How do you market an online Advertise with no Budget The best way to promote your course is with NO BUDGET

Jun 9, 2023

Congrats on creating your own online course! This is an amazing milestone since you're on your way to being part of the $210.1 billion world market for online education. Now comes the issue: how can you successfully market your product to convince the most students to take the course? And, more importantly, how can you promote your online course without a huge budget?

You don't have to worry because, regardless of whether you're a veteran creator of courses looking to save costs for marketing or first-timer eager to attract the first class of students you've ever had We've got the methods and tricks you'll need. The course will cover effective marketing strategies both before and after your course's launch, so get ready to watch your students' enrollment increase!

This is a short outline of what we'll discuss:

How to Market an Online course BEFORE it's published

Advertising an online course ahead of time before it's published is a proactive method to attract attention in the course, create anticipation and create the foundation to ensure a successful launch. Here are some strategies on how you can market online courses prior to publication:

 1. Define your target audience and your unique value proposition

how to market an online course

For you to successfully market your online courses It is crucial to determine the audience you want to target and show the uniqueness of your offering for that particular niche. It will allow you to learn how to target and modify your messages for resonance with your potential students, distinguish yourself from your competition to attract those "right" students to enroll in your program.

Make sure your audience is on in your head while you work through the various methods of marketing discussed in this post. In order to help you start the process, here are some examples of targeted people or students for a Fitness and Nutrition Course:

Persona 1. Active Adults People in their 30s and 40s who are seeking convenient nutritional and fitness solutions that allow them for a healthier lifestyle despite their hectic agendas.

Persona Example 2 The postnatal moms are women looking for safe and effective exercise routines as well as nutritional advice to regain their fitness and energy levels after childbirth.

Once you've determined your ideal audience, research available online courses or competitors in your field as well as determine ways you can offer a unique benefit to make your course distinct. It could include things such as extra topics that other courses may have not covered, offering the courses in various formats or languages, and so on. Each course author has their own methods of teaching that are appealing to different students, so do not be intimidated by the volume of competitors within your industry!

 2. Create a compelling course name and description.

Creating a compelling course description and title is vital to successfully market your online course. These elements play a significant role in capturing the interest of prospective students and entice them to sign up.

In the case of the course's title it's just a matter of ensure it's clear short, and keywords optimized. Do proper keyword research using tools such as AHREF SEMRush Google Trends, or Google Keyword Planner. It will improve the course's be found when users search for courses that are online using the search engines such as Google. Additionally, it can be helpful to employ trigger words or phrases which trigger emotions, like: Best or Ultimate, Save Convert, Guaranteed and so on.

Your description of the course must clearly describe the advantages and value which students gain by enrolling. Be clear about the abilities and knowledge or results the students will achieve through your course. Highlight any key features, resources and bonuses that will are valuable to your students and appealing. Like your course's title, you should also find relevant keywords and incorporate them naturally in the text without keyword bombing.

A well-crafted course title and description can build trust and credibility with prospective students. Utilize authoritative language, identify any credentials or expertise that you possess, as well as provide evidence of your social standing, such as testimonials or success stories. Students who are interested in your course will believe in your knowledge and makes them more likely to sign up for your class.

 3. Your course's sales page should be easy to access on your site

Be sure your course's sales page is clearly displayed and easily accessible on your website without any confusing page navigation.

If you've done an excellent job in preparing your course's name and description, all you need to do now is use that information and design an online sales page for your course or the course's landing page. It should be visually appealing, compelling, and easy to navigate.

At this point, using an appropriate online course platform is key, because it is necessary to create a high-converting sale page for your course (and ideal, not needing to have any technical skills). The good news is that platforms such as are gratis and provide comprehensive instruction for how to build your course sales page AND offer your courses at no cost!


Join over 130,000 sellers that have created their businesses online using

 4. Provide course bundles (e.g. or including an ebook)


Consider creating course bundles with additional materials, such as ebooks, workbooks, or bonus modules. Bundling can increase the perception of value for the course, making more attractive to prospective students. Also, it gives you the opportunity to cross-promote your other products or services.

Here's an quick guide on how you can set the product bundles for your online courses.

 5. Offer various payment options e.g. payment plans

In order to make your program less expensive and affordable to more people Consider offering a variety of ways to pay, such as payment programs. By breaking down your cost in smaller amounts can draw individuals who may not be capable of paying the full payment at the beginning. It can dramatically increase the rate of conversion and increase the sales.

If you already create and sell online courses it is easy to set up various payment options such as single-time charges, payment plans or subscriptions.

 6. Find early feedback from the students of a certain group.

online course students

Prior to launching your course, offer an exclusive group of people early access to it in exchange for their testimonials. The positive reviews of this group will help reassure future students that the course has the distinct benefit they're looking for, making it easier to promote the online course. Include these reviews prominently on your sales page in order to show the worth and value of your course.

Tips: Create a 100% OFF discount coupon to help distribute your courses to your early course users.

 7. Build an email list by offering free lead magnets

Develop lead-generating materials like ebooks, cheat sheets, or video tutorials, that align with the content of your program. Provide these lead magnets in exchange for website users with email addresses. The creation of an email list will allow you to nurture relations with students who are interested, share updates about the course and advertise future offerings.

The course creator Melissa Bolton created a free quiz that is not just useful for her customers, but has she also helped grow her list of subscribers and broaden offerings to her ideal clients.

The software can be used to distribute lead-generating materials to your web visitors. You can also gather their emails simultaneously. Additionally, you can create an pay-what-you-want price in the event that some of your website visitors are willing to give some cash in exchange for your helpful lead magnet.

 8. Provide free previews

Previews that are free can spark curiosity and generate interest among future students. You might consider making the first couple of lessons for free to offer prospective students an insight into your course's content and your teaching style. You can draw their attention and ignite their desire to learn more. Find more details on how to create free demos on this site.

How do you Market Online Courses AFTER the publication

Once your online course is released, you need to start your marketing campaigns to make it more visible and attract students. Below are some tips to successfully market your online course once the course is published

 1. Harness the power of content marketing. Promote your blog

start a blog

If you have an established blog, make use of the effectiveness of content marketing in order to promote your online course. Write informative blog posts related to the topic of your class and add calls-to-action that direct readers to the sales page for your course. Make use of guest blogging opportunities on related websites to broaden your reach.

 2. Leverage social media

Your social media profiles are like the superheroes of your own personal brand. They have the power to make your profile shine as an expert in your course topic. Below are the most important things you'll need to accomplish with your social networks for your online marketing:

  • Improve your profile on social media including appropriate keywords
  • Include a link to your site or sale page
  • Be sure to respond to your every comment to encourage more engagement with students who are interested (or as many as humanly is possible). This also shows them that you're dedicated to being present to help them along their way!
  • Create high quality content and teasers to promote your course, including offering helpful tips and step-by-step guides
  • Be everywhere! Make use of the various social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube, Linkedin, Pinterest, and more

 3. Launch an affiliate program

Set up an affiliate programme where you work with specific individuals or influential people in your field that can market your course to their followers. Give them a fee for every referral they make. This will significantly increase the reach of your campaign and increase enrollees.

Here are a few varieties of affiliate partners could be worth looking into: online course review sites, thought leaders in your field who have established credibility and an impressive online presence, professional organizations or communities that are related to the subject of your course, etc.

It is possible to learn how to create your own affiliate program for no cost in this article.

 4. Collaborate with other creators or influencers who are in your area of expertise.

Discover other influential or creative people from your sector who could will complement your curriculum. Work with them on joint projects, webinars, and guest posts on each of their platforms. In sharing your ideas and information, you'll not only expand your target audience but also boost your course's visibility. This initiative will work perfectly with the affiliate program strategy mentioned above.

 5. Offer early access discount

By offering an early access discount, you can create the impression of exclusivity, and encourage early commitment from potential students. This encourages them to take a decision sooner rather than later, because they realize the economic benefits of taking an education at a cheaper cost. This also creates excitement as well as the fear of not being missed (FOMO) which drives people to register promptly.

This method is ideal for course creators who are launching their online courses for the first time. Launching your course with discounts for early access will help to create momentum and gain traction. If early participants successfully complete the course and post their experiences with the course creating a positive buzz and social proof that could encourage students to enroll in the course. Students who are early to access the course and benefit of the discounted rate tend to be an avid advocate for the class.

 6. Email marketing

email marketing to promote online course

After you've compiled your formidable email database (remember tip #7 above) It's now time to unlock the potential of automation via email and keep those leads in the loop until they're ready for conversion. Select your preferred email automation software, whether it's the familiar Mailchimp or the trusted AWeber, or the unstoppable Active Campaign. With these tools in your arsenal You can design intelligent email sequences to engage, educate, and guide prospects to enrolment. You're now able to automate your emails like an expert and let your email sequences do the work, turning prospective students interested with every well-crafted message.

Make sure you send periodic updates, newsletters, exclusive content and updates about your course to keep your followers interested. Customize your emails, and add attractive calls to action in order to increase conversions.

 7. Hosting a webinar is free. live occasion

Another option you could use to market online courses is hosting a no-cost webcast or live-streamed event. It's a fantastic way to promote the course online and generate buzz among your target audience. Get people talking about valuable information and revealing a glimpse of the course's offerings. In this way, you'll highlight your distinct benefits and will get prospective students excited. Use online marketing tools, such as podcasts and social media to spread awareness and bring more attendees to your celebration.

 8. Make a group on Facebook or an online community for members

start a facebook group

Create a Facebook group or an online membership community in which students are able to interact with each other, share knowledge and encourage one another. By creating a Facebook group centered around your course topic, you can gather a group of similar-minded people with a particular interest in that subject. This will give you a specific audience that is likely to be more interested in your course and will be engaged with your marketing content.

Facebook groups also enable users to interact directly with prospective students and establish meaningful connections. It allows you to answer queries, share valuable information and make yourself known as an expert within your area of expertise. In fostering a sense community and offering support and assistance, you leave a lasting impression and develop trust, which makes it easier that members will consider enrolment into your class.

The same objectives by launching an online membership website. We recommend checking out our tutorial on how you can build a gated membership site using for free. In time, as your community of members grows and expands, it will also become an important source of regular income for your company.

 9. Promote your course's main topic by offering a free mini-course

Make a shorter version of a mini-course for free that offers a glimpse of the subject matter and importance of your online course. This acts as a teaser and allows future students to get a taste of your style of teaching and appreciate the benefits of enrolling in the full course.

This strategy has worked well for Bridget Teyler who provides a no-cost mini birth class that will not only provide a preview of her full birth class, but also to create an email list for her to keep her students in mind.

Last Thoughts: Which Strategies Will You Implement to promote your course online?

Gone are the days of launching courses and hoping for the best. To truly make your courses stand out and earn the profits desired, you must have the right marketing plan for your online courses that is able to connect with your target audience and drives outcomes. Marketing is overwhelming with its plethora of strategies and tactics. But fret not! It's not necessary to adhere to every page of the marketing book. Begin with a small amount, dip your toes into some strategies and monitor their performance and continue experimenting until you find strategies that work well for the particular situation.

Making the best choice for an online course system can determine the success of your online course. These platforms are designed to assist you in creating and grow a successful online course company. Register for an account free today to get started!