebars:

The Site Editor displaying the contents of a Navigation Menu Block. An inline menu displays a list of options to add new links, customize typography, adjust styles for the navigation elements, and more.
The possibilities of the design of a webpage are endless. Link Block within the Site Editor.

There is also the option of using inline images as well as submenus in this webpage. This is a lot more flexible when compared with traditional ways to create navigation. If you'd like to include something completely new to the menu, just hit the + icon, and then select the article or page you want to add the URL: JlGKQgYwmVlRaMLBoa for adding pages as an option for navigation.

If you save any adjustments The navigation shows your changes. You can also add additional menus were created with this procedure, and duplicate hyperlink to the navigation page.

2. Styles

The Styles screen allows you to alter the look and feel of your website on an enormous scale. It is possible to use the sidebar to choose from the different colors of fonts and styles to create different styles.

The Styles page within the WordPress Site Editor. The headline reads A passion for creating spaces, and precedes a description of services. Six service categories are listed below: Renovation and restoration, Continuous Support, App Access, Consulting, Project Management, and Architectural Solutions. The left-hand sidebar shows various style presets and color palettes for customizing the theme.
Screen for Screen Editor's Styles for Sites.

When you click on one of them, it'll be able to display the appropriate design's spot on your site. It is also possible to click"Edit'pencil" edit'pencil icon at the bottom right side of the bar. This will allow you to modify the settings in the Site Editor.

A close-up of a website design within the Site Editor showcasing services offered by an architectural firm. The right-hand sidebar shows style customization options for typography, colors, shadows, and layout.
There is a wide range of options that are found on the Style sidebar of the editor.

The options on this bar offer a range of fonts, colors, patterns, as well as shadow settings. In particular, you are able to select the web-wide fonts to use them on various elements of your layout.

The Site Editor interface showing global typography settings. The left-hand side displays partial text about creating spaces, while the right panel shows font and style options including Cardo, Inter, and System fonts. The color scheme uses red text on a light background.
The settings for typography are accessible on the Site Editor Sidebar.

Through the menus you are able to offer users additional options to think about such as spacing, color and additional. Layoutsection Layoutsection can be used to modify the dimensions of your main content space. You can also adjust padding and Block spacing:

A screenshot of the WordPress Site Editor interface showing layout customization options. The main content area displays a heading "for creating spaces" with some descriptive text. The right-hand sidebar shows layout settings for adjusting content width, padding, and block spacing.
The Layout options are available in The WordPress Site Editor.

If you're wondering what these changes might look like but without visiting your site and simply click on"eye" "eye" icon. This will get access to the Style Book. This tool is great to visualise what designers will like:

The WordPress Style Book interface, showing typography options for a website. The text "Code Is Poetry" is displayed in various sizes to demonstrate different heading styles. A paragraph of sample text and a bulleted list are also shown. The right-hand sidebar offers options to customize typography, colors, shadows, and layout.
The WordPress Site Editor's Style Book.

Also, though we don't talk about it, you can change the style of each Block that you create for your website. For instance, you can make a completely new style with a reference to the design from Paragraph Block and it's universal. When you've completed the task, you'll be able to save the modifications you made before applying the changes to your website.

Making use of the theme.json file in conjunction with WordPress The full editing capability of WordPress sites

A code editor displaying a portion of a WordPress theme.json file. The visible section defines color palettes and gradients, including names, hex color codes, and gradient definitions for various color schemes.
A theme.json file in the code editor.

This allows you to define the basic style for your Blocks and website and also use it to create the settings files. Additionally, it uses JSON style of formatting that gives users greater convenience than in the past.

At the end of the day, keep in mind that anything you can create by using theme.json, you can do with Site Editor.

3. Pages

The Pages screen is exactly the same as the Pages screen. It's similar to the features that are present in the regular Posts Screens and also Pages from The WordPress dashboard. For instance, you can see the statuses of your webpages which categorize blog post content as planned drafts of your published posts, etc.

The Site Editor’s Pages screen, showing a list of filtered scheduled pages on the left-hand side. The right-hand side shows a preview of the home page of a website.
The Page screen is from The Site Editor.

Every page comes with additional options including Edit View, View Rename and the possibility to delete. You can alter a page with an icon for pencil. In the uppermost portion of the screen it is an"Add New" Page button. Clicking this can complete the task that will last a lifetime.

When you're working with Block Editor, Block Editor will feel familiar to how you work on these screens. You'll still get the same features here, as they are normally available in the Site Editor. It includes the additional set of blocks that will assist you in creating your own website. Blocks cover the most common scenarios, such as the creation of an identity for your site as well as navigation, author comments, and many more.

The WordPress Site Editor interface. The left-hand sidebar shows various Block options such as Navigation, Site Logo, and Site Title. This sidebar highlights the Query Loop Block. The main editing area displays a page layout with a hero image.
Selecting the theme blocks you want to select from The WordPress Site Editor.

One example is one that uses the block with a question. This is a fantastic tool to aid in the completion of tasks which typically require PHP to do. It displays information according to specific specifications, it's also feasible to show your most popular blog posts, or even create portfolios. All of that could be accomplished without the two screens that make up the Site Editor.

4. Templates

The WordPress Templates management interface within the Site Editor. It displays various page templates such as All Archives, Blog Home, Index, and Page No Title with thumbnail previews and descriptions for each template.
The Templates screen is available in the editor for Sites.

The method of creating templates follow the same procedure as posts and pages. It is possible to use the Editor to edit Sites in order to incorporate Blocks into the template. Changes are then saved. Naturally, the changes can apply to every webpage by applying the template.

If you want to create a fresh template, click on"Add New Template." "Add A New Template" button:

Adding a new template within the WordPress Site Editor. It shows options to add templates for different page types such as Front Page, Pages, Author Archives, Category Archives, and more.
Inserting a new template in the Editor that can be used to create Sites.

The user will be guided through a straightforward process to choose a design template that you would want to design and create your Block Pattern for your first design. The patterns we've selected represent the main focus of our last segment.

5. Patterns

Block Patterns are a set of Blocks which fulfill the needs of your website. You can include, for instance, a header image with your branding, navigational elements along with the site's name:

The WordPress Site Editor showing a header Block Pattern containing menu items, a site title, logo placeholder, and links to a Privacy Policy, Sample Page, and two other Latin placeholder text items. The WordPress interface controls are visible at the top of the image.
Making the Header Block with The Site Editor.
The WordPress Patterns management page within the Site Editor. The left-hand sidebar shows categories of patterns. The main area displays thumbnail previews of banner patterns, including images of buildings and architectural details.
It is part of it's part of Block Pattern library within the Site Editor.

On the left hand side, you can find an overview of designs that are available for pattern, divided into folders referred to as 'types. It's an excellent option to make an design online and, in many cases, can be stunning.

A click on the Add New Patternbutton opens the editor, which allows you to create the entire section by yourself. You can create elements that are reused on your web page that lasts for years and provides the ability to create reliable websites for yourself as well as those that you collaborate with.

What is WordPress editing your website with full control to design designs

There's lots to be learned about WordPress total site editing, and it's difficult to go over everything you can do using the software. However, we can provide some tips to help you get the most of FSE.

If you do decide to go that route it is possible to export your template and design for reuse on different sites. To do this, visit the editor of every page or post. Then, select the option menu that is located on the top toolbar. Within the drop-down menu you have the option of selecting the export option:

The Site Editor interface showing the main editing screen, menu options, and a sidebar displaying editing tools. At the bottom, the Export functionality is highlighted.
The exporting of themes is done through the Options section in the editor for websites.

It's the Search symbol that appears in the editor's screen editor as well as in the search bar in the Toolbar for Block Editor. The Block Editor toolbars give users the ability to access WordPress Command Palette as well as Command Center. If you're a frequent user of code editors, then you're aware of what it does. It's a method of getting nearly anywhere inside the Site Editor by using the use of a context-sensitive search. It is also possible to execute actions

The Command Palette within the Site Editor. The drop-down menu shows options such as Styles, Single Posts, Pages, Sidebar, and Post Meta, among others.
Opening, using and closing through opening and utilizing opening and using the Command Palette from the Site Editor's Design screen.

It can accelerate this process and decrease the number of keyboard and mouse movements required. It is possible to add or remove the content of your website with this option in addition to switching between various views while manipulating patterns.


WordPress fully-site editing has become the newest technique of making websites that requires zero code. This is a huge leap over the earlier version, and gives the user many options to experiment with.

We appreciate the flexibility this feature offers. Normal websites' users aren't required to change a single line of code and they can use the site editor's screen editor. Developers have access to their individual theme.json file, that we'll cover in our next blog article. But, for the time being we're leading developing the top WordPress website that is made specifically for your needs.

Do you think about utilizing the benefits that come with WordPress complete-site editing in your WordPress website? Tell us your thoughts by commenting in the comments below!

Jeremy Holcombe

The Senior Editor at WordPress Web Developer as well as the Content writer. In addition to everything related to WordPress I also enjoy golf, going to the beach as well as watching films. Also, I am suffering from height problems.

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