How to Avoid YouTube Demonetization in 2022 Blog

Dec 14, 2023

If you're in this position after doing the work required to meet the requirements of YouTube -- such as gaining one thousand subscribers and racking up thousands of watch hours, don't worry.

With the right strategy implemented, you'll not just avoid the dreadful fate of demonetization but as well find methods to succeed and earn more cash.

Here's how to keep your eyes off YouTube demonetization and supercharge the potential of your earnings.

What exactly is YouTube demonetization?

Getting demonetized on YouTube means your channel can not earn any advertising revenues through the channel. This means no ads and no more money.

Demonetization may occur due to many reasons as outlined by the YouTube's Community Guidelines:

  • spam and misleading methods False engagement, impersonation, links within content, spam and scams.
  • Content that is sensitive: Child safety including sexuality, nakedness and other content, suicide and self-injury, as well as sensitive thumbnails.
  • Dangerous or violent content Cyberbullying and harassment hazardous or harmful content, hate speech violent criminal groups, or graphic material.

For the average content creator These violations seem simple enough to be avoided, however the fact is that demonetization often occurs as directly due to changes to the algorithm.

How YouTube's algorithm impacts demonetization.

For most people, getting demonetized doesn't happen overnight.

YouTube makes use of a mixture of machine learning and human reviewers to detect when content does not meet their guidelines. In the event that one or more of your video's causes the algorithm to be activated (or is flagged by a viewer), the road to demonetization typically unfolds in three stages:

  1. Content removal and notification: YouTube removes the video, and then informs the author. This is considered a warning and not the possibility of additional sanctions if it's the first time you've received the violation.
  2. Strike 1: After one warning, YouTube issues a Community Guidelines strike against the channel, which includes some restrictions for the time being, like not being allowed to upload videos or host live streams or share stories for a week.
  3. Strikes two and three: Strikes expire 90 days from the day the strike was issued, however if a channel receives three strikes in the space of 90 days, YouTube terminates the channel.

As YouTube is able to effectively cut off your revenue at its discretion and this puts creators of content at the mercy of YouTube's algorithm.

What are YouTube's demonetization rules?

To avoid demonetization can be done by making sure that your content is ad-friendly. As per YouTube's guidelines on content it is important to ensure that your content isn't centered around or feature:

  • Inappropriate language
  • Violence
  • Themes of sexuality or adulthood
  • Harmful or dangerous act
  • Derogatory and hateful speech
  • Recreational drugs/drug-related content
  • Content related to firearms
  • Controversial issues

It's only a small sample of the things creators should be wary of posting. Given unclear categories such as "controversial issues," it's not unusual to see a YouTuber find themselves violating the YouTube Guidelines for Community Guidelines and not fully comprehending the reasons.

Any person who relies on Adsense to make a profit should read attentively through the Community Guidelines, stay abreast of any updates to the algorithm (as as much as you are able to in any case) And above all else, strive to create content that won't cause advertisers to be nervous.

What to do if you get demonetized on YouTube.

Content creators can appeal terminations or strikes in the event that they feel they've been imposed in the wrong way, but unless they can make a compelling case for it, your chances of having the channel "re-monetized" are usually slim.

What's the worst thing? Even if you do manage to get an appeal overturned and win, you may find yourself facing the challenge to be "re-monetized" another time and you'll eventually need find more viable methods of turning the content you create on your YouTube into money.

We've compiled a list of suggestions.

Stop monetizing with AdSense on YouTube

Aside from the complexities of algorithms, YouTube is still the most used video website within the United States.

While this rarely translates to an income that is high for the creators of content, it can indicate that it is an effective way of marketing your business to draw new customers.

 Affiliate marketing

Does your business or product naturally match with the products that which your clients are likely to want? Are there any products that you currently use in some way to create your material?

If you answered yes to both of these questions then affiliate marketing is an effective way to monetize your blog. If you endorse products or services that which you've used before, you'll earn a commission whenever one of your recommendations earns you a sale.

 Content sponsored by sponsors

If you're in the position to sign a sponsorship agreement it's likely that you're not at risk of demonetization.

It's because it is advertiser-friendly by definition: If companies who are who are willing to spend a lot of money to advertise, look for content creators to partner with, those who have large audiences and are relevant, advertiser-friendly content can leverage the most.

To protect against demonetization- and build the kind of platform these businesses are looking to partner with- start networking to build relationships, and then continue refining your content using methods that increase the value of your brand.

Start your own video streaming channel

One of the best ways to prevent YouTube demonetization is to place your content on another platform -- ideally in a place where the potential for earning money lies on your shoulders.

By using an online streaming platform similar to the OTT Content creators are able to develop their own video subscription channel with advanced selling options, giving the creators more control over the amount they make. Setup subscriptions, ads, as well as one-time purchases of all your live and on-demand videos. Then, put your content to viewers via the applications they already use.

It may seem intimidating at first, but you'll be shocked at the number of your followers are willing to shell out for material that will add value in their life. You can put their trust (and your value proposition) up for a test, placing your website content behind an invisible paywall.

Cover around.

YouTube might be the most well-known video search engine, but it's not the best place for hardworking content creators to make the amount they're due. Get your money back through the creation of your own subscription channel with the OTT.