How do you build a membership Website. Create for Free -

Mar 3, 2023

The creation of a membership site could provide a fantastic business opportunity that provides users with an opportunity to showcase your knowledge, meet like-minded people and earn a steady and regular stream of revenue.

In this this blog post we'll show you the steps to create a membership website for free as well as ways to market your membership website to get new members.

This is a brief overview of some of the issues we'll discuss:

What is a Membership Site?

A membership website is a web-based site that gives exclusive content, services or goods to those who are required to pay a monthly subscription, or membership cost.

The content, services, or items that membership websites offer can differ greatly, based upon the content and the goal of the site. A few membership sites provide access to educational materials including webinars, online courses and other forms of education along with other forms of digital media, whereas other sites offer access to exclusive services, products, or even events.

The benefits of establishing a membership Site

There are many benefits to building an online membership website for a firm:

Create a steady stream of income

The sites could provide a regular stream of income because members pay a monthly or annual charge, like the annual or monthly fee.

Make Content that has more production value

In this day and age, where there is a lot of free content available including blog sites as well as social media It's difficult to earn money by selling your content through advertising or brand partnerships for themselves. It's always a challenge to meet the burden of producing top quality content while having only a a tiny budget on hand.

The ability to let customers support your brand through monthly membership fees will enable you to earn enough funds to create top-quality information that they would enjoy the cost of. This will enable you to give more specific, comprehensive value to your subscribers without having to bother your readers with ads within your contents.

Increase the number of visitors that visit your site.

With the ability to provide users access to information they cannot find elsewhere, membership sites offer a sense exclusiveness that draws customers to return regularly. An increased level of engagement could increase loyalty to customers and retention which could lead to more income generated by the membership website.

Build an audience that is well-established to sell and increase sales

Your members on your membership site may have demonstrated a great interest in your items or services in deciding to sign up as paid members. This makes them an ideal target for your marketing campaigns as well as increasing sales and cross-selling items you're offering.

There are many opportunities to offer a variety of other products and services on your site like personalized one-on-one coach or mentoring , ebooks, online courses, merchandise, and more.

Create a Strong Community

They also assist in creating a sense of belonging among your members and allows them to interact with people who are likeminded and to engage in conversations or collaborative events. Social elements of these sites can be particularly beneficial to creators or firms that wish to build an audience of loyal customers who love their product or brand.

Profit from high scale potential for growth

Membership websites can be highly flexible as their content and the services can be duplicated by more members for no charge. In addition, as your collection of content exclusive to you and the members of your membership community grows, your membership site will likely become more valuable. Members will be able to access a wider and more extensive network of members who they may have difficulty finding elsewhere.

How can you make your own Member Website for free

Below is a step-by step guide for creating your own membership website.

First Step: Identify those you wish to target

Prior to investing any money in creating a membership website it is important to determine whom you'd like to target as your potential members. Doing some research on the profile of your prospective members can be beneficial when you move on to the next step when you'll have develop your membership site that is tailored to your particular requirements of your target market.

This is one of the key questions to ask yourself in order to find the right audience

  • What are your areas of expertise that you're an expert in?
  • How do you deal to challenges throughout your life?
  • Are your specialties or your personal experiences draw people from particular geographical areas or age categories?

Here's an illustration of my thoughts of:

  • What are your areas of specialization? Culinary
  • Have you faced difficulties throughout your daily life? Being a cook within a very short period of time because I have to look after 5 children at the home
  • Do your expertise or personal encounters draw people from certain geographical regions, gender, or age groups? I'm in an island in the tropical area in which I don't possess the same accessibility to specific ingredients as creators in Western countries have.

People who are looking to learn how to cook for their families within 60 mins (or less) (additionally I may be able to also specialize in specific countries e.g. Indonesia)

If you have a clear knowledge of your audience, you'll be able to:

  • Create a clear and concise mission for your membership website
  • Select the kind of content to create and design material that is resonant to the audience you want to reach.
  • Promote your website's membership more efficiently to the people that you wish to touch!

Be sure the size of your market can generate the revenue you desire by investigating the potential size of your target audience. It can be accomplished through research of your competition in addition to doing some keyword research with Google trends (it's cost-free! ).

2. Plan out Your Model of Membership

If you're creating your membership plan, you will determine the amount the customers you intend to attract will be to join your organization as well as the frequency that you'll be charging them in addition to the types of benefits and contents users receive through your membership website.

The steps below are what that you'll need to take:

   1. Note down your advantages and ideas for content

With your own goals and vision for the membership of your website. Come up with different types of information to assist your clients in achieving the outcomes that you want for them to achieve.

Here's an example of how I came to (example only):

   2. Write down the specifics of what you are able to offer to your members

A few examples include the free recipe that is printed every week, no-cost online class every six months, an access to an online community with the capability to create future recipes through polls and also the chance to be participant in an online live webinar every month. You can also use discounted coupons to purchase items on your site and many more.

Once you have done that, you may decide to create a single subscription or multi-tiered membership. If you choose to create multiple tiers, your audience is likely to be able gain access to more services and benefits as they move up the membership levels. With the availability of different levels of membership lets your business to appeal to different audiences who have various financial circumstances.

After this stage, you'll have something similar to the table below (this is just an example):

   3. Make sure you know your payment arrangement

These are the three most crucial aspects you must think about in terms of the payment arrangement for your members:

  • What is the method of payment you'll be offering? Accept credit card, PayPal, or other methods of payment?
  • What do you plan to do about cancellations or refunds? Do you provide a money-back guarantee or a free trial?
  • How frequently are you likely to be charging your customers?

The last thing to mention is that the majority of membership websites have monthly fees, however, it is also possible to offer annual memberships and other payment options based on the best option to both your business and the people you serve. Memberships with an annual nature are ideal as they provide a steady stream of income throughout the year. This gives you the security of finances and make it simpler to invest in longer-term projects with higher funding which will enable you to your quest to create amazing material.

It is important to note that you aren't pricing your service yet, as you'll most likely have to find out how long necessary to develop the content as well as how much your other costs for business would be prior to being able to set the right price. This will be covered in step 4.

Step 3: Choose Your Membership Website Builders

It's important to note that the site creator for your membership will decide the things you could create using your membership website, and what you can do to arrange pricing and other aspects. Choose the website builder that you select for the sake of ensuring that the platform will be able to meet your membership site's requirements.

It is a great option since it's completely free! There is only an additional 5percent (up to $99 over the course of a month) for transactions. This is great for those who are just beginning out with their business and do not have lots of clients yet. It is among the least cost-effective platforms for websites that are members-only.

There are some important features to think about when you design your own membership website using :

  • Unlimited, forever-free plan
  • Unlimited members and membership levels
  • Offer a variety of levels of membership that offer different recurring dates (weekly, monthly, annually and for the rest of your the rest of your life)
  • Provide different types of content to members, according to their membership levels
  • Offer a fast, secure and easy checkout procedure so it's simple for anyone to buy your subscriptions
  • The feature of creating content is effective and comprises: Live previews of scheduled posts, and rich media (videos or text, surveys, and sharing digital files, etc.)
  • Get connected to your users via comments and likings
  • Create highly-converting landing pages on your membership site without technical headaches
  • Give free trial or charge a one-time cost for members
  • Take advantage of a fully hosted domain that is free through our site. Or simply join any custom domain the account
  • Integrate Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel tracking to obtain valuable insights on your clients

Register for a free account There is no payment details are required. There is plenty of time to research the platform and then decide which one is right for you.

Also, there is an instructional video that will teach you how to set up your membership site for no cost, as well as an outline of the membership process. It is available here:

4. Configure your Membership Levels and Prices.

In this stage, you'll have an excellent idea of the advantages and contents that you'll provide your members, so now is the time to put the appropriate amount of money on the members!

Here are some of the aspects you should think about when setting your price for members:

  • How much time and cash is needed to create the exclusive content exclusively for members that you are planning to create?
  • How much do you pay to find new members?
  • Do the older pages of your site hold monetary value? i.e. those who join your site will have access to a vast archive of valuable past content after you've developed the content on your membership website to a long duration. You might want to charge more for the first time to monetize your old membership content in that case.
  • Are you targeting a group of people looking for an annual membership plan that offers reductions for fees?
  • For you to make sure that your prices are reasonable, be aware of what other businesses are pricing

It may be helpful to look for sites that are membership-based providing similar content in your field to use in determining your price guide.

After you've completed the step, you'll be able to design something like the table below (this is only an example):

5. Create your membership site and sales page

A sales page for membership is a page that's specifically designed to market your membership programs. It's an essential element of a well-performing membership website since it's the best way to get customers to sign up as paid members.

The creation of a profitable member sales page can be a challenging task, but when done well it is an effective way of generating revenues and creating an extremely loyal member community.

Thankfully makes it easy to build a custom member sales pages for your website at without cost! This video tutorial demonstrates how to make use of the versatile and simple-to-use tool for building stores can be found there.

Here are some tips for creating a high-converting membership sale page:

  • Be clear about what members get from joining your organization as well as what benefits they offer to members who would like to join.
  • Be clear about the price and payment options, such as either annual or monthly subscriptions. Additionally, offer a 100% money back guarantee or trial duration to lessen the chance of customers being harmed.
  • Be sure to include clearly and prominently displayed a call-to action which prompts visitors to sign up for or join the website's membership program.
  • Provide some information about you as the creator of your site to enhance the legitimacy of your website.
  • Include testimonials from satisfied members and testimonials or case studies by industry experts in order to establish credibility and increase trust.
  • Create the FAQ section in order to address frequently asked questions and objections potential member might ask about joining the membership site. This will help reduce hesitations and boost the number of members who join.
  • Make sure you have a professional appearance. Utilize high-quality videos and images to highlight the value of the site's membership benefits and establish a relationship with your visitor.
  • (Optional) Create the impression that there is an urgency in highlighting special offers for a limited time. special deals, or bonuses which are only available during a specific period of time. It can encourage the user to take immediate action to join the site.

This eliminates the need to purchase the membership plugin since you can create an entire website for free with the no-cost web builder.

Here's an example of what an online sale page for customers is:

6. Make your first content

When you're creating content for your membership website It's important to focus on quality and not volume. There's no need to update daily However, whenever you post content, ensure that it's written well and informative. Also, think about including multimedia elements like images, podcasts or videos to your content to make it more interesting and interesting for your users.

Here are some ideas for content to help spark your imagination:

  • Video tutorials
  • Digital documents can assist students in following the video tutorials e.g. worksheets, color palettes, etc
  • Photos of the behind-the-scenes work you do
  • Templates and printables
  • You can use polls to allow your customers select the type of content you'll be creating

Content creation doesn't need to consume a significant amount of time in the beginning since you'll offer regularly-scheduled content to your customers over some time. Content is created by batches and scheduled to publish in the coming months. Be sure to be clear to the viewers of what they can expect from you after they sign up.

7. Advertise Your Membership Website

After you've created your website for membership, now is the right time to promote the site to attract new members! There are some efficient ways to market your site that you could employ at no cost:

  • Share your message on the social media platforms and develop content that appeals at your specific target market. Social media is useful and cost-effective, and it's free. Be sure to build genuine connections, post relevant information on your topic, reply to any feedback you receive, and respond as quickly as you are able to be, as well as improve your standing as a writer. The people who you connect with will be more inclined to trust in your abilities as a writer for providing them with useful info when they sign-up to join your group.
  • Include an address to your membership website in all of your bios on social media
  • Social media is a great platform for running challenges. This can be particularly helpful for those who run the membership site that caters to specific specialties like art. There are drawings challenges every month in which the creations of your members are highlighted on your social media as well. This is fantastic as you're tapping into your member's social media accounts and increasing interest in your site's membership portal via the users of your website.
  • Use SEO, also known as search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to ensure that your site rank higher in result pages for search engines. It will allow more visitors to discover your site and boost your number of subscribers.
  • Offer a lead magnet for free in order to encourage site visitors to join on your email list. Utilize email marketing campaigns to entice potential members through providing pertinent content until they are ready to become subscribers
  • Consider launching attractive offers to attract new members. In particular, you can give members a discount on membership or free digital items (e.g. eBooks and printables) to a specific period of time. The "limited-time" feature is a crucial aspect since it gives a feeling of urgency for your target audience to sign up for your subscription.


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FAQ about Building Membership Websites

The steps you need to follow to begin on the path to creating your own website for membership:

  1. Learn who your ideal members are
  2. Design your member model
  3. Select the preferred membership site builders
  4. Choose your membership levels and prices
  5. Make your membership website and an online sales page
  6. Make your first piece content
  7. It is important to highlight the member's website

What is the difference between membership and subscription web sites?

The words membership websites and subscription websites are commonly used interchangeably since each require a monthly fee for providers and services, such as exclusive content for members, software, and much more.

"membership site" or "membership site" is thought to refer to an online portal which is focused on offering members-only content and building an online community. However, subscription websites do not usually have any particular focus on building a community. They are generally designed to provide ongoing access to specific services such as the computer platform streaming media or online education.

Is it logical to offer single or multiple different levels of membership on my site?

Offering multiple membership level options will increase the potential for revenue since you can offer different fees for a distinct levels of membership or benefit. Multiple membership levels also provide an opportunity to customize the options in membership levels to meet the preferences and preferences of the members. This will increase participation and keep them.

What is the best time to post content to my users?

All depends on the type of information you'd like to provide - certain members may need an hourly or daily updates, while others might be able to make it via regular updates. Set your goals in advance can help to determine the best timetable for content releases. You must ensure that your customers remain informed about the content you want them to create before they sign up to your service.

The Final Words on Your Membership Site

A membership site could be rewarding for both personal and financial.

Perhaps this article encouraged you to create your own membership website which does not just meet the requirements of your intended audience, but also offers the benefits of support, quality and a feeling belonging to your clients.

Make sure that developing a successful website for membership requires patience, effort, and perseverance, however it can yield significant rewards. With careful planning, effective marketing, and constant interaction with your customers You can build an attractive membership site which not only earns you money but also has a positive effect upon the quality of life for members you have. Start developing your membership site today!

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