How the Farmer's Dog can lead the pack thanks to its Emmy-nominated commercial

Nov 5, 2023

Staff at The Farmer's Dog, the objective of their debut Super Bowl ad was simple to cause people to cry. "There was a phrase in the script that said"If we don't get the audience to cry, then we're not a success," said filmmaker Goh Iromoto, who created The Farmer's Dog now-iconic (and Emmy-nominated!) advertising "Forever" to be a part of. "I'll forever keep that quote in mind. It was an important incentive for me, both as a creative and personally." We had a keen interest in finding out more about the commercial Staff-Picked- which was the most rated commercial of the 2023 Super Bowl and has received the Emmy nomination (!) We spoke to Goh along with the team of the creatives from The Farmer's dog, to discover the specifics of the amazing teamwork and their precise and exact brief, and of course the dogs who came up with an idea for the spot. Learn more details about the main lessons learnt in this particular episode. Or, you can watch the entire conversation below.

Name of project "Forever" A.K.A. The Farmer's Dog
Participants Teressa Iezzi, Director of Content and Creative
Sophie Forman, Director of Brand Design
The Objectives of the Campaign Teressa and Sophie decided to develop ads that are in keeping with the firm's call to act "Long Live Dogs."

The company has confined on the tiniest information about their offerings. But, Teressa and Sophie decided that the Q1 marketing campaign must be more specific in the way it can fulfill its mission that is helping dogs have better, longer, and happier life spans by using a unique approach.
Goals Make the Farmer's Dog's goal clear and then let out a rallying cry with an inventive, powerful method.
Make an emotional and compelling storyline that goes beyond the requirements that the company has set for its product.
Timeline The whole campaign took around four months from beginning to be completed. The campaign's design resembling to this:

November | Goh shares his field together with the team.
December | Shoot
January | Post-production
Resources The Farmer's Dog team worked incredibly together with Goh to create this last piece of work. Goh was the person who came up with the idea and also the director for the entire project. Teressa and Sophie had a major role in the design of the concept. They collaborated throughout the whole process, right from the start until the final.
Most important lessons Make sure you have money for your short
The story is the primary element to think about, not the goods.
* Great work deserves great promotion

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