I made it! The Method Joanna Wiebe created an enormously loved book that contains amazing messages

Nov 19, 2023

Learn about Joanna Wiebe's method of creating for writing her novel. Discover how she maintains creative and up-to-date.

The theory is that you can create anything by writing it down -for example, C.S. Lewis declared that at the end.

However, if you're a skilled writer or a person with lots of experience, you're more than an artist that would prefer to share your work with the world for people to take in, how do you craft your message for an offer?

And how do you write content that is resonant with the people you are writing for?

If you're designing a sales website page with a unique value proposition call-to-action button, or headline, choosing an appropriate phrase can be challenging.

There's a pro who could aid you in this regard. They'll even work with your work schedule.

Who? Joanna Wiebe, of course she's the queen copywriting and the co-founder of Copyhackers. Copyhackers Copyhackers is one of the most popular copywriting websites.

The pleasure was having a conversation with Joanna on the third installment of I Made It , a podcast for creatives looking to do something which takes us through the entire process of making that was involved in making"Where Stellar Messages Come From ebook.

What we usually do with it is to do it best to begin this story from the beginning: how Joanna became an entrepreneur. Additionally "fell" really is the word we're seeking in this case.

How Joanna fell into entrepreneurship and created an eBook

Joanna's journey into entrepreneurship along with the making of ebooks did not start with a plan.

She actually worked at Intuit before 2010 and planned on staying there Intuit until she "accidentally decided to quit".

The cause for her impulsive resignation is as follows:

Joanna created the "I will quit" email to her supervisor in order to let her vent when she became unhappy at work. One Friday she sent it out instead of the standard delete of the message she sent. (She could or might not be drinking alcohol in the afternoon, as she explained.)

It wasn't how she fell into entrepreneurship. It was always her intention to help other entrepreneurs with their learning process to write copy on their sites.

In the event that Joanna was so proficient in designing websites to promote Intuit that she could have more time to herself, which she would spend looking at websites catering to entrepreneurs.

While exploring one such site, Hacker News , Joanna came across a small-scale business owner in desperate need help with the design of his website. Joanna offered him an entire file with message and copy ideas. The client expressed his gratitude to Joanna for her kindness in an article published through the site.

This was the time Joanna was approached by other users with their site positioning and copywriting. Joanna committed to helping 10 individuals with their websites without cost.

Her calendar was stuffed with the 10 things to do that she had to complete, and she wanted to know how to be able to say "no" to anyone who suggested she create an ebook that could help people at a higher level.

It's not a bad idea, is it?

Joanna was thinking about the same thing, and she came across the idea the idea of writing her novel, The Stellar Message: Where They Are Born was born.

Joanna has decided to collate her experience by putting her experience into the eBook format. Joanna also used her pro bono 10 projects as case studies for her class.

"It was about actually testing things before taking the lessons learned from our experience," she shares. "And the next thing we did was to communicate our learnings the form of the book."

Joanna's writing process

Joanna developed a method for writing when she was at university. It is a process she continues to use comprised of three major elements.

The first is to start by conducting study. To create the book she looked over prior research that was pertinent to her to discover the areas that were lacking prior to pursuing further research.

Then, Joanna organized her findings through the creation of an outline of her research along with writing down her thoughts (the next step).

"I took all of the necessary details, and then started making an inventory of the data that I uncovered . . . After that, I began to make notes in the outline format to create what became," Joanna explains. "I thought it was about 250 pages by the time I had finished with the draft. Then I redrafted the final version of the concept I came to."

It is not advised to cut corners on the material she chooses to work with in the process of drawing drafts.

The last step for Joanna is finishing the editing. It is a task that many writers don't like. Joanna remains a fan of editing and is also known being a nerd about grammar, syntax and sentence construction.

According to her "editing is the point where everything becomes incredible." It is the point where her work is born and connects.

If it's going be major changes as well as the dissolution of all the work has required a lot of work and wants to leave by unnoticed, Joanna still embraces this part of her process.

"It's that moment when you read a whole manuscript and realize the entire section could be cut out and would not even be affected by a tiny amount," she explains. "And the next thing to do is to slice it, and the part which you cut will be much more robust, which means it will become more durable . . . When you transform the globe."

From where does the positivity of her originate?

Joanna will always be awestruck by much more than her personal outcomes.

"Getting in there, getting lost, and coming out exhausted, even 6 hours later and still thinking it was just an hour long, is going to be one of my favorite element," she reflects. "Even it's true that not person would be interested in this in the long term, but at the end, it was a blast and you thoroughly were enjoying the journey."

Even though Joanna enjoys losing herself in her work, she is able to keep her blog content current by focusing on the single most essential aspect in any creative venture which is the readership. For Joanna this is her readership of beta readers.

How Joanna utilized beta readers to form her second book

To ensure that her book relevant to the audience they were targeting, Joanna bounced ideas off those in her circle prior to making revisions and then publishing the new version.

Her beta readers included members of the community of startups who previously sought assistance. Also, they included entrepreneurs who were part of her circle and have launched their own business.

By asking readers to share their opinions following the reading of the first book of her book collection Joanna was able to decide "whether the sequel will be a success or not, and why it did not."

What was the outcome of the comments from her beta readers? Two Updates.

One of the most notable changes that came of her research with readers was the reduction in dimensions of her book. People's feedback who read it suggested that the book was way too long for them for their comprehension and that's why she decided to break up her book into four small one.

The latest major revision to her eBook was motivated by the idea that it would be more practical. The readers loved the content however they weren't certain what they should make use of it.

This is the reason Joanna included a chapter in the beginning of the book that clearly explains what readers will receive after they have finished the book.

"We want to ensure that everyone is aware of fact that when you've read this, and understood it you'll walk away and actually know how to create a headline, or design a button, as well as how to modify your button's text, and various other aspects like this," she explains.

A useful ebook can be a method to differentiate the book of Joannaalong with the company's name and branding itself from those of other. "Everything which we accomplish here at Copyhackers can be applied to real life," she claims.

"A majority of people are able to come up with amazing theories," she describes. "There's lots of knowledge and a wealth of information about what needs to be accomplished but there's little in the way of practical capabilities at the moment."

Furthermore, Joanna even added an interactive element in her ebook on sales to ensure that her readers are accountable for their choices.

"At the end of the course and in various places during this course, we urged participants to sign in to the internet and indicate the actions you'll take following, in order to have this kind of obligation" she says.

It's crucial for Joanna to push her readers to think past merely consuming information. The ebooks she writes should assist readers to "prioritize the actual work and discover what they need to know about it."

"I am constantly letting the good work of others stop me from making my next big thing," she admits.

This is why she's committed to creating workable ideas. If you're contemplating doing something following your study of her books Joanna's last advice is to act with integrity and respect.

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Joanna's parting words of wisdom

When writing, Joanna is of the opinion that it's essential to be sincere and considerate of the intellect of the readers.

"I most enjoy reading things in which the writer has respect for my intelligence," she explains.

Also, you shouldn't fool your readers into thinking your words trick people into believing that it's an unrelated thing.

The purpose for headlines is catch the reader's attention. If you manage to grab their attention but the content you write isn't relevant to their needs, there's an issue, and a misuse of writing tools.

"If you intend to use manipulative tactics to influence people, then I'm not going to write the book you're writing," Joanna clarifies.

But it's an excellent option to utilize information to create and market top-quality products. That's why she wrote her books.

Joanna says, "If you're somebody who wants to do good things with the product that you're creating for people you trust and are confident then maybe this is the place you'll find the right tools to help you."

To access Joanna's useful devices get her book The Stellar Messages come from. .

For additional great advice from professional creators such as Joanna, check out the entire I Made It podcast over here .

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