
Jul 12, 2024

The website's footer is the section that is located at the bottom of a page, which contains important information to users. The footer is usually consistent across the entirety of a website, providing a stable position to be at the end of the scroll. Consider them as the best supporting actor to your site: You may not notice that they're the focus of your site, however, you cannot operate your site without them. They include almost anything users might be looking for, like contact information and hyperlinks to key pages.

It is possible that people do not scroll all the way to the end of a page in order to interact with the footer, but research suggests otherwise. Chartbeat and Nielsen Norman Group showing that people who scroll down tend to spend more time at end of a page than the highest.

This is why footers are hardly footnotes However, how do you make the most of the ones you have? This is what you should be aware of.