How Asha Downes developed her idea that is a natural hair expert based on self-acceptance and science |

Jan 27, 2023

Find out how Asha Downes turned her own natural hair-loving journey into a coaching and education business that is based on radical kindness self-love, research into the scientific method, as well as science.

Since her earliest days, Asha Downes dreamed of being able to have long hair. She was a hairdresser who loved playing with her friends, and playing around with different styles, but she was repeatedly told it was not possible to cut her hair that was textured with Afro to the length she desired.

The world was transformed drastically after Asha was in the final stages of her teenage years. When she was browsing YouTube she came across another creator who had the same hairstyle that had natural, long hair. Though everyone believed that this wouldn't be the case, the hair of the creator was full and healthy. Asha discovered that if her creator could do it then she was able to do it too.

Presently, Asha runs Naturally High Hair, a company that aids women to grow their natural hair with personalized coaching and information-packed classes . She won 's 2022 Fall Creator Fellowship, and we were amazed with her kind and holistic approach to caring for the clients she serves. Additionally she's on track to earn the highest level of trichology accreditation to increase her expertise regarding her specialization.

This is the story of how Asha turned her passion into an educational and coaching company that's changing hairstyles of women -- and lives -to the best.

Turning a passion project into an innovative business with authenticity

As Asha began to learn about healthy hair, and natural ways to maintain it , she wasn't alone. one. Many women from around the globe were also documenting their personal hair-care journeys. She recalls "This was before YouTube was the commercial space that it is today, and users were posting tips, recipes, experiences as well as triumphs."

"It was a real eye opener to hear so many Black women sharing the same thing regardless of their location in different parts of the world. Everybody is experiencing this same experience, which is currently being given a known name: the naturally-haired movement."

In the time that Asha began to think about telling her story to the world and tell her story to the world, she found herself attracted to YouTube as that's where many other artists in the same space were doing their work. "I wanted to join them," she explains. "I didn't know which direction I was going to take. I just wanted for ways to be involved."

Her channel Asha documented everything in her attempt to comprehend how to master caring for her hair naturally. It was a passion for her, and was an obsession project, and Asha was focused on sharing her real self. People loved watching her videos as she shared her story, and through the years, her YouTube channel and Instagram page have been growing.

"While I was capturing my personal experiences during the beginning stages, I wasn't watching the view or even the viewers," she remembers. "It was a platform to write my story using my hair. The people who read it were interested and took the initiative to join in."

Since Asha's reach on social media was growing, her content-creation procedure was more organized She also conceived of possible sources to assist her followers.

In the meantime, Asha was working full-time and was living in various nations across Europe. Her studies included positions related to hair for large corporations, but they all didn't feel as she desired them to feel.

Asha began her career as a writer to write about her personal story. Her honest and positive videos attracted the attention of people who watched them and she realized that she had the ability to have an impression. The knowledge she gained about the possibilities to make money would allow her to invest to her viewers as well as enhancing her skills. She was certain that her passion project turned into an opportunity for business If she were able to devote her full attention. Then, everything was in its correct.

Asha was on her way to work between travels to the Caribbean when the pandemic forced all of the world to shut down. There was nowhere to go, and there was no moment when this situation seemed like a sign to get involved.

"There was no opportunity my path to pursue what I was passionate about. In lockdown I could have my own thoughts, which I decided to create my own opportunity."

Then Asha began her work.

The potential of a simple launch

Asha had originally planned to promote products for hair care physically, but she was questioned by a friend about her website, which was a huge one. He suggested she should instead offer individualized consultation. This suggestion, along the difficulty in sourcing products in the midst of an international pandemic, brought Asha to the internet.

The initial product she introduced was a one-on-one regimen-building consult. The initial reaction was not certain of clients to her product, which is why she designed her launch strategy simple. She developed a Typeform application, and added the link to Instagram along with a the description of her coaching service.

"I spoke about the work I was doing, and encouraged applicants to consider applying," she shares. "I received over 200 applications. The sole reason why they were interested was to be coached by me and didn't have to spend money, however they did provide me with their emails and told me about hair problems they were experiencing. After that, I contacted them and provided a booking form."

It is a great way to try out the idea with no initial investment. Asha tried her ideas on the market which is accessible and analyzed how much enthusiasm she had from her target public.

Thanks to applications, they assisted her in understanding what her customers want through putting the information into the words of their customers. She also increased her list of email subscribers. The ones who felt they were a perfect match were her first clients and she demonstrated that her idea was feasible prior to the time and expense of the launch of a huge campaign.

Asha began to meet with clients. She soon realized that the needs of the clients' went beyond simply recommending products for hair and creating customized hair care regimens.

"I discovered that this job requires much more than picking the best items or designs. You'll need to do some mindset exercise."

"There's an important connection between self-acceptance, and having your hair long and healthy in the very first time. Hair can be kept alive and then destroyed. It's a dying fiber. It's impossible to revive it. consequently, everything you do to your hair your hair remembers and will have an impact on the future of your hair."

Based on this knowledge, Asha shifted to a more holistic method of focusing on hair acceptance and self-love .

"One of the principles of my programme is the concept of radical gentleness. To feel gentle with your hairstyle, you need to recognize that it is. It is important to remain mindful of it and be comfortable with the fact that it has a certain fashion. This was the moment I realized that there is a connection with self-acceptance that is radical and softness in preserving your hair, so it will grow in length."

Listening to her audience assisted Asha expand the content of her coaching programs and establish the structure of her business as a whole. In working with clients Asha discovered that one-time coaching is beneficial for proactive clients with an excellent relationship with their hair. But it was not effective for clients who needed to take on more responsibility.

This inspired her to create an extensive coaching program known as Longer Lengths(tm), which gives regular support for a longer period of time and helps clients develop better behavioral and mental habits for their hair.

Nowadays, Longer Lengths(tm) is the top-rated coaching service as well as the main approach she employs to work with individuals in a one-on-one manner. In order to accommodate clients of all levels of their hair-growing journey Asha also offers her 90-minute Grow Your'Fro Long Hair Crash course. .

Asha sells her on-demand crash course in the form of an annual product which allows customers to get a quick win at any time. In addition, she also takes groups of lengthier Lengths(tm) customers often throughout the year.

A carefully planned mix of programmes is an excellent option to those offering the services of coaching. Self-service services are less expensive and scalable, giving customers an opportunity to talk with you before making a bigger investment. The most expensive 1:1 solutions are ideal for clients who want an intimate interaction. With the capability to communicate with a wider range of people who are in your desired group.

Up next, we'll explore Asha's strategy for overcoming obstacles and maintaining a sustainable firm that's aligned with her enthusiasm and also the requirements of her clients.

Tips from Asha to break free of obstacles

Every business has hard moments However, Asha has learned to handle the challenges head-on. The secret to her success? Seek help from experts to combat an imposter syndrome, and finally, lean towards your individuality.

Asking for help is a time-saver

"I am aware that I do not know all the solutions."
"I realize that I don't know the answer completely... talking with an expert will help me sort through the confusion and help me avoid spending the time. This is why I put the highest value on the knowledge gained from this kind of expert."

Do you need help with your business , but aren't sure what to do?

The search for evidence that will help us face the imposter syndrome head on

The initial step is to maintain an upbeat track. "I keep a record of anything good that I've done," Asha elaborates. "I keep a record of my successes, and I begin to educate my brain to focus upon positive events in my own existence."

For you to create your very own stellar record, you need to create a folder on your personal computer where you are able to save 5-star reviews and kind comments from clients. If you're feeling down or feeling uncertain, browse the folder, then think about how great you are.

Second, make yourself an expert in your area. According to Asha, "Another way to battle the imposter syndrome is by becoming completely obsessed with the services you provide. I'm fine with being obsessed with something to the point that others consider it to be strange. I've got an entire collection of information about hair. I'm constantly reading on hair, hair sciences and more."

Investigating your area of expertise and gaining knowledge can lessen the stress. It is possible to do this by doing conducting your own research, experimenting at home, or spending the time to acquire higher education credentials similar to those obtained by Asha .

In the course of talking to her accountability coach about her incident, she discovered that there was no details made it difficult to record during the present time. The video's script was not completely developed and the goal was not clear. After she had defined her objectives, after which she re-watched the film to make adjustments and improvement and the sensation that came with Imposter Syndrome dissipated.

Now, Asha asks herself, "How can I structure this project to ensure that, even when I'm feeling those feelings that I'm not feeling ill? Why am I creating this film? And what do I want viewers to do after watching the film? When I know that it's more comfortable to endure any discomfort I'm feeling."

Imposter disorders are a natural element of being a creator However, it doesn't need to be a dealbreaker. According to Asha says, "The great thing about dealing with this is that it allows you to grow into someone that is not prone to getting overwhelmed in anxiety."

Be aware of the aspects that make you unique

Know the characteristics that help to make you appear imaginative. A certain characteristic or skill makes you stand out from others and provide your business with more clients.

"Apply yourself to the task and go after it," Asha says. "And you can continue to expand your skills in other fields to create a distinctive approach to what you're doing. In my situation, I provide consultations in German and Spanish."

Asha also has a research background that gives her work a unique scientific twist.

"Don't focus so much on the specifics of what the other players in the space are doing. Find your own unique view and draw on your strengths that make you stand out."

When you seek help by resolving imposter's syndrome and sharing your unique skills and characteristics You'll soon be on the road to building a company that you're confident about .

"Follow your heart's desire. I'm extremely happy that I developed this program which requires acceptance of oneself and the ability to empathize with research in hair science, cosmetics science, accountable for hair care, nutrition and overall health, and to combine everything in one."

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