How to Sell and Create Online Courses Using |

Apr 27, 2022

The market for online courses is booming, hitting over $250 billion last year. And if you're like a majority of us, you probably dream about selling a piece of this market.

It's a good moment to develop the online version of your course. However, you must be aware that the world of online education is changing. More competition is on the horizon that you may have figured out already. There's a lot of creators on the market. And there are a lot of tales about individuals who designed a course, that earned them $45,000 on their opening weekend. This could leave you in a state of confusion, fear and maybe inspired! We hope this is the case!

Here, we want to discuss a little bit how to develop and market online courses with . If you'd like to know more comprehensive tutorials on creating online courses, look at these blog posts: The Ultimate Guide for Creating an Online Course and Selling Courses Online

If you want more support in building your online course community, be a part of OUR Mighty Community for free and meet other new and established community owners! We'd like to get to know you. Join for free!

    In this post...

1.Community Design(tm)

2.Decide on delivery

3.Choose your pricing structure

4. Find your members

5.Deliver value

6. Adapt and grow


Community Design(tm)

We recommend starting with this method, regardless of whether you are creating a course. In part, this is because what creates such success the course so successful is their community - more on this in a minute.

Our trademarked process of community Design(tm) guides you in creating a solid understanding of who your ideal client would be, what their problems are, and the ways in which you can help them. It's the place to start with creating an online course.

Decide on delivery

Think about how you want to teach your online course. With you have the choice to make the course pre-recorded, to drip out information, or to present it in person!

Actually, we've had some great successes of students who have chosen to give the class in person !

There's no wrong solution. The choice is best for you. If you choose to take live courses and the course is recorded, it's available all the time as an online course.

Choose your pricing structure

One of the most difficult aspects about creating an online course is working out the price you can sell it for. There is a tendency to believe that keeping costs lower will lead to more people to sign up. However, as we've seen from experience, this's rarely the situation. And people often value what they pay for.

The great thing about teaching a course through Your Mighty Network is that you can sell it in different ways. You might choose to keep the cost of membership low or free and add an upsell to the course. It could allow you to provide worth to your customers before asking people to pay for the course. When they're already part of your network, it's an easier jump to sell them more.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

You could also opt to market the course itself as one-time fees, and give members access to the online community for a specific period of time.

You could also choose to charge one cost for membership and add the course in your group.

How you would like to go about this aspect of your business it allows you to build almost any kind of package you could imagine. If you're not in the US it is possible to charge the price in your currency of choice.

Find the members of your group

When you have done the necessary background research, and your community is set up then the next task is to identify your members. Whether you are trying to attract members to the community for free, or you're selling the course, membership acquisition is a vital aspect of any course-based business.

It is possible to start by identifying those you have interviewed as your ideal group members. This shouldn't come as an unexpected surprise that those who shared their issues with you might be willing to invest in the solution you propose.

You can reach out to them by sending them a message or email like this:

Hey James,
Thank you again for your comments regarding the hurdles in starting a writing business. In the wake of my conversations, I've decided to create a free-lance writing community. It's completely free to join, and will be an opportunity to help freelance writers and impart the wisdom I've learned from building my own writing business that is six figures. I'm also planning to offer a live course in the fall on creating your own six-figure writing business.

    I'd love to see your there, but don't feel pressured if it's not for you right now! Thank you for the valuable insights, and Have a wonderful week.

In the event that you don't, you'll have find a suitable method of acquiring members for your course company that is suitable for you. The possibilities include:


  • Email        
  • Social media        
  • Free trial        
  • Ads        
  • Webinars        
  • Speaking as a guest        

Do not forget that you can easily invite people to sign up for your Mighty Network by either sharing your landing page, or sharing an invite hyperlink.

Deliver value

When you've got the participants of your class in place then you're able to deliver worth. Obviously, one of your primary channels to deliver worth will be the course itself. Select the method of delivery as we mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Also, with an Mighty Network, you can constantly add additional content to expand your course in the future. Be aware that each course has an area for discussion in the middle, which means you'll have the ability to engage your students by having a lively discussion on the course too.

There is no limit to your course's function for delivering value. You can easily surprise your customers with live streaming, live events, regularly scheduled posts or articles polls and much more.

While your course material is crucial, the relationships which your participants make with other members will also be a vital part of their journey, once they realize they're not alone and find people to walk in their footsteps.

Grow and adapt

Do not end your journey with the creation of your course. Make sure you keep learning and adapting when you discover which elements are working. Add more information while you delving deeper into the kinds of questions that students will be asking. It is possible to check your analytics to find out where people spend their time the most and then use the data to adapt your content.


The hope is that this short guide will give you an idea for how to create online courses and then sell them with .

However, when you're creating and selling an online class the most important thing is to enjoy yourself! Making a community and course doesn't have to be stressful. Actually, if you select the appropriate platform, it'll take care of a lot of the work for you. You just need to provide the best material to learn and we'll help in bringing your ideas to the world!

Ready to create and sell your online course?

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