How do I set up GA4 to work with WordPress (Free as well as paid) Methods

Sep 24, 2023

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If you've ever thought about how to install GA4 for WordPress on the site of your business, then you're in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, Director of growth Curt Noble will show you how to do it quick and easy, even for free.

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This isn't your typical GA4 blog or reference. It's not my intention to spend hours explaining the basics of the concept of GA4 is or the rationale why it's not a great concept.

I'm going to demonstrate how the way to install GA4 as well as provide all the necessary information to complete the installation so that you can do it the most quickly it is possible to.

A lot has been said regarding the possibility of moving to Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4. In this post, I'll walk you through an easy setup of GA4 for your website-based company web site.

If you're just beginning to get started with WordPress and are looking to gauge the amount of people who visit your website, and other indicators of the performance of your website, bookmark this post.

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Each Website is governed by their individual GA4 Monitoring Requirements.

Each website will have its own specific need to track data. It's difficult to deal with every GA4 issues with tracking. Therefore, I'll stay to the fundamentals to the maximum degree that's possible.

That means that if need to know how many tacos people consumed prior to deciding to become a member to the Taco Tuesday Premium Recipe Membership... you're at the wrong spot.

We probably won't be describing this data tracking system on our site.

Read on, since you'll be required to start from here. The first step is to set up the GA4 account through Google and then set up your data stream.

This sounds like a lot of fun doesn't it?

The best Membership plugin to use for GA4 reporting. GA4 reporting

Woman doing GA4 reporting

The methods described in this article may be utilized with any WordPress site. We'll admit that it. Certain WordPress plugins and themes just are more compatible with GA4. And this is the case with websites that have a membership model.

The major benefit of integration that GA4 has GA4 is the versatility and hooks readily available, as well as API access. GA4 is the simplest integration plugin to integrate the membership.

All major Google Analytics plugins have integrated with . In this post you'll discover how these integrations make the life of users easier.

So, let me straight up declare it. If your website isn't using Google Analytics, then you'll require a Google Analytics specialist to completely develop GA4 to your WordPress site, which is a member website.

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How can you set up Google Analytics GA4 on Your WordPress Membership Website

Follow these steps for how to set up GA4 on WordPress

This article provides four different options to making GA4 in WordPressfor your membership site or online commercial. These differ from straightforwardto absolutely free and offer the straightforwardmethod but with a slight extra cost.

I'm confident that one of these methods could be applied to your situation. All of them have the same beginning point. It is important to begin with that first step before you move onto the next step.

Make a Google Analytics Account

If you're still not with any of the Google services (like Gmail or Google Drive) or would want to set up a separate account on Google Analytics to begin, you'll be required to establish an account with Google. Google account.

If you'd like to establish an account and you're able to register for one on the Google Analytics webpage.

Create a brand-new GA4 property

After registering to create an account with the details of your Google Analytics account and logging in, you'll have make sure to create your GA4 account.

As an example Google Analytics account is an example, Google Analytics account can be used to monitor and analyze several websites, it is possible to create several properties in order to make sure that the information is kept separate.

Once you're signed in to Google Analytics, click on the Admin tab in the lower left hand corner. Select the button for Create Property..

Create Property in Google Analytics.

In the Create Property screen, you'll need to supply some crucial information regarding your website. Within the Business Objectives options you can pick a variety of goals.

The settings affect the reports you'll be receiving out of the box GA4. GA4. But don't fret. It is possible to alter the appearance of of GA4 reports. You can alter the appearance of GA4 reports by modifying the interface later.

Add property details in Google Analytics.

If you're able connect to the Data Collection options, choose Webfrom the options. Here you can configure you GA4 Information stream.

The GA4 system is the one that GA4 tracks all incidents which occur on your site.

You must enter the URL for your website. Provide your data stream with a title. It is suggested to include "GA4" in the stream's title. This can help you recognize it as the GA4 information stream later on in the article.

Setting up GA4 Events to collect on WordPress

GA4 is a collection of so-called "default events". You are able to choose the events which are most significant for you.

I suggest selecting an enhanced measuring option. This will tell GA4 to collect a few extra events which are typical for the industry, like scroll depth, outbound clicks web searches, and other.

If you click on the gear icon on the right side and left, you'll have the ability to pick the events you'd want to track. It is best to ensure that all events are under control.

It's possible that you'll be surprised to discover that there's nothing but a purchase or event taking place! Weird, right?

It will be discussed in the near future.

Set up data stream in Google Analytics.

Step One is Complete!

This wasn't too difficult did it?

The result is an fully operational GA4 website with an information stream. The property's waiting for information to be integrated (kind as my son sitting at the table and the bowl that is just waiting for someone to pour in it with cap'n crunch).

We'll then look into the various options for placing cereal into the bowl. Oh, no... I'm currently working to incorporate GA4 GA4 incident into the stream of data.

The GA4 is now available to everyone who owns the WordPress site.

Everything is in place. Everything is set. GA4 data stream in place and is able to get information about events on websites. Now is the time to include some code in WordPress to transmit data into the GA4 stream.

As I've mentioned before, stated that there are numerous methods to achieve this. The most important thing is to pick what's the best option in your particular circumstance.

There are a few aspects to consider when deciding what is the optimal method for adding GA4 for your WordPress site:

  • Are you confident in analysing data with the GA4 reporting interface?
  • Do you offer subscriptions, courses, or downloads through your website?
  • Are you aware of Google Tag Manager?
  • Do you manage paid advertising or any other traffic from social media which you'd like to observe?
  • Do you have an affiliate site you'd like to advertise?

There's sure to be more to think about there. However, this should be a good starting point. For each one of the methods listed below, I'll provide scenarios that illustrate when each method could be suitable.

We're moving on!

Method #1: Step 1. Incorporating GA4 to WordPress at no costwith Google Site Kit plugin

The option can be done absolutely free and hassle-free. But it may not be the right choice for your WordPress website. It is a good option for WordPress websites that don't offer anything.

This is because Google Site Kit has a major limitation with regards to online sales tracking - that is, it's not able to allow it.

The sole thing Google does is set up Google tools and applications.

Are you thinking of trying to monitor affiliate links or traffic that comes from social networks such as Facebook or Twitter (X) later in the near future? You should stay clear of this free option.

If you choose to grow in the scope of your business and grow your company, you will be faced with a more restricted. To help you overcome this, here are the actions to be following.

Install the Google Site Kit plugin

Install Google Site Kit plugin.

Find the Add Plugins page. On the Add Plugins webpage, find the keyword Site Kit by Google. Install the plugin, and activate it. plugin.

Add plugins in WordPress.

Once the plugin is activated, you will be ready to get started on the configuring process. You must first sign in to the existing Google account you set up for GA4 as a GA4 property before.

Connect your GA4 Data Stream on WordPress through Google Site Kit

Like I mentioned earlier You can use Site Kit to connect to different Google apps as well as tools. However, it's not necessary.

In the meantime, we can join Google Analytics by selecting it from the drop-down menu in order to start the setup.

Google Site Kit installation screen.

It is then time to select your account, property as well as the data stream. You should select the GA4 data stream, which you've previously constructed.

It is also possible to allow Google Site Kit to provide GA4 data to you. GA4 Data streams are available to you, in the event that you do not already have the data. The options, however, aren't unlimited. Thus, I'd recommend creating the data stream in a different method.

It is necessary to enable the possibility to insert the Google Analytics 4-code on this page. This is the method GA4 will collect the information about your analytics for your WordPress site.

Google Site Kit connect service.

It's really that easy. it. It is available through Google Analytics 4. Google Analytics 4 is available through your WordPress site.

There is a small delay when data is being recorded. So, you won't in a position to view any data in your reports for the GA4 The report will be unavailable for the duration of.

Verify that the GA4 information flows

You are able to make the accuracy of your data being moved through the GA4's Real Time report in GA4.

Return to your Google Analytics account, and click Reportson on the navigation menu left. Then click the button real Time..

If there aren't any details here it's possible that there isn't anyone currently using your site. That's okay. Simply visit your site with another tab on your browser.

In a short time, you will observe the session of the user show live in the report.

Method 2. Add GA4 to WordPress website to register for Google Tag Manager for free (kind of)

The technique of of GA4 integration into WordPress makes use of Google's cost-free Google Tag Manager (GTM) solution.

While GTM is available for download the cost of a single click, it could need some expert to set up the system. This method is suitable in those with previous encounters working with GTM.

GTM lets you set up your own customized events. In GA4 you'll have to create a variety of events using Tag Manager. Be sure to buckle up.

To implement ecommerce tracking with GTM for an WordPress website that's a member-based site, there'll likely require additional codes. Particularly, you'll need the script to push your transaction data into Google Analytics' data layer. Google Analytics data layer.

Understanding the Data Layer

The data layer is the principle idea behind working with GTM in conjunction with Google Analytics (GA4). It acts as a bridge between your site and GTM.

Furthermore, it lets you to send your own details directly into GA4, Google Ads and other third-party services.

The principal function of the layer of data serves is remove the data layer from the presentation layer (your website's content). Therefore, instead of coding the data into tags or making web-based scripts or scripts, it is possible to push the data into the layer of data.

After that, GTM can read the data, and utilize it to build tags, triggers, variables and other.

A Data Layer could simplify your life

  • FlexibilityThe HTML0 flexibility allows the user to quickly edit, change or erase data without needing to alter the website's code. This could be especially useful for marketers who may not have direct access to the source code for the site.
  • Consistency by consolidating all the data in one location, you ensure consistent data collection across various types of devices as well as platforms.
  • Advanced Tracking The data layer lets you utilize more advanced tracking software, such as taking data from dynamic websites and single-page applications.
  • Security by regulating what data is stored in the data layer, and which data can be accessed by it, you can ensure that confidential information doesn't get accidentally passed to third-party programs.

After you've mastered the idea about the layers of information we'll assist you in getting GTM setup!

Install a Google Tag Manager Plugin

There's a variety of plugins which can be used to incorporate GTM in your WordPress site. Because there's an wide GTM application, which is why the vast majority do the exact same thing.

The plugin turns out to have Google Site Kit plugin and can be added to the GTM container based on your needs!

Follow the steps up to Method #1 to see how to install Google Site Kit. Google Site Kit plugin. Then, you can choose to add Google Tag Manager.

Configuring the GA4 Tag in Google Tag Manager

When you've got GTM set up and correctly configured and set It's now the time to begin deploying your first GTM tag!

One quick reminder: Google recently migrated the old GA4 Configuration tag to the current worldwide Google Tag. If you've seen other guidebooks that refer to GA4 Configuration Tag but it's not in use anymore. GA4 Configuration tag is not in GTM, it's not currently being used.

When you sign in to GTM Once you've logged into the GTM workspace Click to create an additional tag. Give the tag a name at the left uppermost.

It is recommended to utilize the phrase "Google Tags in GA4". This can help you know the impact of tags on GA4 implementation.

Then, navigate to your Section for Tag Configuration to make a new type of tag. It is possible to choose Google Analytics. Next, on the screen there will be an array of Google Analytics selections. It is imperative to pick Google Tag here.

" decoding="async" width="1024" height="453" src="" alt="Google Analytics Tag Configuration Area. ">

GA4 Events GA4 Events will be set up in the future. First, we need an inactive Google Analytics code firing.

After you've created the proper Google Tag, you'll be required to enter the Google Analytics Measurement ID.

The tag ID will be the one Google determines to use to determine the ideal location to transmit data from your website. This is how to identify GA4 measure ID. GA4 measurement are identified by ID.

Following step is to inform Google Tag Manager where you wish this tag to be displayed on your WordPress site. The GTM container will be on every page of your site. This means that you are able to apply GA4 tags for each page. It is also possible to use GA4 tags on every page. GA4 tag is on every page is also possible.

The Triggering tab is where you can select the option to initiate all pages..

Google tag for GA4 screenshot

The GA4 tag you publish to your WordPress Membership Website

The only thing you need to do is saving your tag configuration, and then upload your changes to the container you have created.

There's a Submitbutton on the right-hand side of the GTM Workspace.

Now is the time to get GA4 on board. GA4 will gather the standard information about events to use in your website.

The complete code needed exists for the transfer of the default event data to the data layer.

The events were set up previously in the GA4 choices for stream data are now monitored.

Also, there is no tracking system in place. We'll address this issue...

How do you track your Member's Sales GA4 Profits?

Do you remember all the talk about the layer of data? For tracking member revenue or other e-commerce data your company needs to transfer these information into the data layer.

It requires a bit of programming. Additionally, you'll have to take advantage of Google Documentation.

There are two components to the system.

In the beginning, you'll have to transmit the transaction details to the data layer following an effective sale. This is a sample code to use for the "purchase" period:

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push( 'event': 'purchase', 'currency': 'USD', // use your currency 'value': 100.00, // total transaction value 'transaction_id': 'T12345', // unique transaction ID 'items': [ // array of purchased item objects 'item_id': 'SKU12345', 'item_name': 'Product Name', 'price': 50.00, 'quantity': 2 // ... other purchased items ] ); 

Second step is that you make an event tag within GTM for collecting and sending information from transactions that are reported in GA4 reports. Tags set up inside GTM are similar to the following:

  • Make a tag with the tag's name form "GA4 Events".
  • In order to name the event, you must enter "purchase".
  • The event's parameters are described according to the preceding:
  • Currency conversion to currencyThe|The|A|The} Data Layer Variable
  • value to the|||} Data Layer Variable
  • transactions_id A||} Data Layer Variable
  • objects toAthe||} Variable within the Layer of Data Layer
  • Create a trigger on this tag so that it triggers the confirmation page of an order, or when the transaction has been completed successfully.

Can't You Find a Simpler Way?

Making use of GTM to add GA4 tracker info on the WordPress website can be a difficult challenge.

The approach I've given above will give you a basic tracker of analytics and the report on revenues.

However, you'll need to configure each other data item that you'd like to keep track of. Take note of what could happen that may arise in the event that Google "flips its script" over your.

As an example, the switch from GA3 (Universal Analytics) to GA4 has caused some consternation for site owners as well as marketing professionals.

If you're responsible for the whole plan of the tracker with GTM You're expected to be aware of any the changes. Most companies are in employees who are full-time.

Are you convinced that there's an easier method? Yes, it is. There are two different methods to accomplish this with premium plugins.

What are you able to do to save money and time to set up GA4 on WordPress websites for membership and Online Companies

Phew! It's over! tough portion. If you've read the two choices for setting up GA4 on WordPress It's possible you're thinking this is far over your earnings. You're right, it's not. Two options are explained above under the name "stupid-easy".

I've spent over 10 years designing web analytics systems.

I've worked on various implementations, ranging from free Google Analytics Legacy versions, as well as more complex tools such as web Trends as well as Omniture SiteCatalyst (both before and after an acquisition through the Adobe purchase).

Actually, I've been working on Customer Data Platform solutions such as Tealium to implement an analytics program. I worked with data layers before they were cool.

So, you can trust me when I say that the two plugins below provide the best way to implement GA4 within WordPress.

Method #3 METHOD #3 "almost free" way to add GA4 to WordPress through WPCode Pro

When I was a student in college, I had a discount card, referred to as"the "Starving student card." The card offered me sweet discount for Big Juan Burritos whenever I went to Taco Time. Additionally, there were other deals. It's just not that important.

Important to remember that I'd call this"Starting Student" method "Starving Student" method to incorporate GA4 into your site in order to provide members.

The cost is affordable, especially for college students that are budget-conscious. There are a variety of options:

Register with WPCode Pro and install it. WPCode Pro

WPCode homepage screenshot

The site is free as well, which is called WPCode Lite. It's not the same as WPCode, but since it's GA4 for a site which is member-based, it will require some important options which are only available with premium.

You'll also require, specifically, the convert pixels along with your Advanced Places for eCommercefeatures.

Bonus! It is also possible to make use the features of WPCode Pro to add your social media tracking pixels.

There are millions of WordPress websites that use WPCode. With a 4.9 score, it is perhaps the top-rated WordPress plugin available.

WPCode customer rating screenshot

The first step is to sign up for WPCode Pro. (If you're wanting to make it available through a single website, the Basic Plan is included with all GA4 features you require.)

Follow the steps in order to install and enable the plugin on WordPress. WordPress website. WPCode Pro is integrated with, and will auto-detect the plugin. This can be a huge time saver.

Configuring WPCode Pro to Implement GA4 for Your WordPress Membership Website

It is not necessary to install any additional software or codes. WPCode Pro will set up the Ecommerce Layer and transfer information into the Data Layer.

You won't have to alter anything in Google Tag Manager. In fact, WPCode completely eliminates the necessity to use Google Tag Manager on your WordPress site.

All you need to do is give WPCode Pro your GA4 measurement ID (in the field below, which has been obscured below). It will take care of everything else. You must select the event you wish to monitor. I suggest keeping the list of events that are available.

GA4 set up in WPCode

Then you're done. It is then possible to include GA4 on your membership website. Membership registrations that you sign up for are tracked, and the data goes into GA4 reports. GA4 reports.

After this blog post, I'll provide the location of the data for membership conversion from GA4 reports. First, let me present another simple option for the difficulty!

Method 4: The best affordable and scalable method to add robust GA4 tracking for WordPress Membership sites with MonsterInsights

However, there is a limitation to making use of WPCode (above) The primary one downside is that it will transmit all the data it has into the GA4 account. Therefore, in order to see your data it is necessary to sign in your GA4 account. Then, discover how to use through the GA4 user interface.

First reports are available. The all-new GA4 user interface looks like... garbage Based on the opinions of those who've tried the interface.

This is the reason MonsterInsights is the first choice I think of when planning a massive-scale GA4 installation. With MonsterInsights it is possible to complete the following tasks easily:

  • massive-scale GA4 tracking as well as E-commerce There's absolutely no reason to be worried about the fact that you're not tracking anything or even tagging them you may consider in the future.
  • access all your information within the WordPress Administration - You will not have to navigate the dreadful GA4 user interface to uncover important insights into the data you have
  • Link Tracking outbound It will be apparent the number of people actually using the links you have included on your blog's content
  • Tracking affiliate links Learn which affiliate links get the most number of clicks
  • EU conformity with EU compliance You can rest all night long without the worry of a major penalty from the EU should you break data privacy legislation
  • Logged-in tracking of your users Examine the ways users who make payments on your site differently when compared to other users.
  • Author monitoring * A report on each blog's performance by the blog's author
  • Zero-Code Implementation You pay nothing to setup your tracking codes, events setup

It's a short review. There are a variety of options to allow you to use MonsterInsights to a degree which is affordable.

Zero-code technology pays dividends immediately. It doesn't need the expertise of an engineer in analytics, or a professional in the field of MonsterInsights.

Join and download MonsterInsights Pro for Less Than the cost of a Chipotle Burrito Each Month

The wizard that is used for setup helps make installation effortless and simple.

MonsterInsights setup wizard in WordPress

The wizard is extensive and extremely intuitive. So, I'm not going to explore each step.

You can also find the detailed instruction to walk through the setup of the system in case you need this. If you're at the point of adding additional extensions ensure that you download the MonsterInsights extensions for selling on eBay.

MonsterInsights recommended addons screen

The setup is all there is in the set-up.

This WordPress Membership website should be functioning and operational with GA4 monitoring. MonsterInsights created the data layer along with the GA4 events that you choose to monitor during your initial setup.

It's not mandatory to create a GA4 account to gain access to your data. MonsterInsights provides your information directly in the admin section of WordPress.

GA4 Dashboard is accessible via the WordPress Admin. GA4 Dashboard is accessible via the WordPress Admin

To access the GA4 information to gain access to the GA4 details from MonsterInsights. There's an instant summary of the data on Dashboard widget.

MonsterInsights WordPress admin data screen

You can also access all of the data by navigating to the Insights button on the left navigation.

Accessing Your Data to Google Analytics

From all the choices which are available, and there's a variety of, just MonsterInsights shows the analytics details directly on WordPress. To get access to other choices, log in to your Google Analytics account and navigate through your GA4 account.

The picture is the result from the sandbox game I created during this work. It's a shame that there's not much data to show. If you're thinking of jumping into GA4 and playing around with it a bit I'd suggest looking into GA4's test account. GA4 trial account.

Final Reflections

Congrats! You've achieved Google Google Analytics set up on your WordPress site to allow you to join your company's online presence.

It is now possible to gain better understanding of your website's visitors, their behavior engaging in the material you've created in addition to your website's ability to convert visitors into users to.

If you're looking to find out more information about Google Analytics, we've published an article which explains how you can use Google Analytics to increase the effectiveness of your site's members.

Additionally, there's an online training course that is free to download from Google Analytics. Google Analytics website for users who wish to get the most value from this software.

     Are you concerned concerning using Google Analytics for your membership website? If yes, please leave an an answer in the remarks here.

This post was first seen here. here

This post was first seen on here