How To Create An Online Course Outline: 2023 Step-by-Step

Nov 29, 2022


This step-by step guide will help you discover the steps to create an online course outline in CreativeMindClass, a free tool used by top creators.

 - Start your course outline

online course outline guide example

 How to create a course outline in 4 easy steps

Make a plan for each lesson you will want to take.

The entire course can become daunting. The task of delving through the plethora of information can lead to confusion regarding what content should be included in the course. But a clearly defined course outline can ensure that it's manageable.

The outline for your course is a basic but useful way of planning the online courses you will be teaching. It's similar to a do-to list of every video that you'd like to record on the day of filming the class. This usually includes a schedule of specific lessons with notes about content details and the learning outcome, which means that you don't miss a single thing.

In this tutorial, you'll learn the pragmatic approach to creating a course outline using CreativeMindClass. The outline can be created and reference it on the day of recording so you won't forget a thing. There's also a free template that will assist you in just a few just a few minutes.

  The steps in this guide  

  1.         Check the items you're covering
  2.         Indicate the personal learning results
  3.         Utilize the blueprint for the course outline
  4.         Change from messy to organized
  5.         Refer to it in the recording of the video day

 1. Check off the items you've covered

The outline for an online corse begins with listing the core areas you'd like to discuss. These could be introducing yourself, course overview as well as a hands-on activity, followed by a concluding. There is no need to go into specifics at this point. What can you learn in a video lesson lasting 3-10 minutes?

online course outline guide step 1: List the things you're covering

 How do I get it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Make a brand new class to your course outline.
  2. Click on the LESSONS tab to display it.
  3. Click the Add LESSON button to start the new lesson.
  4. In Lesson page tab, type LESSON TITLE.
  5. Include 10-20 lessons in the course.

PRO TIP: It's best to write down the subject quickly and write the lesson's titles without pondering them too much. You can change them later.

 2. List the individual learning outcomes

The heart of the outline for your course. It's the place where you list every important point that you'd like to cover in each video. List specific learning outcomes as well as think of how your content can meet your target audience's needs and determine the areas that your competition doesn't fill.

Do not worry, you don't know where to start. Below you can find an outline you can follow for creating the first lessons in your course.

 3. Utilize the course outline template

Create an "About me" outline of the lesson-• present yourself.

The first lesson you take can be fun since there isn't much need for planning. Begin by opening up and the introduction of yourself. What do you want your students to learn about your personality? What makes you feel at peace? What lead you to making the choice to take this course? This helps new students to get to know you better.

Do you know of any recognitions or awards? There's no room for modesty here. A powerful introduction to yourself leaves an unforgettable impression.

   How to do it within CreativeMindClass  

  1. Navigate into the "About me" the lesson.
  2. Type LESSON DESCRIPTION to create your lesson outline.

   Make an "Course overview" lesson outline--explain what this class will teach including the exercise.  

The course outline should outline the format of the course including the hands-on project(s) in the course overview, mention if it has downloads and materials, and make it clear what the students can expect to learn. What the course is about? What equipment or materials will they require?

This makes your students excited about the subject, which helps them prepare for the course, and helps them manage their expectations.

Create an outline for your classes-- transfer the knowledge and abilities you have acquired.

You're now ready to start working with your students on learning topics you wish your pupils to take away from your. Think about learning objectives and the topics you will discuss to fulfill these requirements. Plan your content for your classes with clear learning goals and exercises. It is here that you decide on what your learners are expected to be able to comprehend and devise activities that will assist the students with each stage. What are the subjects your students have to learn? What are the subjects that cover it? What are the hands-on exercises that you can design?

   How do I get it within CreativeMindClass  

  1. Enter LESSON DESCRIPTIONfor your lessons in instruction.

PRO TIP: Write short points and then use them to create a to-do list during filming.

online course outline guide step 3: List the individual learning outcomes

 How do I get it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Go to "Course Overview" lesson.
  2. Type LESSON DESCRIPTION to create your lesson outline.

 4. From messy to well-organized

It's possible that you've created a course outline that you've discovered that it needs to be cut down or more concise. If this is the case you should think about breaking the course into segments. It is possible to remove lessons that have no specific outcome for learning. Try to be ruthless to this point, so it is a manageable exercise.

online course outline guide step 4: Go from messy to organized

 How to do it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the "Add Section"button to make a new section.
  2. Type Section title.
  3. Create additional sections for your lessons.

PRO TIP: Group like themes, tips and ideas into sections.

 5. Refer to it in the video recording day

Traditionally you'd print out your to-do list to refer to on the filming day. But these days the to-do lists can be easily accessed via phones or laptops. This way, you can mark each lesson off or alter it as you need.

 And you're done!

Once your outline for the course is complete, you can utilize it to guide you on the filming. If you're starting an online course today take advantage of the template to be set up within minutes, or check out our full tutorial on how to set up an online course.

  Start your online course outline. Today.

Start for free with CreativeMindClass's easy-to-use template.

online course outline guide example

  - Start your course outline         SHARE                                                                                   The link has been copied!

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