How to Create an Online Podcast without a audience (Steps and Examples)

Aug 25, 2022

Learn how you can start a podcast from scratch & begin building your brand now, plus real instances of podcasters that have succeeded who began their journey just like you!

The number of podcast listeners has more than doubled over the past 10 years.

Podcasts are becoming more sought-after due to their on-demand portable, mobile style.

People can listen to podcasts wherever they are and whatever they're doing. This provides more chances for you for reaching a wider viewers with your content.

Podcasts are a unique way to make your message heard in the ears of potential customers. Instead of requiring them to go through a long blog article or download a workbook, podcasts give you the chance to provide relevant, valuable information to your audience at any time.

But the question is: what can you do to begin a podcast with no audience?

There are a range of tried and true methods to increase the number of podcast listeners starting from scratch - and many of our authors have accomplished just the opposite!

Read on to find out the best ways to launch a podcast that has no listeners and start growing your brand right now. Plus, real instances of podcasters that have succeeded who started off exactly like you!

How do you begin your podcast without an audience?

There is no reason to begin a podcast with no viewers!

Although you may think that you need a big following or an established fanbase for a podcast to begin, the truth is a podcast is a brilliant method to build your following starting from scratch.

Podcasts can be started even if you've got an audience of zero.

How to begin a podcast without an audience that isn't there is knowing whom you're promoting your show to. Further details on that in the next paragraph.

What is the reason to begin a podcast, even if starting from scratch

Podcasting is a great instrument for instructors or course designers, as well as infopreneurs due to the many benefits for your brand.

With a podcast you can...

  • Increase brand awarenessGenerate greater brand recognition through engaging with customers in a genuine and meaningful manner that build the brand's awareness, without appearing like a fake or forced.
  • Expand your reach Reach a wider audienceConnect with a wider range of potential customers by delivering your experience in bite-sized, snack-like format. Through a podcast, users will learn from your experiences when they're jogging, cooking or commuting!
  • Create closer connections -Podcasts let you deliver information and advice with a human voice providing your brand with a personal element and creating a closer connection with your audience and potential customers.
  • Create trafficYou have control over your podcast content, giving you the possibility to incorporate calls-to-action and increase traffic to your site or social media as well as the course material.

It's not a secret that a podcast can be a really effective tool to grow your business, boost branding awareness, and establish an even closer relationship with your audience - but the trick is understanding how to launch an unpopular podcast ....

How to begin an audio show with no listener in 5 simple steps

About 60% of the podcasters have reported the challenge of gaining an audience the biggest challenge they're facing.

If you want to start your own podcast, but have no followers or an existing audience, here's the process step-by-step.

Below are five easy ways to teach you how to start your own podcast, even if you don't have an viewers.

Find your niche

The first step for starting a podcast is to choose an idea.

But that's not all.

A niche makes it easier for you to differentiate yourself from the rest and draw an engaged audience to your podcast. With a clear niche, you can market your show to certain group of people and grow your listeners faster.

The niche can also allow you to:

  • Tailor your messaging and branding
  • Choose what topics to talk about
  • Build your reputation and become an influential thought-leader
  • Sponsors who are trying to connect with a particular audience

If you are able to establish your knowledge in a particular area It's much easier to draw an audience of interested listeners to your podcast.

If you are trying to decide on your subject Try to think of the following three things:

The things you love and enjoy

If you're going your own podcast and have no followers You'll need to be intrigued in the subject that you're talking about!

Find a subject which is based on your interests and interests to help you remain motivated and engaged throughout making your podcast series.

Problems you are able to solve

If you're trying to find your niche is really beneficial to look at the challenges you can help your audience.

Instead of thinking in broad concepts about the areas of your expertise rather, concentrate on the specific outcomes that sharing your expertise could have.

What are you uniquely qualified to help people with? What will your audience gain from listening to you? Which problems could you assist the audience to resolve?

If you're able to drill down to the tangible results your audience will gain through listening to you then you'll be able to find your own niche podcast.

Your rival

If you're looking to understand how to start an online podcast without a target audience It's important to look up your competition before you start.

Although you could start a podcast on something that's already been extensively covered previously, it's much easier to increase your reach when you choose an area with less already covered.

If you are able to find material that hasn't been widely discussed on other podcasts, you may be able to attract an audience to your podcast.

Research your competition by searching through hosting platforms for podcasts that cover similar subjects and topics and then listen.

It is helpful to note ideas and notes as you listen, including:

  • What are they doing well?
  • Who is their target market?
  • What are the areas for improvement?
  • What could you do differently?

A broad competitor analysis can assist you in get a better idea of what type of podcast you can develop and how to differentiate yourself from others who are making podcasts.

If you're beginning an online podcast that doesn't have a fan base, it's a good idea to find a niche and then serve it!

Identify your audience

The next step is to identify the audience for your podcast.

If you're reading a post on how to start an audio show that has no listeners, it's safe to assume there's no audience at the moment!

Defining a target audience for your podcast is a really vital step in order to ensure that there's a market for your podcast you're creating.

Here are some podcast audience statistics to bear in your mind:

  • In 2022, 47% of each month's U.S. podcast listeners are aged between 12 and 34 years old, 33% between 35 and 54, and 20% are aged above 55.
  • The male audience is a larger portion of monthly listeners than females who account for 53% of listeners as compared to 46 percent.
  • In the year 2019 the majority of monthly podcast listeners were employed full time and 17% had households earning between $100K-$150K.

( Source: Edison Research)

If you're thinking of how to start your own podcast but have no followers then you could begin with your research on audience.

Check out the audience that your competition is targeting as well as people who have already been engaging with content related to your field of expertise.

You should establish the key characteristics of your target audience that include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Income
  • Education

It's also important to consider your target audience's needs, interests as well as their needs and issues.

One of the easiest ways to identify your podcast audience is to develop an image of the ideal audience which is also referred to as a customer persona.

A customer persona is a very specific picture of a single person, your ideal customer. This allows you to be more targeted and specific with your advertising efforts.

The secret to how to begin a podcast that has no audience is being as specific as possible about the people you want to reach to make sure that everything you produce - from your content to your branding and more - is aimed to attract those individuals.

If you've identified what your niche is and what your ideal target audience is, you can start to build your image.

If you're trying to figure out how to create a podcast that has no followers, you're given the chance to design your brand completely from scratch keeping your ideal audience in mind.

If you have an existing brand for your school or a personal brand that you're currently using for your other content, it's recommended to make sure your podcast brand compliments this.

Below are 3 steps to aid you in developing a name on your podcast.

Develop a brand identity

The most popular podcasts are full of personality - you know precisely what you're listening as soon as you hit play.

The intro music, theme, speaking style and structure of the podcast work well together to create a single identifiable brand.

If you're working on how to start an online podcast that has no followers is vital to establish a reputation which will appeal to your intended audience.

To get your ideas flowing, you could try to design a personality for your brand.

The brand persona is a collection of personality qualities, beliefs, and attitudes which represent your company. The possibilities are endless to turn your persona of your brand to be a character or persona.

The brand personality for Tiffany&Co is elegant, sophisticated and attractive. The character of brand Harley Davidson is rebellious, masculine and rugged.

Making a brand identity for your podcast is an exciting way to figure out what you want to be known as and what kind of personality that you'll be presenting to all the world.

Think about your favorite podcasts. What is the persona of their brand?

Pick the name you want to use.

When you've got a clear picture of what your brand's personality is You can pick a name to match it.

Be aware of who your target audience is and try to find a name that will appeal to them, all the while being clear enough to convey the reader an idea of what the podcast's content is.

Your name should be:

  • Distinctive
  • Memorable
  • Not used by other brands or podcasts

Look through the social networks to check whether the handle of your name is available and then determine if the URL is taken.

To make the process of marketing your podcast and growing your audience as easy as possible is a great idea to ensure you make these spaces available to your business. If not, you can go back to the drawing board and test out a variety of names.

Design your brand aesthetic

Part of designing a brand is also thinking about your brand aesthetic. This will shape different design elements like your logo as well as landing pages, as well as social media profiles.

Pick a design that is consistent with the personality of your brand and will appeal to your target audience.

It's the idea of creating something that's consistent and simple to recognize as your branding - no matter where it shows across the web.

Their brand aesthetic is feminine and approachable and features Simran along with Sonya as friendly personalities behind the expertise. The color palette is an amalgamation of light pinks with plenty of emojis thrown into. The overall effect is fun, friendly and girly and demonstrates to their viewers exactly what they're about.

If you're looking to learn how to begin a podcast with no audience, you need to work to build a image.

Produce your podcast

Of course, a big element of starting your podcast even without an viewers is planning and creating the podcast's episodes!

While the process will differ depending on the type of podcast you're creating It generally follows these steps:

  1. Planning your episode
  2. Writing a script, or identifying key discussion points
  3. Recording your podcast
  4. Making changes to your content
  5. Incorporating music as well as an intro/outro
  6. Then write a brief description of your show
  7. Uploading your podcast onto the hosting platform

Here are some great tips for how to start a podcast with no audience:

Discover brand and celebrity guests as well as brand collaborations.

If you're starting a new podcast with no audience, use brand collaborations to build your following starting from scratch.

Making partnerships with established brand names, influencers, expert and thought leaders can be an extremely effective method for getting your show in front of the right people.

Find podcast hosts with expertise as well as an audience already in your niche and invite them to visit and speak to you.

After they've been on your show, encourage for them to share your podcast to their followers via email, social media, marketing, and so on.

If you are able to find guest with an extensive fan base and an enduring following it will help increase the visibility of your brand and attract more listeners by piggybacking off the existing listeners! It is possible that you will get the chance to be an interviewer on their podcast too.

Collaborations with guests and guests can be a fun way to get an array of viewpoints in your podcast and offer the listeners with valuable information about the subjects that they enjoy.

This is a top tip to keep in mind when you're looking at how to start a podcast with no audience.

Make use of your existing content

If you're making a podcast, remember that you don't have to make all of your content from the ground up.

In fact, podcasting is the perfect way to reuse your content, and then distribute it to a wider market.

It doesn't matter if you've got course materials, blog posts, ebooks as well as YouTube videos All of this material can be used to create the format of a podcast.

Structure your episodes around the key themes you've covered in your course content and look for ways to make it interesting for viewers.

Hello Audio is a mobile app that Hello Audio application lets you access your digital content - including the audiobook you purchased, your course, masterclasses, recording of summits, coaching calls, as well as other content - and convert it into a private podcast feed that customers can access anywhere.

With Hello Audio, you can create podcast episodes instantly, saving your time, energy and energy.

Take it one episode at an period of

You don't need to create the entire series of podcasts all at once.

If you're looking at how to start a podcast with no audience, it's a good idea to go through one episode at a time and collect feedback from the audience throughout the process.

This allows you to refine and customize your content for your audience, letting you develop the kind of podcast the audience wants to hear - not just the content you think they'd like.

Instead of pouring all of your efforts into making an entire podcast in one go, you can test and tweak after every episode to make your podcast the best possible product it could be.

Encourage listeners to share their feedback by adding a survey on your landing page, using social media or even including an email address on your podcast host platform. Also, you can solicit feedback at the conclusion of each episode to ensure that more listeners are in touch and share their thoughts from you.

Market your content

Making a podcast alone isn't enough to get you viewers and create an audience. You need to market your podcast!

There are some ways to market your podcast, regardless of whether there isn't any audience. Three suggestions to get started:

Social media

A simple way to start advertising your podcast is to share your podcast on social media.

If you're just learning to create a podcast that has zero followers, there's no excuse to ignore the existing followers. Most likely, you already have some fans on social media regardless of whether they're relatives and friends.

Podcasts are a great way to gain your first audience and to encourage your network to share with their own followers, friends, and family too.

Though your listener base is likely to be small at first but social media is a great way to spread information and inspire people to take an interest in your podcast.

Email marketing

If you already have an email list, you can make use of it to promote your podcast.

Create an email marketing campaign to publicize your podcast, directed at your email list. Encourage people to listen to the latest episodes and to share them your podcasts with their friends.

How about conducting a survey on what you think your next episode should be about? Perhaps a contest in which winners get a guest?

Promotions, discounts, and freebies are great ways to convince your mailing list to spread the word about your podcast, and generate more brand awareness. Get creative and think of interesting ways to get more participation in your podcast.

Be sure to provide an option to your email subscribers to opt-out of your podcast marketing emails if they want to.

Brand advocates

If you're trying to figure out how to start a podcast with zero audience, the key is to make the most of every marketing opportunity you have - including the content of your podcast.

Each podcast episode you produce, make sure you include a Call-To-Action (CTA). Encourage your listeners to review and rate your podcast on your hosting platform. Also, make sure to follow you on social media , and join to your mailing list.

You can also encourage fun by encouraging fun Generated Content (UGC) like posting a voice message, tagging you in photos and organizing listener events with their peers. This helps to add an interactive aspect for your podcast, and also provides an opportunity for free marketing from your listeners!

Whatever strategy you decide to employ for your marketing ensure that it is in line with the brand you are promoting and is custom-made specifically to your audience to get optimal results.

The five steps listed below can help you to start a podcast with no viewers and increase your number of listeners and subscribers step-by-step. Ready to see some examples of podcasters who have succeeded?

3 examples of podcasts that started with no audience

If you're not sure how to begin a podcast without no audience - and how feasible - check out these 3 successful creators!

    The Start, Shoot, Grow, The Thrive Podcast Xayli Barclay    

One of 's top experts, Xayli Barclay created her own brand name as a Content Creation Coach - and launched a profitable podcast from scratch. Utilizing Xayli's vast experience in the field, the Start Shoot, Grow Thrive podcast focuses on how to increase confidence in front of the camera, along with extra tips on entrepreneurial thinking, creativity and mindset.

The key takeaway is:Use your existing expertise

For a podcast to begin with no listeners, follow the example set by Xayli, and make use of your expertise and experience to gain more listeners. Concentrate on a subject or niche that you're knowledgeable about. This not only assists you in speaking confidently, but also gives you the opportunity to attract listeners from your current networks.

    The Easeful Living Podcast - Zakia Haughton    

Zakia Haughton created the Easeful Living Podcast with the aim of having conversations that are real about life, leadership and the realities of being an entrepreneurial. Zakia's episodes include themes such as mindful Leadership and Embracing Stillness which build upon her three-day online training course Sell without Launching.

It is the most crucial thing you can learn from it:Be authentic

In order to increase your reach beginning from scratch, you must focus on being authentic and genuine in all your content. People like to connect with others, therefore let your persona show through, and don't fret all too much about making it perfect.

    It's Fun - Puno Maceo and Maceo    

The founder of ilovecreatives and Think in Color speaker Puno created a podcast series with guest host Maceo Paisley who is a designer, and the co-founder of Citizens of Culture. Their series of podcasts It's Fun covers the ups and downs of operating an entrepreneurial business in a small scale, and features guest hosts including actors, designers and entrepreneurs.

Key Takeaways:Find interesting guests

When you're starting an online show with no viewers Follow Puno and Maceo's lead and bring in fascinating guest speakers and hosts to help bring your brand's message to a larger crowd and create more recognition for your brand. The guest speakers are not just able provide a fresh viewpoint on your podcast, but they also allow your viewers access to additional insights and expertise.

These 3 creators all set up their podcasts from scratch to communicate the latest ideas with their audience and reach a wider audience with their content. Take inspiration from their stories to help you start a podcast that has no listeners!

  Ready to start with your own podcast?  

Learning how to start a podcast with no audience is simple when you follow these tips for branding and marketing. If you can choose your area of expertise, identify the audience you want to reach and create an identity that is appealing to your ideal listeners Then you've got the fundamentals necessary to create an effective podcast from the ground up.

For additional insider advice about how to begin an online podcast without a following, check out our Entrepreneurs In the Fire Podcast Workshop for tips from experts and download templates to increase your audience today!