How Em Connors racked up five figures in her first online course

Aug 29, 2022

The creator Em Connors is a social media expert as well as a launch expert for products. Find out how she created an online following and made five figures within a week through her very first online class.

When the creator Em Connors launched her first online course, it took her a couple of days to hit five figures in revenue. 45 students signed up within one week and she believed she was on to something truly special. But her success was no by chance.

Em has a talent for social media. As an online course creator and founder of The Creative Bodega , she helps entrepreneurs use Canva and content batching to help them share their passions and connect with their fans to increase their sales.

This morning, Em shares her framework for launching lucrative courses in a matter of minutes. Here's how she built an engaged audience, arranged the content she created, and used the feedback of her audience to develop useful products. And what you can do to achieve similar.

From social media mentor to online course creator

Before starting The Creative Bodega, Em as well as her husband owned the gym. For the purpose of promoting their services, a mentor challenged them to upload a photo on Instagram daily for 30 days.

"I signed up on Canva and set out on my goal to develop an organization system, which meant I didn't have to think out what I wanted to share. I was able to establish an idea for each day. If you are aware that one day you'll post an inspiring quote, while the next day, you'll post an educational reel, the decision fatigue gets eliminated," Em remembers.

Utilizing a strategy for content based on theme and a bank of beautiful Canva pictures, Em started posting daily. The video she posted was shared every Thursday, and often spoke in front of the camera to communicate with her fans. With her new method, posting was easy, and also her account on Instagram increased.

People noticed Em's social media expertise, and she was employed as a marketing coach for gym owners.

She devised a launch plan and opened the program up to her audience.

Forty-five students registered in two days.

Months later, she used the same strategies to advertise her subsequent course, Batch Like a Boss . Again, her audience loved her course and embraced it with enthusiasm.

Em has cracked the course launch algorithm.

Inside Em's Course Launch Playbook

Em built trust with her fans by providing informative and valuable information. She used a live cohort format to generate excitement among followers, and student feedback was her north star in making her decisions. In order to avoid headaches and endless troubleshooting, Em also built her company using reliable, easy-to-use software.

Let's take a closer look.

Create relationships by providing the value

As soon as she decided to make a course about Canva, Em made a brand new Instagram account for her business. It took her six months before the launch of her account, giving social media advice and Canva strategies, without asking her followers for any kind of compensation.

Everyday, she uploaded educative, inspirational or fun content which grew her following. "I helped," Em elaborates, "I wanted them to think of me when they think of Canva."

Once you've selected an option, consistency is key.

"Every day, me show up. My face is visible constantly, to let my followers know who I are. I speak to them and they see what it would be like taking any of my courses."

Social media is excellent for building relationships with potential clients. "Every DM, every comment I don't let any question go unanswered," Em says. "People are always asking me questions every day. I enjoy giving advice and aiding. Whether you're a student or follower, you will get a response with me."

One of the things that make Em's classes stand out is that she doesn't end with a sales pitch. "People have told me that they've purchased my course due to the fact that I didn't try to sell them after my workshops, and I was only focused on helping the participants. It's a wonderful feeling."

Em's advice:

"Focus on being an authority in your field and not expecting anything back. If I did finally have something to offer the world, I was able to be heard by eager to hear from me because I had consistently provided worth."

Do a live launch to build anticipation

Although Em offers a variety of digital offerings Live launch cohort classes -- group programs with only a short period of enrollment that have a predetermined beginning and ending datethey are among the most enjoyable for her and her fans.

In the time of open cart, Em posts on Instagram and reaches out to her email subscribers. "I'll email once a day for five days. The day before the end, I email twice, once in the morning as well as at night, to offer the final chance to contact them."

After months of serving her fans and having five full launch days the cart has closed. Class is in session.

"I enjoy the live group aspect , because it makes people accountable. The participants are more engaged, and they're more excited." This enthusiasm is infectious. for Em, there's nothing better than helping kids achieve their targets.

Use student feedback to make business decisions

Regularly communicating with followers is a crucial part of Em's creative journey. Her use of feedback from the audience to generate content ideas and shape her courses.

Before launching the Canva program, Em reached out to eight entrepreneurs who are creative to find out about their challenges using Canva. The entrepreneurs shared ideas that she'd never imagined, and those interviews informed some of her most popular course modules.

Additionally, she uses social media for learning from her fans. "I'm constantly talking to my audience. I love using stories on Instagram. Stories are meant for viewers, people that are paying attention," Em observes.

Em makes use of Instagram to inquire about things such as:

"What is your biggest challenge with regular posting?"

"What is the biggest obstacle you face when working with Canva templates?"

"What are you in need of assistance to right now?"

If audience members admitted that they struggled with consistency and mapping the post concepts, Em used their input to inspire her Batch Like a Boss course. Since the course was a direct answer to a subject that her audience was asking for the program was an easy sell.

Making sure you create resources your clients would like or require is essential for success as a creator. Em affirms,

"I believe that's the place where people go wrong. They just make a course about something they're excited and passionate about. However, they haven't talked to people to determine if there's any need for the topic."

Communication with your customers regularly keeps their needs top of mind and allows you create the most effective products and contents.

Use tools you can trust

The last piece of the puzzle is finding the best technology for the work you do.

"Talk to me about your anxiety! I don't think my heart rate was ever so high. And there was no one I could chat with," she recalls.

"I moved each Vimeo link. I recreated every lesson. Then, 24 hours later after beginning my class I wrote to everyone to express my regret and to give the students their login details."

Em has been with Em ever since, and it's so easy. The absence of technical issues opens Em the ability to design even more meaningful programs for her audience.

The lesson: use technology that can be trusted. You have enough to do as a creator, and picking software that's simple reliable, reliable and friendly to creators lets you focus on what you do best.

Staying up to date with Em Connors

Em's launch formula for courses is straightforward and highly effective.

Always provide value to your audience long before you ask for them to purchase from you.

Create your own email list by utilizing the free resources or workshops that do not require an upsell at conclusion.

Conduct live group programs in order to boost excitement and increase accountability.

Create a waitlist and communicate to your followers who are most interested in you.

Get feedback from your audience so that your course addresses real pain points. Make sure to keep asking for feedback while you improve your course and create new material.

Use dependable technology so you're able to focus on instructing, not tinkering with.

By putting helping others at the core of her creative business Em is a true entrepreneur. We're confident that there's no end to the possibilities Em is able to accomplish.