How can I configure GA4 to integrate in conjunction with WordPress (Free and paid) Methods

Sep 24, 2023

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If you've ever considered how to install GA4 for WordPress for your company's web webpage, you're at the right place. In this thorough guide, Growth manager Curt Noble shows you how you can do it quick, easy and free.

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This isn't your standard GA4 tutorial, or your typical blog. It won't take us hours to explain why GA4 is, or the reason it's not a good choice.

I'm simply curious to know the steps you need to take to set up GA4 as well as give all the information will be required for the process to be completed in the shortest amount of time possible.

There's been a lot written about moving away of Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4. In this post, I'll teach you how to perform the easy installation of GA4 for your commercial website.

If you're beginning using WordPress and want to keep track of the amount of people who visit your site and other performance indicators, bookmark this post.

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Each site is unique and is unique and has their own GA4 requirements for tracking

Each website's requirements are unique in terms of tracking data. It's not enough to address every single GA4 tracking issue. Therefore, I'll stay with basic concepts in the way I'm able.

If you're trying for the number of tacos people have consumed before signing up for your Taco Tuesday Premium Recipe Membership... you're at the wrong spot.

It is unlikely that we would describe this monitoring system here.

But, keep reading because you'll be required to start here regardless. First, you'll need to set up an GA4 account through Google and then set up your data stream.

It sounds fun, doesn't it?

The best membership plugin for GA4 Reporting

Woman doing GA4 reporting

The strategies that are explained in this post can be applied to any WordPress website. Let's admit it. certain WordPress themes, as well as plugins are more effective when you use GA4. This is particularly true when it comes to membership sites.

GA4 integration's main advantage GA4 integration GA4 is its flexibility and the hooks offered as well as API access. GA4 is the most simple integration plugin for membership.

All the most popular Google Analytics plugins have integrated with . This article will explain the ways these integrations can help you make life easier.

So, I'm going to be straight about this. If you're not making use of GA4 on your site GA4 is likely to require the help of an Google Analytics specialist to completely install GA4 for your WordPress membership site.

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How do you setup Google Analytics GA4 on Your WordPress Membership Website

Follow these steps for how to set up GA4 on WordPress

This article provides four different ways for how you can set up GA4 for your site on WordPressfor your website to allow members or for business on the internet. The methods vary from easyto no cost and include the straightforwardmethod that requires a minimal fee.

I'm sure that any of these techniques may be used to solve your situation. They all have the same beginning point. It is necessary to start with that first step before moving on to the next one.

Set up Google Analytics account

If you're still not engaged in sign-up to one among the Google products (like Gmail or Google Drive) or you'd want to create an account on Google Analytics it is essential to create an account for the account you'd like to make use of. Google account.

If you're looking to make an account, you're capable of creating one through Google Analytics. Google Analytics webpage.

Make a brand new GA4 property

After signing up for the Google Analytics account and logging into your account, you'll be required to create your GA4 property.

For an illustration is that a Google Analytics account can be used to track and analyse several websites. It's also possible to set up multiple properties available here for keeping the information distinct.

If you're logged in to Google Analytics Click on the Admin menu in the bottom left corner. Once you've done that, click the button to to add the property..

Create Property in Google Analytics.

Once you're in the Create Property screen, you'll just need provide certain important data about your website. In the Business Objectives choices, you have the option of choosing a variety of objectives.

These settings decide which reports will be displayed out of the box GA4. GA4. It's not necessary to be concerned about the GA4 report. This isn't a concern. It is possible to modify the details of GA4 reports. GA4 reports by using the interface later.

Add property details in Google Analytics.

If you're in a position to access Data Collection, you can access Data Collection options, choose the Webfrom the available options. It is then possible to set up your GA4 data Stream.

The Data Stream is the place where GA4 monitors all activities that take place on your website.

You must enter the URL for your site, and also give your data stream a name. It is suggested to include "GA4" within the name of the stream. This will help identify it as GA4. GA4 data stream later on in this article.

Configuring GA4 Events to be Collecting on WordPress

GA4 includes what is known as the standard events. It is up to you to decide what matters to you.

I recommend selecting the improved measurement option. By doing this, GA4 is able to tell GA4 to collect a few of events that are normal, for example scroll depth, outbound clicks as well as web search and numerous others.

Clicking on the gear icon in the left-hand side You'll have the option of deciding which events to follow. It is best to keep each one on the list.

There's a chance that you'll see a big omission There's any purchasing program on the calendar! Weird, right?

Additional details regarding that to be revealed in the near future.

Set up data stream in Google Analytics.

Step One is Complete!

It wasn't that difficult, did it?

Now, you've got now an fully functional GA4 site property as well as an data stream. It's waiting to be able to wait for the data stream to start flowing (kind similar to my child in the dining room waiting for someone to pour him the Cap'n Crunch).

Let's take a look at four methods for putting cereal in the bowl. Errr... It's difficult to find the GA4 events into the stream of data.

Include GA4 on Any WordPress website

You have your GA4 data stream is in place and set up to permit web-based events. The next step is incorporate some code into WordPress for sending details to the data stream.

The past I've mentioned that there are a variety options for achieving this. Your responsibility is to determine which is the most effective option for you, based on the specific circumstances.

There are a few things you should be aware of while searching for the optimal way to incorporate GA4 in your WordPress site:

  • Do you feel confident when using GA4 Report interface?
  • Do you have the opportunity of downloads, subscriptions, or courses via your website?
  • Are you conscious of Google Tag Manager?
  • Do you manage also marketing or social media visitors you'd like to track?
  • Have you got affiliate links you would want to pass along?

There's probably more to be considering. This is however a great starting point. For each of the four options listed below, I'll offer an example of how each technique is appropriate.

Now let's move on!

Method 1 Method #1 Method 1: Add GA4 to WordPress absolutely freewith Google Site Kit plugin

The solution is totally and absolutely free. But it may not be the best option for your WordPress site. This option is great for WordPress sites which do not sell products.

This is because Google Site Kit has a important limitation with regards to e-commerce tracking that means it isn't equipped with the ability.

The only thing it does is configure Google tools and solutions.

Do you think you'll want to track user-generated affiliate links or social networks like Facebook as well as Twitter (X) in the near future? point in the not too distant future? This is a totally no-cost choice.

If you opt to scale up, it could cause the user to be confronted with an abundance of. So, here are the steps to follow.

Configure the Google Site Kit plugin

Install Google Site Kit plugin.

From to from the Add Plugins Page, just search for the term Site Kit on Google. You can then install and enable the plugin.

Add plugins in WordPress.

After the plugin has been installed, it's time to start the creation process. The first step is to login with the account that you used to register the GA4 property. Google account that you used to register the GA4 property before.

Connect GA4 data stream to WordPress. GA4 data stream to WordPress using Google Site Kit

I've previously mentioned that it is possible to use Site Kit to link with a myriad of Google tools and applications. This isn't a necessity.

In the meantime, we may begin by registering with Google Analytics by selecting it in the menu options before completing the setup.

Google Site Kit installation screen.

Next, choose your account, your property and the data stream. You must then select GA4 as a data stream from the GA4 data stream you've already created.

You may also permit Google Site Kit to create GA4 Data stream for you. GA4 Data stream will be created for you if do not have it already. But, the options aren't endless. Therefore, I'd recommend making sure that the data stream is distinct.

It is necessary to activate the option in order to include for the Google Analytics four code within your website. This is the way GA4 is able to record events within analytics for your WordPress website.

Google Site Kit connect service.

It's that simple. it. Google Analytics 4 is installed on your WordPress site.

Note a small delay in the collecting of the data. So, you may not have any data on the GA4 report over some time.

Make sure that GA4's information flows

Check to be sure your data is flowing through the G4's Real Time report in GA4.

Go back into your Google Analytics account, and select Reportson on the menu on left. After that, click on Real Time..

If you do not see anything here, it's the possibility that there's not anyone currently on your website. That's okay. Go to your website with an additional tab within your browser.

Within a few minutes in the near future, you'll see your users sessions appearing on a live report.

Method #2 Method 2: Adding GA4 to WordPress Membership site using Google Tag Manager for free (kind of)

This approach to how to incorporate GA4 in WordPress utilizes the no-cost Google Tag Manager (GTM) solution.

Although GTM is totally free, it could require the assistance of an experienced expert in the area of analytics for complete setup. This method is suitable for people who have previous experience with GTM.

GTM allows you to set up events of your own. When you install GA4 you'll have to set up a number of events within Tag Manager. So, buckle your seat belts.

For the implementation of the feature of tracking e-commerce by using GTM for your WordPress site that customers use It's probable that you'll need an additional component of code. In particular, you'll require scripts that can transmit your data from transactions into Google Analytics' data layer. Google Analytics data layer.

Understanding the Layer of Data Layer

The data layer is the main concept behind GTM as well as Google Analytics (GA4). It acts as the link between your website and GTM.

In addition, you can offer custom-designed information to GA4, Google Ads, along with other third-party service suppliers.

The principal function of the layer of data serves is to differentiate the data from that of the presentation layer (your data). So, instead of making data through hardcoding directly in tags or scripts for your site or scripts, you can transfer your data into the data layer.

The next step is that GTM is able to analyze the data and then utilize it to create tags, triggers, and variables.

Data Layers Can simplify your life

  • FlexibilityIt could be utilized for the purpose of allowing users to alter, remove, or change information with no alteration to the site's code. This is especially beneficial to those who do not be able to directly access the source code of a website.
  • Consistency When you consolidate your data all in one location, this guarantees that the same data is collected across various gadgets and platforms.
  • enhanced monitoring Data layer allows the most sophisticated tracking strategies, such as collecting data from dynamic sites or applications that have a single page.
  • Security by controlling what details are input into the data layer, and the method by which it's accessed, you can ensure that your data isn't sent to third-party software.

After you've grasped the idea of data layer we'll install GTM in place!

Install a Google Tag Manager Plugin

There are numerous plugins to incorporate GTM on your WordPress site. There's the standard GTM implementation, the majority of them do similar functions.

This plugin is believed to actually the Site Kit Google plugin. also has the ability to create a GTM container for you!

Click the METHOD 1 link for details on how you can install this Google Site Kit plugin. Then, you are able to opt to include Google Tag Manager.

Configuring the GA4 Tag in Google Tag Manager

Once you have GTM installed and set up then you're ready to deploy the initial tag!

One quick reminder: Google recently migrated the older GA4 Configuration tag to the standard Google Tag. If you've seen other tutorials in which you've seen GA4 Configuration tags GA4 Configuration tag inside GTM, it's not present now.

Once you login to the GTM workspace, you will be prompted to log in. Click to create an entirely brand new tag. It is then possible to choose a name for it on the left.

I would suggest using an example such as "Google Tags within GA4". This would make it much easier to determine exactly what the tag is doing to control the GA4 implementation.

Next, click into then The tags configuration tab and select the option to make a brand new type of tag. You'll see an option for Google Analytics. The next screen will show you a range of Google Analytics choices. Choose Google Tag here.

" decoding="async" width="1024" height="453" src="" alt="Google Analytics Tag Configuration Area. ">

You can configure GA4 events in the future. The first step is to make sure that Google Analytics is Google Analytics code firing.

After you've created the proper Google Tag, you'll have to input an ID for the Google Analytics Measurement ID.

The tag ID decides on how Google determines the best place to store data through your website. Here's how you can identify your GA4 measure ID.

The following step is to notify Google Tag Manager where you would like this tag to show up on the WordPress website. The GTM container appears on every page of your website. It is therefore possible to put GA4 tags on every page. GA4 tag on every webpage and more.

Within the Triggering Panel, choose the option To initiate every page.

Google tag for GA4 screenshot

The GA4 tag you add to Your WordPress Membership Site

The only thing you need to accomplish is backup your configuration of the tag, and after that, upload the modifications to the container you created.

There's there's a Submitbutton on the upper righthand section of your GTM Workspace.

In the present, GA4 is collecting the specifics of events. They are the default for your website.

The entire software could be used to push the default information about events into your data layer.

In addition, the tasks you defined previously within the GA4 option for monitoring data streams are also being monitored.

The system isn't even keeping track of the e-commerce market in its the first place. We need to take care of that...

How to Track Your Membership sales revenue in GA4

Have you remembered all the discussions about Data Layer? To track membership sales or any other details, you have to push that data to the data layer.

It requires extra programming. Also, you'll need to use Google Documentation. Google Documentation.

Two components are involved in this set-up.

At the start, you'll be required to input the information of your transaction into your database layer following your sale is successfully completed. Here's an example program you could utilize to initiate the "purchase" trigger:

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push( 'event': 'purchase', 'currency': 'USD', // use your currency 'value': 100.00, // total transaction value 'transaction_id': 'T12345', // unique transaction ID 'items': [ // array of purchased item objects 'item_id': 'SKU12345', 'item_name': 'Product Name', 'price': 50.00, 'quantity': 2 // ... other purchased items ] ); 

In the second stage, you create an event tag within GTM for collecting and sending the information from transactions that are in GA4 reports. The configuration of the tag inside GTM could look like:

  • Create a tag from scratch by definining the tag's type of "GA4 event".
  • In the name of the event, select "purchase".
  • The triggers of an event are described like the following:
  • Currency to currencyAThe|A|The||A|The} Data Layer Variable
  • value to A Data Layer VariableA Data Layer Variabledata layer variable|Data Layer Variable|data layer variable}
  • transaction_id to ransaction_idA|||} Data Layer Variable
  • Items to be identified bythe Data Layer VariableData Layer Variabledata layer variable|Data Layer Variable|data layer variable}
  • Make a trigger with this tag which will activate when the confirmation page for an order is displayed or when the transaction is successful.

Do You Not Know a Better way?

Utilizing GTM to integrate GA4 tracking to the WordPress website is quite a task.

The method I've given you provides you with basics of analysis tracking along with the e-commerce report of sales.

However, you'll need to configure each other record that needs to be monitored. Be aware of the potential for what happens if Google "flips your script" on behalf of you.

As an example, the change of GA3 (Universal Analytics) to GA4 caused a furore among the owners of the site and marketers.

If you're in charge of the monitoring of all strategies using GTM It's essential to remain attentive for any shifts. In many companies, this may be a full-time role.

Are you convinced there's an easier method? Yes, it is. There are actually two different ways to achieve this with the help of premium plugins.

What are you able to do to save money and the time needed to setup GA4 to support WordPress Membership Sites as well as Online Business

Phew! We're now at the difficult part. If you've gone through the two previous options to making GA4 on WordPress then you're in the right place. GA4 on WordPress could mean that you believe it's little more than the salary you make. You're right, it's not. These next two options could be described as "stupid-easy".

In the last 10 years, I've been working on web analytics software.

I've worked on various deployments, which range from cost-free Google Analytics Legacy versions, to enterprise-focused solutions such as Web Trends and Omniture SiteCatalyst (both in the lead-up to and immediately following the acquisition by way of the Adobe purchase).

as well as on Customer Data Platform solutions like Tealium to implement analytics software. I've used data layers before they were amazing.

So, you can be confident I believe that these two plugins that I've mentioned are the most effective alternative to use GA4 to work with WordPress.

Method #3 Method #3 The "almost free" method to connect GA4 into WordPress with the help of WPCode Pro

When I was a student at the college I received a discount card referred to as"the "Starving student Card." This card offered me discounts in Big Juan burritos at Taco Time. It's possible that there are other discounts too. It's not crucial.

This is why I should label this"Starting Student. "Starving Student" technique to include GA4 on your website to sign up for GA4..

This is an ideal solution for budgeting, particularly for college students with a tight budget. Here's how to do it:

Sign up to WPCode Pro and install it. WPCode Pro

WPCode homepage screenshot

There's also a version for no cost that's called WPCode Lite. As you're installing GA4 on a membership site you'll need some essential functions that are only available to paid users.

Particularly, you'll require Conversion Pixels as well as using the Advanced Locations option to support eCommercefeatures.

Plus! There's also the option to utilize WPCode Pro to add your social media tracking pixels.

There are numerous WordPress sites that use WPCode. It has a 4.9 score, it's perhaps the most highly rated plugin on the market.

WPCode customer rating screenshot

For the first phase, sign up for WPCode Pro. (If you are only required to install it for one website The Basic Plan comes with all the GA4 options you need.)

You must follow the steps below to install, and finally install the plugin onto the WordPress website. WPCode Pro is integrated with the plugin it'll recognize the plugin. This is a major time-saver.

Set up WPCode Pro to enable GA4 within the WordPress Membership Website

There is no need to incorporate any codes or scripts. WPCode Pro will set up and transfer e-commerce data into the data layer.

It is not necessary to set up anything using Google Tag Manager. Actually, WPCode completely eliminates the requirement to utilize Google Tag Manager on your WordPress site.

The only thing you need to do is tell WPCode Pro your GA4 measurement ID (in the field that is blurred out below). The software will manage all other details. Your responsibility is to select the types of changes you'd like to keep track of. I would recommend keeping track of all possible occasions.

GA4 set up in WPCode

After that, you're done. Then you can add GA4 to your membership site. Your membership sign-ups to your website are watched and the data collected goes through GA4. GA4 report.

In the last portion of this blog I'll discuss how you can find your data on membership conversion in GA4 reports. Let me first give an alternative, simple answer to all searching for an answer!

Method 4 is the most flexible and inexpensive method of the addition of robust GA4 monitoring capabilities to WordPress Membership websites that use MonsterInsights

The main drawback with the use of WPCode (above) is it's ability to transmit all the information you need into your account via GA4. In order to see your account's information it is necessary to sign in to your GA4 account and navigate to the interface for users.

The initial reports are available. The latest GA4 user interface appears to be... garbage from the perspective of those who've used the interface.

It's the reason MonsterInsights is my preferred option for a large-scale and comprehensive GA4 installation. In MonsterInsights, it's possible to perform these tasks with ease:

  • scaled to full GA4 Tracker as well as commerce There's no reason to be worried about not being able to keep track of or tag an idea you'll think of sometime in the future.
  • access all of your information directly within the WordPress administrator. This means you don't need to struggle with the horrible GA4 interface for finding crucial information in your database.
  • Tracking external links It's simple to track the amount of visitors visiting your blog's hyperlinks pages
  • Tracking affiliate link Find the affiliate link that is getting the most clicks
  • EU conformance built-in Users can rest through the night without worrying about receiving an enormous penalty from the EU in case you violate laws on privacy of data
  • Logged-in tracking of users Discover how your paid customers use your website differently than others.
  • Monitoring of the author - Report on each blog's performance, as reported by the author
  • Zero-Code implementation There aren't any additional costs to set up your tracking code or setup of Events

This is a brief review. There are many options that can help make this a cost-effective and easy choice.

No-coding will pay the dividends immediately. There is no need to have the skills of a scientist or analyst to use MonsterInsights.

Register an account and download MonsterInsights Professional costing less than an Chipotle Burrito Each Month

and the wizard for setting up aids in making the installation process quick and easy.

MonsterInsights setup wizard in WordPress

The wizard is comprehensive yet extremely user-friendly to operate. This is why I don't go into detail about each step.

In addition, you can find an thorough step-bystep instruction to complete the setup process should you need the service. After you've finished your Addons page, make sure to install the MonsterInsights Ecommerce extension.

MonsterInsights recommended addons screen

There's nothing more to it.

The WordPress Membership website should be completely set up for GA4 monitoring. MonsterInsights has set up the data layer as well as the GA4 events you decide to monitor during the setting process.

Similar to the way just like what I said above, you don't need login to your GA4 account to access your information. MonsterInsights displays your information directly in the admin section of WordPress.

GA4 Dashboard is available on the WordPress administrator page. GA4 Dashboard is accessible through the WordPress admin page.

For access to the GA4 details to view your GA4 information in MonsterInsights you can view an overview of the details of your GA4 details on the widget for dashboards.

MonsterInsights WordPress admin data screen

There's a variety of information when you browse Insights. "Insights" button on the left navigation.

A Perspective of Your Data in Google Analytics

There are many options to choose from which include MonsterInsights which can present your data directly on WordPress. To access alternative choices, you'll have to sign-in into the account on your Google Analytics account and navigate to GA4 on GA4 page.

The image below is a result from a sandbox which I've been playing with during this course. There's plenty of information to present. If you're looking to dive into GA4 and poke around for some time I recommend using the GA4 Testing Account. GA4 Test account.

Last thought

Congrats! Congratulations! Congratulations! You now have Google Google Analytics set up on your WordPress membership website, which will aid in the expansion of your business on the internet.

Now you can gain more insight into the visitors who come to your website and how they're engaging with the content you provide, and the effectiveness of your site in converting visitors into customers.

If you're looking to learn how to use Google Analytics, we've published an article which outlines methods to use Google Analytics to increase the effectiveness of your membership website.

A free course is also accessible at Google Analytics. Google Analytics website for those looking to make the best of this software.

     Do you have questions regarding the use of Google Analytics in conjunction with the membership of your site? If yes, please send us your suggestions here.

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This post was first seen on here