Inspiring A Brand without A Doubt in Ajibade's Ajibade

Oct 8, 2023

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We're pleased to welcome you to the Think in Color Summit presented by XayLi Barclay! In this program, we'll look at ways to expand your business through classes online leaving lasting impressions. This can help you succeed wherever you are! Look over all the interviews available here.

Oluwatosin "OloriSuperGal" Ajibade is the creator of the most popular sites for lifestyle and entertainment Being one of the original innovators in social media within the Nigerian market, she pioneered the use of social media. She also founded Media Exposure, a digital marketing division that is an integral element in Olori SuperGal Limited. Through the assistance of the OSG and under the OSG name Tosin was the newest advocate of the OSG's New Media Conference (NMC) annually bringing together the major participants who work to elevate the standard of marketing and advertising within the Nigerian digital and online media industry.

We spoke with Tosin to learn more about the process she used to establish her OloriSuperGal brand as well as the way she helped her followers to adhere to her over time.

   We'd love to talk some more about What is the background to this? is a site that seeks to spread the word about lifestyle and entertainment. The site was designed by Oluwatosin Ajibade. The first time it was released was in 2010.

   What was your path to creating your online business in addition to becoming an entrepreneur start? Are you convinced that you would like to be a part of your business?

My journey started in 2008, after I joined Facebook and started my journey on Facebook. I didn't think about being an entrepreneur in the past due to my 9-5 job. Marketing on social media was simple since I knew the nuances of it as well as the content people are looking to hear. In time I was able to learn how to utilize the various platforms and started to increase my following. My first online venture was working from my mobile phone, making progress before it ever became an actual business that had every employee to join my idea. To date, the experience is enjoyable!

Tell us about the toughest situations you've faced while traveling. How did you manage to make it through this difficult period?

In the past, I've had to face challenging scenarios regarding this issue. One thing I can say with complete certainty is that difficulties usually occur when you're not adequately prepared. If you're facing such issues, there will be many factors that will be tested. The way you respond to the issues that you will face will affect the outcome. The most memorable experience I've experienced was when our Instagram account was compromised by hackers in 2017. The work was for customers that we had to complete, but we were not able to access the accounts because hackers. I was panicking for some time, but was not confident about the right way to move forward. Then I contacted Facebook to seek help. The issue was fixed within less than two days. There were also issues with our website and also with our Twitter and Facebook pages. But, these issues will be fixed. Since we've been working for an extended. duration, and the shift is mostly about issues and how about how to tackle those issues rather than the process of planning to tackle the concerns.

   Do you have something you regret not doing? Not doing better or sooner in your job? Can you offer ideas to females of different races who may have the same problem?

The one thing I am unhappy about is that I did not have a system to follow because I did not realize my capabilities could do this for many years. The idea started out as a pastime that was fun for me. It was something completely different at the time, and it's now an actual company which I can generate a profit. One of the things I tried to learn at the beginning was how to set up the structure of my company and this is among the areas that aren't getting completed.

If you're a woman from other race who wants to become entrepreneurs, it is essential to be determined and enthusiastic as well as the dedication that can lead to a revenue. Do not just follow the rules like everyone others. What differentiates you from another people is the value you bring to your employer. The value you bring, the ability to resolve problems, and your commitment to making cash.

   How have you found it like in the business world that you are a woman with a black color? Do you have any issues which you'd love passing on to others? Do you have any golden motivational/inspirational nuggets that you would share to your younger self?

Business was difficult. One of the things I'd suggest to do is be confident that you're an excellent individual. Everyone feels that they're not good enough or suitable for certain positions The it is even more. If you're convinced that you're an expert and you believe in yourself, you'll be able to overcome any obstacles. One thing that has helped me persevere for many decades is my belief that it's possible, and it's possible. I've experienced many highs and also people saying"NO" for me. All I'm left with is myself and my dreams. If you're sure that you have your own special talents All you require to show them is a stage. Therefore, showcase them by showing the very best you've got!

At what point did you recognize the value in Social Media was an integral part of the brand you've created?

It was evident that social media is an essential aspect of my firm or brand during the year 2012. I decided to tackle the issue serious by creating my personal brand as well as a business's. It took a lot of time, effort and commitment create these brand names. It's impossible to create an image without maintaining the business employing social media in the moment.

   Did you experience two situations which helped you avoid from the simple trap of charging influencers for their services via the web? Did you find the process in the beginning challenging? Are you worried regarding making payments?

What I've learned through my experience working with brands with influencers' help on the internet is that to build trust, honesty and understand the brand's goals and their vision. Brands are thrilled when they have a good understanding of their audience and know precisely what they need and expect. It was difficult to get started on the process as I wasn't sure what kind of job I was putting myself into. I worked to run my own business part-time. I was initially sceptical about it until it became apparent that this is my job to accomplish.

   It's amazing! What was the reason that you chose to release your entire work? Are you able to offer some suggestions to those contemplating the possibility to publish an ebook?

My debut novel was in the year 2000. It was titled Olorisupergal A trip through the path of Social Misfit to Social Media Hero. This book was written in order to help entrepreneurs such as myself to earn money by exchanging their passions for. Today, social media has changed. My book was written in order to present my personal experiences along with how I began my professional journey in 2008 and how I developed into what it is today. The purpose of the book is to tell my life story to others. You can purchase it through Amazon or on the my kindle!

 What are your thoughts of sharing your excitement and personal stories with your organization on Social Media?

It's great fun to work on it because it's my responsibility and I'm incredibly obsessed by the process.

   Can you describe how someone can concentrate on them? Do you have any advice or tips you'd like to provide to help make someone stand out in the internet?

There is a myriad of options for individuals to establish their own market niche using social media. It is well-known that influencer marketing is a good option when it comes to online advertising.

A variety of brands around the world are embracing Influencer Marketing in collaboration with influential people to sell their products. If you've ever thought of making yourself an influencer, now is the ideal opportunity to get started!

Here are some ideas to develop a new niche you can follow through by taking the right actions

  1. Make a name to promote you If you've not been focused on your organization but instead developed content to help increase selling of your business It's the time to examine ways that you could develop content that will provide the viewers an advantage and also create your own brand while at the same time.
  2. Tell authentic tales Social media was constructed around the idea of telling stories. In fact, the most effective marketing materials are built around the stories. If you're looking to build an audience to gain from it's essential to produce high-quality material.
  3. Create captivating content A way to make sure that people who follow your business acumen and the ones that you'll draw will be interested in your voice is to write engaging content.
  4. Enhance your authority by using video    
       Before engaging organizations of any type, you need to ensure that you have an influence on your fans. Live streaming is available every week, or use your IGTV to stream longer videos. YouTube is a fantastic platform.

Influence could be described as the ability to influence your audience to act by communicating your thoughts or ideas.
  If you're looking to increase your followers, then you'll have to begin offering some suggestions on what you can achieve this in your areas of expertise and see how your followers react to what you have suggested.

It takes several months for you to get an audience engaged and convincing them to be willing to make changes. However, this is an adventure one must take on if you wish to become an expert in the area you are involved in. It can take time to learn the fundamentals before enjoying the rewards of influencing others, but it is possible to accelerate the process of learning with the proper skills and advice.

   Do you have an interesting story to share about the process of establishing an impressive team in your business, Olorisupergal? Did you have a particular moment that you decided to engage assistance?

It was my first experience hiring individuals on my behalf 2012 while I was the sole employee in the office. The management of employees hasn't been an easy task, which is why I employed an HR firm to do the task for us. It's not an easy task to manage the employees who you oversee and you should seek assistance if you require assistance!

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Do you want to connect with Tosin? Tosin is available on and

Twitter: @TheTosinAjibade

Instagram: @thetosinajibade

This article was originally posted on the website.

This article was originally posted this site.

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