How to Build Trustworthiness online brand by using communication

Aug 18, 2022

Table of Contents

Between team meetings, replying to messages, writing out the course's content and brainstorming blog posts making podcasts, having conversations with coworkers, and taking calls, the entire day consists of communication.

However, how often do you talk in personto your clients? And how do you communicate with them?

Interacting with customers on the web is the foundation of any marketing plan. Going the extra mile in order to create relationships with your customer could mean the difference between a one-time sale and a lifelong client.

What can you do to build a relationship online? Similar to how you would in person - through a chat.

Today's blog post will cover 4 commonly used internet-based communication tools and the benefits of using each one. Also, we'll explore the importance of customer service communication capabilities are to gaining customer trust.

Before that, read this very well-timed customer story with communications expert Dr. Ben Crosby.

Customer Feature: Using to Build Better Communicators

watch >> customer story: how a professor launched his own website for online courses using

In the course of his decades-long time in the field of higher education as a professor, Dr. Ben Crosby has learned a few key things regarding effective communication. One of them is that communicating effectively is the foundation to next-level customer service and success in business.

So when Ben discovered that 83 percent of business owners acknowledged that their communication skills were lacking, he knew he'd found his field of expertise.

As a communications skills expert as well as a professor of rhetoric Ben's expertise lie in public speaking, presenting, argumentation and debate, technical and professional communication sales and persuasion, and the history of rhetoric.

The work of his is published regularly in the top academic journals as well as in conferences around the world. He is the author of the book, Presenting as Performance The Professional's Guide to Improve Your Speaking as well as instructing professionals in the brick and mortar environment for a long time.

The world of education has shifted closer to the world of digital, Ben has done the same, thanks to .

In the present, Ben uses to build and manage his online business, Through his communication course, Presentation as Performance, he coaches professionals through the complexities of confident and efficient communicating.

At the end of the day, when students wrap the online course of Ben, they have the skills they require to...

  1. Be able to manage anxiety over communication
  2. Body language can signal trust and confidence
  3. Create confidence using voice control
  4. Deliver an "just just" amount of emotional as well as impact on the mind

Learn More and Enroll at TriviumU Today!

In Presentation as the Performance Ben offers students an inside scoop on communicating effectively through all kinds of platforms, including the top 4 online channels below.

The Top Four Online Communication Platforms (and How to Use Each One to Your Advantage)

Communications have always been the easiest method of sharing information. Modern technology makes it easier for people to jump online, ask questions, and receive answers.

It's a good thing that people are talking everywhere online! This gives you a variety of opportunities you to connect with your customers.

We'll look at a handful of popular places people like to chat on and the best way to maximize the benefits of each site.

1. Email

Email is still the most popular choice in terms of customer outreach. It's likely that you're among 64 percent of small-sized businesses who are already using email in their marketing strategy.

So, your customers are able to reach you quickly and conveniently anytime they need to ask a question. As a matter of fact, email is the top method for contact used by customers.

2. Blog Articles

Although you're probably doing the majority of the speaking, blog content is still a fantastic site to search for and engage with readers.

A blog comment section allows readers to ask questions or share thoughts:

Again, you may not get a good one-on-one session within a post-blog thread, but you can get the benefit of several voices.

In the case of example, if there are a lot of questions about the topic, you can make a new blog article answering "the most frequently asked questions regarding your business".

3. Discussion Forums

Bonus Platform like discussions forums, instant messaging applications. Over 3.09 billion smartphone users have downloaded instant messaging applications onto their phones.

Being able to dive in and join discussions in the palm of your hands will be an absolute game changer for both you and your users.

When it comes to both chat forums as well as instant messaging apps It's nearly impossible for you to answer every single comment. Instead, you can scroll through member conversations and stay up-to-date on what's being said on your site.

4. Social Media

If you're seeking an audience that you can talk with then look no further than social media! Fitting to the name, social media is used by over 4.62 billion people who share, communicate with and connect online.

Something important to keep in mind, social media interaction is quick! You only have a short duration between each scroll to grab a person's attention.

How Customer Service Influences Brand Trust

It's easy to think of customer service as the simple act of helping customers solve their problems via a set of emails or via the phone , but it's so much beyond that!

 Every interaction you experience with a client can be a reflection of your service for customers!

And check out these numbers taken by HubSpot which show the impact of customer service on an individual's perception of an organization:

  • 90 90% of Americans consider customer service an important factor in deciding in deciding whether or no to do business with a company. (source: Microsoft)
  • 93 93% of customers are most likely to be repeat customers when they are served by companies with outstanding customer service. (source: HubSpot Research)
  • 94% of American customers will recommend a company whose customer services are "very satisfactory". (source: Qualtrics XM Institute)
  • 89% of businesses which have "significantly higher than average" rating of their customer's experience have better financial results than competitors. (source: Qualtrics XM Institute)

What does it mean for a customer to trust the brand you represent?

If a client trusts you, it means you've met your commitments. Instances that prove your credibility with a customer might include:

  • Repurchases
  • Social media shout-outs

The ability to earn the trust of your customers is a huge accomplishment and should not be taken lightly. The thing about trust is that it can't happen overnight. And trust that took years to gain, can also be destroyed with a single move.

In this instance, one wrong word.

Customer Service Communication Skills applied

Imagine having a customer whose subscription is about to end.

From the answers to questions from customer service, which is more likely to encourage the client to sign up for a renewal?

" Your membership expires within 3 days."


"Oh no! Your membership is set to expire! Do not miss out on the exciting events happening in our community online. Make sure you renew your membership now! "

How to Enhance Your Online Customer Service Skills

Despite the many benefits the internet can provide, one inescapable downfall is the absence of face-to-face contact.

When verbal communication cues such as body language and the tone of voice are absent from the online chat, viewers might misinterpret what you are saying.

Thus, the key to great customer service is to incorporate real-world methods of communication. That is, you need to create a virtual conversation that feels authentic and real.

The Takeaway

There's no doubt that effective communication is the key to brand success. Today, in the digital age an effective and efficient communication strategy across the most well-known digital channels is essential to building brand trust no matter what industry you're in.

Whether you need to brush up on inspiring ways of communicating to your staff, or you're seeking customer service communication best practices using the tips and tools below will help you get in the right direction.

If you feel you'd benefit from taking a deep dive into effective communications on the internet (and who wouldn't? ), hop over to TriviumU, and register. There's nothing you're losing except a little anxiety!