Make your blog content more useful by repurposing it using these 7 strategies

Nov 22, 2023

If you've got a healthy blog that has a resonance with the people who read it, now is the time to expand on the success you've had. Follow these tips to repurpose your blog content to increase your growth.

Your desk is occupied working on additional content for your blog.

Your diligent work is worth it. While blogging, patience doesn't simply become a virtue. It's a requirement.

While it's true that posting regularly on your website is crucial to increasing your readership but it's not the only way to grow your audience. There are ways to push your progress a bit further without putting too much on your schedule.

We'll present to you seven strategies for repurposing your blog content, so you can give the content that you've written legs and expand your reach.

For those who are interested Here's the layout of the land.

Seven ways to reuse the content on your blog

#1. Make your blog entries into an ebook

One way to revamp your blog content is to turn one of your most-read blog content into a book.

If you're interested in the growing popularity of ebooks, they're currently enjoying an post-pandemic rebound this year spurred by the entire world being on the alert.

The conditions of shelter-in-place also affected the growth rate forecast for worldwide ebook revenues that was revised and is now expected to increase to $19.3 billion in revenues before 2024. This is based on an annual compound rise rate (CAGR) at 4.2%.

All this to say, ebooks are currently a popular format and great option for repurposing your blog articles.

Furthermore, as you're experienced in writing articles on your blog, creating an ebook seems like a natural match.

In order to begin, start with your most popular blog post and build on the topic, expanding it with exclusive details.

If one post doesn't provide enough information for your ebook, search through your blog's archives for additional information as well as pull content from related blog posts that have been published.

When you've finished the bulk of the task (i.e. creating the ebook), you can format it using tools like Reedsy or IBooks Author .

If you're formatting your eBook, you may want to include images to help explain a more complex topic. The brain can comprehend concepts better with text and images 3 times more easily than those who read content with no visuals.

As a bonus You can make your ebook as the ultimate lead-generating tool. Here's what I mean.

#2. Utilize the content of your blog article to make a lead magnet

The next step to repurpose your blog's content is to develop an ad-hoc lead magnet that is related to the topic of your blog post.

It can even be more comprehensive than entrepreneur Collin Belt's 7 Fatal Proposal Mistakes Costing You Sales .

There are a variety of choices to organize your content into the form of a digital download and there is plenty of motivation to do it. If you're smart -- making the right offer to the right people, you may be able to make 42% of your customers and get them to subscribe with your lead magnet.

It's precisely what founder Bryan Harris, the founder of Videofruit, Bryan Harris, transformed a successful blog post into an downloadable lead magnet.

In particular, if you read Bryan's popular How to go from one Facebook advertisement to $197 in less than 60 seconds blog post, you can opt to download his bonus formula (a.k.a."his lead magnet) by clicking on his "access right here" Call-to-action (CTA) which appears in the middle of his blog post.

When you click the opt-in button, a pop up appears and then boom the pop-up is a way to capture more readers and their email addresses.

As far as the content inside his bonus lead magnet Bryan's formula for download can be downloaded as a PDF of the blog post with five extra links not included in the original article.

In terms of optimal, those who are great at writing and are more inclined to post blog entries over other media Our next style will be a great fit.

#3. Use your blog's content to create a guest post

Another method of repurposing your blog articles is to promote your topical articles to guest post in other blogs that are relevant to them.

It's a fantastic way to expand your audience and reach new readers in the form of a blog that is complementary to yours.

While the core of your guest post is primarily built on an existing post on your website however, the content you share with your guests needs to be different in its entirety and original. Also, you should replicate the general themes, however, not exactly the same copy of your guest article.

Another major way to differentiate the guest content you provide from your own is by altering your title.

For instance, successful guest author and freelance writer Kaleigh Moore was the guest writer for a piece entitled " How footwear brands use partnerships and other materials in a time when demand for sustainability is growing " at Forbes . . .

And repurposed the content for another guest post on Adweek with the title " Adidas ramps up sustainability efforts with increased focus of recycled material. "

Titles aside, there's one additional thing to bear at hand when you're guest posting. When you're writing for other blogs, try not to come across as too promotional. Make sure you tailor your writing to the blog's readership.

Making sure you do this will help make your content stand out from the rest because, sadly it is the case that 79 percent of editors consider guest content excessively promotional. 56% believe that it's not a great match for their audience.

If you're thinking about how much time you can devote for guest blog posts, 60% of blogs write between one and five guest posts each month.

If you can manage to squeeze in the extra time for writing a few each month The benefits can be worth it in particular if you post on blogs with an audience that is larger than your own.

In one of the most extreme guest-posting experiments successful blogger and entrepreneur, Aam Enfroy, landed eight guest blog posts in a single month on blogs with greater viewers.

The outcome? Adam has increased his organic traffic by 372%. .

In addition Adam kept guest blogging for the remainder of the year. In the course of creating over 80 guest blogs , Adam increased his Domain rating from 0 up to 76, and increased his organic traffic from 0 to 300,000.

While this is an outlier instance of frequency of guest posts and performance however, it could have a major impact in your traffic volume.

The most important thing to remember is that you can extend your reach to the public through converting blog posts to guest blog posts with a similar readership to yours.

If you're willing to expand your creation of content beyond the written form, we've got some other options for you, starting with audio.

#4. Make a podcast using your blog content

The next method to reuse your blog's content is to make a podcast out of the blog content.

Podcasts are a great method of capturing an listeners' attention. For instance, 88% of listeners consume an full episode or much of a podcast.

Additionally after becoming an avid podcast listener and is hooked, they're usually on podcasts, with listeners watching the average of seven distinct shows each week .

If you're looking to get your message across to an enthralled audience the podcasts can be a fantastic option.

If this is a way of overloading yourself with another channel of content to keep, think again.

Making your blog's content a podcast doesn't necessarily require you to create your own podcast. You can pitch your topic for consideration to other podcasts or become a guest.

For example, check out how Aaron Orendorff turned into a blog post from his Copyhackers guest blog post into a book, the complete guide to guest blogging fame and fortune (by the man who made an entire career from this) . . .

To prepare material for his appearance as guest on Express Writers podcast episode 31, " Content strategy for guest blogging with high ROI ".

In case you're asking that you're not have to limit yourself only to one guest show.

Aaron is so knowledgeable in this field that he reused the information once more in the podcast of Rebel Growth episode 75 " Guest posting your way to earning six figures from your online enterprise ".

Another time on CoSchedule's Actionable Marketing Podcast episode 99 " How to write for Mashable, Inc, and beyond to create a six-figure business ".

A lot of mileage can be derived from one article topic isn't it? You can do the same and spread your reach without being too spread out.

Prefer a format that goes beyond audio? That's fine. Our next tip has everything covered.

#5. Utilize your blog's content publish an online video

Another way to repurpose your blog's most popular posts is to transform them into video clips that contain similar content.

If you've ever been on the thinking about taking on video as a novel form of content, there's never a more suitable time to begin your venture into video.

This is due to the increasing popularity of video online as a content format has become a predominant platform and increasingly favored by users.

Actually the year 2022 is predicted that video content will account for greater than eighty percent of the total consumer internet traffic , which is a staggering 15 times higher than the 2017.

A few tips to improving your camera presence are:

Stand or sit up straight with good posture

Speak passionately about your topic

Project your voice

If you think you need an incredible assortment of professional equipment and equipment to record the video footage you want, don't to be concerned. You can shoot a high-quality video by using your iPhone.

Apart from the mobile phone All you have to do is to adhere to a few tips on the lighting and exposure of your camera, stability, and using gridlines to frame your shots.

For instance, using the front or back lighting could make the difference between shadows of your face as well as a clear, well-lit image of your face.

It is important to utilize the blog's content as material for videos, which are now the format of choice for content to consume.

OK. We've provided several options using written, audio and video material. If you're a creator who prefers visual formats then check out our next point today.

#6. Make your blog post an infographic

Our sixth method for repurposing your blog post is to gather the most important stats or points and information from your article and piece into an informationgraphic.

It's a perfect way to drive the main point of your blog post home.

Do you want to know if the work is worthwhile? This is a valid question and the answer is a resounding yes particularly when you're looking for your content to be able to be consumed easily.

In fact, infographics can be nearly 30 times greater likely to get read than articles.

This benefit of visual content is increasingly catching on, too, with 74 percent of marketers employing visuals in greater than 70% of their content, that's an increase of 10.5% increase in usage from the year prior.

You don't have to be an expert designer to create an infographic using tools such as Venngage , Canva , or Piktochart .

Each platform comes with already-loaded templates you can make use of to create an infographic. You can simply swap out design elements using custom pieces of data and content from your blog post.

The essence of this article is short and easy:

Transform your blog's content into an infographic, which is another method to help your readers digest your content, which you are able to do with a simple tool and templates.

If you are great presenters, there's one more option for repurposing your blog content that is webinars.

#7. Convert your blog post to the form of a webinar

The last tip we have to reuse your blog's content is to turn it into webcasts.

This is so much the fact that seventy percent participants to an ON24 study of 22,922 webinars report using webinars to build their brand.

By the way, did I not mention how easy it is to sell an online webinar ?

The webinar can be added on your page for products in the same manner as you add any of your other digital items by clicking on your "products" tab and clicking "new item". A modal pops up in which you choose "webinar," name your webinar, and hit "create & continue".

Don't let my opinion convince you -- if you don't have a platform for managing your digital products take a look at how streamlined the process is by taking advantage of this 2 week trial for free .

However, let me digress. Return to running the webinar that was repurposed from a blog post.

For your webinar to be created you must take the most important aspects of your article and make a slide-based presentation to illustrate your message. Use tools such as Google Slides , Keynote  as well as PowerPoint for the design of your accompanying slide deck.

Similar to any other great piece of content, focus on helping your audience reach their desired result by delivering a webinar.

So, if you think you're encroaching a salesy personality when you present your information, most likely, you're pushing too hard. It's only 17 percent of salespeople think of themselves as pushing, and 50% of prospective customers believe otherwise.

In the end, if you're trying to schedule a live webinar event, aim for a Thursday, since that appears to be the most effective day for attracting people who will be attending the live event .

For a summary:

Convert your blog post into the form of a webinar that you may sell or to promote other digital products. If you want to hold live webinars, plan the webinars on Thursdays. And ensure that you present them in a professional and engaging presentation that delivers value to your audience.

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Get more mileage out of the blog's content by repurposing your blog content in different formats

Your audience can be expanded and business without having to simplify your method of creating blog posts. Follow our suggestions about how you can reuse the content you publish on your blog.

For a recap of the seven methods to help you:

#1. Convert blog articles that are popular into an extended ebook this format is gaining traction nowadays.

#2. Make a lead magnet using your blog's content and make it for download, to build your email list.

#3. Make a pitch for your blog's article to other blogs that are complementary and reuse the article's content as an article that you guest write. Make sure you tailor your content to the prospective readers. Also, write your own text.

#4. Repackage your blog content to create a podcast that can bring your content to a wider audience.

#5. Transform your blog's articles into video content and provide worth to those who like to consume content.

#6. Make an infographic using your blog content as an additional strategy to draw your readers' attention.

#7. Repurpose your blog content into webinars, which is sold and used to increase the size of your company. You must ensure that you present engaging, valuable information that doesn't come off in a way that is too commercial.

Is this all of the options for you to repurpose the blog posts you've written? It's not, but it's an impressive start, and it will increase your income in no time. Have fun!