How to Make Money Self-publishing

Dec 15, 2022

If you're a writer who might be thinking about publishing a book, you're probably contemplating all options for deciding which one to choose.

Book publishing is a popular option You have two choices: traditional publishing and self-publishing.

Although traditional publishing was always the preferred method Self-publishing is getting quite a bit of momentum and a lot of writers have successfully taken the route.

If you don't want to compete with traditional publishing, and are looking for another method to put your book published and begin the path to a career in writing, this article is ideal for the.

Learn about what self-publishing is as well as the advantages of self-publishing, and how you can earn money from self-publishing.

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What is self-publishing?

Self-publishing is the act of creating a work of artparticularly books- as the author or artist without the help of publishing firms such as Penguin/RandomHouse, Harper Collins, etc. Though self-publishing is usually used in the context of books, it is also possible to self-publish music, paintings, or other artworks.

When self-published, the author writes their book and oversees the entire publishing process themselves, including editing, designing, and formatting without the assistance of a traditional publishing company.

When it's time to publish your book author launches it on an online self-publishing service and keeps all rights to the book.

Some popular self-publishing platforms comprise:

  • Amazon KDP The Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing is the most used platform for independent authors to use to sell their books. The platform has more than three million books published across different niches including fiction as well as non-fiction. Although KDP allows you to publish an unlimited number of books in paperback, eBook and hardback formats it doesn't permit the sale of your book on any other platforms within the first 90 days from the day of publication.
  • Apple Books: Apple Books is an excellent location to launch your novel due to its larger market percentage than Kobo, Google Pay, and Barnes & Noble combined. Apple Books isn't as well-known as Amazon KDP, but publishing with Apple Books exposes you to a new audience that you might not be able to reach with KDP.
  • Barnes & Noble Press: Barnes & Noble Press has great royalty rates as well as impressive print capabilities and marketing services that make it an ideal location to showcase your work should you decide to publish your work in a wide format.
  • PublisherDrive: With PublishDrive you'll be able to make your book available for sale and then distribute it through various channels, such as Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and numerous other book stores. Additionally it allows you to keep 100% of your royalty.

Why would you want to self-publish your work?

While traditional publishing is still popular and is the preferred route, many indie authors are finding success with self-publishing. Here's why:

    Higher royalty rates    

With traditional publishing, an author is given an advancean amount of money the publisher pays the writer in advance before publishing their book. The amount is generally between $3,000 and 100,000. The writer must make this amount by selling their book before they begin collecting royalties. The royalties usually amount to 10% of the book's sale.

Imagine you're given an advance of $20,000 and an average royalty of 10. If the book is priced at $11.99 then you'll need sell 1,668 books before you start earning royalties. Once you've started earning, you'll earn $1.19 for each copy.

Self-published authors, on the contrary, do not receive an advance, but they get about 70% per book sales from the beginning. Therefore, instead of receiving $1.19 per book, for a book listed for $11.99 You'll get around 8 dollars per book starting. So if you get $8 and you sell 166 copies, you'll earn $13,344, which is more than what a conventional publishing firm will pay.

    Complete creative control    

If you choose to take the self-publishing option You'll be in complete control over the work you produce. You'll determine what the book is about, how it's cover design is as well as the way it's laid out and what your synopsis will be, and everything else in between.

It is also possible to hire your own editor, cover designer, and formatter, so you have more control over the more important parts of the project.

    Complete autonomy in your company    

6 ways to make money self-publishing

If you want to make money through self-publishing, here are six steps you can take:

    Write a good book    

If you are thinking of earning money from selling something online The first thing that likely pops into your mind will be "marketing". Or "sales", perhaps. The way that you intend to make money is self-publishing your books and selling them. So it's important that what you're selling is good.

When you begin thinking about ways to get in touch with every reader that exists, make sure you're creating a book is something that people actually want to go through. If you worked for a traditional publishing house, they'd take responsibility for certain steps necessary to write a good book, minus the actual writing of it, of course.

  • Make an outline of your manuscript.
  • Create the draft. This draft is what's known as what is known as the "ugly" draft
  • Self-edit the draft using tools such as ProWritingAid, Hemingway Editor, and Grammarly.
  • Employ an experienced editor. Editing can be a complex and difficult. Finding a skilled professional who can assist you with your editing is likely to be the most beneficial option for your work. An editor can be hired via platforms such as Reedsy, Fiverr, and Upwork. If possible, hire an editor, as well.
  • Run some revisions to refine the text
  • Make the book's cover. If you're a designer, you can do this by yourself. If you're not, I suggest employ a professional to design a cover that fits industry standards and catches readers' attention. It's not possible to do this on your own because, contrary to the widely-held belief, people look at books by their cover.
  • Once you've got your HTML0 ebook, you can upload it to self-publishing platforms like Amazon KDP and Apple Books.

The format process is vital as it will determine how the book will appear like inside. Therefore, you must be careful when working on it or, better yet engage an expert

This is an simplified version of the whole process nevertheless, it's a good idea. The point is that you do everything you can to make your purchase worth the cost as well as having the pleasure of.

    Start an launch team    

A launch team, also known as a street team is a group of people to help launch your book. These people don't have to be authors, however, they should've read your book and enjoyed it.

Your launch team will be responsible for helping you garner momentum so that you can begin selling preorders immediately after you've launched. They'll:

  • Schedule social media programs and events in order to create buzz
  • Get in touch with content creators and readers for feedback
  • Write reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads to help give your new book a boost

The launch team you choose to work with doesn't need to include a huge number of individuals. If you're able to recruit just five people who have a significant audience to spread the word about your book, that's excellent. Just make sure you build a team that you can communicate and work together to make sure the book's success is assured.

They can be found via social media, as well as bloggers or authors within your own network. Which source you sourced them from doesn't really matter so long as they've got an ardent passion to see the book achieve its goals and will do what it takes in order to achieve it.

    Develop a marketing strategy and launch plan    

A book's marketing is a complex process that involves many different things so you'll need a guide to ensure you and your staff are in the right direction and that you're taking care not to leave anything important left out.

For self-publishers Marketing involves:

  • Designing and setting up social media and PPC ads
  • Quizzes and challenges for planning and prizes
  • Public relations campaigns running
  • Participating on podcasts and other media to discuss your book, and other things.

Within your schedule for publishing, break down your publishing costs -- all the money you'll spend on hiring an editor an editor, proofreader, design and cover artist, as well as the formatter. After you've determined what time it'll take each of them to finish their jobs, start mapping out your budget for ads and giveaways. Also, note the interviews and podcasts you'll be doing before your book launch.

This entire process usually lasts between 3 and six months for self-publishers but it is important to leave wiggle room in your schedule to ensure that things don't happen exactly as you planned.

If your schedule isn't restrictive could lead errors. It's much better to have your schedule set up a month earlier than you planned. Rather than rush to fix a book that's only a week from its launch date.

Build an audience

We'll be honest: the vast majority of self-published works sell little to the point of selling no copies. Scary, right?

But don't fret. The majority of self-publishers don't think about the main aspect way to earn money from self-publishing: creating a targeted public.

Below are some suggestions on how to build an audience. It's great that it's possible to begin this even before the writing of your book. It is important to gather the most people you possibly can in your corner prior to when your publication is released so that, the moment it is released begin to earn money as soon as possible.

Post frequently, interact with people (especially fellow writers) and answer comments. It's possible that you won't see the immediate results however, if you continue to work at it, you'll grow.

  • Website for Authors: If you don't have a website, then you should create one as soon as you can. A website is where your readers can go to learn more about you, buy your books, sign-up for your email list, as well as learn about any additional services you can offer. You can't rely on the social media sites as well as Amazon because they don't belong to your company. They could crash at any time. The website however is yours to use it however you like. The website can be created by using WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix.
  • Email list: Emails are one of the most efficient ways to communicate and reach your audience. Why? It's because it's personal. People are so intrigued by the work you do that they've given them their email addresses to ensure you can send them regular information about what's happening. That's powerful.

Don't assume that people will simply sign up. It's rare for people to give away their email addresses without a reason or something to gain from it. Give them something to do. This could be a short tale, poem, some writing prompts and even the initial three chapters of your next book for free. If it's worth reading and relevant to your job as an author, and it's free, readers would be interested in joining your mailing list.

    Publish more books    

If you want to make money with self-publishing, you'll need to write more than one book.

If you write one book and never publish another one, the number of readers is likely to decrease until the readers aren't interested in your work at all. Once people read your first book and are impressed, they're likely to look forward to the next one you release. Therefore, you must continue writing and publishing.

However, you must strike a balance.

A few self-published authors working in trendy genres such as romance may put out five or more books per year. Although this might work well for them, it doesn't necessarily mean that you must be doing the same. Ideally, you'll publish two books per year. However, publishing one book per year is great too as it provides your readers with time to catch up before you release another body of work. It also gives you time to create a solid marketing strategy for each of your books.

An excellent way to earn an income that is full-time from self-publishing is by writing an entire series of books that are based on the same character set. This almost guarantees that people who liked the first installment will want to check out the other books in the series. And people who are unfamiliar with your work will have to start at the beginning before continuing on the series.

When your entire series is completed After that, you can package the pieces together in the boxset and earn revenue.

Important: To make sure that you don't get burned out, wait till you've finished creating your third or even the second book before publishing the initial one. It gives you the time to finish the following book.

    Your books can be made available in different formats    

Self-publishing platforms allow authors to publish their books in various formats, including eBooks, paperback, hardback, and audiobooks. While eBooks are the most well-known format used by self-published authors, you shouldn't only offer your book as an eBook. If you do that, you'll be losing out on sales from those who would prefer printed books -- whether they're paperback or hardback -- or audiobooks.

Make money with self-publishing

One of the most important aspects to make an income from self-publishing is to think of the process as a business, as opposed to simply publishing the book. To succeed as a self-published writer it is essential to create an exceptional book, advertise it to your target audience, and nurture your fans to ensure that they continue purchasing more books.

This will allow you to earn passive income you can rely on.