How to Grow Your Online Personal Training Company |

Aug 4, 2023

If you're looking to expand your business through personal training, we're living in a time of endless possibilities. With the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expecting a massive rise in personal trainers (19 percent from 2021 to 2030) as well as the worldwide market for training expected to hit $65 billion by 2033, this is a field with plenty of potential.

In addition, making your company on the internet will open the door to an entire new set of possibilities and scale.

If you're ready to grow your online personal training business, this post will tell you the steps to take. We'll talk about how to accomplish this and guide you to the most effective method to offer personalized training on the internet.

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    The post...

    What exactly is a personal online training business?

    Why your online personal training business must expand

      Stage 1: You Need to Launch

      Second Stage: You need stable revenue

      3. We need systems

      4. Stage: Must scaling

    How to grow an online training company for personal trainers (8 strategies)

      1. Niche down

      2. Make flywheels and not funnels.

      3. Start a community

      4. Select an all-in-one

      5. Build scalable offers

      6. Give more

      7. Consider ad spending

      8. Make sure you are focusing on the correct social

    How to attract clients to become an online personal instructor

    Ready to grow?

What is an online training company?

A business offering online personal training is a business in which a instructor uses the internet or a computer to provide digital products and services. Virtually, online personal training is offered and is possible using both synchronous and Asynchronous methods. A lot of online personal trainers develop into products like fitness apps or even branded digital items.

How to build a fitness app

Here are some typical features found in top online businesses for personal training:


  •         Communities    
  • Discussion forums        
  • Webinars        
  • Video content        
  • Written content and blog posts        
  • Live events        
  • 1:1 Coaching        
  •         Coaching for groups    
  • Live courses        
  • Pre-recorded course        
  • Programs        
  • Digital downloads (e.g. training plans)      

Personal online training businesses from nothing to six, seven and even eight figures.

 - Graphics - Event Series -Body Soul Collective

Why your online personal training company must grow

Online personal training businesses are able to get to different points where they're stuck, and require to grow.

Here are some of the more common issues that trainers are stuck and the things they require to get on the right track to get there.

Which of these is the best for your business?

Phase 1: Must to launch

If so are, then you must begin to get your online personal training company off the ground. It is possible that you have some ideas and some interest for some early clients, but you need to create an attractive value proposition and figure out how to attract customers.

    Solution It is important to establish your service or product and identify a suitable client.

 - Graphics - Build a Fitness App

Stage 2: Need stable income

Some customers are there, but you are struggling to balance everything. You've worked out the best way to promote and sell an item, however the business you're running isn't as strong for it to remain stable.

    Solution: Concentrate on the people you can serve best and work out ways to find more of those clients.

Phase 3 Need systems

Your business is stable and you're earning income, however you're struggling to keep all the balls in the space. You're exhausted and facing exhaustion, as well as feeling that revenue leak because your products or technology aren't as well-defined.

You need systems to allow you to step back and become a business owner. After all, you didn't set off with the intention of just having an additional full-time occupation.

    Solutions: simplify your life, streamlining, and simplify your technology and business.

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Stage 4: You need to scale

Your company is growing and you've earned some rave customers, but you have to move your company to the next level, learning how to serve more people. You're building better tech or using a team to expand.

    Solution: Utilize new technologies and/or team members to serve the masses at a large scale. Move away from 1:1 to develop additional products.

Pro Testimonial Slider Kula - DeviceDemo

How to grow a personal-training business online (8 methods)

1. Niche down

Hard to believe, but serving too many people can result in your demise. A lot of personal trainers working on the internet need to choose their own niche.

If you are able to identify the ideal clients and know the best way to serve them effectively, you're in the best position to start a business that is profitable.

One of the coolest examples of this Mighty is Martinus Evans' Slow AF Running Club. It serves "back in the crowd runners," instructing them on how to begin running for the first time. And having this clear ideal member contributed to helping Martinus the community make an impressive $140,000 during his first year, not to mention features within Men's Health and the New York Times.

The process of finding your ideal client signals to them that you are an ideal person to aid them. Here are a few strategies to locate an ideal client.


  • Explore your life history. Often you're best positioned to help the person you used to be. You know who that person is... speak to them.      
  • Interview ideal clients to determine what they're looking for and how much they're willing to pay.        
  • Develop a specific trial offer (e.g. the webinar or an event) to determine the response to it.      


2. Build flywheels, not funnels

The popular wisdom of marketing would have you believe that your task is to build an effective funnel. It's not difficult to figure out. Start with a lot of customers, then you go through the steps until you create a selling opportunity for the small percent of people who are attracted.

Funnels are a necessity.

But we are experiencing a different type of business pop up that is very profitable... without the need for a funnel.

This is also known as the flywheel.

If you write the content you want to share, get your ideal customers into the conversation, assist them learn and grow as they grow, then seamlessly sell to them, you've got yourself a flywheel.

We observe it in private training firms that operate in a community all the time. Customers join in order to gain the benefits of membership. However, once they're part of the ecosystem, they make friends, create content, ask questions, and even proactively look for new products.

A community flywheel is a game changer that McKinsey looked into it in the past and called it the enterprise of the future.

and it's a great model for an online personal education business.

It's like this:
Produce content that adds value and engage customers and bring them into the conversations (either on social media or through an online community).


  1. Encourage conversation and engagement by letting clients communicate with you and each other.        
  2. Develop a premium solution or product that meets the requirements of your customers' ideals. It's not hard to figure out their needs, because you've talked to them.        
  3. Give it away to the members of your group. Don't be concerned, even the ones who don't buy stay in your ecosystem and keep getting value from you until they're ready-unlike the funnel, where they'll just disappear.      
  4. Develop, learn, and adapt. Keep serving and listening for more possibilities.      

Flywheels can help to scale quickly as it brings together your product, marketing, and customer experiences all into one place.

grow personal training business

3. Start a community

It's been a bit of a hint at this, but establishing an online community of your own is a great strategies to develop a flywheel. Your members will become customers under your name, within your community that consume content created by you (and developing the content themselves) and having their individual ).

Communities are the best for an online personal training business... The possibilities are endless. You could bring courses, content, community, and commerce together. This is all you require to aid clients in reaching to the next stage.

Start your own for free! Use our name generator to pinpoint your area of expertise and ignite your imagination.

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Our AI engine is available to assist you in creating an identity for your community that is like magic. Just share a few words about the purpose your community serves about and we'll set started.


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

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The names created by Mighty Co-Host(tm) are examples only and can be utilized by other companies or under third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

4. Choose an all-in-one

It's a common error that we often see, it prevents your personal training company from growing.

If you're using HTML0 to run an app for calendars, a video platform, courses software, email software, and the payment processor separately systems, you're waking up to a waking nightmare.

The most effective way to fix it is to use the best app to personal trainers  that is an all-in-one platform that does all you require.

When you're using HTML0 across different platforms, users will be confused and then drop off. We refer to this as the leakage of community .

Get everyone in the same place by utilizing one comprehensive coach tool which comes with all the native features you'll need. It will simplify your life and help you grow.

Listen to cristy "Code Red" Nickel talk about moving her fitness business to her own app changed everything:

5. Develop scalable and scalable products

A one-on-1 online personal training business can be excellent, but in the end, you'll have to run out of hours during the course of a day.

To grow your online business, you'll need to find ways to increase the size of your offerings. It's likely to mean one of two things offering more customers at once or using digital tools.

In the example above, if you created a program for training and offered it in a package with live instruction it could be able to serve more customers and do less work. If you offer groups of coaching, you can serve multiple people at once -and maybe even offer this at a reduced price point.

Combining bundles with digital products to create scale frees up more time while providing more worth.

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6. Provide More

There is a temptation to think business growth means attracting new clients. Yet, it's true that one of the best ways to grow your business is the clients you already have.

It is our experience that a lot of coaches and trainers overlook the potential that's already in their flywheel. Take a look at and observe your existing customers, engage with your community, and you'll discover plenty of opportunities for new revenue growth.

It could be a specific course or a high-ticket product. Maybe it's a private small-group session. Whatever the case, you must find ways to improve the services you offer to existing customers.

image - elearning platform

7. You can try a couple of ads

Sometimes investing in ads to attract customers makes sense. Obviously, you'll have to determine where this will fit within your overall customer acquisition.

This could mean bringing possible customers on your flywheel. You could also go with a traditional funnel to guide customers towards the sales.

The two most popular methods of advertising are Google cost-per click (CPC) or social media ads.


  • Through Google CPC, you bid on a keyword that you're willing pay for. When a person types the query into Google and then clicks your website, you are charged a cost. But this can be worth it if your product earns more money than what it takes to get ad clicks.      
  • Social media marketing is a bit different, it's a little less targeted. You focus on building audiences with interests that match your company's interests and then serve them relevant ads.      

8. Make sure you are focusing on the correct social

Since we are on the subject of Social Media, lets chat about how to focus on the best digital media.

Contrary to popular belief You don't have to follow every social media channel actively in order to build an online personal training business.

Focusing on one or two platforms and learning to use them well can create better results than trying and failing to use the entire suite. Discover where your prospective clients are, and then blend it with the types of content that you want to create.


For example:


  • Teaching busy execs how to incorporate personal training in their schedules? Consider LinkedIn.      
  • Doing short video demonstrations on how to do workouts? You can try TikTok and YouTube (Shorts ).    
  • Video classes for full-body workouts? Check out YouTube and Facebook Video      
  • Pictures and quotes that inspire you? Most likely Instagram.      

Focusing on the social media platforms which your customers spend their time on and also host the content you love to create, you increase your chances of success.

Pro homepage - testimonial section - Kula by Yoga with Adriene

How do you get clients as an online personal trainer

Here are our top ways to attract clients to become personal trainers online:

Expand your network: An awesome community will serve as a flywheel's technology.

Provide value through social: Numerous success-oriented training firms start out as personal trainers who provide value via social media-often with video.

Make an engaging lead-generator: The act of giving away something of your most valuable products away to get people into your network is a tried and tested method to attract new customers.

Create an email list If you have existing subscribers who've signed up to get updates from you it's an important step. See if you can offer the value they need.

Think about ads If executed properly, paid advertising can be an effective method of attracting people to the flywheel.

Join marketplaces and message boards: It is possible to join message boards and marketplaces: many places that people are already looking for online personal trainers.

Request recommendations: If you're doing an excellent job and your clients are already raving about it, they can be the best source of referrals for new ones.

Host an Event: Live Events can be an awesome method to be noticed by people who are interested in your brand, and gain the attention of potential clients.

Do you want to increase your growth?

Whatever your stage, if you're looking to take your personal training business to the next step, hopefully, this guide will be of help. In case you're searching for an online platform that can help you start and expand your successful online personal training business Join us to build your business your business with Mighty!

Mixes content, course as well as community and commerce. It offers you an array of features that can be adapted to your business of training: secured Spaces, live streaming recordings of live and pre-recorded classes online, live events that are virtual, chat and messaging, member profiles, and much more. It comes with a beautiful application, and you could develop your own customized training app once you're prepared.

In reality, Mighty is the only platform where you can develop and control your entire flywheel, selling access as well as bundles for 135 distinct currencies. Start for at no cost during 14 days!

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