How do you start an online School with WordPress

Mar 3, 2023


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Do you want to find an easy method to earn cash online? Perhaps you're a teacher looking for new students.

It is possible to use WordPress to build virtually any kind of site that you want, from stores to blogs as well as online schools. However, if you want to create an online school using WordPress then you'll have to set up virtual classrooms, hand out assignmentsand so on.

There's a myriad of online tools for learning and plug-ins that you can make use of to transform your WordPress website into a virtual school.

However, However,completely simplifies this process. It lets you charge your users for accessing online content and protect the materials you've created for your students.

In this piece this article, we'll review the necessary tools to start an online school. In addition, we'll go over the steps needed to get it done using WordPress. Let's get going!

What Tools You'll Need

WordPress has a wide range of features that are available out of the box. However, not all of them are geared toward online learning.

Fortunately, it's pretty simple to include all features you need to WordPress and transform it into an online education platform.

These are some resources to help you get started:

  1. Our plugin will be at the core of your school's online platform. You can use it to secure content as well as make memberships which grant users access to it. That means you can upload online courses, create levels of student membership and choose which students are able to access what lessons.
  2. The add-on lets you make online courses using a visual builder. Lessons can include quizzes and progress tracking. Plus, you're able to make certificates to students who finish your classes!
  3. The tool can be used in lieu of it, but we recommend giving students access to online forums where they can communicate to one another. Nowadays, the majority of people prefer Discord as it's a much more dynamic option to take online classes.
  4. This program lets you create an online directory of your school's teachers as well as students. So, everybody who attends the school will be able to learn more about and contact each other.

Remember that you don't need to make use of the entire setof these tools to start your online college that is built on WordPress. In order to run your school's primary features, all you need is and Courses.

The more options you incorporate into your classes that you add, the more interesting the learning experience becomes. It is crucial to have engaging content if you plan to monetize your school online.

As a private, for-profit school it will be competing against other educational institutions.

But having access to the appropriate features and tools isn't the only thing to consider when starting your own website. You'll also need to developit.

How to Launch an Online School using WordPress (In 3 Steps)

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through how to determine what kind of school you'd like to establish. In addition, we'll show you how to set up and install WordPress as well as how you can create the first lesson.

We'll get started!

Step 1: Select an Academic Type

Online schools come in many different forms, or business models. These models vary depending on how the students are taught and whether you offer certifications.

These are the three most popular:

  1. Private accredited: This type of school has some kind of recognition. These certificates show that the students completed the coursework, which should help them find jobs.
  2. Unaccredited: These schools don't offer an accreditation. Students have access to valuable materials and lessons, but they don't earn the certificates they earn for finishing their courses.
  3. Homeschool co-op model: This type of school is focused on providing educational materials but letting students self-manage. Students are able to collaborate, however they aren't able to access instructors who assist them in their work.

Every single one of these models for learning is 100% valid. Your best option will depend on whether you are able to provide some form of accreditation , and whether you intend to be teacher (or employ instructors).

The type of model you select will affect the amount of cash you are able to earn.

If you give access to teachers , or provide certifications for completion, you'll be able to be more expensive than have if the students took the materials and learn them independently.

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If you're seeking ideas, it's a good idea to check out this article from the Marketing and Communications Association for Schools:

The school online offers marketing and communications training programs for educators. They also offer paying memberships, and also paywalls their learning resources.

Step 2: Install WordPress and

The installation of WordPress is the most straightforward aspect of the process. Actually, many of the hosting companies will set up the CMS for you.

If the web hosting provider you use doesn't allow this, you can install WordPress manually. Once your website is functioning it's time to set up the WordPress plugin

One of the first things you'll want to do after installing is figure out how to make members.

This tutorial video will explain how this process operates:

Step 3: Setup Courses. create a course

To earn extra points, we suggest checking out this tutorial on creating quizzes for your school online.

Quizzes will help you engage students and make them think with the content they're learning:

In this moment it is also advisable to take the time to read about the Courses.

>> Go to The Courses Help Docs

Configure and personalize your initial course until it's ready for the public. Then, you'll just need to decide whether you want to start your online school as soon as possible or plan additional classes.


It doesn't require a large budget or a team of developers to start an online school.

If you're interested in creating an online school on WordPress it is possible to do it with just three steps:

  1. Select the type of school you want to create.
  2. Installation of WordPress and .
  3. Create your own course.
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Ready to Start Your Online School?

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